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The Dom with a Safeword (Badass Brats #1)

Page 15

by Silverwood, Cari

  He smiled. The return of the feistiness. Brat One versus Brat Two.

  “You weren’t just going to the bathroom, brat. You were off downstairs, doing something else.”

  “I was…” She cleared her throat, pulled her hand out of Q’s hold. “I was looking for a ghost. My detectors went off. I thought I saw something, and then I got trapped...” Her breath hitched and he wondered if she was about to cry. “I’m sorry I worried you both. But look...”

  She squirmed a bit and he felt her fiddle at his side before her hand popped back up with the damn camera, again. “This! I took pictures of the ghost.”

  “Uh-huh.” Q sounded skeptical. “So you went off gallivanting and got yourself in trouble. In all the time you’ve been ghost hunting, what have I said? Go with a chaperone or not at all. You get hyper focused on your gadgets and don’t look at your surroundings, Sabrina. You could have fallen down some hole in this house.” Q’s hands stroked over Sabrina, as though to reassure herself that she was okay.

  “A hole? Like a bottomless pit to hell?” She snorted. “Let me guess, Jude is Satan’s evil demon sidekick? Seriously, Q? I have a fucking picture of a fucking ghost! And you’re talking about home repairs?”

  “Enough with the pictures. Put the camera away. Check in the morning.” Jude squeezed them both to him for a second. The ache in his chest had just multiplied by a thousand. “What am I going to do? You two are going to give me several heart attacks before this summer is over.”

  Sabrina stiffened and sucked in a breath. “I’m sorry. So…I was bad? You want us to go then? I don’t want to go,” she said wistfully.

  “Hell! No.” He lifted his head off the pillow and peered down at her. “I never said that.”

  “Jude,” Q murmured, toying with his chest hair.


  “Thank you for not bitching out Sabrina. Some guys would have lost their shit instead of being nice.”

  He couldn’t help frowning. “I didn’t do anything special. Besides, it was a pleasure. I got to carry Sabrina up the stairs.”

  Q, seemingly without realizing it, had wound her fingers into some of his hair so tightly she was tweaking it at the roots. He resisted protesting. Something bothered her. He waited.

  “I’ve met some men who’d have been pissed.”

  “Assholes then. There’s no reason for a man to be like that. Boyfriend?”

  Her shoulder moved as if she shrugged. “Yes.”

  “Well, forget him. I’ve got you both now.”

  She stayed quiet but exhaled slowly then her muscles relaxed and Q snuggled closer.

  “Her last boyfriend was awful. But you’re good, so far.” The smugness in Sabrina’s voice made him wonder where she was going.

  “I’m okay, so far? Be careful, Brat Two.” He pinched her ass and smiled as she jerked.

  “Ow! You be careful. Both of you were so slow coming to rescue me I think I should take away your Dom cards.” Then she lifted the camera and turned it on.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Checking my photos.”

  “No. Put that on the side table. I’m going to turn off the light.”

  Sabrina whined and looked up at him while doing little squirms in place and tapping the screen with her thumb. “I can’t wait! I can’t! I have to know. Oh my god! Look! Isn’t that a ghost?” She shoved the bright screen up at him.

  “It’s too blurry.” The woman was like a squirrel on crack. He frowned. Another sub he’d had needed punishment or she regularly chewed her fingernails to the quick and worried herself into a frazzled mess.

  “Then your laptop! We can zoom in. I can clean it up with a sharpening filter.” She tried to sit up. “I’ll never sleep like this. I need to know. You’re being mean.”

  Q snorted. “Asking for trouble.”

  He held Sabrina tighter, stared as she kept trying to wriggle away.

  “I said, no.” He looked at Q as she lifted her head. “Q? Wanna help me?”


  He sat up, rolled over to Sabrina’s other side then grabbed her and flipped her onto her stomach. Though she wriggled, he and Q pinned her there with her hands at the small of her back. Her shriek of delight was cut short when he whipped her panties down below her butt.

  “Oh, that looks good.” Q grinned and slapped Sabrina’s ass once.

  Sabrina yelped. “Noooo. I’ll wait! I’ll wait till morning. I’ll be good!”

  “Promise?” He placed the camera on the side table then raised his hand, palm ready to connect. The pink from Q’s slap already showed and he admired the mark.

  Sabrina turned her head and looked up at him with big eyes.

  “I promise! Just no hitting!” Her voice dropped and she muttered, “Mean fuckers.”

  At that Q chuckled so hard she almost choked. “Mean fuckers?”

  “That is not the right form of address. Q, want to take turns? Seven each?”

  She nodded.

  Despite her squeals and squirming they managed to deliver the fourteen spanks. He noted to his satisfaction, that Q toned down the force when Sabrina quieted. The last few were delivered to a very submissive Sabrina. Curious, he put his hand to her slit and gently slid a finger along. She was very wet. Her ass arched upward and she wiggled.

  “Well. I can see spanking like that isn’t much punishment for you. Next time I may try a crop.”

  Sabrina whined.

  “Shh.” He pulled her panties back up. “Now, everyone back to sleep. It’s damn late.”

  “But…” Sabrina whispered.

  Q glanced down, smiled. “But what?”

  Again Sabrina wriggled her ass and peeked at him. “You can’t leave me like this. Now I’m horny.” She pouted.

  “And you’ll stay that way until morning, at least. Maybe then, if you beg, I might relent.”

  “Fuc –” She cut the word off then sighed. “Sorry.”

  “Sorry, Sir.”

  She blinked. “Sorry, Sir.”


  When the lights went out and he again had his two girls cuddled up to him it took at least a half an hour before he could stop smiling and go to sleep. He’d found a slice of heaven for the summer, at least.


  Something woke him – was it the morning sun, the warm woman on one side, who must be Q, or maybe it was the toes wiggling before his face and the delighted humming. He blinked again and focused on those toes, let his eyes follow the flow of the leg muscles – shapely calves, thighs, wiggling butt. The word “naughty” emblazoned across the underwear on that butt.

  Why was Sabrina facing the wrong way?

  He leaned on his elbow. Q sprawled on her stomach, taking up half of the bed. He was surprised at how vulnerable she looked as she slept.

  But Sabrina.

  He sat up and moved carefully about until he too faced the end of the bed, to look over her shoulder. Sabrina grinned back at him. Of course, she had his laptop out and was starting up his camera app.

  “Sabrina.” He made it a growl. What was this? Six in the morning?


  Ah. At least she had the decency to look guilty. By feel, he sneaked his hand over the roundness of her butt until he encountered the edge of her panties.

  “Were you supposed to start up my laptop this early?”

  “Umm.” She sucked in her lower lip. Cute, girly, and guaranteed to raise his testosterone level. “You never said a specific time. It is technically morning. Some people get up this early for work even.”

  “You woke me. You got yourself up way too early. Shut it off.”

  “Nooo.” She screwed up her mouth. “Please?”

  “Close it. We’ll have a little talk then maybe if you beg nicely, we’ll both look.” He rested his chin on her shoulder and inhaled through his nose. Woman. Mmm.

  She could do with a shower, but his dick stirred, hardened. It obviously didn’t mind. He put his arm across her back so she’d feel his
weight, that a man had hold of her. “Sabrina.”

  The softening of her back, her one slow deep breath, and her stillness, told him he’d done the right thing.

  “Okay,” she whispered as she inched the lid shut.

  “Thank you, sweetheart. Now, the talk.” When she went to turn over he stopped her. “No. Stay there. Tell me.” Beneath the T-shirt he stroked up her backbone then paid attention to the rest of her back, massaging all her delightful curves. As he spoke she subsided more and more, until she lay prone, with her head to one side, watching him.

  “I know what you wrote on the questionnaire, but I’d like to hear it from your mouth too. Especially now you’ve tried some of the things out. What do you know you like? What do you really want to try?”

  Despite his massage, her forehead wrinkled and she did a little squirm. “Do I have to? It’s,” she closed her eyes for a second, “not something I like saying.”

  “Yes, you have to.” He raised an eyebrow. “Go.”

  She huffed but when pleading with her eyes did nothing, she began to speak. To his amusement she squirmed her lower body on the bed with each announcement. “Getting tied up, that I liked. More of that…ropes and stuff.” Small squirm. “And spanking.” Squirm. “Especially when you had me on your lap.” She met his eyes, looked down. Big squirm. “I liked…I liked what Q did to me, with her mouth.” Swallow and lick of her lips. “Didn’t know for sure before, but I did.”

  “And when we both spanked you?” He tugged on her hair.

  “Hot! Fuck, that was so hot. Just thinking about it.”

  He looked down and saw her spread her legs a little and do the biggest wriggle yet.

  “Hmm. My guess is that was more than just the spanking. I’ll try you out with other impact play, like a crop and floggers, maybe a belt?” He focused on her as she parted her lips and stared. “Like that idea?”

  “Yes,” she said quietly.

  “And looking at how much you liked both of us controlling you, especially since you checked begging and following orders on that form, I think you love Dominance and submission an awful lot, Jersey Girl. I might try you with a play collar and leash.”

  Her eyes widened. “God. No! I don’t think so. Uh-uh.” She shook her head violently. “I’m not your pet!” Her words came out in a harsh whisper.

  He waited a moment. Then he traced his hand across her nape. “I think you are. I think you like being a little sex toy.”

  “I’m…I’m still me. I don’t want you controlling me like that. No. I didn’t check collars.” But she pouted and stared at the bed as he let his palm drift down her back.

  “You didn’t say they were a hard limit either. What would Q say?”

  The bed moved. As he’d thought, Q was awake and listening. She crawled across and flopped down on Sabrina’s other side. “Q thinks Sabrina would look hot in a purple collar and almost bought one a few days ago. She also thinks Sabrina makes an excellent sex toy, and that the naughty girl secretly loves it.”

  She arched a brow and gave Q a bratty glare. “Well, Sabrina thinks it’s silly when people talk about themselves in the third person.”

  Q chuckled and shook her head.

  “And, you two…” Sabrina looked grumpily from one of them to the other. “Stop ganging up on me.”

  “You’re new to this. Sabrina, you don’t always know what you want without trying it sometimes.” Jude turned over on his back and peered sideways at her. If she still said no he’d honor it. They didn’t have enough history for him to push this. “Let’s try the collar sometime. You can safeword from the first moment if you don’t like it, but at least give it a try.”

  For a little while she stared and just chewed on her lip, until Q put her hand across Sabrina’s neck and held her a little. “Please, beautiful girl. Try it for me.”

  Submission melted into Sabrina’s eyes, her eyelids drifted lower and she swallowed. “I guess I can try.”

  “Thank you.” Q kissed the top of Sabrina’s head

  Sometimes Q figured her out before he did. But they’d been friends for a long time. “Good. Now if you want to see those photos, ask nicely.”

  She barely hesitated. “Please, can we look at them? Pretty please, Mr. Jude, Dom of the Universe?” Then she batted her eyelashes furiously.

  He couldn’t help guffawing. “Damn, girl, you ask for it. You can look, but there are consequences. If you protest even one of them, no photos.” This could be a fun game. Would she play along?

  “Um. Okay.” She looked uneasy, but she shrugged, hauled herself up on her elbows, and popped open the laptop.

  He stopped her with a hand on her arm. “You get to do it naked. Q, take off her t-shirt.”

  “I like this idea.” Q grinned.

  Sabrina let out an aggravated sigh. “Okay, okay. I’ll look at ghosts naked while you two stare at my butt.” She sat up to let them strip her.

  Finally, naked, she lay down again and he and Q lay beside her. “The card’s loaded the pics. Now to find the album. What’s this stupid program? Nothing’s where it should be.”

  She muttered to herself until he slid his hand over her bare ass and down into her crevice.


  “Keep looking. I’m going to play with you here.” Very wet and her labia felt swollen and ready for sex. For all her nay-saying, she’d probably been aroused by the idea of a collar and leash. He thrust his forefinger inside her an inch and started to pump.

  “Jude!” she said in a hushed tone. “Unfair.” Her bottom tilted. “I can’t not get all –”

  “Is that a protest?”

  Her mouth snapped shut. “No. It’s not.”

  “Q play with her breasts. If I don’t hear lots of moans and see some leg spreading and humping of this bed, I will be disappointed and crop you both. But Sabrina, you are not to come.”

  Her whine and incredulous look made both he and Q laugh.

  “You won’t have to crop me, Sir. But you may have to crop our toy when she comes.”

  “Oh shit! Not protesting, Sir, but…fuck.” As Q reached beneath and pinched her nipple, Sabrina gasped. He pumped into her harder. “Ohh…” She writhed a bit, moaned, and slumped on her elbows, but to her credit stayed at the laptop. He pulled his fingers out and found her clit. Circling around and around on top of it rewarded him with a shudder from Sabrina.

  Even so, she said huskily, “Look! Told you. Ummm. Told you. Oh god.” She collapsed entirely onto the bed with her head in her arms.

  “Up!” Q bit her shoulder. “How can I play with your nipples if you lie…Oh my!”

  The change in Q’s voice made him look at the screen. What the hell was that? He stared.

  “See?” Sabrina whispered. “A ghost. I told you both.”

  The pale white face of a woman peered out of the laptop screen. Through her misty shape, beyond her, he recognized the dining table. Fuck. He stared at Sabrina.


  “Fuck.” Q leaned in closer, her hand planted on Sabrina’s back. “What is that?”

  Either someone was playing a joke, or…he had ghosts.

  “CGI,” he muttered. “Must be.”

  “CGI, my ass,” Sabrina said.

  “Hmm.” He gave that ass a slap. “We’ll sort this out later. Turn over so Q and I can get at your body properly. And do not come. Keep your hands above your head and stay still.”

  Though her eyes were wide, she did as he asked. He sat up on his heels and observed her. Already her nipples were tight little buttons and her mouth was parted. “Now. Where will I start?”

  Sabrina whimpered.


  For all his misgivings, the photo looked to be that of a ghost. From where he sat on the stool at the kitchen bench, the sun bounced in through the window and off the screen and made everything damn glary. Jude took another bite of the French toast and stared at the laptop screen.

  “See!” Sabrina put her hand to his shoulder and leaned in to poke
at the screen.

  He caught her hand. “No. No, strawberry jelly flavored fingers on my laptop, thank you.” His father’s favorite saying came to mind. “If you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebras.”

  On the other side of this island bench, with a fork halfway to her mouth, Q paused. “What the fuck? Zebras?”

  “It’s a medical aphorism. A saying. It means that common things happen commonly. That is, don’t think up weird reasons for things to happen.”

  “Uh-huh.” She lowered the fork, and frowned. “Meaning what, exactly, in this case?”

  Good question. The photo Sabrina had taken looked like a ghost. How could anyone have fiddled with it if she took it last night? He glanced at her eager face. “Would Jersey Girl here do some sneaky switch with a photo just to scare us?”

  “No.” Q’s answer was matter-of-fact, and Sabrina looked miffed.

  “Good. Then, I guess I mean that if it looks like a ghost, maybe it is one?”

  “See?” Sabrina crowed. “Knew it! Yes!” As if he’d delivered the Ten Commandments on a tablet, to her doorstep, Sabrina did a war whoop.

  Not smiling was impossible. Crazy woman. “Why are you so happy? I thought that ghost last night scared the hell out of you?”

  She leaned an elbow on the counter next to Q, and seemed to ponder his question while stealing bits of Q’s food. “It did. It was fucking scary. But…” A grin spread across her face and she locked her gaze on him. “I got a real photo! You don’t understand. That’s every ghost hunter’s dream!”

  The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Q volunteered.

  At least she and Sabrina were decent. Earlier on, upstairs, Sabrina had been prancing around naked while brushing her teeth with a borrowed toothbrush.

  Tuesday…Tuesday morning. He remembered who was coming and leaned back on the stool to shout more effectively down the hallway. “Hey, Q, it's probably Cross delivering that wood. Tell him I’ll be out in a minute to help unload it in the front yard.”

  Cross was a godsend with his truck. It seemed like almost everyone he knew here he’d met through the club.

  He’d bought the timber at auction. Salvaged from an old house, the oak planks should be a close match for the treads on the staircase.


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