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Stalking in a Winter Wonderland

Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “Happy?” I ask when I take my last bite.

  “Getting there.” He pulls out his phone. “It’s almost ten-thirty.”

  “What!” I jump from the bed. “How is that possible? I’m a morning person. I can’t remember the last time I slept past eight.” I rush over to my bag to find something to wear. I go with comfort since I’ll be working and can change here before I go to the Mills’.

  Dasher leans back in the chair and watches me scurry around the room getting all my crap together before heading into the bathroom to get ready. When I come back out fifteen minutes later, he’s still sitting in the same spot.

  “Don’t you have things you should be doing?” I accuse, but he just stands from the chair and walks over to me.

  “How do you make these odd Christmas sweaters so attractive?” Wait, what did he say? “Here.” He holds out my glasses, and I take them from his hand.

  “Thanks.” I slip them on, and his eyes drop to my mouth. I lick my lips and my heart starts to race as he leans down toward me. Is he going to kiss me? The heat of his body so close to mine feels nice, and on instinct I close my eyes.

  “Uncle Dasher!” I jump back at the sound of Rae’s voice, and the bedroom doors fly open.

  Rae comes to a dead stop when she sees me, and there’s a confused look on her face. I hold my hand over my chest, trying to get my racing heart to slow down as I manage a smile.

  “Oh! Are we decorating Uncle Dasher’s bedroom too? It’s kind of lame over on this side of the house.” Her little nose scrunches. “I offered him one of my unicorn pictures for in here, but he passed.” She lets out a long sigh like she doesn't know what she’s going to do with her uncle. It makes me laugh until the rest of what she said settles inside of my head.

  “Wait, this is your room?” I look to Dasher, and he gives me one of his signature nods. There are a million rooms in this house, and he gave me his bed. Where the hell did he sleep? I don’t know if that’s strange or sweet.

  “Can I wear those?” Rae runs over toward my bag and picks up my reindeer headband. Before I can answer her she’s putting them on her head and asking another question. “Does this mean you’re moving in? Are you guys getting married?” Her eyes are round as she stares at my two bags. I guess it is a lot of stuff.

  “I’m only staying a few days because of the snow.”

  Her shoulders drop in disappointment. “Uncle Dasher, you should marry her, and then she’ll have to stay.”

  “Kidnapping?” Dasher asks like he’s considering the idea. It makes her giggle so it’s pretty cute.

  “I’ll ask Santa for it.” She tilts that little chin of hers up. “He’s always good at coming through.”

  “Rae! I thought we were making cookies for—” Jillian’s voice trails off when she sees us all standing in Dasher’s bedroom. Her eyes bounce from me to the bags to her brother before she lifts her eyebrows high.

  “It’s not what you think,” I blurt out.

  “It might be too late to let Santa know what you want, Rae. It’s Christmas Eve already.”

  “Ahh.” Her bottom lip puffs out.

  “I bet I can find an email.” Dasher holds his hand out for Rae to take.

  I glare at him because he’s not helping. He winks at me before he and Rae are off.

  “You and my brother?” Jillian asks once they are out of earshot.

  “No! The snow was bad, and he cut his hand. Then before I knew what was happening, I’m here, and honestly your brother can be like a bulldozer,” I blurt out in one long messy breath, and she stares at me for a long moment.

  “You’re right, and that’s why you should be careful. I love my brother, but I’ve never seen someone get so—” She searches for a word. “Passionate. Yes, when he has his sights set on something, that something is done for. He will stop at nothing until he gets it and then—” She trails off. “I just want you to be careful. I know what you’re in for if you go down this path.” With those strangely cryptic words, she leaves me alone in his bedroom.

  Chapter 10


  The only way I could describe the day would be “perfect.” I follow Eve around as she puts the finishing touches on the house and gets everything ready for the party. Tomorrow is Christmas, but we’ve invited close friends and family to celebrate, and I want it to be perfect. I also want Eve to be here, and I’m doing everything in my damn power to make sure that happens.

  As she works, I make sure food is brought to her, and I ask questions about her work. I can’t get enough from her, and I absorb every little detail. It’s all I can do not to kneel down and propose to her every time she smiles.

  I’ve never been so far gone about anything before, no matter what my sister told Eve. I stayed close as I heard them talk, and I have to agree with Eve. I am like a bulldozer, but only when it comes to her. Maybe I’ve been that way with business, but the women I’ve had a few dates with in the past have a hard time getting a single detail about my life. It’s why Nina befriended, Jillian only to get closer to me.

  Eve went to get ready a few minutes ago, and I wait at the bottom of the stairs for her. I know I can’t go with her to the party, but I plan on meeting Penelope there. I had my assistant Tori send a message to her last night confirming that I would meet her at the Mills’. Rich is a complete asshole, and if I’m not there with an invited guest there’s no way he’s letting me stay.

  It’s not too long later that I hear movement at the top of the stairs. I know it’s Eve, but I can’t decide if her getting ready quickly means that she wasn’t planning on dressing up for the event, or she just gets ready fast. I have to know if she’s going as a date or as an employee. She never gave me a straight answer when I asked her earlier today.

  When I see her dressed in a red dress that’s the color of a poinsettia, my heart stops. It’s cut across her collarbone and tight all the way down past her knees. It’s like something out of a fifties catalogue and I want to run my hands all over it. She looks effortless and graceful, but just as I have the thought, her heel catches in the carpet and she comes flying into my arms.

  I catch her quickly and then turn so that she’s in my arms like I’ve somehow dipped her after a dance. She smiles up at me with those dark red lips and I can’t stand it any longer.

  My lips press to hers, and she gasps in surprise. I use the opening as my advantage and touch my tongue to hers. She moans against me, and I feel her hands pulling me closer to her body. I move one of my hands to her ass and grip her there hard as I groan.

  Someone clears their throat behind me, but I don’t give a fuck. I’ve finally got Eve exactly where I want her, and I don’t plan on ever stopping. I feel her lips pull into a smile against mine, and I finally admit that I really don’t want an audience for this.

  When I open my eyes and look into hers, she’s grinning from ear to ear with cheeks almost the color of her dress. I give her one more quick kiss because I can’t stand not doing it now that I’ve tasted her.

  “You look stunning,” I whisper, and she bites her bottom lip.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  When I stand her up on her heels, she glances over my shoulder and behind me where the interruption came from. I don’t bother turning around, but instead trace the edge of her chin and cheek before I tuck her hair back into place.

  “The car is here,” the butler says, and I nod in acknowledgement. His footsteps retreat, and then I’m alone again with Eve.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go to this party tonight.” Her hands are resting on my chest because I refuse to let her waist go.

  “After it’s over you’re coming straight back here,” I order, and she nods.

  She smiles as she reaches up and straightens my tie and then places a kiss on my lips. “I’d like to do that again. But maybe without the falling.”

  “As long as you end up in my arms, I don’t care how many times you do that.” I realize my cheeks are sore from smiling a
ll day, and I don’t know that it’s ever happened before. God, she’s changing me from the inside out.

  The front doors open, and the driver is there waiting. Although I don’t want to let her go, the sooner I do, the sooner she can come back here and get in my bed. Reluctantly I drop my hands, but to my surprise she steps closer to me. I feel her go up on her tiptoes, so I lean down, and she whispers in my ear.

  “Wait up for me.” When she steps back, she winks, and my heart falls on the floor at her feet. She could literally do anything she wants with it, and I won’t try and stop her.

  I swallow hard and nod as I shove my hands in my pants and watch her go. She looks back over her shoulder several times on her way out, and I haven’t moved an inch. How could I when the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen wants me to wait up for her?

  The party isn’t for another two hours, and I know she needs to be there early to set up, but I can’t stand the thought of not being near her while I wait.

  Standing in the foyer, I watch the car leave and make sure the tires have chains on them. The roads have been plowed, but I’m not willing to take chances when it comes to Eve. As soon as they’re out of the driveway and far enough ahead, I go into the garage and grab the keys to the truck. It’s heavier and made to drive in winter weather, so I know it will be fine. Jillian and Rae are baking cookies for Santa, and I asked if they needed help, but Jillian really wanted to make this a memory with just the two of them. Living together, it’s easy to get wrapped in their life, but I know that their relationship is still mending after the hell her ex put them through.

  It’s all the more reason that I need to be with Eve tonight, because it’s my job to protect her too. How am I supposed to do that when I don’t have eyes on her? I’ve been thinking of a way to track her movements and made a few purchases. I’ve also gotten her several Christmas presents that are wrapped and under the tree.

  I pull out of the garage and drive slowly over to the Mills’ house. I don’t pull in the driveway because there are still trucks setting up and I see Eve out front directing people on where to go.

  The sun has begun to set and the way the light shines around her, she looks like the star on a Christmas tree. She’s so beautiful, and I can’t take my eyes off of her even as I force myself to keep driving around the block.

  After a few loops, I see everyone has gone inside, and I take the back entrance where there are trees and other trucks to hide me. It’s dark by now, but I need to somehow get closer even though I know I can’t. From where I’m positioned, I can see straight into the kitchen, and luck is on my side. Eve is seated there at the counter with her big notebook and a group of people surrounding her. They’re all happy and listening intently, and I’m sure she’s giving orders on what needs to be done.

  I reach under the seat and grab my binoculars. Yes, this might make me even crazier, but I’ve already crossed so many lines, why not a few more? I use them to zoom close so I can watch her from a distance. Getting her in my sights eases the ache in my chest, and I sit there for a long time just observing her while she works.

  She’s grace under pressure as more people come in and out of the kitchen and she checks off her list. The back parking in the house is beginning to fill up, and the hired valets are moving cars. People are arriving with gifts, and from what Eve told me, they are all going to charity. It was her idea, and one that is exactly like her. She’s so kind and thoughtful, and of course she would want to host a party while giving to the children’s hospital.

  I get an alert on my phone and see it’s Tori telling me that Penelope is arriving at the party now and to meet her out front. I purposely didn’t give her my number because although I can handle Penelope, I don’t need her to have my personal phone number.

  It’s not hard to sneak out of the truck and around the house with all that’s going on. I spot Penelope at the top of the stairs and move quickly. She’s in a black dress, which seems a bit odd for a festive holiday party, but it matches her soul, so why not?

  “You know it’s ridiculous I have to text with Tori about where you are. He’s just as rude as you.”

  “What can I say, I see the potential in him.” I make no move to touch Penelope, but I do hold the door for her as we walk inside.

  As I suspected, Rich is right there, and his eyes narrow as he sees me. “Rich, it’s so great you’re putting on this party tonight. What a great way to give back,” I say, laying it on thick. I snatch the box Penelope is holding and place my envelope of cash on top of it. “Where should I put our gifts?”

  “By the tree,” he says through clenched teeth, and I smile as brightly as I can manage.

  Penelope takes Rich’s arm and leads him over to the bar for a drink, and I make my way around the room. It’s already so crowded that I can hardly see from one side to the other. Do these people have nothing else to do on Christmas Eve? I think about what I’d be doing right now if it was just Eve and me, and none of it involves a room full of people. I place the gifts by the tree and then slowly make my way through the sea of bodies. I’m hoping to surprise Eve by being here and maybe finding some mistletoe.

  “There you are,” Penelope coos as she passes me a glass of eggnog. “So tell me, you’ve got that big house all to yourself tonight?” The room is so crowded she’s pressed against me, and I can’t back away from her.

  “No,” I say in confusion as I try to move, but she keeps stepping with me. I feel her arm come around my waist, and I hold my free hand up to tell her to stop.

  “Perfect, then you can come back to my place.”

  Just then I glance up and over the crowd I see Eve on the stairs talking to Rich. He’s leaned over her, and it’s too damn close for my liking, but just when I’m about to get away from Penelope, she looks my way.

  Eve stares at me, with a woman pressed against my chest and a drink in my hand, and I know exactly what she’s thinking. That I didn’t tell her I would be here, or that I would have a date. And I certainly didn’t tell her that I would do this right in the middle of a party like I didn’t kiss her with all my heart a few hours ago.

  The moment it all registers I see her eyes begin to form tears and she runs up the stairs. To my horror I see Rich place his hand on her lower back right near her ass as he follows her.

  “Eve!” I call out, but it’s no use. The music is too loud, the crowd is too thick, and I can’t get away from Grabby McGrabs-a-lot.

  I may have just ruined everything.

  Chapter 11


  “Are you okay?” Rich asks me as he follows me out of the room.

  I need air. There are too many people, and when my eyes first locked with Dasher’s I was sure I was imagining him here. He hadn't said one word about being at this party tonight, and he knew where I was going. I’m guessing he thought with so many people attending I might miss him on his date. Jerk.

  “I’m feeling lightheaded,” I say, walking faster to make my escape. I think I feel Rich’s hand on my back but I’m too numb to pay attention. All I want to do is get away as quickly as possible.

  “Here.” Rich opens a door and ushers me into a private room.

  I let out a long breath as I sit down in a chair. Why does this hurt so much? Twenty-four hours ago I was telling myself Dasher wasn't for me and that we couldn't date and that he didn't want to date me either. Now my heart is shattering inside my chest. Maybe I read everything wrong, and maybe I’m overreacting. What if this is how people date these days? He didn’t say anything, but what if people see a few people at a time? I know Dasher and I haven't had a chance to talk about what is happening between us, but I think I made it pretty clear that first day in his kitchen that I wasn't the fling type of girl. I told him about my parents.

  “Can I get you anything?” Rich drops down in front of me. He’s being pretty dang nice even after telling him I couldn't be his date tonight. Not after the kiss I’d shared with Dasher. It felt wrong, and I told him when I got here that it co
uldn’t be more than a work relationship. Plus I was hoping to dip out as soon as I could because I was trying to get back to Dasher.

  “I just need a second.”

  He nods and stands up. “So you know Dasher Sleigh?” Rich asks.

  “Yes, he has a party tomorrow night,” I say, not wanting to go into more details than that. Though I think Rich caught us staring at each other right before I all but fled the room. Why else would he be asking?

  “Ahh.” Rich walks over to a small bar and pours himself a drink. I hadn't noticed which way we turned when I fled the front entry of the house, but we’re in a small office now.

  “Ahh?” I ask, making the same sound as him.

  I should really leave instead of hiding in here. How easy will it be to make an escape? What if Dasher chased after me? Is he looking for me right now and does he actually think I’m going to go back to his house when I leave here after he’s been out with another woman all night?

  “You really have no idea how alluring you are, which only adds to the appeal.”

  I sit up a little straighter because Rich is staring at me now. His eyes roam over my body, making me feel naked as his nice-guy act fades fast.

  “I should go.” I stand. “The party is in full swing right now, and I’ve left Chel to handle everything. I really am sorry about canceling as your date tonight. Thank you for being so understanding.”

  “How sorry?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.


  “How sorry are you, Eve?” He shoots back the rest of his drink and sets the glass down with a loud thud. “And I never said I was understanding.” He pulls at the bow tie he has on and tosses it down next to his empty glass.

  “Again, I’m sorry. I wasn't trying to lead you on. I just—”

  Rich tilts his head, laughing. “No, I don’t think you know that you’re a cock tease. Which is another thing that makes men want to fuck you so bad. Even Dasher wants to, but you’ve got to tell me what it is all of you see in him.” My mouth falls open. “Is it because he never dates? That’s a bunch of fucking bullshit, if you ask me. All men need their dicks wet.”


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