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The Trouble With Bullies: A High School Bully Romance (A Meadow Creek High Book)

Page 7

by Ruby Vincent

  I stepped into the living room and blinked.

  “Finally, Bryant,” Ryan said. He picked up an empty cup and threw it in a trash bag. “It’s almost noon.”

  “Um... what?”

  I blinked again just in case this was a dream and I was really upstairs in bed. Theo, Geo, and Ryan were crawling all over my living room picking up trash.

  The television was on and Christian looked away long enough to look me up and down. Then he turned his head and went back to the television.

  I studied him. My mind whirled as I tried to make sense of this. What is this? Why would he do this? Christian wouldn’t help me. He wouldn’t do anything for me. But he’s been acting so strange lately. All those comments about my shorts and saying I could put my hands on him. Was this another one of his games?


  I jumped when a voice sounded behind me.

  “Where’s the broom?” Liam shouted.

  Estelle grabbed my arm and pulled me into the dining room. Through the entrance we could see Jace wiping the kitchen counters.

  “Rachel, can you believe this?” she hissed. “Christian got his boys to clean up after the party.”

  I shook my head. “I’m seeing it but I’m not believing it.”

  “What do you think?” She gave me a slight smile. “Could Christian have grown a heart? Maybe this means he’s not going to mess with you anymore.”

  “No,” I said. Ryan’s words came banging through my mind as it all came into place. “I know why he’s doing this, Estelle, and it’s because he doesn’t have a heart.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All his flirting, and touching, and playing nice. I finally know what he’s up to.” I shook my head. “He’s trying to seduce me. Use me. Then dump me. His game now... is to make me another notch on his bedpost.”

  Chapter Eight

  Monday morning saw me in the dining room with Mom and Christian, scarfing down a bowl of cereal. I finished and got to my feet. Christian did the same. “See you after school, Mom.”

  “Hold on, you two.” Mom set her laptop aside and smiled at us. “I was thinking, wouldn’t it be easier if you rode to school with Christian from now on? You’re both going to the same place and this way Estelle doesn’t have to come here in the mornings.”

  I looked at her like she said she was running away to join the circus. “No, Mom, that wouldn’t be easier. What would be easier is if you got me a car.”

  The corners of her mouth tightened. “We’ve discussed that issue at length, Rachel.”

  I sighed. “She’s my best friend. She doesn’t mind.”

  “Well, neither does Christian.” Mom turned her smile on him. “Right, dear?”

  “But, Mom—”

  “It’s fine.” I jerked my head around to gape at Christian, but he wasn’t looking at me. He bent over, plucked an apple from the fruit bowl, and then strode out. “Let’s go, Bryant,” he called over his shoulder.

  Mom nodded. “There, you see. You only had to ask. Now call Estelle and tell her she doesn’t need to come.”

  “But, Mom!”

  “Now, Rachel Anne Bryant. Thank you.”

  I stifled my groan. I knew what she was trying to do, but forcing us to spend time together wouldn’t make us magically friends again. He may have saved me from getting grounded by getting his boys to clean the place so well Mom actually praised me, but now I knew what he was up to. I didn’t think there was anything else Christian could do to hurt me. I was wrong.

  Honk! Honk!

  Christian scowled at me through the windshield when I came outside. I hurried down the steps, pulled open the door and he hit the gas.

  “Hey!” I dove in and scrambled to shut the door as he screeched out of my driveway. “You’re such an asshole.”

  I spotted his grin in the rearview mirror.

  Leaning back, I clicked my seat belt in and got comfortable. The ride to school wasn’t long on a normal day, but that day it felt like every second was stretching itself out to allow the awkward silence to grow more unbearable.

  Christian didn’t speak. He didn’t look away from the road. I was fairly certain he wasn’t blinking either. I knew because I couldn’t resist sneaking glances at him out of the corner of my eyes.

  The last week I had been closer physically to Christian than I have been for a while. There was no wonder why half the student body wanted to sleep with him.

  Without the scowl, the mocking smirk, and the eyes glittering with malice. There was just Christian.

  Long lashes closed over eyes that seemed to absorb the sunlight and send it back. There wasn’t a single bump or blemish on Christian’s skin, as though imperfections were just as frightened of him as the rest of us. His hair was wet from the shower and the scent of green apples filled the car.

  My hand twitched for my camera, but trying to snap a shot of him would probably end up with my camera flying out of the window.

  I bit my lip. The phrase devastatingly handsome was made for men like him. Everything about him was made to draw you in, but if you fell, you would never stop.

  Christian took his hand off the wheel and placed it on top of mine.

  My heart leapt to my throat. What is he doing? He can’t just— just— just—

  My brain sputtered to a stop as Christian wrapped his slender fingers around my wrist. His hands were surprisingly soft. The heat of his palm sent my pulse quickening.

  Wake up, Bryant! common sense shouted in my head. You know what he’s doing! This is all a ploy to—

  Christian picked my hand up and unceremoniously tossed it in my lap. He opened the center console I had been blocking and took out a pair of shades.

  My face burned. This jerk had me all mixed up with his hot and cold. One second, he’s pushing me against walls and telling me I’m sexy, while the next he’s half running me over in the driveway.

  How does this guy get a single girl to sleep with him with the way he acts? His brooding asshole routine may work on other people, but it won’t work on me.

  Really? a traitorous voice countered. Your heart was beating pretty fast for someone’s not taken in by Christian.

  My cheeks burned even hotter. I snuck another look at him. There was no denying he was hot, but there was too much bitter history—and present—between us. This new play may be to turn his brooding asshole charm on me, but sleeping with him would never happen.

  Christian swerved into the parking lot and claimed his spot in front of the entrance. Yes, it was his spot. None of the parking spaces were assigned but no one dared tell him that or even think of parking there.

  His spot was prime real estate... that afforded everyone on the front steps of the school the perfect view when I stepped out of the car.

  Dozens of eyes swiveled to me as I approached the double doors. A pair of them were Madison’s. Her eyes bugged out and she stomped away from Tracy mid-conversation and came for us. I veered away, not interested in drama this early in the morning, but I realized Madison didn’t have eyes for me. Those were narrowing on Christian.

  I studied her. Her darkening face. The fists balling at her sides. The biting down on her lips as if to hold back the harsh words. I gazed at her and something occurred to me.

  Does she—

  “Hot Mama!”

  I tore my eyes away as I continued up the steps. Eyes were still on me, but something was different about the stares I was getting this time.

  “Yo, Rachel,” said a guy from my physics class. “That party was In. Sane!”

  “Hot Mama, for sure!”

  I blinked. Hot Mama? Was that supposed to be me?

  “Rachel!” A hand grabbed my arm. I let out a tiny yelp as Dean Milton pulled me into his huddle of friends. “The party was epic. Right, guys.”

  The band of boys that were throwing diapers at me only last week all nodded their heads except one. “I can’t believe I missed it,” Josh moaned. “Parents grounded me.”

; “Should have snuck out, man.” Dean threw his arm around my shoulder. “The party was sick. I got like two blowjobs in the bathroom upstairs.”

  That’s my bathroom!

  “Plus, Bryant is a beer pong legend!” Dean released me and the boys headed up for school. “My place next weekend, Bryant,” he shouted over his shoulder. “Rematch!”

  I stared after them dumbfounded. “Um...”

  Estelle was waiting for me when I finally made it to my locker. “Hey, babe. What happened this morning? Why didn’t you need me to get you?”

  “I just had the most bizarre experience with Dean, Josh, and his buddies, but that’s not even the weirdest thing to happen.” I heaved a sigh. “My mother is forcing me and Christian to ride to school together.”

  “Are you serious? Wow. How did that go?”

  “It was incredibly awkward. The guy didn’t say one word to me the entire time.” I took off my lock and we both stepped to the side. I yanked it open and was relieved to see nothing tumble out.

  “Can’t be too careful,” said Estelle. “Madison must be spitting after you literally threw her out on her ass. She might decide to put something worse than diapers in there next.”

  I nodded. “Speaking of Satan’s mistress, I have a theory that I want to check. If I’m right, then I may know how we’re going to get back at her.”

  I THREW MY THINGS IN my gym locker and reached for my makeup bag. I took my time going through the routine as the locker room emptied out. Block A’s P.E. was over so now it was time for Block B. Block B was the designated practice time for athletes, ballplayers, and... cheerleaders

  I heard her before I saw her.

  “ on your back handspring. This is basic stuff, Sydney. You need to nail it before nationals.”

  The locker room doors flew open and Madison led the pack in with Sydney simpering at her heels.

  “I know, Madison. I’m sorry. I—”

  “What are you doing here?”

  I didn’t acknowledge her. I kept applying my lipstick until the sound of her footsteps echoed behind me.

  “I said what are you doing in here?”

  I unhurriedly closed my lipstick tube and placed it in my locker. “What’s it look like, Madison?”

  “You’re not supposed to be in here. This is our block. Run along now. It must be time to breastfeed Junior.”

  I turned to face her, my expression blank. Her crew flanked her on all sides with Xenia at her elbow as always. “You know, it’s sad.”

  Her brows drew together. “What is?”

  “That you’re still using those tired baby jokes. You’d have thought you would have come up with new material at some point.” I gave her a smug smile. “Like Friday night when you were sitting home alone.”

  Madison’s eyes flashed. “You little—”

  “Gotta go. It’s time for class.” I sidestepped them and made for the door. I slowed down when I got closer, listening for them to move away. Madison and the squad walked down the row and headed for the changing rooms.

  I opened the double doors and slammed them as loud as I could. Then I crept back through the rows of lockers. The changing rooms were in the back separated from the main room by a curtain. I stood behind the closest row of lockers that would block me from view if anyone peeked through.

  “...with her. Are you kidding?” Madison barked a laugh. “Christian wouldn’t touch her with twelve condoms on. The slut is way too fertile.”

  A gaggle of laughter followed that.

  “But Geo said they threw the party together.” That grating, high-pitched voice could only belong to Tracy. “It was at her house, but Christian got the booze and called the boys to set up.”

  “Yeah, Madison. What’s that about?” I heard Sydney ask. “And I heard they drove to school together this morning. Christian won’t even let you ride in his car.”

  “Yes, he does!” I bit back a smile at how shrill she sounded. “He just can’t give me rides home because he has to be somewhere after school. And unlike some, I don’t need rides to school because I got up too late to crawl out of his bed and back into mine!”

  “So you do think they are sleeping—”


  “Madison.” Xenia’s calm voice broke through the rest. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

  I carefully peered around the locker as the curtain was shoved out of the way. Madison stomped out and turned in my direction.

  Panicking, I spun around looking for a way out. If she caught me, I was done.

  My eyes lit on an open locker two feet away from me. I didn’t spare another thought before diving inside.

  Their footsteps stopped not far from my hiding spot. “The hell is going on,” Madison ranted. “I can’t believe Christian would be with her. He hates her! I agreed to this casual sex thing but I thought eventually he would get over that and ask me out. Instead, he messes around with Rachel. Is he trying to make me jealous or something?”

  “I don’t know what he’s doing, but I do know you have bigger problems. What happened, Madison?” Xenia whispered. “How is Rachel Bryant the one the whole school is talking about today?”

  “I don’t know,” she hissed. “It’s like I stepped into an alternate universe.”

  “It’s not alternate. We’ve been here before. You remember what it was like when Rachel was on top. Do you want our senior year to be like freshman and sophomore year?”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “No, it’s not, because you’re going to put her down... permanently.”

  I tensed.

  “What... is that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing,” Xenia replied after a pause. “I’m just saying she’s making a fool out of you. Everyone knows she threw you out of the party, and now she’s moving in on Christian.”

  “She isn’t moving in on Christian. He’s just using her to make me jealous. Probably to get back at me for hooking up with Liam. He’ll toss her over like the trash she is, we’ll get together, and the school will go back to ignoring her. I’m telling you, it’s fine.”

  Their voices faded as they moved away and I finally let out the breath I had been holding. Despite their poisonous words, a smile spread across my face.

  “Hello, weakness.”

  THE LUNCH BELL WENT off and a chorus of books slamming and chairs scraped across the floor cut off whatever Mrs. Lakin was saying. I gathered my things, walked past my locker, and made for the lunchroom.

  I got my tray and scanned the room looking for Estelle. She wasn’t at our usual table.


  I shifted around and caught her waving at me from the other side of the room. My feet stayed glued to the spot. I couldn’t sit at that table. That was his table.

  Estelle beckoned me over again. What else am I going to do? Eat by myself?

  I frowned. No way. Those days were over for me.

  I picked up my feet and crossed the room to the most coveted lunch table in Meadow Creek High. The table where the hottest guys in school sat.

  “Hot Mama!” Liam stood up and threw up his hand. I hesitated a moment before doing the same and accepting his high five. I didn’t know how I felt about the new nickname, but that everyone was calling me that wasn’t weird. What was weird was that I couldn’t detect any meanness behind it.

  It was almost like one party and seven beer pong matches had shifted the way people looked at me. I wasn’t Rachel “Pregnant Slut” Bryant. Now I was Rachel “Hot Mama” Bryant.

  Did Christian know when he forced me into that party that it would actually be a good thing for my reputation?

  How could he have known that? my common sense countered. And why would he have wanted that if he did?

  I shook away the thought. It was silly. Christian would never do anything to help me.

  I set my tray on the table and sat down. Ryan peered at me from around Estelle. “Speaking of hot mamas,” he began. “Whatever happened to that kid of yo
urs? I noticed while I was poking around your place that you didn’t have a crib or a baby.”

  I stilled with my milk halfway to my lips. “He was... adopted.”

  “So it was a boy.”

  “Yes.” I was getting more and more tight-lipped.

  “Do you still— Ow!”

  I glanced over. Ryan was wincing and rubbing his ribs while Estelle shot me a wink. I smiled back gratefully. There was a reason she was my best friend.

  “Hey.” I leaned in and whispered in her ear. “It worked. I know exactly what to do to get to you-know-who.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  I looked around. We couldn’t talk about this here. “You’ll see.”

  We broke apart and I went to pick up my grilled cheese as a shadow fell over me. “You’re in my seat, Bryant.”

  I didn’t bother to look up. “Tough. I’m not moving so—”

  A hand snaked up under my arms while the other grabbed my legs. I shrieked as I was lifted out of the chair and plopped into the one next to it.

  Christian claimed his seat. I stared at him in disbelief as laughter went around the table. This guy was unbelievable. I guess I should just be happy he didn’t deposit me on the floor.

  “We should hang out this weekend,” one of the twins said. “Our place.”

  “I thought you were going to Tracy’s,” Liam spoke up. “Aren’t her parents away for the weekend again?”

  “Dude, seriously.” He jerked his thumb at his twin. “Geo is the one going out with Tracy, not me. When are you going to learn to tell us apart?”

  “When you get your names tattooed on your foreheads.”

  Theo threw half a grilled cheese at him. “Why don’t you get that tattooed on your forehead.”

  Liam launched himself across the table and put him in a headlock. They dissolved into shouts and silly threats as they half-wrestled on the lunch table.

  I shook my head at the sight. I can’t believe these were the boys I had been so scared of through high school.

  “I am hanging with Tracy this weekend,” Geo confirmed. He didn’t bother to go to his twin’s aid. “But you guys should come over tomorrow. Our parents put in a hot tub. Of course, I ain’t getting in with just you five dudes so, Rachel and Estelle, you’re definitely invited.”


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