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In the Rough

Page 21

by Sara Brookes

  He moaned as he pushed into the tightness again, liking the feeling of Marcus trembling around him. He rocked again, enjoying the quiet curses spilling free each time he thrust particularly deep. “I love fucking your ass. Love feeling you flex, hearing you groan every time I bottom out.”

  “So damn good.” Marcus sucked in a breath, screwing up his eyes. “Can’t get enough.”

  Enver knew the feeling well. They moved together, finding the same rhythm. Kept it as the cot groaned beneath them. “The sweetest fucking ass.”

  He lost himself in that flushed face, the hair standing up at wild angles. He rocked his hips, the cot giving a loud creak in protest. But he didn’t stop, easing his slick cock in and out until those fathomless eyes lost focus. The cot could break for all he cared—he only wanted to keep fucking Marcus.

  “I need you like this.” He kissed Marcus’s shoulder. “Just like this.”

  “You’ve got me.”

  “No. Every night, like this. Tender. Slow. Exploring and learning.”

  Marcus’s eyebrows lifted. “No kink?”

  He drove hard into Marcus, earning a gasp. “Doesn’t matter if I have you in ropes, give you a blowjob or we make love.” Enver dropped down for a kiss, his spine tingling at the way Marcus felt moving under him. Marcus encouraged it, rocking his hips, offering more of himself even though Enver didn’t think it was possible to slip deeper.

  “Do you know why I can’t stop wanting you?” Marcus only moaned in answer, a harsh, guttural sound that speared Enver. “Can’t stop needing you.” Marcus shuddered when the head of Enver’s cock grazed that sensitive bundle of nerves. “Can’t stop thinking about how sexy you are.” Enver brushed a kiss between Marcus’s eyebrows.

  Marcus opened his eyes slowly, his pupils blown wide in the blissed-out state Enver was keeping them both balanced on. “So fucking hungry for you, Enver.” The words arrowed straight down to the point where they were joined. “Could...ah, God... I hate you as much as I love you.”

  Enver almost shattered at the surge of passion and desperation warring inside that sentence. The pain and longing trapped under the urgency. The specters of regret still circled despite their earlier talk. They could forgive each other temporarily, but this connection with one another exposed a weakness that had the power to destroy them both.

  When Enver feathered his fingers over his face, Marcus gave a sudden groan, his body seizing. His release came quick and hot, spurting scorching fluid that flooded the narrow space between their abdomens. Marcus’s muscles clamped around Enver, putting a stranglehold on his dick. He sucked in a breath. Held it. Let go with a strangled cry bordering on a sob as everything inside him released and he blew into the condom. The climax shattered through him, forcing him deeper while his cock pulsed inside Marcus as stark pleasure ripped through him.

  Exhaustion swamped him as he collapsed against Marcus. For long minutes afterward, he remained, pulling in cleansing air until he could breathe without his entire body heaving. He still had his cock resting inside Marcus, still had his fingers locked in a bruising hold over Marcus’s hands. He knew he needed to get up, to give Marcus the freedom to move, but holy hell, he didn’t want to separate from him.

  In any way.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Enver switched the mug of coffee to his other hand as he slid the glass door closed behind him. The storm had moved out overnight, leaving a fresh layer of snow that would sparkle when the sun rose over the mountains. It would melt by midafternoon, leaving rivulets of ice by midnight. Right now, early dawn colored everything dove-gray.

  He sipped his hot drink as he kicked at a pile of powdery snow near the steps. A twinge shot up his calf and thigh, radiating hot needles around his hip. Wincing, he rubbed at the pain, thinking about how much being forty-three sucked sometimes. His mind might have been on board to fuck all night, but his body was reminding him he needed to recharge.

  Enver glanced over his shoulder. He’d left Marcus in a tangle of sheets and blankets on the ancient cot he was sure they’d break with their combined weight. But it had held steady through all three hours they’d gone at one another. He set his coffee down, pulling his lighter and a cigarette out of a nearly empty pack. Watched the first tendrils of smoke waft up from the end as he lit it, inhaling that first morning drag.

  After spending years worried about how he’d react the first time he buried himself balls-deep inside someone again, it felt good to finally have the answer. His head doctor had assured him the world wouldn’t end, but a slice of his soul hadn’t been convinced. Marcus had been the first person he’d wanted to tempt fate for.

  Even though their previously explored roles in power exchange hadn’t been in play last night, he was open to every sensation, every emotion and feeling that had passed between them. He often felt that way after an intense scene with a submissive, but this was the first time he’d experienced that total clarity after baring himself so utterly. His shields were down, making him vulnerable—naked and afraid. He’d lost it years ago, so intent on the euphoric high of sexual release that he’d forgotten the beauty of connecting with another human being on an emotional level.

  Marcus had given him that gift once again.

  “Holy fuckballs, it’s freezing out here.”

  Enver turned, somehow unsurprised to see Marcus hadn’t gotten dressed before joining him on the deck. Marcus folded his arms in front of him as he switched his weight between his bare feet. Enver offered him the last of his coffee as he took another drag.

  Marcus waved him off. “Aren’t you cold?”

  Enver shrugged, dropping the spent filter into the remaining liquid. “You’re the one not wearing any shoes.” He popped a mint, chewing it as he watched Marcus continue to shift back and forth. “Or clothes.”

  “Can I have one of those?” Enver handed him a mint, which Marcus studied before slipping between his lips. “You’re like Willy Wonka with your never-ending supply of candy. Or Houdini, ’cause I’m still wondering where the hell you came up with a handful of condoms out of thin air.” Marcus danced around a little, clearly unprepared for just how cold it was outside. “Guy spends time living on top of a mountain by himself, has a supply of condoms and you gotta wonder.”

  “It’s the Boy Scout in me,” Enver said as he set the dirty mug on the nearby glass-topped table and tugged Marcus against him, wrapping his hands around Marcus’s thighs so he could take his weight as he lifted him. Instant warmth enveloped him as he wrapped Marcus’s legs around his waist. Marcus shivered, but Enver wasn’t convinced it was entirely because of the temperature or the snow. “Haven’t always been alone up here either.”

  Marcus narrowed his eyes. “Go on.”

  “Had a dog once.” He nipped at Marcus’s lip. “When he made a bolt for the door, I knew I had to let him go.”

  “Bolt for the...” Marcus trailed off as the joke sank in. “That has got to be the lamest—” He broke off when Enver pushed him against the glass door. Instead of protesting, Marcus went limp.

  Enver skimmed his fingers between the cleft of Marcus’s ass, enjoying the way the muscles trembled under his touch. He delved deeper, slowly exploring and enjoying the way Marcus started shaking against him.

  Marcus jerked when Enver skimmed his fingers over his opening. Teasing and tracing the rim with slow, circular patterns. Despite the cold and the snow, Marcus’s cock stirred against Enver’s abdomen.

  “Someone’s eager this morning.” Enver wiggled his finger, pleased when Marcus relaxed, accepting him. As he slipped deeper, Marcus whined briefly before it turned into a lust-filled groan. He’d expected the resistance given the hours they’d spent wrapped around one another. Loved that it evaporated so quickly as Marcus surrendered.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” Marcus chanted, his thighs clenching tight around Enver’s waist. “I can’t. I can’t again. Too much. Soo
ooo much.”

  A band formed around Enver’s chest from hearing Marcus’s broken words. Marcus released another harsh moan as Enver pushed his finger to the last knuckle. He whimpered when Enver stroked the pad of his finger over the sensitive bundle of nerves.

  “You’re going to promise me something, Marcus. Right here, right now, while I have my finger buried in your ass.”

  Marcus’s eyes flared open, his body stiffening. The morning sunlight filtered over Enver’s shoulder, playing over the ridges and valleys of the scars that defined Marcus. Coloring the ravaged skin in a way that was both horrific and beautiful at the same time.

  The first attack would never stop haunting Marcus.

  Enver would never forgive himself for not being there to prevent the second.

  Satisfied he had Marcus’s full attention, he continued. “No more secrets between us. We know the ugliness. Have been through a lot of shit and have the scars to prove it. You get even the slightest inkling you’re in some kind of trouble—from anyone, even your neighbor’s cat, I don’t care—you let me know. You give me the choice from now on. You got that?”

  When Marcus remained silent, Enver hit the wood panel next to the patio door, holding his breath for the shock of cold that followed seconds later. Snow rained down, causing Marcus to loudly curse. The shock of cold had the intended effect and Marcus’s erection flagged slightly. But that didn’t bring a halt to Marcus’s string of vicious insults.

  “Jesus Christ, you’re a sadistic fucker.” Marcus laughed around the words, breathing hard as Enver continued to work his fingers in and out. Flecks of water dotted Marcus’s skin as the snowflakes melted, glistening in the sunlight rising behind Enver. He sucked in breath after breath, but his erection didn’t lose strength again.

  “Yeah, I am. Get used to it, ’cause you’ve unleashed him.” Enver surged forward, slashing his mouth over Marcus’s in a hard, biting kiss that drew blood. He twisted his finger, loving the way Marcus moaned each time he plunged into the hole again and again, wreaking havoc.

  Pleasure rushed through every part of his body as Marcus’s muscles clenched around him in shallow, fast pulses as he stimulated ultrasensitive nerve endings.

  “We have an understanding now?” Enver was ready to keep Marcus on the edge like this, snow melting between them for as long as necessary.

  Marcus dropped his head back against the glass, his eyes going half lidded in a blissed-out state. “Yeah. We do.” Marcus’s cock stirred again despite the snow that had gotten caught between them. Because of the angle, Enver could see the deep red flushed tip peeking up through the ice crystals. Fascinated with the sight, he brushed some away, exposing a few inches, while still leaving the rest buried beneath the snow.

  Sensation play like this could be replicated in Marcus’s virtual machine, but elements of the real world had always been missing. Almost there, but never quite the same. No matter how sophisticated Marcus’s program became, there was no way it could get the dichotomy of the moment this flawless. The heat of body temperature perfect. The snow. The air. The sunrise.

  The desire.

  Fueled by the realness of their encounter, no complicated computer equipment between them, and the promise hanging in the air between them, Enver drove deeper. Marcus groaned loudly, his muscles relaxing as he accepted Enver’s fingers. A surge of need and want tangled with other emotions Enver wasn’t afraid of thanks to the man writhing against him. A tightening of every muscle in his body as his desire ratcheted higher with a savagery he couldn’t explain.

  He gripped Marcus’s ass, feeling the muscles bunch and flex as he worked him higher. He knew he could utter a single command that would yank Marcus over the edge. He wanted to weep for the beauty of the man writhing against him. Wanted to roar that this man was his. Utterly and completely his. He wanted to tear at Marcus’s flesh, get inside him in a way few had. Possess him.

  Marcus pushed against Enver’s intrusion as much as he could in the position he was in, hips tilting up, quiet curses spilling from his lips in the same cadence at Enver’s thrusts. Suddenly, Marcus snarled, his body going still. Enver shoved his fingers deeper, knowing Marcus was about to spill.

  Enver could have stopped him, he knew. Could have relentlessly tortured Marcus, edging him over and over while the snow melted between the heat of their bodies. But the need to watch Marcus lose utter control clearly in the light of day was too great.

  Marcus shouted, spurting fluid over his chest, abdomen and the remnants of snow between their bodies as he came. Enver continued to work his fingers, spurring Marcus’s orgasm on, drawing it out until Marcus was bucking against him again, dry humping the air.

  Marcus shivered against him, but it wasn’t because of the cold.

  “Sure as hell beats the VR system.”

  Pink colored Marcus’s cheeks, giving him an even more youthful appearance. “Yeah.”

  Enver glanced down to the mess on Marcus’s stomach, thinking how sexy a sight that was. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

  A slow sinful grin turned up the edge of Marcus’s mouth. “Since we both know you’re a sadistic son-of-a-bitch—no, you’re not.”

  “Still the sweetest ass in the world.”

  “Still the biggest cock in the world.” A soft huskiness sounded in Marcus’s voice as he wiggled his ass against Enver’s crotch. “One I want down my throat again. But for fuck’s sake, let’s go back inside.” He squirmed free, darting back into the workshop. By the time Enver followed him inside, he was examining the cast-iron oven with a critical eye. “How the hell do you turn this thing on?”

  Enver grabbed a few towels and a heavy blanket from a chest. “May I suggest an alternative means?” He handed a wet washcloth to Marcus before sitting on the ancient couch and draping the blanket over his lap.

  “You’re wet.”

  “So are you.” Enver waved his finger at Marcus’s torso and abdomen, now glistening from where he’d wiped himself down. “Now get over here before I drag you over by your semi-hard dick.”

  Marcus gestured toward Enver. “Sure your old man lap can handle it?”

  Enver growled. “One more comment like that and this old man will show you just how much of a sadist he can be.”

  He dragged Marcus on top of his thighs, tugging the thick blanket so it covered them both. Marcus shivered once, and buried his face against Enver’s neck. For a long time, Enver simply sat there with Marcus straddling his lap, enjoying the serenity of the moment.

  He’d spent so much time working Marcus over last night he’d exhausted himself in the process. He’d missed that, though he hadn’t realized how much until earlier. After a scene with a sub, he’d tend to whatever aftercare they’d required and that was it. He usually walked away with a lot of fond memories and his feelings intact. But the connection he shared with Marcus was something else entirely.

  He ran his fingers over Marcus’s face, a tightness clenching his chest as he touched the ridges and valleys. The specter of the past Marcus had lived resided in the scars. They were the reason Enver didn’t feel the necessity to mark Marcus further despite his words to the contrary last night.

  “My best friend wants to meet you.”

  “The friend test so soon?” Enver thought it best for the moment not to mention the fact Zoie had spent the rest of that night curled up in Enver’s arms and cried herself to sleep right there on the same couch because she’d been worried.

  Marcus shrugged. “You don’t have to if you don’t want. Zoie’s schedule is a little crazy sometimes, depending on her caseload. She’s a cop,” he added.

  “I know. I can tell she’s important to you and meeting her is equally as important, which makes it important to me. Just name the date and time and I’ll be there. Now, didn’t you say something about my cock and your throat?”

  “This spectacular cock?” Marcus nu
dged the organ in question with his inner thigh. “I believe I did.”

  “Tell me more,” Enver ordered in a harsh voice.

  “You know those two veins that run up the underside of your cock?” Enver nodded, watching as Marcus fondled his zipper, drawing it down as he spoke. “I want to lick them. Slowly trace them with my tongue. Use my mouth to suck you until you’re hard and beautiful.” He parted the flaps, wrapping his fingers around the already hard shaft. “I want to hear you order me to take you deep. Give you so much pleasure I don’t know where you stop and I begin.”

  Enver’s muscles tensed as Marcus began to move his hand, the first drops of precome lubricated his palm.

  “I want to taste you everywhere. Touch you over and over. I need you in my ass. Digging so deep inside me.” He twisted his wrist, speeding the pace. “You tempt me and entice me and inspire me like no one ever has before, Enver.”

  “Flatterer,” Enver managed around a strangled breath, trembling at the depth of emotion shining in the eyes staring back at him.

  “Feel like I’ve been waiting for you forever.” Marcus eagerly tugged on Enver’s cock. “Nobody makes me feel the way you do. Makes me think the things I do. The dirty, filthy things.”

  Enver’s vision went white as Marcus took him deep into his mouth, sucking him from root to tip in one full, mind-blowing drag.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Marcus shoved his hands into his jacket as he waited outside the restaurant. Since his car had been trashed during the altercation with Davis, and Zoie had taken back the truck he’d fled in, he’d been forced to walk everywhere, take public transit or rely on other people to get him where he needed to go. He could have ducked inside, but he wanted to see who showed up first.


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