Fated Omega: (A M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance) (Fated Omegas Book 1)

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Fated Omega: (A M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance) (Fated Omegas Book 1) Page 2

by Ryan Gray

  I went faster, every pump bringing me closer to the ultimate climax. My eyes shut and all I could see was the whoosh of the forest flying by as I ran, faster and faster, until everything came crashing down around me. I couldn’t hold back any longer and a vicious orgasm overtook my body and I spilled my sticky mess deep inside my partner.

  I took his cock in my hand, and in a few vigorous stroked he sputtered out his own pleasure with a howl of passion, making a mess of my hand and his stomach.

  I collapsed beside the man I was planning to call mine.

  “I’m Lucas, by the way” My partner offered his name as he snuggled up next me. I probably should have asked before getting hot and heavy, but a wolf’s libido was a hard thing to deny.

  I wrapped my arms around him. It felt unfamiliar, but not unwelcome. Usually I was the sort to bolt after sex, but right then I had no such compulsion. It must have been the difference between a hot one night stand and something more. Not that this wasn’t amazingly hot.

  “Why haven’t I seen you around before now? Whose pack are you from?” I asked as I traced meaningless patterns along his side. I had never wanted to feel so close to someone before, but if we were going to be mates I needed to focus on the practicalities first.

  “I’m not,” He replied casually, not knowing that he was destroying our chance to be together with his every word. “My pack died out with my parents, I’m the last” he admitted more somberly.

  My head was reeling as I shifted from the immense satisfaction of our passion to the cold hard truth. As the Alpha it was my job to ensure the success of my pack, both by fathering children and making favorable alliances. There was no gain from being tied to an omega with no pack, but I still couldn’t deny my desire.

  “I see,” was all I replied. I knew in that instant if I wanted Lucas as my mate I had to be prepared to fight tooth and claw for it.

  3. Lucas

  After our exertions we fell back asleep, naked and entangled. It was a happiness I had never known before, to feel completely comfortable with someone else. I knew when we woke we would have to part, and I could only hope it wouldn’t be for long.

  “Omega,” he called back to me from my front door as he left, his voice deep and gritty. “You’re part of my pack now. You’ll come to me when I call you.”

  Part of me wanted to resist, to show him that he couldn’t have complete control over me after nothing more than one night, but at the same time I desperately wanted to give in. Rex had satisfied me in a way no one ever had before, and I was already craving to have him inside me again.

  “Okay,” I replied giving in to the side that wanted his protection, and craved his affection. He needed only to snap his fingers and I would come running if it meant another romp like the one that morning.

  He nodded his satisfaction with my answer, and just like that strode out the door. My whole world was spinning. Without the intense connection between me and Rex filling the air and distracting me I was at a loss on how to proceed.

  I took a cool shower, trying to clear my head as I let the water pour over my naked frame. When I thought logically everything that had happened in the last twelve hours was insane. How had a casual night out turned into meeting my soulmate and agreeing to become a part of his pack?

  The thought made me uneasy. I had been alone since my parents died, and now I was jumping into a world where I wasn’t sure I belonged. The water continued to pour over me like a thousand feathery touches, and I wished that it was Rex’s touch all over my body. Nothing had felt confusing or intimidating while he was by my side. Now I was at a loss.

  Days passed and soon two weeks had gone by without so much as a word from Rex. I was beginning to feel silly for putting so much of myself into what he had apparently only seen as a one night stand.

  I tried to push thoughts of our one amazing night to the back of my mind, and luckily my courses were providing a decent distraction. I was staying late again at the library, but the words in my thick art history textbook were blurring together. God I was starving. Not just starving though, I had the oddest craving for the fries down at the fifth street burger place. My mouth was salivating at the thought, and no substitute would suffice.

  I shoved my heavy textbook in my backpack and left the library on a mission. A cool breeze blew, pleasantly brushing my hair off my face. It was the perfect evening for a walk. Plus I could use the exercise, I hadn’t changed my gym schedule, but I seemed to be packing on some extra weight. I didn’t want to believe I had avoided the freshman 15 only to put on the junior 20, but it was creeping up on me.

  I was a block away and I could smell the greasy burger joint hanging heavy in the air. It turned my stomach and I immediately backpedaled. What the hell was wrong with me? My stomach was churning and I did the only thing I could, vomited in a nearby bush hoping if anyone saw me they would just assume I was drunk.

  I had smelled some truly rotten things with my heightened sense of smell, but greasy burgers were usually a good scent. Especially when I had been craving them all evening. My stomach was all out of whack. I’d just have to head home, have something light, and hope I felt better in the morning.

  My feet were dragging by the time I made it back to my apartment. The air that had been pleasantly cool had gone cold and I was miserable. I flopped down on my couch and peeled my bloated feet from my sneakers. I really needed to up the cardio. I dreaded the thought of standing back up, but my stomach was still rumbling. The nausea had subsided and now the hunger had returned. I just hoped that whatever I came down with would pass quickly. Getting sick just in time for midterms was not on my to do list.

  After a quick trip to the fridge, where nothing looked appetizing but something would have to suffice I threw myself back down on the couch. I had flipped on the TV and was scrolling through the guide aimlessly when my phone buzzed to life.

  Immediately my heart was in my throat. Could it be Rex? I eagerly scooped the phone up only to find disappointment. No it was my presentation partner Ethan canceling our prep session for tomorrow. He caught some sort of stomach bug, guess it was going around. This had to stop. Every innocuous text or call for the last two weeks had me hoping and then disappointed. It was a terrible roller coaster of nerves. No wonder my stomach was acting up.

  Simultaneously relieved and annoyed I returned to my fascinating viewing of the TV Guide. Still the question was eating at the back of my mind, why hadn’t he called?

  Screw it. I wasn’t going to sit around and wait like some damsel in distress. I was going to go find Rex and get a straight answer out of him, and that would be that. I pulled an oversized sweater out of my closet and shrugged it on over my shoulders. Well it had been oversized, now it was a bit snug. Not exactly the look I wanted to make Rex regret leaving my by the wayside, but it would have to do.

  I hadn’t been out in the woods for a long time, it would do me some good to feel the wind in my fur again. I sent Rex a quick text before taking off. Either he could call me back or I would find him. Either way we were resolving things tonight.

  4. Rex

  This wasn’t like me. My head had been a mess ever since that night with Lucas, and now my pack was starting to notice that something was off. I sat back in my chair while the rest of the group chatted loudly around me. I kept my nose in my water, and a stoic look on my face. I knew I should just try and have fun, but Lucas was still weighing heavily on my mind. It’s not like I could just ask my pack to accept a mate that brought no advantages, but I also couldn’t just let him go. There had to be a way to keep both.

  “You’re not drinking again tonight?” Clark asked on my right snapping me out of my head. His eyebrows were knit together in concern, and I noticed the rest of the table had quieted down. They were all wondering what was up with me, but I had no answer to give.

  “You should count yourself lucky,” I replied casually. “When I drink I tend to get us in trouble, remember?”

  “Yeah, but I like trouble,” Cl
ark roared back with a deep laugh. The rest of the table joined in and soon the volume had risen once more letting me sink back into the background.

  Clark leaned in close to me so the others couldn’t hear. “Seriously though dude, what’s wrong with you lately? You shouldn’t have secrets from us. We’re your family.”

  I let out a heavy sigh. He was right. I was the leader, but my first duty was my pack. If I didn’t get this off of my chest it was going to hurt everyone.

  “I met a guy,” I confessed

  “Well shit Rex, you meet a guy every weekend,” Clark laughed, thoroughly unimpressed.

  “This was different. It felt permanent.” I struggled to confess. I had never taken a relationship seriously before, and I wasn’t even sure if I could call this a relationship. Not yet at least.

  “Permanent how? Like fated?” He asked in a hushed tone.

  “Yeah, like that.” I responded firmly.

  “That’s great,” Clark responded enthusiastically. I had to admit it felt good to tell someone else how I felt. It made it real. “We could use the fresh blood, what pack is he from? Not Cole’s I hope. That guy is a straight up asshole.”

  “No, he’s not with Cole,” I said hesitantly, dancing around the true issue. “He’s not with anyone actually.”

  “You’re serious?” Clark leaned back in his chair, his jovial nature quickly growing sober. “Our pack is already the smallest in the region, if you choose a mate with no ties we could actually die out. You get that right?”

  I knew that. It had been driving me mad for two weeks, but hearing it out loud make my heart sink even deeper. I couldn’t destroy my pack for my own happiness.

  “It’s not my choice Clark,” I responded weakly. I knew that I was behaving absurdly. More than that I was opening myself up to a coup. If I was a beta witnessing this behavior I would be drawing up a plan to usurp leadership in a heartbeat. That thought had to be running through Clark’s mind too.

  Clark was staring me down, and the tension grew palpable in the air between us. He had never questioned my personal life before, but when it came to mates it wasn't just my personal life hanging in the balance. I was impacting my pack just as much as myself, maybe even more so. An alpha with a lone mate was denying their pack not just alliances. It was like telling them I didn't care if they found mates or not. That I didn't care if our pack died out and was forgotten. I couldn't blame them if they took it as a personal affront.

  "Well if you really think that's for the best Rex," Clark said with a shrug. His words were indifferent but I had a hunch this wasn't the last time the topic was going to come up. The carefree mood had been lost, and we each focused on the glass in front of us, unable to move on from such a difficult topic.

  "Another lover's quarrel?" Alexa asked with her usual grin, interjecting to try and lighten the mood.

  Alexa was the sort of girl that could brighten any room with just a smile and a comment, but this was beyond even her talents.

  "Something like that," I growled into my drink. I wasn't in the mood to be cheered up. Especially not with a play romance of all things.

  Alexa took the hint and backed off. I must have looked truly menacing to get that one to drop it. She had a knack for being persistent. It was an excellent quality, until it was turned back on you.

  My phone buzzed under the table and I pulled it out of my pocket to reveal Lucas' name across the screen. A pang of guilt shot through me. I should have called him days ago, but I didn't want to fall in deeper until I knew this could really work. It would only make things more painful in the end.

  I shoved the phone back in my pocket. If we were really fated he would forgive me right? Either that or I was royally fucking up ever having a chance and would die alone. Yeah one of the two.

  "Hey Rex, have you figured out where you want to do the graduation party yet?" Alexa asked, pulling me back into their dull conversation. My phone was burning a hole in my pocket and every second that passed I was letting Lucas slip further away. I couldn't take it anymore.

  "I have to go," I said, and bolted out of my chair with no other explanation. I was going to find Lucas and I was going to make this work, or end it tonight.

  5. Rex

  In the woods behind the bar I finally pulled out my phone and read the message Lucas had sent.

  'We need to talk. I'm coming to find you.'

  Just how was he going to find me exactly? It's true as soon as I saw him in that bar I could sense him, but he wasn't really planning on scouring the forest and hoping he could sense me. Was he? Well I had left him hanging for a few weeks. If he was desperate I only had myself to blame. I was going to have to find him, before he stumbled into trouble.

  I stripped out of my clothes, peeling off layer by layer until I was stark naked. A chilled wind whipped around my bare form sending a shiver from my scalp to my feet. I wouldn't be cold for long though.

  Thick tufts of fur sprouted along my limbs before enveloping my body whole. I brushed my tail from side to side, relishing the feeling of my wolf form. The dark night was suddenly no obstacle. I could make out the rodents and critters scurrying to get out of my path as I ran deep into the woods.

  I had no plan. There was nothing I could plan for. I just had to hope that my intuition and out bond would be strong enough to find Lucas. I quickened my pace, my ears twitching as I strained to hear anything that might lead me to him. This area wasn’t safe. Especially for someone with no pack. What was he thinking?

  A group of wolves howled in the distance and my blood ran ice cold. Had they found Lucas alone and wandering where he didn’t belong? I sprinted off in the direction of the sound, ignoring all of our established borders. Nothing would keep me from him. If he was in danger I had to be there to protect him.

  It took only minutes for me to reach a wide clearing, and see that my deepest fears had come true. Lucas was crumpled on the ground in the middle of the clearing. I recognized the wolves surrounding him as members of Cole’s pack, but there alpha was nowhere to be seen. Clark’s words rang in my ears. I didn’t care. Nothing would stop me from protecting him.

  They hadn’t sensed my arrival, giving me the upper hand. One of the smaller betas bared his fangs and lunged towards Lucas’ unconscious form. I snarled and pounced on the attacker, digging my fangs deep into his neck. The beta yelped, but I didn’t want to stop. He hurt my mate, and he was going to pay.

  I growled low, making my intentions know. I lunged for the small betas neck once more, but he was faster when he expected it. He pulled back, but was too injured to make a counter move. Every inch of my powerful haunches propelled me forward, and I pinned the offender to the ground fully intending to bring him to his end. His pack watched every move, but none dared to step in. They may have hated me, but they weren’t dumb enough to get in my way.

  Out of nowhere a large male came bounding towards us. He knocked me off of the offending beta with a shove. The onlookers watched with lowered tails and flattened ears. I stood tall in contrast, the rough hairs on my shoulders on edge. I wouldn’t back down to Cole, even if he did have the biggest pack in the area. He had taken one of mine and put his life on the line. I couldn’t let it slide.

  “We had an agreement,” I said through clenched teeth. It took everything I had not to lunge at the soft underside of his throat. Lucas was still huddled on the floor, but his steady breathing gave me some comfort. Not enough though.

  “He’s not one of yours. It’s not like you have a big enough group for someone to get forgotten,” Cole barked.

  “He’s my mate. Attacking him is a direct attack on my pack,” I rumbled.

  “He’s you mate?” Cole said with a deep roar of laughter. “Well, he suits you.”

  With a nod of his head Cole’s pack gathered behind him, the injured beta taking up the rear. Lucky little shit. A few more minutes and there would have been no saving him.

  “If he lives, remind your little mate here not to stick his nose where it doe
sn’t belong. Otherwise, I’ll finish this myself next time.” With his parting threat Cole delved back into the forest, his pack following in his wake. If not for Lucas’ injuries I would have chased him down and shown him just what I thought of his threats. Now wasn’t the time though.

  I scooped Lucas up in my arms. His skin was hot against mine, and his flushed face was scrunched together in a troubled expression of pain. He was so fragile. Every instinct in my body was yelling at me to protect him. I brushed a few errant strands of hair from his face and was off. I could enjoy his presence once I knew we were safe.

  6. Lucas

  My head was pounding, my ears were ringing, and every muscle in my body was stiff. It didn’t matter. He was beside me. Rex’s cool hand brushed carefully along my hot cheeks, soothing and comforting me. His deep voice hummed an unfamiliar tune that made me feel like I was home. Like as long as we were together I was home.

  I opened my eyes and was treated to a warm smile. Even in our short time together I had gotten so used to Rex’s fierceness that it almost caught me off guard to witness such a genuine expression.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked as he continued to brush his hand along my face.

  “Not great,” I said in a raspy croak, my throat was on fire.

  Rex held a bottle of water up to my lips, and I eagerly wanted to gulp it down.

  “Slowly,” He commanded and I obeyed. I denied my urge and let the refreshing water trickle down my throat, rehydrating my battered body. Every gulp sent a sharp pain ripping through my side, but the pain was worth it.

  “What happened?” I asked unable to contain my curiosity. I remembered being attacked, and Rex swooping in to save me once again. After that it was all a blur of pain and darkness.

  “You came to find me, but you wandered into Cole’s territory. Then you told his pack you were looking for me. Not the best choice.” Rex chided me.


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