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A Heart to Call Home

Page 23

by Amanda Torrey

  They were both pregnant.

  Under other circumstances, that would be the most amazing news on the planet.

  “Cole and I did the test together this morning. You were the first one I wanted to tell. Had to have a little private celebration first…” Ava’s voice trailed off suggestively. “But I couldn’t wait to tell you! Can you believe it? A honeymoon baby!”

  “Congratulations.” Karly hoped the enthusiasm squeaked past the misery in her voice. “You guys must be psyched.”

  “Oh my goodness, I can’t even stand the excitement. Seriously.”

  “You sound like you just won the lottery.”

  “I did! The most awesome husband and now a baby! Best lottery ever.” Ava squealed her delight. “Cole’s panicking a little, but other than that, total awesomeness.”

  “Weren’t you guys planning it?” Karly sat up straighter. Maybe she wasn’t the only one making hasty choices these days.

  “Oh, yeah, he’s thrilled. I just think he thought it would take longer, you know? Now he’s all worried that the house won’t be done on time, so he’s running around bullying his work crew. I tried to tell him it’s okay to live here after the baby’s born, but he wants no part of that discussion. I think it’s so cute how protective he is. Isn’t he adorable?”

  Karly muttered her agreement. She figured Ava was high enough on the happiness scale that she probably wouldn’t even notice a lack of enthusiasm on Karly’s part.

  Not that Karly wasn’t excited. She was. For Ava.

  It just hurt like hell that she was in the same womb-boat, but without the security of having a man-raft.

  Not that she needed a man. She’d be fine without one.

  The father of the baby, Ben Knight, was as much a playboy as Karly had been. No way would he want to be a daddy.

  Besides, a one-night stand at a wedding was not exactly a relationship. Hell, she hadn’t even heard from him since.

  “You’ll be great parents,” Karly smiled through her tears. She meant it. Ava was made to be a mom.

  Unlike Karly.

  “You’ll be an auntie! I know you don’t love kids, but I know you’ll make an exception for mine. My baby will be so lucky.”

  Tears flowed freely over Karly’s cheeks.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Karly excused herself due to a bout of nausea she couldn’t tell Ava about.

  As the contents of her breakfast left her body, Karly knew she’d have to do a better job of containing the jealousy that raged like a wildfire at the thought of Ava’s committed husband, soon-to-be doting father, and perfect life.

  Several hours later, after hastily accepting a Facebook event invite, Karly struggled to get ready for a spontaneous “congratulations” party being thrown in honor of Ava and Cole’s happy news. Cole’s sister, Tiana, had managed to get half the town to commit to attending. Since Tiana’s diner was too small to host, the festivities would be held in the brand new conference center over at Reed Peterson’s brought-back-from-the-brink-of-demolition cottage village.

  Karly studied her reflection as she smoothed her newly-manicured hands over her belly. She didn’t think her pregnancy was obvious. Not to anyone else, anyway. Her belly felt a little softer, slightly bloated, but the only visible difference was the way her breasts swelled against the tight fabric of her favorite red evening gown.

  If anyone noticed, they’d probably assume she had a great push-up bra.

  Karly spent a few more moments rehearsing her smile. The one she’d share with Ava would be the most genuine, and Karly had already loaded her freezer with her favorite high fat ice cream as a reward for enduring this event.

  The last smile she practiced, the one where she had to fight the tears the hardest, was the one she’d use when Ben walked through the door.


  Karly’s mouth watered as the scent of Tiana’s freshly baked pastries overwhelmed her. Although Tiana wasn’t able to hold the event in her small diner, Karly had a feeling she wouldn’t allow anyone else to cater this shindig. Maybe the little parasite in Karly’s womb would allow something delicious to stay in the belly of its host…

  Trying not to be too obvious, Karly scanned the room to see which area of the beautifully appointed hall she should avoid.

  She released her pent up breath when she didn’t see Ben.

  “There you are!” Ava rushed toward Karly, and Karly opened her arms to receive the hug. “I was worried about you.”

  “Sorry I’m late. Had to take a call.”

  The lie flowed easily. She couldn’t exactly tell Ava she had had to pull over numerous times to deal with the nausea. This was Ava’s day, after all.

  Karly quirked her eyebrow as she perused the thick crowd. “Popular much?”

  “Cole is. A lot of people did come from school, too. Guess everyone has baby mania!” Ava squealed, then hugged Karly again.

  Ava pulled away, something over Karly’s shoulder distracting her.

  “Hey, Karly. You remember Ben, right? Cole’s best friend?”

  Whatever Ava said after that failed to register in Karly’s mind.

  The only blasted thing she could focus on was the insanely handsome man standing in front of her. His eyes twinkled with erotic knowledge. Of her. Sweat gathered on the back of her neck as he leaned forward to kiss her cheek. She wanted to pull away. She wanted to leap into his arms.


  She willed herself to breathe deeply, if only to give oxygen to the life growing within her. The life he had planted in her. The life she needed to tell this virtual stranger about.

  “You look stunning,” Ben gripped her hand, staring into her eyes as he raised the trembling appendage to his painfully tempting lips.

  His green eyes sparkled, inviting her into his soul the same way a forest beckoned a hiker.

  Maybe their attraction could grow into something more like a partnership. Maybe they weren’t as doomed as she had thought.

  Karly’s heart thumped wildly at the thought of his hands running over her belly and exploring the depths of her secrets.

  A sharp knife—in the form of a trashy little blonde thing—severed the thumping organ. The woman stepped from Ben’s shadow, revealing her thin little self to Karly. Her bony hand slipped around Ben’s arm, squeezing possessively as she smiled a warning at Karly.

  Ben slowly lowered Karly’s hand, squeezing once before letting go. His eyes never left her face. Though Karly’s gaze drifted between the pair, she felt Ben’s eyes on her as surely as she felt the urge to vomit.

  Karly excused herself, ducking her head as she made her way in what she hoped was the direction of the restroom.

  Fate finally picked her side—the bathroom was exactly where Karly thought it should have been. Without a second to spare, Karly leaned over the toilet and held her hair out of the way.

  So lovely.

  She waited a moment, closing her eyes and breathing deeply to try to calm her nerves.

  She hadn’t prepared herself for the idea that he’d bring a date. A girlfriend. A fuck buddy.


  She should have known.

  Karly fished through her purse to retrieve a breath mint, then flung the stall door open.

  Waiting on the other side were the concerned faces of several friends—Ava, Reed, and Savannah. And, crap. Miss Molly, too.

  Ava spoke first.

  “Are you okay? We were so worried about you.”

  Reed led Karly to a dainty pink loveseat in the corner of the bathroom, pushing her gently into the seat.

  Savannah rushed forward with a wet paper towel.

  “Here, put this on your head.”

  “I’m fine, you guys. Thanks for your concern.”

  “You’re not fine. You never throw up!” Ava grabbed the towel from Savvy’s hand and rubbed it across Karly’s forehead.

  “You should have told me you were sick,” Ava admonished. “I would have postponed this party. I would have brought
you soup. I would have—”

  “I’m fine. Stop worrying. I just ate something that didn’t agree with me.”

  Karly closed her eyes and took a deep breath, but not before she picked up on the knowing expression on Miss Molly’s face. The elderly matriarch of Healing Springs always claimed to have the ability to see everything. Judging by the look she was giving Karly, maybe those boasts were true.

  “Freedom, darling, would you be a dear and get us some ice? Ava, would you grab Karly a cold drink? And Savannah, if you could find a cracker or two…” Miss Molly waved her hand in the air as if dismissing the group.

  “Of course,” Ava said, slipping the towel into Karly’s hand.

  Reed (also known as Freedom, the name given to her by her hippie mother at birth) led the way out the door, looking over her shoulder with a questioning brow.

  Savvy knelt in front of Karly, wiping something off the front of Karly’s dress. Karly didn’t even want to ask what it was.

  “Run along, now, Savvy dear.”

  Savvy did as told, but not before narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips.

  “How far along are you?” Miss Molly blurted out the question the second the door flung closed.

  “What?” Karly bolted upright in her seat, then exhaled deeply as dizziness overcame her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, my dear. I may only have one eye, but I can see everything.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Karly managed to maintain eye contact. Miss Molly had lost one of her eyes many years ago, but she wore stylish eye patches that always made Karly smile. Today’s patch was a print of crawling, diapered babies on a pink and blue patchy fabric.

  “How pregnant are you, Karly? Have you been to a doctor?”

  Karly closed her eyes. It was that obvious?

  “Do you have patches for every occasion?” Karly asked, hoping she could redirect the conversation.

  “You know I do,” Miss Molly chuckled. “Now back to the matter at hand before those lovely young ladies come rushing in again. They act like you’re on your death bed.”

  “Might as well be.” Karly groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Please don’t tell Ava. I don’t want to sabotage her special day.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.” Miss Molly pulled Karly’s hands away from her face. “A baby is always a blessing, you know. You may not realize it now, but one day you will.”

  “Feels more like a curse.”

  Miss Molly let out a belly laugh that shook the loveseat.

  “Funny how something the size of a bean can wreak so much havoc, isn’t it?”

  “Funny isn’t the word I’d use, but yeah. Craziness.”

  “I’m sure everyone will be delighted when you share the news.” Miss Molly hobbled to the sink to wet another cloth. “I’ve always known you and Ben would make a lovely couple.”

  Karly felt herself blush. She eagerly accepted the wet paper towel and held it to her face.

  “We’re not a couple. We aren’t even together. And how do you know it’s his?”

  “Miss Molly sees everything,” Miss Molly said, nodding with certainty. “Does he know?”

  “No. And he’s not going to. Not yet.”

  “The best thing to do would be to tell him right away. He can help you.”

  Karly’s hands trembled. Her gut revolted. Who was Miss Molly to be telling her what to do with her life?

  “I don’t need or want his help. And I have no doubt that he will not be thrilled with this news. He doesn’t even want anything to do with me.”

  Miss Molly bristled, clucking her tongue and shaking her head.

  “Nonsense, my dear. If you could have seen the way that boy tried to break his way through this door, and the concern he couldn’t hide, you wouldn’t be thinking that way now.”

  Miss Molly was just being nice. No way was Ben trying to bust his way through the door. What would his skinny blonde think? But she did appreciate Miss Molly’s attempt.

  The door burst open before Karly could formulate a reply.

  “Karly, you look so pale. Let me take you to the hospital.”

  Ava lifted the drink to Karly’s lips, treating Karly like an invalid. Karly swatted her away and struggled to get up, pushing past the nausea and the wall of overly concerned women.

  “You guys are completely overreacting.” Karly pointed her gaze at Ava. “Now get your ass back out to your party before people start revolting.”

  Karly willed her legs to stop shaking as she balanced on her high heels.

  “I’ll drive you home,” Ava offered.

  “Um, no. Don’t think so. This is your party. And I wouldn’t miss my best friend’s party for the world. Let’s go.”

  “If you need a ride home, I’d be happy to take you,” Savvy offered.

  “Thank you. But truly, the nausea has passed. I’m good.”

  Karly felt like a superstar with the group of women surrounding her as they left the bathroom, each looking out for her as if she might suddenly drop dead.

  What would their reactions be if she dropped the bomb about her pregnancy? She grinned at the thought.

  “Tiana made her famous éclairs. I say we head over to that table pronto.” Savannah grabbed Ava’s hand and started leading the charge.

  Karly was so distracted by the prospect of éclairs—oh, the heavenly goodness—that she practically bumped right into Ben.

  He had the nerve to steady her with his giant, sexy hands on her suddenly trembling arms.

  Mouth dry, she froze like the proverbial idiotic deer in the headlights. What the hell? He was just a man. She had seen men before. Up close and personal, even.

  So why could she not speak? And why couldn’t she bring herself to look away?

  “Are you okay?”

  She pulled her arm away.

  “I’d be better if you’d stop manhandling me.”

  “You didn’t mind my manhandling before.” He leaned close enough for her to smell his woodsy aftershave.

  “I was drunk then.”


  Okay, so maybe she never allowed herself to actually get drunk, but no way was she ready to admit to ever wanting him.

  “If you’ll excuse me…” She raised her eyebrows when he didn’t budge. She held her breath, waiting for him to make the next move.

  Karly noticed that her groupies no longer surrounded her. They had all fled—even little Miss Molly.

  She’d kill them all.

  She could blame pregnancy hormones in her defense, right?

  “The only reason I came tonight was because I hoped to see you.”

  Karly looked over her shoulder, sure he was talking to someone else. But no, they were trapped in the narrow corridor together. Alone. And he continued to stand too close for comfort.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Karly shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You brought a date, but you were hoping to see me?”

  “I’ve tried to call you. Apparently I have the wrong number.” His voice held an accusation, and his eyes dared her to deny her wrongdoing.


  Yes. Now she remembered. Okay, so maybe she had been a little tipsier than she usually got, and maybe she had used her classic trick of giving him her number but with one or two digits reversed.

  No wonder he hadn’t called.

  “Now that I have you, I’m afraid I have to insist on taking you out.”

  She stared at him, hoping to shame him.

  No luck.

  “You’re here with another woman.”

  “Not really.”

  “Not really?” Her voice quivered in its high pitch.

  His hands fell to her hips. She tensed, irrationally afraid that he’d feel the budding life growing inside her.

  “Come on, Karly. I’ve missed you.”

  “Wow. Just wow.” She lifted a hand as if to smack him, but rested it gently against his cheek. She’d kill him with h
er sweetness. “We have sex once, then I never hear from you. No biggie—I had no expectations. Now you’re here with another woman, completely disrespecting her by propositioning me, and you think I’ll go out with you?”

  Karly pinched Ben’s ear.

  “You’re a creep.”

  He rubbed his ear and smiled. “Actually, Karly, if I remember correctly—and I’m sure I do—it was more like four times.”

  The sound she made in response came from somewhere deep in her gut. Probably the baby. Yes, the sweet little spawn of the devil inside her groaned in disapproval of the baby daddy.

  “You are a sick man.”

  “Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy every second of it. My sickness, I mean.”

  She’d be paying for that enjoyment for the rest of her life. Or the next eighteen years, anyway.

  Heat rushed through her—internally as well as externally.

  She wanted to fan herself, but couldn’t find the strength.

  She leaned against the wall for support.

  His arms immediately darted out to hold her upright.

  “Jesus, Karly. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  “No.” She managed to stand upright again, shrugging out of his semi-embrace. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine.”

  “Gee, thanks.” She pretended to misunderstand, to distract him with feminine vanity. It didn’t work. He studied her face.

  “Something’s going on with you.” Ben leaned closer. “You’re different.”

  “How the hell would you know? We don’t even know each other.”

  She ducked under his arm, ready to make her getaway, but he stopped her from escaping. He leaned her back against the wall, placing his hands on the wall beside her head.

  “I know you. You know me. We’re the same.”

  She relaxed her shoulders and looked into his eyes. His green eyes sparkled like a sparkler on the Fourth of July, shooting waves of desire through her.

  Waves of nausea, too.

  She almost felt sorry for him. She’d have to ruin his world with her news sooner or later. Right now, his stars were perfectly aligned. He knew who he was, what he cared about. He was free to go from conquest to conquest with practically no consequence.


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