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The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3)

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by Joanne Sexton

  The Player

  Book 3 of Broken Wishes Series

  By Joanne Sexton

  Published 2019

  Copyright Joanne Sexton 2019

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Cover designed by Southern Stiles Design

  Chapter One


  Rubbing tired eyes, Isabelle stumbled into the bathroom. Splashing water on her face helped her to fully wake up. She lifted her face to the mirror and rested her hands on the basin. A scowl appeared when she noticed the dark smudges under her eyes and the toll of life etched into her face.

  Just as well she didn’t have a shoot today. Her money-earning features weren’t looking their best. Beauty could be a curse, but Isabelle needed it to support her family.

  Jesse kept her up most of the night and you could tell. She needed to sleep better tonight, or she would look like hell tomorrow. Closer scrutiny reminded her a facial should be scheduled and as soon as possible. The usual glow on her high, sharp cheekbones was absent and her olive complexion looked sallow. Her exercise regime had been a bit slack of late too. A run today or after the shoot tomorrow was in order.

  Isabelle swept up her hair and went over the brief for the following day.

  A reluctant sigh burst from her lips and she shook her head. This wasn’t where she wanted to be. To prevent regret seeping in, she thought of Jesse. He was all that mattered. University, a life, love and all the other things she wished she’d done before falling pregnant at twenty-one, could wait. Jesse was worth the sacrifice.

  The light, happy sounds of her son drifted into the bathroom from the kitchen. Their cramped living space meant every little noise was heard throughout the apartment. An appetizing aroma of cooking beckoned, and Isabelle turned from the mirror, pushed aside her worries, and smiled. Jesse always managed to bring a warm glow.

  A familiar sight greeted her when she walked into the kitchen from the short hallway. Her mother, Carol, attended to toast and, upon spotting Isabelle, popped two more slices into the toaster.

  “Morning, honey, coffee’s hot.” Carol pointed to the pot sitting on the bench.

  “Thanks for getting up with Jesse this morning,” Isabelle said, pouring a much-needed cup of caffeine.

  “I get up early anyway,” her mother said with a shrug.

  Peering through the gap between the bench-top and shelving in the narrow kitchen, Isabelle studied her son. Pink colored his cheeks and he dove into his cereal as though he hadn’t been sick at all. The resilience of children. Life would be easier if she was as resilient.

  Jesse sat at a small square table in the compact room that served as a dining room and living area. His blonde curls bobbed as he ate and when his blue eyes caught Isabelle’s, he smiled, reminding her of his father, as he did every day. The ache over Adrian had subsided over the years, but she still missed him. Although they were only ‘friends with benefits’ his death cut deep. Life became that much harder without her best friend.

  Burying the sting, she returned her son’s smile. Carol finished breakfast, and both joined Jesse at the table.

  “Are you feeling better, honey?” she asked, running her hand through his tangled curls.

  “Yes, Mommy. I don’t like being sick.”

  “Me neither.” They shared another smile and the familiar warmth associated with motherhood spread over her.

  “Are you working tomorrow?” Carol asked.

  “Yes. I’m working with a new photographer.”

  “Is this the campaign for the main billboard near the city square?”

  “Yes, it will be up for a month. I’m lucky to have gotten this job. It will help my Uni fund nicely.”

  “I’m still not used to having a famous daughter.”

  Isabelle laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far, Mom. People may know my face from magazines and billboards, but they don’t know who I really am. I plan to keep it that way. The last thing I want is to be a famous supermodel.”

  “Well, you know I’m proud of you anyway. You’ve been working hard, you deserve a break.”

  “And a life.” Isabelle tried to hide the bitterness in her voice. It certainly wasn’t Jesse’s fault that both Carol and Isabelle struggled most of his life. No, you could blame her absent womanizing father and the cruel twist of fate that took Adrian. With resolution she pushed aside her loneliness; there was no use dwelling on what had passed.

  “What do you want to do today, Jesse?”

  “Go to the park.”

  “What do you say?”

  “Pleeaassse.” Out of the corner of her eye Isabelle saw Carol stifle a laugh.

  “Sure we can, but no leaping off the top of the playground. It scares Mommy.”

  “Okay, Mommy.” It was Isabelle’s turn to stifle a smile. If he was capable of rolling his eyes he would have.

  They finished their breakfast and, while Carol prepared lunch, Isabelle organized her son. As it was a short distance to the park, they decided to enjoy the spring sunshine and walk. Jesse ran ahead jumping over cracks in the footpath while Isabelle and Carol, lost in their own thoughts, strolled not far behind. As predicted by the weather forecast, the breeze teased at Isabelle’s straight dark brown hair and took the sting from the sun.

  They located a shady spot under some trees, set out a blanket and made themselves comfortable. Jesse raced off to play on the equipment. Still introspective, Isabelle watched him play. A sigh escaped.

  “Something bothering you?” Carol asked.

  Isabelle turned to her mother and found a concerned frown wrinkling her brow. “Don’t look so worried; it’s nothing serious. Just the usual.”

  “The usual being how lonely you are?”

  “Yes, my lack of love life, a male role model for Jesse.”

  “I know how difficult it is to meet someone, especially when you have a child, but don’t give up, just keep yourself open to possibilities.”

  “I do, but it can’t be just a fling. Jesse needs stability.”

  Carol turned from Isabelle as though composing herself. Isabelle felt for her mother; she knew how hard it was to bring up a child alone. Not that Isabelle did it alone. Her mother was the rock that she valued.

  “I know how lonely it can be. When your dad left, I craved male company, but over time I got used to it. I guess working a lot helped fill the time.” Carol’s smile was filled with reassurance, but Isabelle grimaced regardless. Her mother worked hard to support them. “Don’t frown, Isabelle, it wasn’t that bad. I have a few male companions and it’s all I need. I was older than you, so it will be easier for you to meet someone. It is a long time to be alone.”

  “That’s what scares me. All I do is work, sleep and spend time with Jesse. I wouldn’t change him for anything, of course, but it makes it difficult to find anyone. The men I do meet through work are not the kind I want around Jesse. I don’t go anywhere else, so the chances are slim.”

  “What about here?” Carol’s arm swept out. “It’s a goldmine of single dads and dog walkers.”

  “You could be right, but what am I to do? Just walk up to them and say hi? Besides, how do I know if they’re single
? Then there is this,” and Isabelle gestured to her face. “Men are either intimidated or think I’m a pretty conquest.”

  “The curse of being beautiful.”

  “It isn’t funny, Mom.” A wry laugh surfaced.

  “I like to believe that fate has a strange way of making things right.”

  “I hope so.”

  Perusing the park, Isabelle discovered that perhaps Carol was right. There appeared to be a smorgasbord in the crowded area. When her gaze reached the playground, she spotted Jesse doing exactly what he said he wouldn’t, before running over to them.

  “Jesse, what did I say?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Sorry, Mommy.”

  Instead of chastising him further, as it would do no good, Isabelle picked up the ball beside her and took off at a slow jog.

  “Okay, smart guy; see if you can catch me.”

  A gleeful laugh followed her as Jesse ran after her the way preschoolers do. Isabelle let him win by pulling her down, then jumping on her, causing delight to warm her blood, his buoyant mood contagious. Did she really need anyone else when she had a supportive mother and a beautiful boy?

  This question, along with many others she had no answer for, swirled around her mind as they walked home in the cool afternoon. Was there a man out there who wasn’t judgmental? Who wasn’t a player merely looking for a good time?

  Someone who would love Jesse as well as her?

  Chapter Two


  A pair of blue eyes opened to greet the morning.

  Mitch blinked away the blurriness of sleep, to find himself in a bed in a room that wasn’t his. A glance to his right found a stunning blonde still sleeping. A sense of relief washed over him at not having to make morning pillow talk.

  He slipped from the bed and dressed with quiet ease. His gaze trailed over her photogenic face and down the lean contours of her body. Sleeping with models was far from being a chore, yet of late the experience left him unfulfilled. Mostly they were the same- beautiful, shallow, and narcissistic. Resisting the temptation to wake her for another round, he picked up his shoes and snuck bare foot towards the front door.

  Heading to his car, Mitch questioned his judgement. He’d been doing a lot of that recently. Becoming tired of waking up next to another woman after meaningless sex. Was this what he wanted to keep doing with his life? Perhaps it was time to consider quitting his bed hopping ways. The sense of satisfaction he once felt was absent more and more. Did he honestly believe substance lurked beneath those glossy exteriors? He’d yet to find anything but frivolous beauty.

  He’d discovered solace in their arms, and it helped to block out visions he didn’t want to relive. He could argue, for the most part, sleeping around served a purpose. Regardless, he now questioned his choices.

  The flip side to this would be setting himself up to be hurt. He’d seen it happen to his younger brother, Jared, on more than one occasion. Granted, Jared was getting married in a few weeks to his perfect match, Charlotte. Tall, blonde and sassy, she was the complete opposite of his serious and reserved brother. Their relationship hadn’t run smoothly in the beginning. With Charlotte targeted by an arsonist, Jared saving her from two fires, and letting misunderstandings stand in their way, they almost hadn’t made it. Fortunately, they repaired the damage and overcame the obstacles, but Mitch saw what the pain of almost losing Charlotte did to Jared and wasn’t in a hurry to experience it. Relationships seemed too much hard work to him. Well, they did until recently.

  His younger brother wasn’t the only Montgomery striking the love lottery. His older brother Nathan was married with two great kids. Perhaps love and relationships weren’t as damaging as they seemed. Mitch still wasn’t convinced either way. No strings worked at present, but it left him with an empty feeling.

  Mitch couldn’t shake the hollowness on the drive home.

  The number of models he’d slept with since taking on a new career direction was probably higher than it should be, but he wasn’t going to be photographing models forever. Why not reap the benefits while they lasted?

  Nonetheless, uncertainty and loneliness had crept in and made permanent residence. Evicting them became harder of late. The flipping coin of emotions had yet to settle. Heads; find love and risk the potential pitfalls, or tails; continue to have satisfying sex with beautiful women. Mitch didn’t know on which side he wanted the coin to land.

  When he pulled into the garage, he glanced at the time and cursed. He was running late. Today's assignment was to photograph a model he hadn’t met before, for a new fragrance and client. The ad would be displayed on the billboard down the street from his house. It would be pleasing to see his work in a prominent place. His thoughts wandered to the brief as he rode the lift up to his apartment. He tried to recall whether he’d seen the model before in another campaign but couldn’t put a face to the name. In all probability, she would be beautiful and inane, like most of the others he’d shot, and sometimes slept with.

  The emptiness of his life, and his apartment, struck him as he let himself in. Thirty approached; perhaps the time had come to settle down. Maybe he should follow his brothers’ lead. This was good in theory, but he’d yet to meet someone he wanted to be serious with. Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t been with any girl longer than a few months. Until recently he’d never been in one place long enough.

  The silence that greeted him usually suited Mitch, but today it bothered him. Located on the seventh floor, in the heart of the city, his apartment was new and modern. To combat the quiet, he went out onto his balcony. The sounds of traffic and the hum of people-filled streets reached him. Mitch liked the lifestyle synonymous with city life. Having travelled as long as he had, it was nice to have a place to call home.

  After showering, and then throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, he gulped down coffee and toast, checked the time and cursed once more. Rushing to his sleek black convertible, he thought he might make it in time to do a quick setup. He preferred not to rush but coming from across town had taken up valuable time. Another reason to stop his extracurricular activities, he thought with a shake of his head.

  Situated on the fringe of the city, the studio was five minutes away by car. When he turned into the street, police vehicles and fire engines blocked the way. The police were diverting traffic around an accident.

  He would definitely be late now.

  Chapter Three


  Isabelle breezed into the studio early, feeling refreshed and ready to work.

  A good night’s sleep had ensured she felt and looked presentable. She glanced around and noticed photographer’s assistants setting up equipment, but there was no sign of the infamous Mitchell Montgomery. At least, she didn’t think he was present. She didn’t actually know what he looked like. Rumors abounded from stylists on every shoot about his philandering ways, and the quality of his work. Apparently, he was unprofessional with any available female on a shoot, but professional about his photographic output. She would be staying well clear and doing only her job.

  Adele, a petite girl with outrageously spiky red hair and striking brown eyes, greeted her when she entered the room set up for styling. Isabelle was pleased Adele would be her make-up artist today as she always had lots of entertaining gossip to share. This part of the job Isabelle liked best, as it was always light-hearted and fun listening to the countless stories and rumors of the famous and beautiful.

  “Hey, Adele,” Isabelle said, slipping into the chair. “What’s the news today?”

  “Well, for starters, you are one lucky girl.” Her wide grin filled her face and a secretive twinkle lit up her eyes.

  “How so?”

  “You’re being photographed by the very sexy Mitchell.”

  “Why does that make me lucky?”

  “Not only is he an artist, he’s great in the sack too.”

  “That’s of no interest to me, Adele. You know that.”

  “Yeah, yeah, b
ut you haven’t seen him yet.” She stopped applying foundation to offer another cheeky grin. “Besides, you could do with some fun.”

  “Not an option. Not with Jesse.” Isabelle shook her head as she spoke.

  Adele ceased Isabelle's head shaking by returning to work on her make-up. “You say that now and I do understand but wait until you see him!”

  “From what I’ve heard about him…”

  “Your choice.” Adele shrugged before enthralling her with more tales of who had been with whom.

  They were then joined by Jade, who began styling Isabelle’s hair and adding her titbits of information. Isabelle sat back and listened, enjoying the pampering part of the shoot. She liked to use this time to relax and prepare.

  Twenty minutes later, Mitch raced in. Fortunately, he had two excellent assistants and they had already set up the lights, equipment required and props for the set. Lucky he had the forethought to drop off his gear the previous day.

  The fragrance they were shooting for was called Seduction, and Mitch’s objective was to have Isabelle looking just that, seductive, without overdoing it. Classy and sexy was the brief.

  With light meter in hand, he concentrated on ensuring everything would be ready for the arrival of his model. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a tall, dark haired woman walking onto the set. His gaze shifted so he could obtain a better look. She wasn’t walking, she was gliding. Possessing the grace of someone confident in her own skin.

  The stylist had dressed her in a dusky pink, silk gown that covered her toned body to just above the knee. Without his usual nonchalance, Mitch stood frozen as her long legs brought her towards him. As he watched her approach, he decided it wasn’t confidence in her stride, but something more unassuming. Most models entered the room with a diva attitude. She, on the other hand, carried herself with a different air, one he couldn’t put his finger on. Mitch knew he was staring yet could not drag his gaze from her face.


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