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In the Rough

Page 8

by Sara Brookes

  Marcus’s mouth twisted for a moment. “Yeah. Intercourse doesn’t truly matter, to be honest. Not at this stage. Though I would like to test that component of the program before unleashing it on the members.” He paused, his gaze flashing as it became clear who he’d like for the test subject to be. “Sex isn’t off the table for me, just so you know. Blood is. That’s about my only hard limit. I can take all the rest.”

  Enver grinned. “We’ll see about that. Need a few things. Care to fix me up before we get started?” He rattled off a list of items he’d like to have, and a few moments later they appeared on top of a long table pushed against the wall. He stepped over, brushing his fingers against the array of items, as though testing their authenticity.

  The rope felt strange in Enver’s hand. He knew logically he was in a room on the first floor of Noble House wearing a crazy setup Marcus had given him. But because of Marcus’s program, Enver also knew he was standing in a replica of the room where reality was augmented. He saw the rope in his hand, felt the uneven texture in his palm, but he was also aware of the fact it wasn’t actually there.

  Truly a dream within a dream.

  “It’s better if you relax and just let instinct guide you,” Marcus offered.

  “Is my nervousness that easy to see?”

  Marcus tapped the side of his forehead. “I have a transparent display in my set that relays data as we’re inside. The heads-up display is admin level so I can monitor all your vitals. Your pulse has been elevated since I dropped you into the program, but even more so since you picked up the rope.”

  Which meant he couldn’t hide anything. Since he’d volunteered to play guinea pig for Marcus, he owed it to the man to give him full attention. And his expertise. He clutched the rope in his hand, trying to think about all the reasons this was a bad idea—and couldn’t come up with a single one.

  “Let’s do this.”

  Chapter Ten

  Marcus didn’t need his HUD in his unit to know Enver was operating well out of his comfort zone. He’d have to figure out some way to make this up to Enver when they were outside again. A round of drinks or something. It wasn’t often people went so against their comfort zone for Marcus. Usually, it was the other way around.

  “Same rules of physics apply in here as in the real world,” he told Enver. “Of course, that can be adjusted depending on the user preference, but the idea is to simulate reality with some enhancements. We can test out the range, but for now I’ve got it set to normal.”

  “So no leaping tall buildings in single bound?” Enver cracked a smile that clenched Marcus’s gut. “You going to keep your clothes on for this?”

  That raised eyebrow nearly brought Marcus to his knees. After that kiss, his system was more unsettled than he’d expected. Good thing Enver couldn’t see his vitals.

  “I mean, it’s only fair,” Enver said conversationally. “Though you could have altered a few more things when you’ve had the pleasure of seeing me nude in real life. Or maybe you really want the full experience?” He stepped back, a change darkening his eyes.

  Even though Marcus was the programmer, it was a thing of beauty to watch Enver slip into a different mindset. He’d been wanting to see it since he learned Enver would be the one assisting him, and now he was finally going to get the chance up close and personal.

  “Strip,” Enver ordered in a voice that spoke of sin and command.

  Marcus swallowed. He didn’t have to be physically nude to accommodate the order, but the imposing tone certainly made him want to peel away every stitch of clothing. He could have quickened the process by simply coding in the correct sequence, but if he wanted to fully test the capabilities of the program, he was going to make the experience as authentic as possible.

  Thanks to his foresight to match the temperature of the real and virtual worlds, the chilly air caused a ripple of gooseflesh along his forearms. He did take advantage of the program by having the clothes fade away as he removed each item so there wasn’t a pile nearby.

  “Sometimes it’s good to break the rules.” Marcus winked as he responded to Enver’s curious look and tried not to fidget. Standing naked before someone new was a nerve-racking affair even in virtual reality. He’d made some peace with his scars some time ago, but not everyone had the same casual attitude he did. Sharing such an intimate thing with someone was already discomforting, but even more so because Enver had wanted to see the full package. It was only fair, after all, since Marcus had kept Enver nude for the initial scan.

  “Any enhancements?”

  Marcus lifted his gaze. Fuck, Enver’s beautiful multicolored eyes held him captive, stripped him to the core even in the virtual world. He licked his lips, trying to soothe his overanxious nerves. “No.”

  “Fucking incredible.” Enver moved in close, curling his hand around Marcus’s neck to pull him closer. He licked Marcus’s bottom lip, the contact shooting tingles all the way to his toes. He continued to kiss him as he swept his hand over the hills of Marcus’s buttocks.

  “Christ, you are a fucking temptation even inside a computer program,” Enver murmured before licking Marcus’s mouth again, then feathering his lips back and forth. The contact drew a needful little noise out of Marcus.

  He trembled as Enver’s quiet curses washed over him, revealing at the feel of the clothed body against his naked one. When Enver closed his mouth over Marcus’s, Enver went light-headed as the power of the moment hit him full force.

  “Mmm, there you go, subbie.” That smooth, deep voice wrapped around Marcus, dragging him further down. Enver fused his mouth to Marcus’s again as he dug his fingers into Marcus’s hip, gripping with a brutal strength. He followed the curve of one cheek, delving deep to finger Marcus’s asshole. The blunt tip of his finger circled the entrance, his hum vibrating Marcus’s nerves.

  “Taking this ass is going to be a damn fine pleasure.”

  Marcus sucked in an unsteady breath. Enver broke the kiss. “I thought you said no sex.”

  Enver’s eyes glimmered. “I said no intercourse, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to get you off. Best way to test the system, right?”

  Marcus watched him gather up a handful of ropes and cross the room again. The beauty and power of Enver emanated through the millions of pixels so that Marcus could feel his presence pressing against his back. He also felt the telling press of that very impressive cock against his electrified skin.

  He needed some levity to break the atmosphere. “So, what, are you the forty-three-year-old virgin of the club?”

  Enver pressed closer. “I said I don’t have sex here, not that I don’t have sex at all. So fucking literal,” he swore under his breath again as he stepped back. “Time to get you trussed up.”

  * * *

  Twenty minutes later, since Enver hadn’t been interested in taking any shortcuts during his process, Marcus was suspended from the framework of the loft, one leg perpendicular to the floor, the other bent so his ankle was against his butt. His wrists had been secured to the ropes that tied his ankles to his backside. An interlocking network of knots and weaves formed a harness that not only decorated his torso, but also kept his weight evenly distributed.

  The entire setup was suspended by a single point that hung down from a support beam. Some of the detailing was off on the equipment, but inside the virtual world, the imperfections wouldn’t matter. He made a note to tell Marcus later when they were finished so he could work on the surface marks. Breaking into his opinion about the program would shatter the state Enver had spent so much time working Marcus into.

  Guy just did not know when to shut it down.

  “How’s that feel?”

  “Like I’m floating,” Marcus responded with a lazy drawl.

  Given the hazy cast of Marcus’s eyes, Enver didn’t have to guess he meant literally and figuratively. He checked over Marcus’s f
orm, inspecting for pressure points that could cause nerve damage. It was a step he could have skipped given the fact they were in virtual reality, but Marcus had insisted on having the full experience. Enver took his time at the task, falling into a state he normally only connected with during more intense scenes, and was pleasantly surprised by the tingling buzz across the expanse of his shoulders.

  Enver set his hand on Marcus’s knee, happy with the normal body temperature that indicated there was no restriction in blood flow. “Safe word?”


  Enver smothered a snort at the word. “Have a hard time believing you’d never say that during a scene.”

  “Sounds like a challenge to me.”

  Enver pushed on Marcus’s knee, taking a step back to remain close at hand, but far enough away Marcus would get the sensation he was alone in the suspension.

  “Good Christ.”

  Alarm bells would have sounded in Enver’s head if he hadn’t heard the needy undercurrent of the words, but he was ready to cut the ties if needed. “You all right, Marcus?”

  “I’m okay.” Marcus closed his eyes and allowed his head to angle back as he rotated in a slow circle. “Damn, this is good. You’re good.”

  The slurred tone of Marcus’s words signaled he was slipping deep into subspace. Enver set his hand against Marcus’s head, slowly bringing him to a stop by walking around in a circle instead of abruptly halting him. Enver wasn’t interested in jolting him out the state. “Ready for more?”

  Marcus hummed instead of answering, his eyes still clouded as he basked on the endorphins flooding his system. Good to know those were just as effective in this constructed world. Unable to stop himself again, Enver leaned over. He pressed his lips to Marcus’s throat right against the place where his pulse was the strongest. Marcus groaned softly as Enver dragged his lips up, following the strong line of the jaw until Marcus was all but vibrating against his bonds. He made a soft noise when Enver captured those lips, a breath of sound that almost sounded like a whimper. Everything inside him strained toward the man in his ropes.

  Damn if he couldn’t stop kissing this man.

  He couldn’t afford to let himself get tangled with Marcus. Instead, he severed the connection and moved to retrieve a glove and a tube of lubricant from the nearby table Marcus had included in the computer-generated world.

  He wiggled his fingers, pulling the latex over his hand. “How long has it been since you surrendered to someone?”

  “A while,” Marcus answered simply.

  Enver itched to have a cane or a whip to show Marcus he didn’t want ambiguous answers to direct questions. He’d have to get Marcus to show him how to request an item once they were out of BLINC again. For now, he’d have to make due with other attention-getting methods.

  He retrieved a short strip of leather he’d seen sitting on the table with the rope, and wrapped it around the base of Marcus’s cock, pulling up his testicles to include them in the bundle. Marcus’s flesh flushed red, and after an initial check, Enver was pleased to note the reaction was because of arousal and not because he’d fastened it too tightly around the shaft.

  “Now, I’m going to ask you again. How long has it been?”

  “Couple of years since I participated in a scene.” Marcus paused for a moment, breathing in and out slowly before he continued. “About nine months since the last time I had sex.”

  “You give or take?” Enver asked, though he already knew the answer based on the reactions he’d seen so far. This virtual world wasn’t exempt from the usual formalities of power exchange play.

  “I’m a bottom,” Marcus replied. “Since I was sixteen.”

  The weight of the admission signaled that statement hadn’t come easily. Enver suspected it wasn’t because Marcus was ashamed of his sexuality, but because it somehow connected to those scars winding their way across his face, down his neck and across his shoulder out in the real world.

  Enver skimmed his gloved fingers against Marcus’s butt, noting the way the muscles flexed against his touch. Though this was different than any experience he’d been through before, he could get used to this computer-generated world. It certainly wouldn’t replace truly feeling a submissive in his ropes, bucking and screaming when he allowed them to orgasm, but it was interesting enough to continue.

  Marcus didn’t tense as Enver slipped his finger deeper. He did jerk in the rig as Enver touched the sensitive bundle of nerves. He let out a soft groan as Enver swept his finger against it each time he slid back inside, manipulating his prostate.

  Pleased with the reaction, Enver settled in for a long session.

  * * *

  Marcus was flying, soaring higher than he’d ever had during a session with a Dom. His body was wired, in tune to Enver. The slick slide of thick fingers slowly dragging in and out were enough to make him blow. But he forced himself to calm down. Too quick and he wouldn’t get a good read on how the program operated.

  “Always thinking about work and never about relaxing even with my fingers shoved deep in your ass.”

  “Can’t stop.” Marcus wasn’t embarrassed to admit it. That was why he was in this precarious position in the first place.

  “Can’t or don’t want to?” Enver countered.

  “Can’t,” Marcus repeated firmly.

  Enver twisted his fingers, and Marcus felt as though his head were going to explode with needy desperation. “Then stop right now, Marcus. Geek thinking doesn’t have a place in my scene. You need to focus on me and how I’m going to shove my dick down your throat if you don’t get back into the moment with me.”

  As appealing as the idea sounded, Marcus nodded. “No work.” He groaned when Enver slid out and then pushed a third finger inside. Jesus, he’d forgotten how exquisite it was to be stretched and filled.

  “Greedy little asshole you’ve got here.” A few more stokes and Enver added another finger. He thrust deep, all the way to the knuckles, withdrew and thrust deep again. Again. And again. Full penetration each time that left a clawing trail of need spiraling up the shaft of Marcus’s cock. He balled his hands into tight fists, wishing he could open himself more to Enver. Feel the delectable length of Enver’s dick buried deep inside him, shoving him through climax after climax.

  “Very greedy.” Another few full strokes and Enver teased the rim with his thumb, Marcus’s need bursting with the undeniable urge to just let it all ago. To give everything of himself to the other man. “Ever take it all for your Dom?”

  It took a few minutes for Marcus to focus enough to answer. “Once. Wasn’t in a club, though. Just my boyfriend and I fooling around.”

  Enver clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Sounds like a good test of your system.”

  Fuck. Right. This wasn’t really happening. They were both inside a program, millions of pixels rearranging themselves to accommodate their choices. Out in the real world, Marcus would never even think about such an act during the first scene with a Dom. Here, suspended in virtual reality, rules could be accommodated.

  “Sure.” Marcus closed his eyes for a second, breathing deep and slow, as though he truly was going to take Enver’s fist. It was a testament to his programming skills that this all felt so real.

  “Place may not be real, but I’m working up a sweat.” Enver’s touch disappeared. He moved around to Marcus’s line of sight and stripped away his shirt.

  Marcus wasn’t going to complain, pleased the program was making the right atmospheric adjustments and the hours upon hours of work he’d put in on the virtual model was paying off.

  As Enver dropped his shirt to the floor, he shot Marcus a narrow glare. “You’re geeking out again.”

  Marcus felt his cheeks heat, then heat some more when he realized he was also thinking about how Enver’s skin would taste.

  “It works, Marcus.” Enver peele
d open the fly of his pants, exposing his erection. He crouched, touching Marcus’s chin to lift his face. “I’m sitting in that room in the club with you, wearing silly headgear and sporting a hard-on just like this. Stop doubting your skills and let me use mine. Agreed?”

  Marcus licked his dry lips. “Yeah.”

  Enver stood again, tugging his pants back up but leaving the zipper partially down to expose the top quarter of his dick. “No reason I can’t keep this as a handy reminder for you if you keep refusing to let everything go.” Enver winked as he moved back between Marcus’s spread legs. “Don’t doubt I won’t hesitate to bring you in line.”

  The stern tone of Enver’s implacable voice flashed through Marcus’s veins.

  Enver slid two slick fingers into Marcus’s ass again, the heated caress smoothed by the cool touch of the lubrication he’d added. It only took a few moments before he added the third, and the fourth, teasing the opening with his thumb again. The layer of lube allowed Enver to move his fingers in the tight channel of Marcus’s ass using unhurried and steady strokes.

  “You’d go off if I commanded you to, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Marcus bit out, knowing he was perilously close to coming right now as those long, slow glides continued. So much pressure and not enough at the same time. The rope kept him restricted, preventing him from rocking back against Enver’s electrifying touch.

  Enver withdrew his fingers completely then nudged them forward. Marcus felt the burn as he pushed against the resistance of all five digits. The stretch wasn’t painful as overwhelming pleasure swamped his system. He took a deep breath and fully surrendered as Enver worked his hand deeper.

  They both sighed as Marcus’s body accepted Enver’s fist, his wrist stretching him open as Enver’s fingers curled, nestling into place. He found himself fuller than ever before, a feeling he would never be able to describe to anyone verbally. Not that he’d want to. The intense connection arcing between the men was too intimate to share with another person. He wanted to keep this all to himself.


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