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The Watchers in Exile

Page 30

by Barbara V. Evers

  For once, the look the young noble gave her registered concern, instead of disappointment. It appeared Pultarch could care, could show compassion. Or, she realized, it might be fear that she would faint again.

  Pultarch gestured to Samantha, who parted the crowd like a wave. Watchers formed a pathway to the doors. The cheers continued long after they left the Great Hall. Heavy breathing behind her confirmed her fear that Maligon followed her small troop. She had hoped for a moment alone with Brother Honest.

  Would Maligon find this turn of events useful? If not, Ballene’s fire might rain down on them before dinner.

  Maligon stormed into the room behind Shana and her retinue. She shivered at the crackle of fury that surrounded the man.

  “What in blazes was that?” He turned on Brother Honest, his mouth snarled in anger, his eyes heated like the fires of Ballene. “How dare you come in and crown the queen like that?”

  Honest didn’t waver. He stood in his travel-stained clothes and faced down the irate traitor. Nor did he speak.

  “You had plenty to say out there,” Maligon said. “Speak to me now, or—”

  “Or what?” Honest said, lifting his walking staff at an angle. The gesture could be innocent, but in the face of Maligon’s attack, it looked retaliatory.

  Maligon held his tongue, his shoulders heaving with each indignant breath. Shana listened to his raspy breath, aware that something sounded wrong in his chest. She glanced around. Did no one else hear it?

  Laying down his staff, Honest approached Maligon, a look of contrition on his face. “Lord, you knew it had to be done. We had to crown her. Too much time has passed since the queen’s birthday. You promised Moniah their queen. What else would you have me do?”

  Shana blinked in surprise at the statements. Of course, Honest didn’t know that Maligon no longer thought she was Adana. Would his words betray him? He had claimed in the Great Hall to be a close confidante of the queen.

  The man Shana feared most in the world took a calculated step toward Honest, coming closer than most found acceptable. Honest still did not waver. He just smiled at the Lord and laid a hand on Maligon’s robed arm. “You do want what’s best for Moniah don’t you?”

  Maligon nodded. “Of course. I made a promise to Queen Chiora many years ago. I will always protect Moniah.”

  The brief contact with Maligon’s robe would give Honest a glimpse into the man’s honesty. She suspected Maligon spoke the truth, but Shana was only a Listener. Brother Honest was a Seer and an Empath. The Seer part of him would know if Maligon believed what he said.

  “What is your next move?” Honest still addressed Maligon.

  Maligon’s teeth gleamed in cruel glee. “We will attack the Border Keep. Soon. Others don’t know the truth, so we must eliminate the true Adana if our ploy with this tavern maid is to work.”

  Honest didn’t blink, and Shana knew he passed Maligon’s test with his next statement. “Yes, the stupid princess refuses to be captured or killed, doesn’t she?”

  Pultarch rose from the chair he had dropped into and slammed his fist into Honest’s face.

  Shana settled into her chair as Maligon raged at Pultarch and Honest pressed his sleeve to his bleeding nose.

  Life was going to get interesting.

  # # # # #

  Cast of Characters


  AdanaHeir to the throne of Moniah, trained as a Watcher

  Am’brosiaGiraffe bonded to Adana

  AriffKing of Teletia

  Bai’dishGiraffe bonded to Serrin

  CatchPage in Elwar

  ChioraQueen of Moniah, Adana’s mother

  ConradEarl of Brom, Pultarch’s father

  DonelKing of Elwar

  Father TonchKeeper of the Faith, married to Sariah

  GabriellaEmpress of Belwyn

  GerguldMerchant in Elwar

  GlumeGiraffe Keeper

  HalarKassa’s husband, 2nd in Command of the Soldiers of the First Sight

  HannaLeera’s maid

  HelmyraSeamstress in Elwar

  HonestA Teacher of the Faith in Roshar

  JeroldFirst knight of Belwyn


  Ju’lattiQueen Chiora’s bonded giraffe


  KaryahWatcher envoy to Belwyn

  KassaWatcher and Former First Vision during Chiora’s reign

  KiffenHeir to the throne of Elwar, son of King Donel and Queen Roassa

  Lady ElayneActual name is Shana, gifted to Adana by Sarx and the Earl of Brom under this noble title

  LeeraKiffen’s half-sister, daughter of King Donel and Queen Quilla

  LinusCommander of the Soldiers of the First Sight

  MaligonTraitor exiled by Chiora after Maligon’s Rebellion 20 years ago, believed dead until his return 3 years earlier

  MarkelSergeant in Elwar’s castle guard

  Memory KeeperStoryteller

  MicahHusband King of Chiora, Father of Adana

  MonteeAdana’s First Vision

  MoranaQueen of Teletia

  Mother SariahProtector of the Faith, married to Peter Tonch

  NavonPrince in Teletia


  OstreiaWatcher Envoy to Teletia

  PultarchSon of the Earl of Brom

  QuillaQueen in Elwar, 2nd wife to King Donel, mother to Leera

  RoassaQueen in Elwar, 1st wife to King Donel, mother to Kiffen and Serrin

  SamanthaHigh-ranking Watcher

  SarxElwarian noble

  Serrin2nd son of King Donel and Queen Roassa

  ShanaTavern maid, known to most as Lady Elayne of Glenhaven

  SimeonAdvisior to King Donel



  TaliaInnkeeper in Roshar

  TarenSarx’s nephew from Lisseme


  * * * * *

  Watcher Qualifications

  Watcher Rank

  Must be able to:


  Build fire, accurately throw a knife, use focused breathing

  Archery Trainee

  Display simple archery & sword fighting skills


  Display advanced archery accuracy and sword control


  Able to track a quarry over rough terrain, can run 4 hours without becoming winded, skilled in knife fighting


  Evade trackers, able to fire arrow into crowd or at target w/o looking and still hit their mark; must complete the 10 arrow interval

  Watcher (Full rank, basic troops)

  Can identify specific but minor changes in a crowd or busy landscape, use vision for perception of danger in unfamiliar surroundings, might experience prophetic visions

  Unit Leader

  Leads a unit of 5 Watchers, must have prophetic visions

  Squad Leader

  Leads 4 Units (20 Watchers, 4 Unit leaders)


  Trained in hazardous espionage and military strategy

  Troop Leader

  Leads 5 squads (100 Watchers, 5 Squad Leaders, 20 Unit leaders)

  Strategist Unit Leader

  Commands 5 Strategists

  Regiment Leader

  Commands 10 troops

  Tactical Command

  Commands 3 Special Forces Units

  * * * * *

  Watcher Badges

  Watcher Rank




  Archery Trainee

  Sword crossed over a bow


  Bullseye target in yellow & brown


  Runner with a knife


  A closed eye/An open eye

  Watcher (Full rank, basic troops)

  A single giraffe

  Unit Leader

  A herd of giraffes

  Squad Leader

  Brown giraffe under a tree


  Brown giraffe surrounded by bushes

  Troop Leader

  Giraffe on a yellow background

  Strategists Unit Leader

  Giraffe on a field of green

  Regiment Leader

  Giraffe head in profile on brown glimmer background

  Tactical Command

  Giraffe head in profile on black glimmer background

  * * * * *

  Author’s Note

  While the giraffes in this story are fictional and exist in my imagination, and hopefully in yours now, I hope you’ll take the time to find out more about the plight of real giraffes and the efforts the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) is taking to save them. Giraffes suffer from a silent extinction because they do not receive the publicity other endangered animals receive. According to GCF’s website, giraffe numbers have declined by almost 30% in the last three decades to approximately 111,000 in the wild. It is likely that giraffe numbered ten times as many only a century ago. Please check out and help if you can. By purchasing this book, you’ve already helped because I will donate 5% of the book’s royalties to GCF each quarter.

  * * * * *

  About Barbara V. Evers

  Barbara V. Evers is the author of “The Watchers of Moniah” trilogy. An award-winning author and Pushcart Prize nominee, her short stories and essays appearing in several anthologies.

  When she’s not writing, Barbara is a professional trainer, speaker, and freelance writer/editor. Outside of work, Barbara loves reading, photography, and exploring wildlife and the great outdoors.

  Barbara lives in Greer, SC with two of her grandchildren, her husband, Bruce, and a rescue dog named Roxy.

  You can find out more about Barbara’s upcoming books and sign up for her newsletter at Also, you can follow her on Facebook @BarbaraVEversAuthor.

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  The following is an

  Excerpt from Book One of The Balance of Kerr:



  Kevin Steverson & Tyler Ackerman

  Now Available from New Mythology Press

  eBook and Paperback

  Excerpt from “Burnt:”

  Tog shrugged. “I like chicken,” he said as he pulled out his dagger. Standing nearly seven feet tall and weighing nearly three hundred and twenty pounds, a dagger for him was a short sword to most men. He cut a piece off. He didn’t bother blowing on it and poked it into his mouth. There was instant regret on his face. He began breathing through his teeth with the piece of meat between them, the sharpness of his incisors giving away that he was half Orc, if his size didn’t already reveal it. He grabbed his mug and drained it.

  Kryder shook his head, cut another piece for himself, and blew on it. Before he took a bite, he said, “If I had a copper for every time I’ve seen you do that, I could exchange them for a piece of gold. I’m talking about a whole coin and not a quarter piece.”

  Tog wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, ignoring the remark, and said, “So when are we going to be contacted? Besides the cost of mugs, this place isn’t cheap. It’s not like we have coin to spare. We should think about an inn more in line with our coin purses.”

  “I don’t know,” Kryder answered. “The old man said someone would contact us here. If we go across town, whoever it is may not find us.”

  “Well I…” Tog started to say when he was interrupted by a loud voice two tables away.

  “Look here, halfbreed,” a man dressed similarly to them, in leather armor covered with a travel cloak and a sword on his hip, said loudly. One side of his face had a scar stretching from eyebrow to lips. He was speaking to them. “I don’t eat with such as your kind.”

  The three men sitting with him laughed. One wearing a half-helmet with leather flaps hanging on each side added his own loud insult, “Since the rape didn’t kill his mother, surely bearing an Orc bastard did the deed.” The group laughed even louder.

  Kryder reached down to his side and drew another smaller, more ornate dagger with his free hand. He laid them both on the table. He stood, turned around, and looked at the four men. Tog, on his feet nearly as quickly, reached over his shoulder and grabbed the axe strapped to his back with one hand. It was dual-headed and meant for two hands when used by a normal-sized man. He placed it on the table beside his own large dagger. A hand’s length of the worn leather-covered handle hung over the edge.

  The four men realized the object of their harassment and his companion didn’t intend to leave. They meant to fight. They scrambled to their feet, knocking over chairs. Several groups stood and moved away from the center of the room, while others left the tavern completely.

  The owner’s sons looked toward their father. He shook his head. Fights happened, even in his establishment on the better part of town. Usually he had his boys put a stop to it. This time, the insult thrown at the large patron was more than he could tolerate. He decided to let the man demand his apology, even if it meant he had to beat it out of the four. It was an easy decision.

  * * * * *

  Get “Burnt” now at:

  Find out more about Kevin Steverson & Tyler Ackerman and “Burnt” at:

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  The following is an

  Excerpt from Book One of Forge and Sword:

  Keep of Glass


  Steven G. Johnson

  Now Available from New Mythology Press

  eBook, Paperback, and (soon) Audio Book

  Excerpt from “Keep of Glass:”

  Trinadan peered at the spot Forge was examining. She thought she saw a bit of movement.

  A second later, the wildlife burst into squawking, scrambling motion all around them. A family of rabbits rushed across the trail in a close grouping, making for the distance with great, stammering hops. Birds exploded from every tree and bush in the vicinity, fleeing upward like ashes from a drenched fire. She heard the bleat of red deer and saw a bluish-green lizard leap from tree to tree on fans of skin under its arms.

  Forge was off his horse and on the ground in one step, as smoothly as if his horse were still. In another instant, he unslung and strung his bow, nocking an arrow as he knelt behind a blackberry tangle along the trailside. His gray eyes had not left the bend in the trail behind them.

  “Forge, what—”

  But then she heard it, the thunder of hoofbeats. Several horses, driven hard, had panicked the animals as they crashed toward the spot on the trail where Trinadan’s little convoy stood idle. She barely had time to turn her charger around.

  And they were upon her. Three horses, swathed in yellow and blue, rounded the bend at speed, weapons held high. They saw her and pointed, the leader in half-plate and a high bucket helm as he spurred into a full-tilt gallop, taking the lead from his two companions. She saw his lance drop to fighting trim, its head growing enormously as it arrowed toward her at the speed of a maddened horse. The head was not the basket-cup of a jousting lance, but real iron, forged and worked to a cruel point.

  * * * * *

  Get “Keep of Glass” now at:

  Find out more about Steven G. Johnson and “Keep of Glass” at:

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  The following is an

  Excerpt from Book One of The Milesian Accords:

  A Reluctant Druid


  Jon R. Osborne

  Now Available from New Mythology Press

  eBook, Paperback, and Audio

  Excerpt from “A Reluctant Druid:�

  “Don’t crank on it; you’ll strip it.”

  Liam paused from trying to loosen the stubborn bolt holding the oil filter housing on his Yamaha motorcycle, looking for the source of the unsolicited advice. The voice was gruff, with an accent and cadence that made Liam think of the Swedish Chef from the Muppets. The garage door was open for air circulation, and two figures were standing in the driveway, illuminated by the setting sun. As they approached and stepped into the shadows of the house, Liam could see they were Pixel and a short, stout man with a greying beard that would do ZZ Top proud. The breeze blowing into the garage carried a hint of flowers.

  Liam experienced a moment of double vision as he looked at the pair. Pixel’s eyes took on the violet glow he thought he’d seen before, while her companion lost six inches in height, until he was only as tall as Pixel. What the short man lacked in height, he made up for in physique; he was built like a fireplug. He was packed into blue jeans and a biker’s leather jacket, and goggles were perched over the bandana covering his salt and pepper hair. Leather biker boots crunched the gravel as he walked toward the garage. Pixel followed him, having traded her workout clothes for black jeans and a pink t-shirt that left her midriff exposed. A pair of sunglasses dangled from the neckline of her t-shirt.


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