Fated Omega: (A M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance) (Fated Omegas Book 1)

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Fated Omega: (A M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance) (Fated Omegas Book 1) Page 1

by Ryan Gray

  Fated Omega

  By Ryan Gray

  Copyright © 2016 by Ryan Gray

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  1. Lucas

  2. Rex

  3. Lucas

  4. Rex

  5. Rex

  6. Lucas

  7. Rex

  8. Lucas

  9. Rex

  10. Lucas

  11. Rex

  12. Lucas

  13. Rex

  14. Lucas

  15. Rex

  16. Lucas

  1. Lucas

  This wasn’t the sort of place I belonged and I knew it. I was just a college kid, not some tough biker looking to throw down. I mean sure I worked out almost religiously, and I could probably handle myself in some misguided drunken brawl, but the other guys here were beyond the level of college fistfights. I still had three months left until my twenty first though. So until I got that magical ID that granted me access to more upstanding bars this dive would have to suffice. It wasn’t so bad really. I just had to keep to myself and the beer kept flowing.

  I fidgeted with my phone, swiping from one screen to the next trying to look occupied. My friends were supposed to be here two beers ago, and I had the sinking feeling they weren’t going to show. I let out a sigh and took a deep gulp from my third beer of the evening. I was already feeling light from the alcohol. I really should have eaten something, but I would rather waste my empty calories on the beer than some cheap fried whatever. It was typical of them to stand me up. They’d probably give me some lame excuse on Monday that I would either have to accept or get used to being a loner.

  I was already aggravated, and the almost constant clacking of pool balls striking together on my right was grating on my last nerve. It rung out in my sensitive ears above even the trashy rock blasting through the place. The small crowd gathered around the pool table was laughing jovially, and I could easily overhear most of their conversation.

  “Man you suck at this. You’re just gonna be giving me all your money,” one of the players taunted the other.

  “You so sure of that? Why don’t we make this interesting then? Thousand bucks says the next game is mine,” the shorter, bulky man covered from neck to hands in tattoos egged on his overconfident opponent. I could smell anticipation dripping off of him, and it was immediately obvious he was taking this guy for a ride. A textbook pool shark.

  “Dude, he’s just swindling you out of your cash,” I muttered under my breath before taking another swig of my beer.

  “You have something to say to my face?” The tattooed con artist turned to face me, and all the bravery drained from my body. I couldn’t back down, but there was no way I could take him in a fight. He had at least fifty pounds on me, and a lower center of gravity. Now that I took a good look at him I saw the scars, both old and fresh, on his arms and chest. Even at a lean and muscular six feet tall I was biting off way more than I could chew. I was no fighter, I was majoring in art history for fucks sake.

  He was brandishing his pool cue like a weapon now, and I knew one step in either direction would earn me a swift knock over the head. So I guess the only question remaining was did I want to get knocked out cold lunging forwards or retreating. My stomach was tangled in knots, but if I had to go down I would at least do it fighting.

  “Kurt knock that shit off,” Came a deep grumbling voice from the other side of the pool table.

  The mysterious figure stood and I didn’t know how I ever missed him. His presence was intense and I could immediately sense the wolf in him. I stepped back deferentially by instinct. This was no ordinary shifter, just his aura set my blood on fire.

  He was hard and muscled, with a cocky grin that seemed to brazenly show the world that he feared nothing. Pure animal energy radiated off of him and it was all I could do to maintain eye contact when he glanced my way. I had never met another shifter like him. He seemed to almost advertise his status as an alpha predator. His dark brown hair was pushed back away from his piercing gray eyes, and I could have spent hours just staring, but now really wasn’t the time.

  “He’s not one of yours Rex, you can’t tell me what to do with him,” The bulky man shot back.

  Rex slowly walked up to Kurt, daring him to make the first move. His eyes were hot with anger, and the easy smile was replaced with a fierce scowl. I was holding my breath, a mixture of fear and adrenaline keeping me rooted to my spot as I watched the power play between these two strangers who held my fate in the balance. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

  Kurt was clearly rattled, but refused to step down. I got the feeling that there was more than just this one incident boiling over, and that Rex had been looking to put Kurt in his place for a while. A hush fell over the bar, and only the wailing of a dated hair band filled the quiet.

  Kurt bared his teeth, and pulled back his arm to throw the first punch. He was too slow. Rex slammed his fist into the short man’s gut making him stumble backwards. The rest of the bar remained still. I had expected chaos to ensure, but everyone was waiting to see what the outcome would be. Just how much history was there here?

  I wondered briefly if I could run for it while they duked it out, but like the rest of the crowd I was stunned into watching the scuffle unfold. I wasn’t one for violence, and I usually ran when I got a whiff of danger in the air, but I was powerless to move. Something deep was drawing me to this Alpha. I couldn’t abandon him before we even met.

  Kurt was enraged by the blow he took to the stomach, and swung hard against Rex’s side. He pummeled his fists into the hard body of the ferocious alpha that had come to my rescue. Rex dodged what he could, but staggered as the blows visibly shook him. Still, he wasn’t going to go down so easily. He let out a guttural scream and swung hard at his opponents head knocking Kurt to the floor.

  As Kurt pulled himself to his feet I caught the glimmer of metal in his right hand. He brandished a knife and seemed eager to make quick work of Rex, even if it took dirty tactics.

  “Look out,” I called out shaken from my stupor. I hadn’t even met the guy before but when I thought he was in danger my heart clenched in my chest. I had to act even if I was placing myself in harm’s way.

  It all backfired. Rex turned to look at me and Kurt seized the opportunity. He slashed at Rex like a mad dog, catching his arm and leaving a deep cut that was soon gushing crimson.

  That was Kurt’s last mistake of the evening. A wounded alpha was nothing to mess with and Rex was proof. He lashed out viciously, with no mind to tend his wounds. He threw punch after punch, the harsh sounds of his fist hitting soft flesh filled the room. He was growling and snarling as he held nothing back He pressed down hard on the pressure point of Kurt’s forearm to force his hand open and I flinched just imagining the feeling. The knife clattered to the ground and in one fluid motion Rex scooped it off the floor and jammed it hard into Kurt’s thigh.

  Kurt let out an ear piercing wail, and immediately focused all of his attention on the wound. Rex t
ook the opportunity to deliver one final blow, laying Kurt out cold on the floor. His cocky smile was back, but with the blood running down his arm he looked slightly more intimidating.

  Without the adrenaline of the competition keeping him going Rex hunched over in pain. Even gushing blood and freshly bruised he remained in control, not crying out like Kurt had. Without thought I rushed to his side. The police could be on their way and I needed to make sure that the man who intervened for my sake didn’t end up locked up for assault. It was the least I could do.

  I swung his limp arm over my shoulder and wrapped my arm around his waist for support. “We have to get out of here,” I urged him on, but whether he was actually listening was a mystery.

  Kurt was passed out on the floor, his knife sticking straight out of his thigh and bleeding profusely. The wound wasn’t deep and he would surely survive it, with a brand new scar to add to his collection. We stumbled past him, letting him lie there. Someone more charitable than I would be the one to get him somewhere safe.

  Rex’s eyes were hazy, with none of the intense fire from only moments ago. His head lolled to the side and rested against mine and I struggled to keep him upright. He had a good four inches on me, so there was no way to comfortably rest his head on my shoulder and still have him support himself. Every step was a challenge, but we eventually made it to the relative safety of my car.

  The dark turn in the night had sobered me up quickly, and there was no way I was sticking around. I quickly pulled out and drove us the only place I could think of, my apartment.

  As I lugged Rex into my home I was immensely grateful to live alone. I had no good explanation for dragging a mostly unconscious, bleeding, six foot four Adonis of a man into my bedroom in the middle of the night. Well at least no concise explanation.

  I kicked open my bedroom door and lead my companion to the bed. As soon as he hit the covers it was lights out and even his minimal help ceased. Great.

  I couldn’t be angry though. If he hadn’t stepped in and literally taken a knife for me I would be the one nursing wounds. I had to imagine I would have fared a lot worse in that confrontation than he had. I would probably be the one who ended up with a knife in me on the bar floor. I shuddered at the image.

  His arm was bleeding, but I was going to have to pull off his jacket to get a better look. I carefully undressed him, first pulling off his jacket, and then his shirt. It felt a bit wrong to be undressing an unconscious man in my bed, but I brushed the feeling aside. I had been drawn to him instantly, but this wasn’t about that. He needed my help.

  I threw his shirt to the side. It was drenched in blood and one sleeve was almost entirely cut off. He could borrow one of my shirts in the morning, this one was ruined. Despite my mental protestations that this was nothing sexual I couldn’t help but take in the sight of him shirtless. He was completely ripped, and his abs seemed to go on forever. I fought the urge to trace the deep v of his pelvis with my fingers, and refocused my attention on the gash on his arm.

  The wolf in me wanted to lick his wounds clean, to show him what good care I could take of him. My inner beast didn’t usually surface for things like this, but ever since I set eyes on Rex it seemed to be taking control. Instead I dabbed a damp cloth along the incision. It was a rough cut and his torn skin was sure to scar. What a shame to mar such a perfect body. I ran my fingertips gingerly down his arms, providing some comfort even if he wasn’t awake to appreciate it.

  With the wound now clean I wrapped it tight in white gauze. With my work complete I could head to the couch and get some sleep for myself, but something kept me there. I watched the steady rise and fall of his chest, unable to pull myself away.

  I knew I shouldn’t, but the rush of the night made me bold and I curled up beside him. His aura calmed me, and the tension of the evening melted away. I quickly fell asleep in the safety of his presence.

  2. Rex

  My eyes opened to a world that made no sense. I was aching everywhere, and my right arm stung like I had been bitten hard. If not for the calming warmth at my side I might have lashed out, but instead I took in my surroundings.

  Slowly I pulled myself up into a sitting position. Every move sent pain coursing through my body, but I could handle it. I was used to defending my position and the scrapes that came along with it. The previous night came back slowly and I realized who had given me these painful mementos. Things with Kurt had been threatening to come to a head for a long time now, but I never expected the brawl to end up being over some guy.

  Well more than some guy if I was honest with myself. The instant he walked into that bar I felt the hair rising on the back of my neck. The scent of him set me on edge in the best possible way. I was drawn to him, and I wasn’t going to let some halfwit like Kurt fuck up his pretty face. I ran my fingers across my freshly bandaged arm. He had taken care of me last night and fallen asleep by my side, even I had to smile at that. It had been a long time since someone outside my pack had shown me such thoughtfulness.

  I took in his figure sleeping peacefully beside me. Time seemed to slow as I watched him sleep soundly, taking in his expression. He had a gentle face for a wolf, even with his pouty lips tucked into a slight frown and his eyebrows furrowed together. Whatever he was dreaming of played across his face, and I almost chuckled as he snarled in his sleep. I was always a wolf in my dreams, maybe he was the same. With a groan he awoke, but I couldn’t even tear my eyes away to feign modesty.

  His eyes fluttered open, a flash of gold and green that gave away his true nature. Why hadn’t I seen him before? If this was his place he had to belong to one of the local packs. I knew every wolf worth knowing in the twin rivers region. If he was really what I thought he was I should have sensed him before. I was always told I would know my fated mate anywhere, so why hadn’t I seen him until last night?

  “You’re awake,” he muttered while looking up at me, his dazzling eyes still heavy with sleep.

  “So are you,” I replied lightly, drinking in his features. The electricity was still crackling between us, and every second spent gazing at him was intoxicating. I always had control, but now I was in a battle with my own urges. I wanted to reach out and touch him, to claim him right there, but I needed to be sure first.

  “I just meant, uh, how are you feeling?” He replied, clearly flustered and I enjoyed the effect.

  “I’m fine,” I brushed off his concern, “I’ve dealt with worse than a couple stabs before.”

  He was fidgeting and I could tell there was something he was debating saying. His eyebrows were furrowed like while he was dreaming, and I had to know what was on his mind.

  “Out with it then,” I commanded him.

  “Why did you save me?” He asked in one breath, his eyes searching my face for clues.

  “Because you’re mine,” I responded simply and I could see the worry amplify on his face. “You had to feel it too.”

  “I did,” He admitted hesitantly. It was enough for now.

  I reached out my hand and cupped his precious face. I could sense his pulse quickening as our skin met. I breathed his scent in deep, and all my questions were answered. Yes this was my mate. Yes I was going to make him mine.

  I could already feel my cock stirring in my jeans. Fuck it had been a long time. I pulled him up to meet my lips, and hungrily plunged my tongue in his mouth. He even tasted sweet. I traced my hot kisses down the side of his jaw, pausing where my lips met his neck. I nibbled lightly, wanting to leave my mark on this man. He was mine now, and forever.

  He moaned a small exclamation as I bit him, and it fueled my passion. I traced my rough hands along his firm abs, slowly dragging my fingertips across each ridge. Every motion was tinged with the hint of pain from my injuries, but the promise of pleasure overwhelmed the discomfort.

  My mate wrapped his arms around me, digging his nails hard into my back. He pulled me closer to him, pressing my hard chest against his. I could feel his erection against mine through his loose paja
ma pants, and a shiver of pleasure ran through me. I slid my hand between us, and past the elastic of his boxers to feel his length. He was throbbing from my touch, aching for me already. I slowly ran my hand under his shaft stroking him from base to tip. He grew even harder under my fingers, and groaned out with desire.

  I pulled back my hand and he whined his displeasure, but I wasn’t about to let him come so easily.

  He sunk down on the bed before me, dragging his hands down my side as he went. Carefully he wrapped on finger on each side through the belt loop of my pants and pulled them down. My cock sprang free, and I watched my partners eyes grow wide as he took me in.

  Slowly he ran his tongue down my length, kissing and licking me even harder. I was about to burst, but I clenched my thighs and held back. I wanted to savor this. His lips parted at my tip and he carefully slid my cock in his mouth. I tangled my hands in his sandy blond hair and barely resisted the urge to shove myself deep down his throat.

  He quickly fell into rhythmically sliding me in and out of his mouth, driving me to new heights of pleasure. I pulled him back roughly by his hair, trying to keep him from pushing me over the edge. Lust was written all over his face, and I knew that I couldn’t wait any longer to take him. I wanted to own every inch of him.

  With a sharp shove he was laying back on the bed, offering up his body to me. His legs wrapped around my waist and I positioned the head of my cock, still dripping with his saliva at his entrance. His breathing was hard, and my pulse was racing. The wolf in me wouldn’t be denied any longer. This was my mate and I needed to be inside him.

  Slowly I inched myself inside his tight hole, letting him relax around me. He felt amazing wrapped around my cock. Once I had fully submerged myself in him I began to thrust. I could almost see the pleasure pouring over him as he threw his head back, clenching his gorgeous golden-green eyes shut.

  He slowly worked up and down his own shaft as I worked my way in and out of him. I could see the glisten of precum, budding at the tip of his cock and I knew that he was riding the same wave of pleasure as me. Soon we would crash together.


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