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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Rescuing Melina (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardian Elite Book 3)

Page 9

by KaLyn Cooper

  Nearly deaf from the gunfire, Melina could barely hear the first man’s question. “How many more?”

  When she finally processed his words, she answered, “I think just these two. The others came and left with Pablo Valez.”

  Another man, face smeared with blacks and grays for covert night operations, stepped to the doorway. “House is clear.”

  Melina knew that voice. “Jacin?” No. She must be imagining it. He was in a hospital bed recovering from the beatings he’d taken for her.

  “Oh, baby.” He rushed to her and kneeled in front of her. Tenderly he cupped her face. “You’re safe now. We’ve got you.” He pulled out his knife and moved to the back to cut her free.

  Before she could say another word, another man stepped to the door, slung his rifle onto his back, and moved faster than a man his size should be able to.

  “Truck? What are you doing here?” Mary sounded surprised.

  “Mary, sweetheart, are you all right?” Truck asked, ignoring her question.

  “What do you think? I’m tied to a chair and there’s a bomb in Melina’s lap.”

  Mary’s quick come back made Melina smile. She really liked this brave young woman.

  “Bomb?” The word was in four-part harmony repeated by their rescuers.

  Only then did Melina remember the block in her lap. “Chaz.”

  “Who the hell is Chaz?” Jacin asked.

  “Chaz isn’t a who, it’s a what,” Harper, the second person through the door who had put down TT, explained as she tore off her helmet and fell to her knees in front of Melina. “Everybody out. Now!”

  “Hold still, sweetheart, while I cut you away from this chair,” Truck ordered. Seconds later, Melina watched as the big man ran out the door, holding Mary in his arms. She hoped they could get far away before the bomb went off.

  “Griffin, get those Deltas to evacuate everyone within a mile.” Harper tilted her head examining every aspect of the bomb without touching it.

  Griffin gave the order then asked, “A mile? Isn’t that overkill?”

  “You heard me correctly.” Harper picked up the receiver and carefully rolled it over. “This little block of polymerized Chaz will turn this house and everything within 250 feet into dust. That includes you and Jacin, so I need you both to get the hell out of here, now.”

  “Harper, if you’ve got this, I’m going to go help with the evacuation.” Griffin stared at the woman on her knees.

  “There’s nothing you can do here. Go help the others,” she replied without ever looking at him.

  Soundlessly, Griffin left the room.

  “Get a move on, Jacin,” Harper warned.

  “I’m not leaving Melina.”

  She felt the cold steel of his blade next to her wrists and let out a long sigh as her arms dropped to the side. They had been pinned back so long she couldn’t feel them.

  “Jacin, you need to go,” Melina begged. “If Pablo Valez decides to make that phone call, we’ll all be blown to hell. I didn’t save your ass from Solis’s torture chamber in Cali just so you could die beside me here in Texas.”

  “Told you, I’m not leaving.” Starting at her fingers, in a brushing motion he ran his hands up and down each arm before massaging her shoulders. “I’m right where I want to be. With you.” He stepped around to face her. “Forever. If that means we die in the next minute, then so be it. At least we’ll go together.”

  Prickles of pain brought life back to her arms that had been held in an awkward position for a full day.

  “Besides, Valez is too busy watching Rafe slowly drive toward the airfield,” Jacin said.

  “How do you know that?” Melina stared into the face of the man she would love forever. If this bomb went off right then, she would die happy knowing Jacin wanted to be with her.

  He pointed to his ear. “I’m listening in on Bravo team’s progress. Alex decided we needed to free you two women first, just in case Valez pulled a stunt like this bomb duct taped to your lap. Harper, any chance I can cut the tape away so I can get Melina out of here?”

  “No. Not yet.” Harper squinted at the device. “I need to make sure he didn’t connect the backup system. Melina, did you see what he did to connect the bomb?”

  She closed her eyes and focused on the memory of the minute before Valez placed the bomb in her lap. “He brought in a container that looks like the kind you store food in your refrigerator. Chaz was written on top. Of course I remembered that name from when you blew up Turi Solis. Anyway, he set the damn thing on my lap then attached the little black box with the two wires to the detonator. He then slid the long metal probe of the detonator into the block. Then he duct taped me and the bomb to the chair.”

  “He didn’t hide any wires underneath?” Harper clarified.

  “No. He was actually careful not to cover the wires with the tape.” She thought about it for just a second. “It surprised me, but he seemed to know what he was doing.”

  “The cartel has enough bomb experts, and this looks and reacts like C-4, I’m sure someone showed him what to do.” Harper grimaced. “This is my own damn fault. I should have destroyed all the Chaz we made back at the Narváez western compound before Rafe and I went to Cali. We certainly had no idea how things would end that night, or I never would’ve left all those explosives behind.”

  “This isn’t your fault.” Melina managed to raise her hand to Harper’s shoulder. “It’s mine. I’m the one who used Rafe to make Jacin jealous and give Valez the impression Rafe and I were more involved than agent and handler. I’m sorry I pulled you into this mess.”

  Harper didn’t look away from the bomb, but smiled. “You didn’t pull me in. I came willingly. I wasn’t going to let Rafe face Pablo Valez alone.” Refocusing the conversation, she asked again, “These are the only two wires he connected?”

  “Yes,” Melina confirmed.

  “Thank God he’s an idiot.” Without taking her eyes from the bomb, she reached down to her duty belt and grabbed her knife. She popped the back cover and extracted the battery. She slowly slid the two-inch long cylinder from the white block. “Done.”

  The only three people left in the tornado shelter all breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Alpha two confirming bomb has been disabled.” Harper stood up and took a deep breath. “Let’s get Melina untied and out of here. Alpha one, evacuation is no longer needed. Anyone displaced can return to their homes.” Using the knife still in her hand, Harper cut the tape on each side of Melina and ripped it off her and the now defused bomb.

  Jacin finished cutting Melina’s ankles free from the chair legs and scooped her up.

  “Put me down,” she insisted. “You just got out of the hospital. You have broken ribs. I can walk.”

  “I like you right where you are.” Jacin leaned forward and gently placed his lips on hers. The kiss was far too brief. “Let me take care of you for once.”

  As he was about to step through the door Melina caught sight of Scarface in her peripheral vision. She began to wiggle and twist. “Let me down. Right now!” She insisted. “He stole something from me, and I have to get it back.”

  Jacin carefully set her feet on the floor and caught her when she started to collapse. “What’s so important?”

  “I’m not leaving without it.” With Jacin’s help she went to her knees and dug in the dead man’s front pocket.

  She smiled, splitting her lip open again, when her fingers wrapped around her emerald ring. Beaming up at Jacin, she showed him the ring he had given her. “It’s the most important thing I own.”

  He kneeled beside her enveloping her in his arms. She wasn’t sure she heard him over the ringing in her ears from the gunshots moments ago, but she would have sworn he said he loved her. She certainly hoped so, because she loved this man with all her heart.

  She tried to stand up but her legs were too weak. In one swift movement he was carrying her through the door and up the steps.

  When they emerged outside, M
elina slowly dragged in the clean air of freedom. As she glanced around the middle-class neighborhood of two-story homes and tidy green yards, for the first time in years she yearned for that lifestyle. She collapsed into the comfort of the man who held her.

  “You came for me.” Stretching up, she kissed the side of his jaw, the only thing she could reach, as he carried her down the sidewalk to an awaiting ambulance.

  “Of course I did.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. “I would never allow anyone to hurt the woman I love, and if Rafe hadn’t already killed Valez, I would have hunted the son of a bitch down and killed them myself.”

  “He’s dead?” How did he know that? Oh, yeah, his headset. He was connected to Rafe.

  “Bravo team had taken him down, but he tried to escape and Rafe shot him,” Jacin said matter-of-factly.

  “Then it’s over.” It was a statement not a question.

  “It’s over, babe. You’re safe.” Jacin laid her down on the awaiting gurney and EMTs began checking her vital signs.

  The corners of Melina’s mouth turned up. “Until the next time someone from a Colombian cartel decides to get even.”


  Early the next afternoon, Jacin sat in one of the many chairs scattered around Matthew and Caroline Steel’s backyard. The Delta team leader had invited everyone over for lunch to celebrate another successful mission before the men from Guardian Security had to go back to their day jobs.

  Jacin was happy to sit back and drink a beer while watching the men from Delta team and visitors from Guardian play combat volleyball. The day before had taken a toll on him. Melina had been right; he still had recovering to do. Fortunately, she had volunteered to be his personal nurse once they were back in Washington D.C. He was certainly looking forward to a repeat of last night. Many of them in fact.

  She’d been checked out at the hospital then released with a prescription for some heavy duty ibuprofen and given several cold packs to reduce the facial swelling. After stopping at the pharmacy, where he’d taken the opportunity to pick up a box of condoms, they’d proceeded to use several of them before they fell asleep in her brother’s guest bedroom.

  Melina strode happily toward Jacin with an overflowing plate, nearly bouncing the food off. “I just got a text from Austin. He’ll be here in a couple hours. I can’t wait for you to meet him.” She slid into the seat beside him, leaning over to give him a kiss before settling back.

  “Is he going to be okay with me sleeping with his little sister in the bed across the hall?”

  She slid her sunglasses down her nose and glared at him. “We’re all adults. He knows I have sex. Besides, he hasn’t pulled the big brother card on me since I was a freshman in college.” She quirked one eyebrow. “I took his card and shredded it, in case you wanted to know.”

  He smiled. “You’re the one who’s going to have to be quiet. You’re used to living alone. When you screamed out my name during your fourth orgasm, I was afraid we were going to wake the neighbors on both sides.”

  “Oh, hush.” She grinned. “I happen to know no one is home on either side of Austin’s apartment.”

  “Are you going to be surprised if those apartments are occupied by other men on his team?” He loved to tease her.

  Her eyes went wide, then the grin returned. “They’ll just think Austin has found himself a wild woman.” Satisfied with her reply, she opened her mouth wide and bit into a hot dog.

  The memory of the way she’d gone down on him last night replaced any thought in his head. His cock stiffened in hopes she’d do it again, soon.

  He glanced at her, realizing she’d been watching him. She ran her tongue the length of the bun licking up catsup that had oozed out.

  His erection pressed against the zipper of his jeans. “You’re playing with fire, babe.”

  She leaned in close and licked the curl of his ear before taking the lobe into her mouth and sucking. “How soon can we leave?” she whispered.

  “I’m ready now,” he suggested.

  She glanced at his crotch. “Oh, yes. I can tell.”

  Good thing he caught movement in his peripheral vision. He turned to see Alex headed his way. That was enough of a cock blocker to allow him to stand without embarrassment.

  “We’re taking off.” Alex extended his hand. “Sure we can’t give you two a ride back to D.C.?”

  Melina stood, put her plate in her chair, and threw her arms around Alex. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you did for me.”

  When the Latino smiled, Jacin knew the man saw a lot of female action. He was surprised, though, when he offered, “Katlin and I would like you guys to join us for our next party.”

  Harper approached. “When will that be?”

  “As soon as she and the other ladies get back home.” Alex turned that smile on Harper. “You know how it is with her.”

  “I certainly do,” she replied.

  “Good work out there,” he said in all seriousness. “I’m glad you came along with us on this mission. I’m even more happy I put you on that team rather than with Rafe.”

  “Me, too,” Melina said. “I don’t know how long it would’ve taken for someone from the bomb squad to get there.”

  “I had someone on standby,” Alex reassured. His phone buzzed and his smile grew as he read the text. “Looks like you are going to have that party sooner rather than later.

  Griffin approached the group and asked, “What party?”

  “The ladies are on their way home. Want to ride to D.C. instead of Miami? I’m pretty sure there’s a feisty little redhead who would be eager to see you.”

  “Grace is headed home?”

  Watching the bulky man nervously shift his body was almost humorous. Large and in charge aptly described Griffin Mitchell, but obviously Grace had him all tied up.

  “They’ll land close to midnight,” Alex announced.

  “Wahoo!” Harper wiggled her shoulders and rocked her hips side-to-side. “Party time on the fifth floor tomorrow night.” She looked at Jacin and Melina. “You two will be there. I think you’ll like our friends.”

  Alex glanced at his watch then his gaze swept the backyard. “We need to get a move on. The general has been kind enough to provide us with a plane ride home, I don’t want to delay take off.” He turned his attention to Melina and Jacin. “I’ll see you two at the party tomorrow night. Great work, Jacin. Melina, I’m glad we got you out of there.”

  Jacin grabbed her hand before she could hug Alex again. “Thank you, Alex. I appreciate your help more than you’ll ever know.” Out of habit, he rubbed his thumb over the emerald ring she always wore on her index finger. The desperation on her face as she searched the dead man’s pockets told him how much that piece of jewelry meant to her. He hoped the diamond would mean even more.

  “I look forward to meeting Katlin tomorrow night.” She squeezed Jacin’s hand. “We need to go say our good-byes, too.”

  Melina dragged him to a picnic table where Mary and Truck were engrossed in a private conversation. “I really hate to interrupt, but were leaving now.”

  Mary stood and Melina released Jacin’s hand to hug the other woman. He couldn’t hear their whispered words, but as they parted both had tears streaming down their cheeks. They’d been through so much together in such a short time, he hoped they would stay in touch. Melina was one of the strongest women he’d ever known, but having a continued relationship with someone who’d gone through hell with you, would expedite the healing process. There would always be scars, but hopefully together they could heal.

  “I’ll call you next week,” Melina said as she wiped the moisture from her face. “I want to know what the doctor says.”

  “We’ll talk then.” Mary said as Truck came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Thanks for helping.” Truck nodded his head once. The man didn’t say much.

  They found and said good-bye to Matthew and Caroline Steel before making th
eir way to Austin’s car. Jacin couldn’t wait to get back to the apartment and have Melina naked in his arms once again.

  They started stripping off clothes as soon as he locked the bedroom door, unsure of exactly what time Austin was expected. When he slid into the sheets next to a naked Melina, Jacin knew the time was right.

  “I want hard and fast.” Melina grabbed his head and pulled his mouth to hers.

  That wasn’t what he wanted. He softened the kiss, nipping her bottom lip from one side to the other as he cupped her breast. Her nipples had hardened into dark little pebbles. As he kissed his way down her neck, he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger pinching it gently before he sucked it into his mouth, then treated the other breast to the same pleasure. When he nipped one nipple and pinched the other, she moaned and lifted her hips.

  “Touch my clit,” she begged.

  He smiled. “I’ll get there. Don’t you like what I’m doing now?”

  “Oh, God, yes. Too much. Please, Jacin, just touch me and let me fly.”

  He debated following her orders, then decided to stay with his original plan.

  But when she reached down and wrapped her fingers around his cock, he was ready to explode. Grabbing a condom from the nightstand, he quickly sheathed himself.

  Parting her soaked folds, he knew she was ready for him. He slid a finger over her clit, and she sucked in a ragged breath, moaning his name.

  In one stroke, he was in her warm soft body and her muscles clamped around his cock. He almost lost control. As he moved in and out, nothing had ever felt so right. She was right for him.

  “Melina,” he huffed her name between gasps of air.

  Molten dark chocolate eyes looked up at him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, deepening each thrust. He could tell she was close as he fought off his own release.

  “I love you.” The words spilled out before he took her mouth in a heated kiss and ground his pelvis against her clit.

  She broke the kiss to gasp for air as her muscles tightened and released in a full-body orgasm. Her inner walls clenched his cock, and he flew over the edge with her, rolling to the side so he didn’t collapse on top of her.


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