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Crimson Groves

Page 27

by Ashley Robertson

  Elliott came toward me, placing his hand on Miami Vice’s shoulder, eyes alert, voice cautioning: “I apologize for Charles’ tone. Like you, we just have a few questions.” He shook his head slowly. “Don’t you want to know the truth about that man, if that’s what he even is?”

  “What do you mean?” I demanded. My head was so hot, I thought it would explode. Lily didn’t move. She stayed quiet, obedient behind me. Probably scared out of her mind.

  “He is gifted with abilities beyond what any human is capable of having.” Elliott’s face stiffened. “We have also linked him to a few rogue vampires.”

  Tyler had mentioned helping a couple other vampires. But he’d never said anything about them being rogue. “What rogue vampires?”

  Miami Vice’s lips curved into a slight smile. “That is not your concern. We have already dealt with them.”

  I didn’t like the way he said that. His tone gave away how they dealt with those vampires. It was most likely something I didn’t want to know about. But what did that mean for Tyler? Would they “deal” with him the same way? And when he mentioned Tyler had gifts, was he referring to the visions he saw or did they think Tyler had more abilities? If that were true, why would Tyler keep that from me? Oh sure, right, that’s the stupidest question of them all. Whether or not I found Tyler wasn’t the question at this point. Actually, it was whether or not I’d turn him over to the Head Council once I did.

  Elliott took a small step forward, eyes growing expectant. Miami Vice stopped smiling, his face stiff and cold. The other two vampires were watching me very steadily. They were waiting for my answer.

  I swallowed hard. Feeling just a little bit of pressure here. A little bit? Don’t I wish! “I will help you look for the human under two conditions.” My voice was confident, steady. Thank God I didn’t sound as nervous and uncertain as I felt. “One. You will not kill him or hurt him or anything comparable. Two. You will tell me where I can find Conrad Tate.”

  Elliott looked shocked, eyes widening as he looked back at the others. Then he quickly regained his composure, turned back to me, eyes normal and acting as though nothing had ever happened. He reached out his hand and said, “We have a deal.”

  Even though I shook his hand, I wasn’t sure if I could trust him.



  LILY DECIDED TO STAY IN FLORIDA, for now anyway. Her multiple requests to come with me were denied. There was no way I was going to put her in danger as I tried to find both Tyler and my father. The Head Council mentioned a few places my father was known to spend time at; however, they also cautioned me that Conrad Tate was a very dangerous vampire. Yep, he’s not just a vampire, but also a very dangerous one. I was still trying to swallow all of that. And all that crap about my real mom being some powerful, dead, sorceress. Good to know.

  Taking Lily back to Pulse had assured her safety and quenched my blood thirst. Saying good-bye to her proved more difficult than I’d thought it would be. Her parting words still floated about inside my mind like bubbles as I raced against the sun back to Hilton Head.

  “But Abby, I don’t want you to go alone,” she argued through tears. “What if something happens to you? We’ve already seen how easy it is for someone to hurt you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. The Head Council won’t be using any magic against me. They need my help. I think we can trust them for now.” I reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into an embrace. Her body was warm, inviting. “You’re my best friend, Lily, I promise to return to you.”

  She squeezed into me, burying her face in my shoulder. “How can you trust them?”

  “I believe what Trace told me. His gift of discerning is genuine. He showed it to me. I felt it.” I stroked her soft brown hair slowly, comforting her. It reminded me of glossy satin.

  We stood there for several minutes, not speaking, our cheeks moist from tears. I stepped back and looked into her big, beautiful, round eyes, as she smiled fondly, reassuring me. My throat choked up, tears returning to my eyes. I kissed her cheek. It was warm, soft, and alive. Then, in a flash of movement, I was gone, never looking back.

  Rayver’s Pub was a block away, sunrise just minutes away. Streetlamps spewed faint light like hazy round balls. The sidewalks were empty of people, the streets barren of cars and bikes. The air was damp. There was dew on my skin, clothes, and hair. It felt cool, sticky. I hurried to the pub’s entrance, the daylight clock ticking in my head as if it were a time bomb, which, in a way, it was.

  Quinn and Britney were on their way out. Leaving the vampires behind for a restful day full of sunshine, I was sure. “Hey, Anna.” Britney waved as they passed me, then crossed her arms around her chest. A jean jacket was draped over her green shirtdress, all the buttons done, her body shivering in the bone-chilling air. Quinn smiled shyly, charmed. He wrapped his arm around his daughter, huddled closer to her, and then they disappeared out of the pub. I was going to have to tell them my real name the next time I saw them. Or maybe they could just keep calling me Anna. Sounded close enough.

  Stone sat at the bar alone, his back slumped over, elbows on the countertop, his head resting on the backs of his hands. I sat down beside him. His hair was a mess and his black shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his perfectly sculpted chest—stunning. He stared at a glass filled with ice, a golden thin puddle hovering at the bottom. “I wondered if you’d return.” He didn’t look at me, his focus heavy on the empty drink.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re that pissed off?” My voice sounded shocked, cocky. I nervously ran my fingers through my hair. It was still damp and sticky. Maybe a shower would be good. It would be my first shower since becoming a vampire. Yippy!

  “You think it’s funny that you just vanished without a trace? I tracked you to North Florida and then, just like you, your scent disappeared.” He still wouldn’t look at me.

  I grabbed his arm, tugging gently. His head bobbed side to side, then rose. After resisting a short while, he finally, very slowly, turned to me. He was frowning. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t want you, or anyone else to get hurt. It’s over now. I’m okay. Bronx is dead.”

  “You killed Bronx?” His frown vanished, eyebrows dipping, his lips slightly open.

  I nodded, smiling.

  “With your pyrokinesis?”

  I nodded again, bigger smile, flashing teeth and fangs.

  “I don’t believe it!” He grinned—dazzling, incredible.

  “Well, it’s true.” My head tilted to the side, hair rushing over my shoulder, draping slightly over my face. The bangs felt stuck to my forehead.

  Stone swept his fingers across my face, moving some of my hair out of the way. “You’re blond.”

  “It’s my natural color.”

  “I like it,” he said.

  “Me too.” I stared down at the countertop and then told him everything that happened. How Bronx captured me and held me prisoner, along with the vampire from 7, and how it was all Tyler’s fault. Then Tyler ended up changing sides and trying to help me. Stone’s face lit up like Christmas morning when we got to the part about Bronx’s death, so I made sure to tell him all the details. It was still hard to believe that I’d actually killed him. Even though Bronx deserved it, something didn’t sit right with me about it. I was a murderer now—no matter what my reasons were. But at least I wouldn’t be punished for it. There’s always a silver lining on every cloud. Right? Sure.

  I told him all about the Head Council, my real mother, my vampire father, and how I’m some kind of hybrid species. He laughed when I said that. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “The hybrid thing sounds kind of funny.”

  Yeah it kind of did. “Did you know about the sorceress?”

  Stone nodded. “I’ve heard about her. But she died a long time ago. No one really mentions her anymore. I would’ve never dreamed that you were her daughter.”

  I smiled. “Well, that’s what Trace told me.”

  “Did he use his g
ift on you?”


  “Then whatever he told you is the truth. So you’re definitely a hybrid thingy.” Stone playfully nudged my shoulder.

  “Ha ha. Very funny.” I tucked my hair behind my ears.

  “So what about Tyler?” Stone took my hand inside his, holding it gently.

  “One of the Head Council, Tristan I think, is tracking him.” I bit my bottom lip and looked at Stone. “But they want me to help find him too.”

  Stone frowned, face full of disappointment. “Are you going to?”

  I swallowed hard. “I kind of made a deal with them. I don’t have a choice.”

  Stone picked up his ice-filled glass. “Want something to drink?” He reached behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of Glen Levitt.

  “Sure. That’s probably a good idea,” I said.

  He twisted the cap off and drank a big gulp straight from the bottle. “You’re not going alone. Promise me you won’t.” He sounded very serious.

  I jerked the bottle out of his hands. He didn’t fight me. “I can take care of myself! Did you not hear anything I just told you?” I brought the bottle to my lips and chugged. It was warm, pungent. I preferred it on ice.

  Stone gave a graceful shrug. “I know how strong you are, but you’re not emotionally bulletproof. You will need someone to help you. Both with your father”—he paused as if trying to figure out the best words to say—“and with that human.” He slipped the Glen Levitt out of my hands.

  Those words stung my face as if they were an electric current. He was right. Emotionally I was unstable. Seeing Tyler again was going to stir up all kinds of feelings. Combine that with a possible father-daughter reunion and it could equal a disaster. “All right. Fair enough,” I said. “And if I don’t go alone, does that mean you’re coming with?”

  “Who else do you think?” He snickered, voice serious.

  I stole a moment to think about it. It really would be nice to have someone with me, helping me, supporting me. I knew I could count on Stone for that. “Okay.”

  “Okay what?”

  “We’re doing this together, you and me. And you better not get yourself killed.” With a straight face, I stared at him.

  Both of us burst into laughter, and I grabbed my stomach to ease the twisted knots. Stone did the same. We laughed together a short while. Oh it felt so good to feel happy, momentarily carefree. Stone reached over, slid his arms around me, and pulled me into a caring embrace. “I was so freaking worried about you,” he quietly murmured, lips tickling my ear. “Thank you for doing it my way this time. It’s only because I care, you know?”

  Here came the tears, filling up my eyes like a tunnel getting flooded. My throat constricted, trying to fight them back. Stone’s grasp tightened around me. It was comforting, safe. And it accelerated my tears like gasoline on a fire. I tucked my head under his chin and buried my face into his bare chest. It was much warmer than I’d thought it would be. It was nice, comfortable. It felt like home, the closest thing I had to it anyway. I slipped my arms around him and held him back.

  “I know you care. And I appreciate that you want to help me,” I said, voice soft and a little crackly. I was getting control of my emotions back, thank God.

  His grip loosened and we both sat back, gazing intently at each other.

  “So when do we leave?” he asked.

  I mulled it over in my head for a moment. “I don’t know.”

  “Did the Head Council give you a time frame?”

  I shrugged. “Not really. But I know I don’t have forever.”

  He half laughed, rolling his eyes. “So I guess that means we’ll find the human first.”

  “Pretty much. I don’t really think they care about my father.” I grabbed the bottle of scotch and took a couple sips, then wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “I’m the one that wants to find my father. I have questions that only he can answer.”

  He took the bottle from me, chugged down a hefty amount. “What if he doesn’t want to be found?”

  “It’s really not up to him! I deserve to know more about my real mother!”

  Stone’s eyes grew wide. He flashed around, facing the entrance.

  “What is it?” I asked. I followed the direction of his view but didn’t see anything. But then I picked up his scent and didn’t have to.

  “I know you’re there!” Stone called out, standing up from the barstool, eyes narrow. He looked ready to fight.

  I jumped up and placed my hands on his chest. “Please don’t. Let me talk to him.”

  “This is my bar! He’s not welcome here, unless he’s here to turn himself in!” Stone was shouting so loud I thought the whole block could hear him.

  I pressed harder against Stone’s chest. I glanced back at the entrance. No one came in. Nothing happened…yet. I flicked my eyes back to Stone. “Please, Stone! Do this for me. Give me five minutes to find out what he wants. If I don’t like it, we take him down…together.”

  Stone’s face was full of anger. He looked down at me and it softened just a little. “You know we should bag him now and take him to the Head Council.”

  I nodded, eyes begging, desperate. I didn’t even know why. I’d made a deal. I was under their strict orders. And I knew for a fact he wasn’t here to turn himself in. And Stone knew it too.

  “Five minutes, Abby.” Stone kissed my cheek and then vanished behind the bar.

  I watched the door—nothing there, no movement, no noise.

  “Abby.” Warm air tickled the back of my neck like a feather brushing the skin.

  I flashed around. Tyler was standing right there. How the hell did he get behind me? “How did you do that? What are you doing here?”

  He reached up and cupped my cheeks with his hands. I flinched but didn’t pull away. After a brief moment, I relaxed a little, resting my face more comfortably on him. “I had to see you,” he said, voice soft, tired, his beautiful green eyes threatening to hypnotize me. “I couldn’t leave without seeing you again. I knew you’d be here…even though I know he’s here too.” He frowned and let go of my face.

  “Stone is the least of your worries.”

  “I know. A member of the Head Council is tracking me.” His muscles pulled his cheeks into a sly grin. “I lost him hours ago though.”

  I shrugged. “I’m supposed to help find you. And turn you into them when I do.” Why was I even telling him this? Words kept flowing off my tongue like ocean waves in search of the shore. “They may have acquired more Enforcers to help with the search. Why do they want you so bad? Were you helping rogue vampires?”

  He gazed at me, eyes full of information. “I want to tell you everything. I really do.” He stepped forward and embraced me—tight, meaningful.

  I got a little choked up, throat constricted, stomach tight. Why did it feel so good inside his arms? I was close to crying. God, please not that again. “I can’t let you leave.” My voice was muffled against his chest. “I have to take you to them. I made a deal. They promise your safety.”

  Tyler took a small step back, just enough to look down at me. He caressed my chin with his fingers and lifted it gently, slowly, so that we were looking at each other. His face lowered, lips closer and closer. His eyes were burning green flames in search of oxygen. I was the oxygen. His breathing sped up, deep, heavy. His heartbeat sounded like a marching band on too much caffeine. I did not step away—even though I should have. His lips brushed across mine like tiny electric currents. It fueled my hunger for him as if I were a depleted battery and he was the only way to recharge. I grabbed him by the back of his head with both hands, pressing him closer, tugging at his hair. His hands slid down my back, then crawled their way under the edge of my shirt. His fingertips danced across my skin, soft and gentle like butterfly wings. My hands fell down his neck, fingers digging into his skin. I kissed him harder and harder, my need to be close to him more urgent, desperate. But I can’t do this! Need to stop it! Now!

  I seized him
by the shoulders and pushed back, using just a little extra force. Since he was fueled by my powers, he was tougher to budge now. But I did get him back a few inches. Note to self: Don’t give your boyfriend vampire blood or you can’t fight him off. Wait! He wasn’t my freaking boyfriend!

  “Are you going to turn me in, Abby?” He violently sucked at the air, trying to catch his breath and cool off.

  “Give me one reason, one reason I shouldn’t take you to them! I deserve the truth!”

  He inched closer and I flashed several feet back, crashing into a chair and knocking it over. Tyler’s face crumbled. “I never wanted to lie to you! I wanted to tell you everything! I love you! I swear it!” Tiny streams of tears dropped down his cheeks.

  “So tell me now! Please! What do you know about my father? Why does the Head Council want you?”

  He swallowed hard. “Abby.” He stared down at the floor. This must be bad. He couldn’t even look at me.

  “Spit it out Ty!”

  He let out a long sigh. “Your father is dead.”

  I froze. My whole body went numb. “But he called me. He was trying to warn me about Bronx.”

  Tyler shrugged. “Bronx almost got him then. Your father got away, though. Bronx was beyond pissed off about that.”

  Tyler helped Bronx find my father. He was the reason my father is dead! “You helped him! You helped him find my father and kill him.”

  “No!” Tyler exclaimed, arms rising. “Bronx wasn’t going to kill him. He just wanted to keep him quiet. He was supposed to chain him up like that other vampire!” He took a moment to collect his thoughts. I waited impatiently, seething with anger. “It was an accident. Your father was too strong. He fought back. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  I dropped to the floor as if a Mack truck just crashed into me. I couldn’t handle hearing this, not yet, not now. I slammed my fists against the floor, over and over again. Just a few short minutes ago I was going to find my father, talk to him, get answers, and see him again with my own two eyes, father and daughter. But now that hope was lost, gone, buried forever.


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