Armor of God (Salvation of Solandeus Book 2)
Page 13
Mat left the table soon after Persephonie and went to his room to think about the day’s events. He was excited to have all the pieces of the Armor of God except for the shield, and he felt certain the shield would be found when the time was right. His excitement was tempered, however, by his concern for Persephonie. He knew there was something she wasn’t telling them about the visions she had, and he was sure it wasn’t good. Mat wanted to talk to her about it, but he decided she would tell him more when the time was right.
Chapter 18
The next morning, they decided it would be beneficial to spend some time training with the Druids and coteries. They began training under the direct tutelage of Jeremiah and Uriah with no set plan for how long they would train or when they would leave.
Persephonie was eager to learn more and insisted that Mat train with her. He wasn’t sure why it was so important to her, but he suspected it had something to do with the visions she had the day before. He wanted to ask her about it but stuck with his self-commitment to let her tell him more in her own time.
The first skill they worked on was mental communication. With help, Mat was able to communicate simple sentences back to Persephonie. He felt like a child who was just learning how to speak, but it was a great improvement over not being able to communicate words at all. They also learned how to shield their thoughts and communication from others. Mat wasn’t sure this was necessary, but it would help them keep their mental conversations private.
They also learned the secret of invisibility. It turned out to be a skill very similar to one Persephonie already knew. It was an adaptation of the emotional influencing she was already trained in and had used on many people before, Mat included. The trick was to direct another person’s focus so thoroughly onto something that they didn’t even notice other things right in front of them. It could be used to hide a small object in plain sight or to allow a person to walk past someone completely unnoticed. Most people, even when fully trained, could only control the focus of one person at a time, so you had to have a trained Druid for each person you wanted to be invisible to. This meant that Mat and Persephonie working together could sneak past two people easily, but, if there were three people, one of the three would be able to clearly see them.
In addition to the purely Druid training, Mat and Persephonie also participated in combat training. This was an area in which Jeremiah wasn’t particularly skilled so Uriah was brought in to help them learn to fight effectively together. Because there were only two of them working together and they had already done that extensively, it was easier to learn than if they were training to be part of a large coterie.
As they worked together closely, they were able to incorporate some of the other skills they were learning. By momentarily forcing an opponent to focus on Mat, Persephonie became almost invisible and could strike an opponent unseen. Because of their bond, Mat would know exactly what was happening and be able to defend exactly when needed to allow Persephonie to strike. When they were working together they were nearly unstoppable, even against a fully trained coterie.
During these days of training, Mat learned to harness the powers of the Armor of God. Some of the functions were easy to understand like the power of the bracers or the endurance of the boots. Others took more to get used to. The Belt of Truth helped him see through deceptions in combat and allowed him to react faster. The Helmet of Salvation blessed him with wisdom to see large scale tactics and helped him formulate plans. Some of these armor-enhanced abilities also seemed to extend to Persephonie when they were bonded to each other in battle.
Every day they trained together, the bond they shared grew stronger. It was a feeling that neither one of them quite knew what to think of, but both were completely committed to protecting the other. In an effort to avoid thinking too much about it, they threw all their energies into learning from Jeremiah and Uriah. Most nights after the group meal, they retired to their own rooms and let exhaustion claim them.
Arajin, Banji, Brasco, and Michael spent their days training in the martial academy with Uriah and Bethany, the younger of the two Druid sisters. Because there were only four training with Bethany, who was already fully trained, it was easier and faster for them to adapt to the coterie philosophy of combat. Banji’s training with Persephonie allowed him to most quickly learn what everyone else was doing at all times. The fact that he spent every waking moment, and many sleeping moments, thinking about Bethany probably helped too. The rest of the group also caught on quickly, and within a couple weeks they were working together as a cohesive unit.
When the group was linked together through Bethany, they were able to fight as a single unit. Bethany could use her Druid skills of influence to create confusion amongst their opponents that offered opportunities for them to strike. In a matter of weeks, they were able to function better than trained warriors who had fought together for years. The bonds they developed continued after the training, and Bethany started to become as much a member of their group as she was a citizen of El Fiducia.
The training for both groups continued for nearly a month before talk of the war started to creep back into the topics of conversation around the dinner table. By that point, Bethany was spending almost all of her time with the group and was part of most discussions. Eventually returning to Solandeus became the focus of conversation.
“I feel like I could train here for years and still never learn everything I would like to know,” Persephonie said one evening, “but I think it’s time to consider returning to fight Anton.”
“I was wondering when this topic as going to come up,” Arajin commented.
All eyes turned to Mat waiting for his opinion. “The last few weeks have been a blessing I never expected,” Mat said. “I had almost forgotten about the terrors of war Anton brought to our home. Part of me is ashamed of that, but I know what we do here is essential for our success.”
“These last few weeks have been important.” Michael interjected.
“I agree,” Mat continued, “but I do think the time has come to prepare to leave.”
“You can’t leave yet,” Bethany protested. “There is still so much you need to learn.”
“Then come with us and teach us,” Banji implored.
While she considered herself part of the group, Bethany had never considered leaving with them, and Banji’s suggestion caught her completely off guard. “I can’t leave my sister,” she protested.
“Maybe she will come with us too,” Brasco suggested. “Maybe her whole coterie could come with us. We could definitely use the help.”
“That brings up another important question,” Arajin said as he looked at Brasco. “What is your plan after this? Are you coming with us, or are you returning to the bandit camp?”
The question caught Brasco by surprise. While he thought of himself as part of the group, he had not thought consciously about leaving his sister and the rest of the bandits. “I have no plans,” he answered honestly. “I haven’t thought specifically about leaving my family, but I suspect that is what will happen now that I think about it.”
“Regardless of who is coming,” Mat said before the conversation could diverge further, “I think we need to make plans to leave.”
“I think you’re right,” Michael agreed. “We should talk to Jeremiah in the morning and make plans.”
“Bethany, I think Banji’s suggestion makes sense. Will you think about coming with us?” Mat asked her. “I will also ask Jeremiah if he will send your sister and her coterie with us, at least until we return to Solandeus.”
“Now that the decision has been made, I think we should plan on leaving as soon as we can,” Arajin said. “It shouldn’t take more than a few days to put supplies together.”
“If that’s the case, maybe we should talk to Jeremiah tonight,” Mat replied. He turned to Bethany and asked, “Can you find Jeremiah and ask him to join us tonight?”
“I can do that,” she answered. “I will also talk to my sister a
bout what you suggested.”
Shortly thereafter, Jeremiah and Uriah joined them in the common room to discuss their plans. While they were hopeful that the group would stay longer, they understood their need to continue on the quest. They also knew that it was time to reveal themselves to the rest of the world.
They talked long into the night coming up with plans. It was agreed that Bethany would travel with them as would her sister, Anna, and her coterie. That would give Mat a group of 17, which would help on the quest but still be small enough to travel quickly. The rest of the trained coteries would travel to northeastern Solandeus and join forces with the Basilican monks hidden in the mountains.
From there, the plan was simple; Mat and his group would find the Shield of Faith and track down Anton. The combined force of Basilican Knights and El Fiducia coteries would liberate Solandeus, starting with Port Ludenburg. If all went well, Anton would be dead, and Solandeus would be liberated in short order.
Everyone went to bed exhausted but feeling good about their plans. The next several days would be filled with making preparations and learning as much as they could before they left. Persephonie still had not shared more about her visions, but Mat trusted she knew what was best and tried not to wonder why.
Chapter 19
Mat stood in the underground chamber where the Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness had been hidden. A soft blue glow illuminated the room, but he couldn’t identify the source. He was drawn to the room, but he didn’t know why.
As he studied the paintings and the empty alcoves where the pieces of armor had been, he clearly heard a voice call to him, “Come to me Righteous Warrior.”
“Where are you?” Mat called out. “I am here but don’t know where to go.”
“You cannot do it alone,” the voice answered, “you must have help.”
“But who will help me?” he pleaded, “I am all alone.”
“You are only alone if you choose to be,” the voice answered. “Come to me before all is lost.”
Mat awoke suddenly. His heart was racing, and his head pounded. He knew it was more than just a dream; it was a vision sent to him. But what did it mean? He knew he couldn’t win the war by himself, but did the voice mean more than that?
Are you there? Mat sent to Persephonie mentally.
I’m here. Is something wrong? she asked.
Can I come over? Mat asked instead of trying to answer the question. His skills in mental communication weren’t good enough to try to explain the dream.
Of course. I will unlock the door, Persephonie replied.
Mat quietly slipped into Persephonie’s room and told her about his vision. As he talked, he grew certain that he needed to visit the underground chamber again. There was something important still down there, and he needed to find out what it was. Since they were both awake and unlikely to go back to sleep, they decided to visit the chamber immediately. Mat returned to his room to quickly don the Armor of God, then they quietly made their way out of building and into the El Fiducia streets.
The streets were empty, and they only saw a few people on their way to the entrance of the caverns. No one questioned them or even gave them a second look. At the top of the stairs leading down into the tunnels, Mat thanked Persephonie for joining him and opened the door into the darkness below.
The lantern they carried barely shed enough light to see by, but following the pattern Persephonie identified made it easy to find their way. The permeating sense of dread and disorientation no longer impeded their travel, and they made good time. As they approached the final chamber, Mat could see a faint blue glow just as he had seen in his dream.
Unsure of the source of the blue light, they cautiously moved towards the entrance. As they looked inside, they could see the chamber was empty. With no apparent danger, they cautiously stepped inside.
The source of the blue light was still a mystery, but it appeared to be focused on the center of the room. As they approached, they could see faint lines in the floor. When they reached the center of the room, they heard a click, and a section of floor right under them started to sink. They jumped back in surprise but continued to watch the floor as that section continued to sink about a foot. Once that section stopped, another section started sinking. In front of their eyes, section after section dropped forming a circular set of stairs winding down into the darkness.
Once everything was settled, a booming voice called out, “Come to me.”
“That’s the voice from my vision,” both Mat and Persephonie exclaimed at the same time.
“I guess we better listen to it,” Mat commented as he took the first step down the spiraling stairs.
After winding down 30 feet, the stairs stopped at a landing and a tunnel stretched out into the dark. The only light source was the lantern they carried. With no other options, they followed the tunnel cautiously but with purpose. After walking for a quarter of an hour, they spotted a bluish light in the distance.
As they approached the light, they could see it was emanating from a large chamber. They paused at the entrance of the chamber to see what was inside. The light was focused on a pedestal in the center of the chamber. Leaning against the pedestal was a magnificent shield and a staff with a large, glowing blue gemstone that appeared to be the source of the bluish light.
Mat and Persephonie slowly entered the room. They could sense an aura of power that neither had ever experienced before. At first, they thought it emanated from the shield and staff, but, as they reached the pedestal, they knew there was another presence in the room.
“Welcome Righteous Warrior and Druid Master,” a rumbling voice reverberated through the room.
They turned around the room frantically trying to find the source of the voice, but there was no indication of where it came from. “Who are you and what do you want?” Mat demanded, his trembling voice betraying a hint of fear.
Two glowing green eyes revealed the source near the entrance. “You may call me Anticus,” the voice said as the glowing green eyes moved closer, “and I am here to help you.”
“If you are truly here to help us,” Persephonie said boldly, “reveal yourself.”
“Ahhh, such boldness in the face of danger,” the voice rumbled, “that is why I like you so much. I will grant your request.”
The chamber began to fill with light. At first the light was blinding, but as their eyes adjusted their knees went weak. The eyes that stared at them were on a head that was easily ten feet long. The body of the creature wrapped all the way around the chamber and was at least 100 feet from head to tail. What they saw was a creature that wasn’t supposed to exist outside of fairy tales. They stared at a gigantic gold dragon.
“I have waited long centuries for you to find me,” Anticus rumbled. “For you, Righteous Warrior, I have kept the Shield of Faith for 300 years. For you, Master Druid, I have kept the Staff of Power for even longer. Please take them.”
“How long have you been here, and how did you get in here?” Mat asked when he could finally speak.
“I have slept here for centuries,” Anticus replied, “and the entrance has long since been covered over.”
“What do you eat? How are you going to get out? Can you fly?” Persephonie questioned.
“We will have time for questions later,” Anticus replied, “for now, we have more important matters to discuss. There is an evil loose in the world that must be stopped. You already know of Anton, but the problem is much larger than a single tyrant.”
The ancient dragon went on to tell Mat and Persephonie about tyrants all over the world who were sowing death and destruction. Anton was part of the problem, but he wasn’t the only one. He warned them of an order of Druids sworn to evil that would play a role in the coming battles. Mat and Persephonie would have to learn more about them and figure out how to stop them. He finished by telling them that the fate of Solandeus and possibly the world was in their hands.
“When the time is right, I will join you.
Until then we can communicate mentally as long as you are near the Staff of Power. It will amplify your Druid abilities allowing you to communicate with me at great distances,” Anticus told them. “Now you must go. Your friends are worried about you. They do not know where you are and fear something has happened to you.”
Mat and Persephonie collected the Shield of Faith and Staff of Power and reluctantly left the dragon’s chamber. They had so many questions for Anticus, but they knew the answers to their questions would have to wait.
As if hearing their thoughts, Anticus spoke to them as they walked. Do not worry, I will answer all your questions, he said mentally. Prepare for your journey and know that I will reveal more while you travel. The time for action has come. We must save the world!
Chapter 20
When Mat and Persephonie finally made it back to the surface, the sun had already risen. As they walked back, Persephonie finally told Mat everything from her vision and that she believed that it was crucial for them to continue working together. Mat nodded solemnly as she spoke, then told her he didn’t have any intentions of leaving her behind.
When they arrived back at the common room of their quarters, all heads turned to see them enter. There was visible relief as well as annoyance in many of the looks.
“Where have you two been?” Michael demanded. “I thought you were done with middle of the night escapades.”
“I told you I wouldn’t run off by myself,” Mat said with a grin, “as you can see, I was not by myself.”
Michael scowled at him, but before he could say anything further, Mat continued. “Besides, we found the Shield of Faith,” Mat said nonchalantly, “and a powerful Druid staff.”
“Oh,” Persephonie added, having fun with her friends, “and we met a dragon.”
“You did what!” Banji exclaimed as he spit out a mouth full of water. After a moment his expression changed to one of understanding. “Nice one. Yeah sure, you found a dragon and a unicorn too, I suppose.”