Outback Flames: Australian Rural Romantic Suspense
Page 19
'Come on baby. It's been a rough time for you.'
Jordan pulled the covers back and Zoe wiggled over onto a sheet. She pulled the second sheet over her, discarding the towel, and dropped her head onto a large soft pillow.
Jordan shook his head. He'd never seen her so worn out. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was sound asleep. He took a few moments to admire the girl, now a woman, with her cute bow lips, high cheekbones, and silky blonde hair fanning over the pillow. He was a lucky guy. She was a treasure, his treasure, one that he intended to take care of for the rest of his life.
He moved a lock of hair from her eyes, and took a little more time revelling in the woman that had never left his heart. A woman that took good care of his son. God he loved her. Breaking from his trance, he rested back beside her.
Jordan woke from a deep sleep. He glanced at the bedside clock. It registered almost eleven in the morning. Something had woken him, and he couldn't distinguish what. He peeped at Zoe, who snored peacefully, and he grinned.
Easing from the bed, trying not to disturb her, he slipped on his pants and a shirt, and grabbed his boots before exiting the room on tiptoes. He checked on Luke who was also sound asleep and closed the door before he walked downstairs. The obnoxious odour of smoke hung in the atmosphere and when he opened the front door, the aftermath of early that morning confronted him.
God, he wished it would rain. As he was about to head indoors, a sound startled him, and a glimpse of a man and a woman entered his peripheral view. His spine stiffened, and his instinct shot on guard while he sidled up along the wall, heading toward the side of the house.
What in the hell were they up to? But before he could do anything to stop them, he screamed at the top of his lungs.
'No!' Jordan watched helplessly as a Molotov cocktail bomb hurtled through one of the bedroom windows. The woman glanced over, turned and ran in the opposite direction. When she reached the fence line, she dropped something into the brush. Orange flames devoured the dry grass.
Jordan swung around and raced up the stairs and into Zoe's room. He reached down gave her shoulder a few shakes. 'Zoe...Zoe wake up.' He grabbed his mobile phone on the dresser, and punched in the digits. As he waited through the ring tone, he gave Zoe another shake, but this time harder.
'Zoe, Zoe.'
'What's up?' She reached up and rubbed one of her eyes.
'Arsonists. Can you get Luke? I'll meet you at the bottom of the stairs.'
Zoe scrambled from bed, fumbled about for some fresh clothes. While Jordan spoke on his mobile, he headed toward the room where something had been thrown through the window. Opening the door, he scanned the area, spotting a home-made bomb, one that hadn't exploded.
He ran over, grabbed it and tossed it in the direction from which it had arrived. A brief glance through the window and he saw the woman running down the road. He spun around, and high tailed it down stairs where Luke and Zoe were waiting.
'Stay by the door. It's safe for now. Lock it when I leave, but don't move. I need to know exactly where you are.'
Zoe nodded as anxiety coursed through her body. Luke whimpered and clung to her leg.
'Jordan, what's happened? Who are they?'
'Not sure as yet. But I have an idea. Stay here.'
Jordan rushed through the doorway, and Zoe closed it behind him.
Chapter Twenty
Jordan caught the sight of a male, approximately fifty to fifty-five years of age, heading away from the property on foot. He had to reach at least one of the arsonists before they escaped.
He gave chase. Adrenaline wired his veins, pumped his blood faster, and sweat poured from his temples. He was gaining on the man, and when he reached him, he clipped his side, sending him to the ground.
The man twisted, grunted and rolled onto his back. His right hand sought his hip, and Jordan spotted the shiny metal of a handgun. He put out his booted foot, and pressed it hard against the gun, grinding it into his hip.
'Not in your life mate.' Jordan reached down, but the man fought back, giving him no option. Jordan closed his fist, and brought it down hard, collecting his chin, knocking the wind from him, putting a stop to his retaliation.
Jordan reached for the gun in his belt, and pulled it out. He checked to ensure that the safety catch was on and pointed it at the man. Jordan wasn't about to shoot anyone, let alone kill them. He'd learned a lot in prison; learned that a little bluff goes a long way.
'Looks like circumstances have changed. Get on your feet, hands in the air. I won't hesitate to shoot if I have to.'
The man, who was wearing a green checked flannelette shirt, scrambled to his feet, and held his hands high in the air.
'Get walking. Back to the house.'
As the man trudged in front of Jordan, he prayed Zoe remained where he told her to stay. Upon reaching the house, he called out. 'Zoe. Get some rope, and plenty of it. Don't open the door yet.'
He heard her call back acknowledging she had heard him. He waited.
'You can't prove a thing.'
'Wanna bet mate? Your fingerprints will be all over the place. Over that hopeless imitation bomb, that you thought would explode on impact, for a start. Is your name William?'
'Yeah, so what's it to you?'
'Zoe's so-called uncle.'
'You think you know everything.'
'I can surmise that was her aunt, Shirley Mayberry, running off toward a car hidden somewhere.'
'You don't know a bloody thing.'
'The cops will find out.'
'Jordan. I have the rope.'
'I want you to open the door and toss it out. Don't look out, don't do anything more. Close the door after you toss the rope.' Jordan wasn't going to risk William grabbing Zoe or his son and using them as a shield.
The door opened, and a rope landed on the top step, followed by the closing of the door.
'I want you to pick up that rope William. Walk easy. One wrong move and your legs will be the first target. I hear getting shot in the leg is mighty painful, especially when another bullet lodges in your back.'
'You wouldn't shoot an unarmed man.'
'Try me.'
He walked slowly, and bent, picking up the rope.
'Pass it back.'
When he moved his hand behind him, Jordan grabbed the rope. 'Now lie on the ground. Knees first. Keep it slow. If you make me jittery the gun is likely to go off.'
William did as instructed and lay belly down on the ground.
'Hands behind your back.'
He put his hands behind him, and Jordan approached. Bending, he kneed him in the back and held him in place, tucked the gun into his jeans and secured his hands. Following the long length of rope he tied his feet, making sure he was secure.
Jordan stood. 'You can come out now Zoe. But only as far as the veranda.'
The door opened, and Zoe stepped out. Jordan noticed the shock over her face when she spotted William hogtied.
'William.' She looked at Jordan.
'Yes, you aunt’s partner. They tried to set the place alight. There's a spot fire Zoe, could you try and put it out with the hose? It's over that way.' He nodded, indicating the direction. A movement caught his eye.
'Luke, stay inside. Go and turn on the tele.'
'What's going on Dad?'
'I'll tell you later. This is really important Luke.'
Jordan heard a reluctant, 'Okay,' and then Luke closed the door.
Smoke billowed from the side of the house, and he gathered Zoe had the fire under control. Minutes later when she appeared her face was chalk white with shock.
She walked over to Jordan. 'I can't believe it. He tried to burn the place down.'
'Your aunt took off. Well I gathered it was your aunt.'
Zoe placed a hand over her mouth. 'So they're responsible for the fire that killed my parents.'
Nausea bit at her insides, ate at the lining of her stomach as emotions and memories of the night of the f
ire jumped to the forefront of her mind. Her body rocked violently.
William laughed. 'Yeah and you'd pin that on us too. Well let me tell you something girly. That fire was started with a candle or something. When we came here that night the god damn place was already up in flames.'
Zoe's chest tightened. Her mind dug through the dark clouds of her memory as she tried to recall a candle. She placed a hand to her mouth. 'Oh God no. No.'
'What is it?'
She glared at Jordan, who stepped closer and slid a hand around her waist. 'Hey.'
'There was...a candle burning that night. I can't remember...I can't remember.'
'It's okay. It will all come out soon.'
Sirens blasted in the distance. Jordan turned in the direction. 'Sounds like the fire brigade is arriving, along with the sergeant.'
A fire truck, followed by a police car pulled up on the other side of the fence. Two firefighters jumped from the truck, one spoke briefly to Jordan while the sergeant and the constable approached them.
'We got some of your message Jordan. What's happened?'
Jordan explained the situation.
'Well I'll be damned. I think we might have caught our culprit. I'll get a description circulated. Track down the woman. I'll need a description.' He looked at Zoe, and she folded her arms over her chest, and nodded.
'Get the grub out of here constable. He's stinking up the joint.'
Constable Berry walked up to them. 'Miss Montgomery.' He nodded.
'Hello, Constable Berry.'
The constable untied William's legs.
'Get to your feet.'
William struggled to stand, and the constable pulled him upwards, and nudged him toward the police car.
'I'd like you both to come into the station this afternoon. We need to haul your aunt in. Settle this bloody mess for the last time. Hey Jordan? Get that name of yours cleared.'
Zoe nodded. 'I'll be there.'
'Me too, Andy. See you in a few hours. Before you go, William was carrying this.' Jordan produced the handgun, and with an outstretched arm, he passed it to the sergeant.
'Rotten from the inside out.'
'I agree. Let me know what you find out. This day has been a long time coming.'
'We shouldn't jump to conclusions, although the facts are piecing together.'
The men shook hands, and the sergeant headed back to his car.
Jordan spoke briefly to one of the firefighters and turned as the police vehicle pulled away from the property. Not long after the fire truck followed.
He glanced at Zoe and took a few steps toward her. 'Are you okay?'
'Not really. The candle thing has shaken me up. I think there may have been a candle burning that night. What if I lit that candle? What if I was the one who burned the house...and killed my family?' Zoe crossed her arms as cool shivers crawled over her skin. In the hope of easing her anxiety, she rubbed at her forearms.
'It wasn't you. Besides, if there was a chance that a candle did start the fire and you set it alight, it would have been an accident.'
'Accident or not Jordan, it would still be me. I'd be the one who took my own family away, the one who destroyed lives.'
'Come on. You're overreacting. Let your mind settle. Let's wait until the sergeant questions your aunt and William.' Jordan untangled her arms, and took hold of one of her hands. 'People will say anything to get themselves out of a jam. William took a stab.'
After taking a few steps toward the house, Zoe stopped. 'Oh, and I'm not overreacting. It's only natural to think through things.'
'Sorry about that. I know. But let's take one day at a time for now.'
Zoe let out a deep breath. 'All right, then. Let's go and see how Luke is doing. With all this commotion he'd be pretty shaken up.'
'He's a tough kid. You can count on that. Besides, he's probably got his eyes and ears glued to the television, oblivious to anything that's going on around him.'
Zoe and Jordan sat in the waiting room at the police station. They received a call telling them her aunt had been apprehended.
Jordan took her hand. 'There's no need to worry. It's not you that's done anything wrong.'
'I'm still not convinced.'
'Jordan, Zoe.'
The sergeant approached. 'Jordan. It's good to see you.'
'Hi Andy.' The men shook hands.
'Hello Zoe. How are you feeling now?'
'Not too bad, thanks.'
'Come on. I've got a heck of a lot to go through.'
Jordan took Zoe's hand, gave it a squeeze as they followed the sergeant into his office.
'Take a seat. Take a seat.' He pushed papers aside, clearing his desk while they sat down.
He sat opposite them. 'Well, as I said on the phone, Shirley Mayberry has been apprehended. She and William Shearer have been taken to Tamworth lock up.'
Zoe nodded in response.
'All the evidence we have collected proves they're guilty, although they'll eventually admit their guilt.'
'So what is my aunt saying?'
The sergeant's phone rang. 'Excuse me while I take this.'
'Sergeant McPherson here. Yeah. When? That's good news. What a load off. When? Okay. I'll be here.'
He replaced the receiver, looked up at Zoe, and hesitated. They admit to wanting to harm your mother. The argument was about money, as we suspected.'
Zoe's heart hammered non-stop.
'She went to see your mother three days before the fire. She asked for some money but your mother apparently had been lending her money for years. There came a time for your mother to stop. That's when your aunt went on the warpath.'
'So will they be charged?'
'I said she admitted to wanting to harm your mother. She hasn't admitted to killing your family. William acknowledged that your aunt was behind the burning, or attempted burning of the house, although he hasn't admitted to what his part actually was at this stage. They are facing several charges; kidnapping is one of them.'
They weren't any further on than what Zoe had already known. She crossed one jean clad leg over the other.
'Evidence proves they are guilty. We can press charges on what we have. They'll probably get twenty years. It depends on the judge.'
'Twenty years. I thought they'd get life.'
'Yeah, well with a confession they are most likely looking at twenty. Your aunt said something about a candle burning through the hallway window.'
Zoe nodded.
'They also have stated the house was in flames when they got there. If that's true the candle may have been responsible. She changes her story every time.'
Zoe's body thrummed with nerves. Every muscle she possessed tensed.
'Um. Sometimes at night, either my mother or I would light a candle and put it on the hallway stand. It was for Benjamin, just in case he got up at night. But Mum would always put it out before she went to bed.'
'Did you see a candle when you went to bed on the night of the fire?'
'Yes. It was on the hallway stand, like I said.'
'Do you know who lit it that night?'
Tears filled Zoe's eyes. She tried blinking them away. 'No. I can't remember.'
'Don't upset yourself too much over the matter Zoe. It might be only something your aunt has mentioned to avoid being charged.'
Jordan placed his hand on her knee. 'Don't blame yourself Zoe. There's no proof in what your aunt is saying. Look at all the times she's lied to you.'
'Jordan's correct. When they face a judge I'm certain they'll get what they deserve. Your aunt and William Shearer are off the street now. They can't harm you any more.'
'Thank heavens for that.' Zoe expelled a breath, although her body wouldn't stop shaking.
'Give me a ring, Andy, the moment they break and confess. I don't think it was a candle. After all the main fire was in the two bedrooms at the far end of the house, on opposite sides, not further down in the hallway.'
nbsp; 'That's correct. I'll be sure to ring you the second I find out.'
Jordan stood and took Zoe's hand as she pushed to her feet.
'Thank you for helping us, for helping me.' She shook the sergeant's hand.
'As I said don't worry too much. I'm sure it will all work out. We'll need you to attend court.'
Zoe's insides sank. Court. That meant she'd have to face her aunt and William again. 'I...well I really.'
'She'll be there and I'll be by her side, Andy.'
'Good. I'll talk to you soon.'
On the drive back to Montagreen Zoe didn't speak much, her mind consumed with the candle, and the fact that she may have been the culprit all along. She cringed at the thought. What type of person was she if she allowed that to happen, if she was careless enough to light the candle in the first place?
'Hey, stop your mind will you?'
'I can't help it. Imagine if my thoughts are true?'
'They're not. So forget it.'
'How can you be so sure?'
'For starters when I came over earlier that night there wasn't a candle glowing in sight. Do you remember?'
Zoe squinted. 'Why didn't you tell the sergeant?'
'He already knows. I told him everything up front when the case closed in around me. I visited you for about half an hour. Your mother called and was heading to your bedroom. I slipped down the trellis without a sound. I told you I'd be back.'
'I don't remember.' Zoe rubbed her temple. 'I've got a pounding headache.'
'No wonder.'
He veered the car to a stop at Montagreen, and they walked into the house. Zoe dropped her bag.
'Have you got anything to take for that headache?'
'In the cupboard above the stove.'
Jordan found some Paracetamol, filled a glass with water and took them to the dining room table to where Zoe sat.
'Here you go.'
'Thanks.' She took the tablets and drank the entire glass of water.