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My Hunger to Bear (The Everson Brothers Book 5)

Page 10

by Olivia Arran

  “Has a man ever tasted your sweet juices? Tongued you hard until all he could do is drink you in as you come?” My finger thrust deeper, her hips bucking up to meet my hand. “How could any man resist you?” I whispered, lowering my head until my tongue hovered over her glistening naked flesh.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Every nerve in my body quivered under his large hands, the cold of the table biting into my back, the surface roughened by scores of knives, I could feel every little dent and slash pressing against my skin. My thighs shook, straining against an unknown sensation as his tongue licked into me, hot and wet and sliding through my core to flick incessantly, burrowing deeper with every new attack, his throaty groans the only thing keeping me from slamming me legs closed and yanking him up here.

  That, and the pleasure.

  Oh, yes. Waves of heat rolling over me, spiraling up through my stomach and leaving me dizzy. Panting. Wanting more of this intimate act. I now knew what it was when women fantasized, or complained that their man didn’t know his way around.

  His tongue plunged deeper, his thumb stroking and circling, flicking and tugging.

  He definitely knew what he was doing. Deliciously. With toe curling dedication to his task.

  The waves grew, intensifying. My hand flew from his head to grip the edge of the table, nails biting into the soft wood. My throaty moan bounced around the room as my head thrashed from side to side, teeth tugging on my lips in an attempt to hold it in, to keep this feeling from ever leaving me as I peaked, everything clenching and tightening in a dizzying finale. My breath left me on a strangled gasp, chest tight and head buzzing.

  Strong hands caressed up my stomach to cup my breasts, thumbs teasing my aching nipples through the tight lace. Too tight. Scratchy when before it had felt soft. I wriggled, trying to get a hand behind my back.

  “Do you like this bra?” His voice startled me, after the silence.

  It also made me realize my eyelids were still glued together. Peeling them open, I was rewarded for the effort with a full frontal view of his naked chest, ropes of muscle bulging and flexing as he eyed my body with a possessive glint. “Not really—”

  He extended a flinger, and with a flick my bra fell to the sides.

  Claws. I checked again. Nope. Couldn’t see any. “Nice party trick.”

  “I try,” he muttered, and I could tell he wasn’t listening, his entire attention focused on my chest. Or, rather, my breasts.

  I couldn’t blame him, he was a man after all, and I was a curvy woman. I loved it, embraced the fact that I filled out a pair of jeans or a pretty top in all the right ways. I looked like a woman should, something not every person I’d had the misfortune of meeting agreed with. But, that was their problem, and from the look on my future … mate’s … face, he was one hundred percent in agreement with me.

  I arched my back, wanting to feel his hands on me, moaning when his work roughened fingers grazed my breasts, writhing as he bent and took each throbbing nub into his mouth, tonging each in turn, until I was a puddle of need. Again. I gripped his wrists in a bid to convey my need, words were beyond me.

  The slide of a zipper loosening its grip reached my ears.

  I bolted upright, eyes wide. The sight was worth the head spinning dizziness. Completely and gorgeously naked, he stood before me, his cock thick and long as it bobbed in front of him, demanding attention. My hand was reaching for it before I knew what it was doing.

  He grabbed my wrist, chuckling at my resulting frown. “If you touch me, you’ll probably unman me. I want to be inside you when I come.”

  His words were a devastating growl, rippling through me like a search beacon and pressing all the right buttons. Oh, right. I side eyed his still growing cock, a twinge of trepidation cooling the lust burning through my veins. “Will it hurt?” The virgin asked the big bad … bear. Foolishness had me stifling a nervous giggle, totally inappropriate and probably vaguely insulting. Not that I’d know, having never been in this situation before.

  “It might sting for a second, but I won’t hurt you. I promise.” His eyes never left me, nor did he side step the issue. “In fact—” He swept me up, off the table, turned and deposited me on his lap before I’d had chance to blink.

  His cock teased my entrance, nudging inside with every tilt of his hips, his lips seeking out mine and locking us together for the intimate dance. Firm hands guided me as I rocked against him, taking him deeper inch by inch, giving my body time to stretch and ease the burn, the slight twinge of pain.

  My nails dug into his broad shoulders as I shuddered against him, my thighs sliding against his, the short hairs tickling and scratching my skin in an overload of sensations. Need throbbed deep within me, urging me on, to take this man inside me and make him mine. Overwhelming fullness gave way to a slippery slide, my body finally giving up the battle and allowing him fully in. I gasped against his mouth, my hips rocking in time with his, our bodies entwined and in perfect unison.

  He groaned, his eyes flashing bronze and flickering with a need I knew was reflected in my own. His hips jerked, a flicker of pain flashing across his face, as if he was fighting a battle I couldn’t see.

  He was still holding back. Taking it easy on me. Loving me.

  I palmed his cheek, drinking in the sight of him stripped of all pretense and bravo. “Let go. I’m okay.” I wanted to feel his passion, to have it consume me, like it did when he licked me … down there. I levered myself up, sliding up his thick shaft, then rocked back into him. Electricity sparked, shooting tingles down my spine. So I did it again. And again. And—

  His roar was near deafening, his hands coming down and planting themselves on my hips. Airborne once more, then I was back resting on the table, but this time it wasn’t his tongue working the magic, it was his hips, thrusting and pivoting and thrusting again, his cock plunging in and out of me, rubbing and caressing until I was screaming, jerking beneath him, my vision tunneling and core pulsing in maddening waves of tantalizing, teasing awareness of what was just around the corner.

  He growled, low and throaty, demanding my attention. “I love you, Connie. I’ve always loved you, from the second I laid eyes on you I had no choice but to wait. But, you were worth every damn, painful second. I’d do anything for you.” With his declaration ringing in my ears, he leaned down. Tiny pinpricks grazed my neck, then it was gone.

  Wonder filled his eyes, his spine arching and jaw straining.

  “What is it?” It was barely more than a gasp, a puff of air supposedly containing words, but he understood.

  His hips continued their assault, sliding and thrusting as he spoke, punctuating his words, “The soul mate bond. It’s amazing.”

  “What do I do?” I wanted this—to be connected to this man in every way possible.

  “Tell me you love me,” he said simply.

  “I love you.” Heat hit me in the chest, wriggling inside of me, but it didn’t hurt at all. It was all pleasure, the kind that warmed a person’s heart and fortified their soul. It was exactly as he’d said. Amazing. And— “I had a lot more I wanted to say,” I managed to gasp out.

  “I can feel everything, my love. Every unspoken word and hidden emotion is coming through crystal clear. Close your eyes.”

  I did as he asked, straining for the sound of his voice, the feel of him moving inside of me more and more distracting.

  “Can you feel it? Me, inside of you?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I quipped, but then, I did. And it awed me. Emotion that wasn’t my own lived inside of me, vibrating out into the air and reaching for him. “You’ll never be alone again,” I whispered, sitting up and throwing my arms around him.

  His strained chuckle reached my ears, his mouth sliding down past my ear to nibble at the side of my neck, his thrusts speeding up until it was all I could do to hang on, to open myself to him and accept everything he had to give.

  My insides gave a final wrench, twisting in a gut clenching surge
, then I was falling as my orgasm screamed through me, pummeling me from all directions.

  Through the buzzing, I heard the roar as he came, his fingers digging into my skin and his body shuddering and twitching.

  We collapsed around each other, propping one another up in a sweaty, sticky heap. I comforted myself with the knowledge I wasn’t the only one breathing like I’d run a marathon, our chests doing a tango of synchronized in and out.

  “What was it you were going to say?” he drawled in the vicinity of my neck.

  “Too late. You had your chance.”


  “You said you knew everything, anyway!”

  He leaned back, sliding his hands up my ribcage when I wobbled on the edge of the table. “Glad to see you haven’t lost your spunk.” He threw in a wink for good measure.

  I contemplated prodding him, but couldn’t summon the energy. “That sounds rude. And you knew what you were signing up for.”

  “Oh, yes.” It was a deadpan delivery, complete with blank expression.

  I tried to glare at him, but it was hard to stay mad when the bond was feeding me his emotions, and vice versa. “What?”

  “You’re fucking perfect, my love.”

  “And you need to work on your cursing, fluffy.”

  “Fluffy?” He, honest to God, pouted.

  “It’s a work in progress. Don’t worry, I’ll get it right … eventually.” I added a wink.

  “You little…”


  His growl drowned out my squeal as he lunged for me, his hands tickling with infuriating accuracy.

  “I’ve got it! Winnie! As in, bears like honey, and Winnie the—” He claimed my mouth with a ferocity that had me thinking that was his least favorite so far.

  Though, if this was the way he reacted to a little name calling, I was about to get a whole lot more imaginative.



  A few weeks later…

  “Sit still.” I grabbed his head, firmly repositioning it just so.

  A low rumble came from his direction, but he didn’t move.

  I couldn’t blame him. Who would mess with a woman wielding a sharp instrument? I scrapped the comb through his hair, gathering up a section. This couldn’t be so hard, I’d spent years watching my father get his fortnightly trim at the barbers. Angling my fingers, I snipped.

  A chunk of hair fell away. An overly large chunk. Tilting my head, I patted it down with the comb.

  “How’s it looking?” he murmured, probably trying to move nothing but his lips.

  “Good, good.” Taking a step back, I walked around him in a small circle, eyeing my handiwork with a critical eye. Not too bad for a first attempt, I decided.

  Seated on a chair and stripped to the waist, he squirmed and twitched while waiting for my okay.

  God, he was good to me. Patient and understanding of my little quirks, he hadn’t batted an eyelid when I’d cornered him with a pair of scissors.

  Then again, it wasn’t like I could make his hair look any worse than what he’d done to himself.

  Laying the scissors down, I nodded. “You’re free to go.”

  It was like I’d sprung a trap. He vaulted from the chair, shaking his whole body while patting and scrubbing at his chest and neck. “Shower,” he muttered, still scratching with one hand, the other yanking his jeans open and shoving them down.

  “I could help?” The thought of him wet and soaped up had my hands lifting the hem of my top.

  He caught my hands, a satisfied smirk on his face. “Not this time. I’ll be two minutes and then we’re going out.”

  I mock pouted, but underneath it I was confused. This was the first time he’d turned me down, and up until right this very moment I would have bet a hot fudge chocolate sundae that the world would implode before he ever did. “Out?”

  Tipping my chin with his knuckles, he smoothed the edge of his thumb across my lips. “It’ll be worth the sacrifice, I promise, my love.”

  “Where are we going?” Not only did I have a scarf tied over my eyes, but he was carrying me. He’d also spun in circles a couple of times since setting off, therefore I had absolutely no idea what direction we were headed.

  “Nearly there.”

  The sound of a door opening reached my ears. No matter how hard I tried to peek, the tight weave of the scarf made it impossible. I took a deep breath, about to launch into another round of cajoling, when the dry scent of fresh sawdust tickled my nose. “Are we at Merrie’s store?” My friend—sister in law, really, as she was Craig’s mate—owned the little magic store at the other end of Main Street. Her mate worked with wood, but usually there was also the accompanying smell of incense hanging in the air.

  He didn’t answer, just chuckled, the sound vibrating up through his chest and against my cheek. “We’re here.” Gently, he lowered me to the floor, steadying me until I found my balance, then his hands went to the back of my head.

  Light blinded me for a brief moment as I blinked away the dots swimming in front of my eyes, the room slowly coming into focus. It was filled with people, all staring at me with smiles on their faces. Amy and Ryan were over to my right, their son Luke held in place with a firm hand, the young boy bouncing with infectious excitement. Craig leaned against the wall, Merrie nestled against his chest. Max and Jeanie, Pa and Mom Everson, Jack and Gina with an equally excited Lizzie and gurgling baby Mae all formed a semi-circle. I met their eyes, grinning right back at them. “Are we having a party?” It wasn’t my birthday, but—

  “Look around you, my love.”

  Firm hands turned me, directing my eyes away from the crowd.

  I sucked in a breath, jaw dropping and eyes widening until they stung. Artwork hung on the walls, set in wrought silver frames and depicting scenes of the forest; trees with dappled sunlight shining through, a meadow sparkling with the morning’s first frost, a lake so deep and perfectly indigo-blue, it invited the viewer to jump right in. And, in each and every picture, peeking out of the picture, stood a bear.

  My bear. His form as familiar to me now as his human one.

  My mate.

  I strode forward to take a closer look, hand hovering over the prints. “They’re amazing!”

  His arms wound around me, hugging me back against his chest. “I’m glad you like them, but—”

  Spinning around, I threw my arms around his neck. “I love them! Can I have one?”

  His forehead creased, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he stared at me. Then the lines deepened, his lips curving up into a big shit eating grin. “My love, look around you. This time, properly.”

  Not wanting to take my eyes off him, I snuck a quick peek at the crowd, then back again.

  He continued to stare at me, as if waiting for something.

  I tore my eyes away again. Pink gingham adorned a couch in the corner, sitting on a polished wood floor. A glass cabinet lined the far wall, holding a bronze old-fashioned till. My heart sped up. On the wall above the door was a sign. Connie Everson, Proprietor.

  My bakery.

  My eyes flew back to him. “You did this?” I whispered, through a throat thick with emotion.

  Cupping my cheek, he nodded. “We all did.”

  I leaned into his hand, unable to stop the tears from bubbling over and rolling down my cheeks. But, I didn’t care. This was my family and they were tears of joy. “Thank you.”

  “No. Thank you, Connie. For letting me be a part of your life. I love you.” He pressed his lips against mine in a soft kiss. Too brief.

  Grabbing the back of his head, I tugged him back down until our mouths were a whispers breadth apart. “I love you, too.” Then I kissed him, happiness and contentment lifting me up until I was as light as a feather.

  Cheers and whoops echoed around us.

  Sliding my eyes to the side, blood rushed to my cheeks. Then I realized that my legs were wrapped around his waist, his hands hugging my behind and holding me up.
Light as a feather, my ass. Pressing my eyes closed, I touched my lips to his. “We have an audience.”

  “Screw them,” was his growled reply, “We’re in love.”

  I heard the door open, footsteps padding across the floor, then it closed with a soft click. “Are we alone?”


  “Then how about you show me the kitchen?”

  “You have a thing about kitchens,” he replied, but we were already moving across the room.

  Ignoring him, I nibbled at the corner of his mouth. “I hope you remembered to put a table in this one.”

  “You can bet your sweet ass I did.”

  “Then let’s go test how sturdy it is.” My saucy comeback was swallowed by his lips moving against mine, obliterating all coherent thoughts for the next hour. Okay, the next couple of hours. It was a kitchen, after all, there was no need to surface anytime soon.

  Keep turning the page for a sneak peak of Promised: True Mates Book #1

  If you’d like to know when I next have a new release, please sign up to my newsletter!

  Also by Olivia Arran

  Recommended Reading Order

  True Mates (series complete)

  Found: Book 0.5 (Claire & Adam) Standalone short Prequel - buy HERE

  Promised: Book 1 (Kara & James) buy HERE

  Taken: Book 2 (Lisa & Sean) buy HERE

  Healed: Book 3 (Amanda & Tarq) buy HERE

  Redeemed: Book 4 (Macey & Jason) - buy HERE

  Cherished: Book 5 (Ana & Oliver) buy HERE

  OUT NOW - True Mates: The Complete Series - buy HERE

  Alpha Protectors (series complete) (Standalone and can be read in any order)

  Guardian - buy HERE

  Sentinel - buy HERE

  Defender - buy HERE

  Enforcer - buy HERE

  Watcher - buy HERE

  The Everson Brothers (Standalone and can be read in any order)


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