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The Dom with a Safeword (Badass Brats #1)

Page 23

by Silverwood, Cari

  Q laughed and pushed the ottoman under his feet. “Poor guy.”

  “Hey!” Sabrina cut in, tossing her bra into the laundry room across the hall. “Uh-uh. Don’t ‘poor guy’ him.” She pointed to Jude with a scowl. “He got a blow job in the hallway. What do I get? Nothing!”

  Q gave her a sly smile. “Oh, but that’s not true, Sabrina.” She turned to Jude. “Were her panties wet when you checked?”

  He nodded.

  “Then I owe you something.” She stalked toward Sabrina. Her gaze swept up her barefoot, nearly naked body. The sly smile she wore earlier disappeared. “Come here,” she ordered.

  Q’s turned on face. Oh boy. She looked to Jude – for help or encouragement, she wasn’t sure. But he gave neither.

  He laughed and put his feet up on the ottoman. “Good idea, Q. Take over for me. I’m beat and could use some entertainment.”

  Sabrina glared. “I’m not your toy!”

  Q’s brow arched. “Aren’t you?”

  Well… She averted her gaze and held her hands behind her back – an open gesture that could be interpreted as affirmative without saying so. She was an expert at dodging uncomfortable questions.

  “That’s what I thought.” Q chuckled. “Do you have the collar we used the other day, Jude?”

  “Oh! Left the toy bag in the car.” He stood and traipsed to the door. “I didn’t think we’d be playing so soon. I’ll be right back.”

  When he disappeared, Q stepped in and kissed Sabrina quickly on the lips. They wrapped their arms around each other, squeezing tight. Sabrina inhaled the scent of Q’s hair – earthy shampoo with a hint of delicious mint. She’d been chewing gum. How could she miss her in only the span of a few hours?

  Keeping Sabrina close with one hand on her back and the other stroking her hair, Q asked softly, “Did you have fun, beautiful? Was your family good to Jude?”

  Sabrina smiled. “It was mostly fun. And they loved Jude, of course. One of my aunts called him a hunk of burning love. I almost died laughing.”

  Q chuckled. “That’s good. I bet he fit in well.”

  “He did.” She nodded, staring dreamily at the floor. “He did fit in.” Too well. But that acknowledgement brought heartache. She pushed it away. Looking back up at Q, she giggled. “The best part was when I asked the DJ to play Hey, Jude and made him slow dance to it. I never thought a guy could glare so hard. I might be in for it later.”

  They both laughed and when their chuckles faded, Q blurted, “I wish I could’ve been there.” She flushed immediately and tried to pull away, but Sabrina held her still with arms wrapped tight around her waist.

  “Me too,” Sabrina admitted. She felt Q relax against her again and she pressed her face into her neck. Summer was almost over. This…was almost over. Soft, minty kisses, snuggling up on the couch to watch a movie, kneeling at Q’s feet with her fist in her hair.

  She inhaled a deep breath, locking the scent, the memories, deep in her heart. “I missed you,” she muttered into Q’s soft skin.

  Chapter 16


  “Are you sure we’ve never met?” the future Mrs. Julie Eagleton asked for the umpteenth time.

  Q shook her head again with the same pleasant smile. “Oh, I’m sure I would have remembered. I’m very good with faces.”

  From over Julie’s shoulder her fiancé grinned like an idiot. Smallish cities sometimes sucked. At least Jon was being discreet and not letting on that his fiancée had, indeed, run out of a bar on Q’s account only a few weeks before. Q didn’t often get last-minute wedding bookings, but of course this awkward situation would be one.

  The bride and groom paid the amount they owed and Q’s mind switched to auto-pilot. She drifted through the memory of the conversation with Nico at the bar a few weeks ago. Had she really been stupid enough to consider taking him back? Even knowing how things had eventually fallen spectacularly apart, not having him as a fallback made her anxious. How fucked up was that?

  Things with Jude and Sabrina had shown her how wonderful a real relationship could be. But what would she do at the end of the summer? Deep down she wondered if Jude was really leaving – he was starting to drop subtle hints that he didn’t want their relationship to end. But how would it work with him living across the country? Would getting together a few times a year, the whole time he was in med school work? Sabrina didn’t want to move that far away from her family, and Q’s business was established here. She shook her head. Now she was getting ahead of herself. Did he even like them enough for that to be an issue right now? But if and when he did move – what would happen between her and Sabrina?

  The Eagletons left the building, excited to be seeing Q again in a few days for their engagement pictures. Jon was a little too enthusiastic for Q’s comfort, but business was business.

  When the front door jingled, she left the rest of the wedding contract paperwork on the back counter. With her professional smile plastered on her face, she walked into the front room... The grin turned real when she saw who it was.

  Jude and Sabrina strolled around the small lobby, checking out some of her latest display pictures. “Wow, Q. I didn’t realize you were so talented,” Jude said thoughtfully.

  People always said things like that to photographers. It was normally about as sincere as being told to “have a nice day” at a shop. His tone convinced her that he meant it though.

  “Thanks! You two are an unexpected surprise. What brings you by?” Sabrina visited once in awhile, but Jude never had.

  “We thought we’d take you out for lunch, since we were just sitting around waiting for you to get home.” Jude walked closer, stopping only when he was standing well within her personal space. His expression went from friendly to molten. Her body responded without hesitation – her heart sped up and her knees tried to buckle. Fight or flight took over and she backed into the reception counter.

  Without losing a beat, he followed. His big hands rose to grip the granite countertop on either side of her, boxing her in. With alarm she saw Sabrina flip the jocular Out to Lunch sign then slide the deadbolt.

  “Behave, you two,” she said “Don’t turn my studio into a den of iniquity.” Q’s intended grumble came out more like a plea.

  The press of Jude’s groin against hers made her groan and he caught the sound with a deep kiss. When it ended, she was pretty sure her knees had rubberized. He steadied her. “Shh! You’re going to disturb the people at the pet shop next door. Really, Q, control yourself.” He looked smug.

  She gazed up at him, slowing her gasping breaths. “Let’s go for lunch before I figure out how to rape a man twice my size.”

  His hand closed tightly in the back of her hair and she melted. “You can’t rape the willing, little brat.”

  “You two are such pervs.” Sabrina chuckled and shook her head. “Did your new background come in, Q?”

  Regrettably, Jude released his grip on her.

  “Yes, I haven’t had a chance to unpack it yet though. Unexpected wedding booking this morning. You’ll never guess who.”

  They looked at her blankly.

  “Jude’s best buddy Jon, from the bar.”

  “Nooooo!” Sabrina yelled in mock dismay. “How awkward was that? Did they remember you?” She strolled over.

  Without warning, Jude grabbed the smaller girl and perched her on the counter. Sabrina squeaked.

  Q’s gaze was drawn to the girl’s shapely legs. Bare, and so very close to her face. Was she wearing underwear?

  “Jon remembered me. He grinned like a tool through the whole process. His fiancée, Julie, kept thinking she knew me from somewhere.” She shrugged. “One of the hazards of being a photographer in such a small city. At least I didn’t grow up here. Having people tell me all the time that they remembered me from grade school would be a pain in the ass. Want to help me set up for my next shoot? It’s not until five.”

  When she struggled to lift the shipping box with the new background in it, and Jude
grabbed it out of her hands, she was secretly pleased. Fuck women’s lib. The damn thing was heavy. She led the way into the studio.

  Showing Jude how to hook it up was almost unnecessary. He unrolled it and hung it in place in record time. The rich, deep red reminded Q of the painted walls in Hollywood whorehouse scenes.

  “Sexy!” Sabrina said approvingly. “You said this was for boudoir shots, right?”

  “Yup. I did boudoir pictures for Ivy as a gift to her newest Dom a few months ago, and I’ve had a steady flow of kinksters through here ever since. Just don’t tell the brides or the moms who come in to get their baby pics done, or my entire vanilla career will be ruined.”

  They all laughed. Q asked Jude to help her slide the brown leather chaise lounge into the centre of the room. They all stood back to look.

  “Nice!” Jude nodded.

  Grimacing, Q gestured at the set up. “I should be able to visualize it in my head more than I do, but without the subject I have trouble imagining good poses. Um. Sabrinaaaaaa...?”

  Her friend rolled her eyes. “Where do you want me?”

  She’d helped out before so Sabrina knew the drill.

  “Go sit on the couch while I adjust my tripod. I’ll be there in a minute.” Q fiddled with her equipment for awhile then turned on the lights and adjusted the lighting umbrellas.

  “Okay, could you lean on your side with your head on your hand? Propped up on an elbow.” After Sabrina maneuvered into position, Q zoomed in closer. “Now give me a sexy smile.”

  Her subject froze, a pained expression on her face.

  “No, Sabrina. Sexy. Give me the expression you would use if you were trying to give a guy a come hither look.” The girl looked like a deer in headlights.

  “I don’t know how to be sexy, Q. Maybe that’s why I’ve only had three boyfriends before.” She giggled uncomfortably.

  “You are sexy, Sabrina.” Q came out from behind the camera and adjusted her friend’s pose a little. “I’ve seen you with a lot of sexy expressions. Maybe it was subconscious. Give it a try or I’m going to do things to make you uncomfortable.” She schooled her expression into something sinister.

  Sabrina wriggled in place a bit before settling down.

  Q ducked behind the camera again and had to stifle a laugh. Her subject now looked as though a poor, unsuspecting Christmas nutcracker had been lured into doing boudoir shots. Sabrina’s open-mouthed grin would terrify a walnut at thirty paces.

  She sighed. “A little help, Jude?”

  Rubbing his hands, Jude approached Sabrina with an evil glint in his eyes. All he needed was a top hat, a handlebar mustache, and some train tracks.

  Mouth half-open, Sabrina watched them approach. She curled up into a ball and squealed. “No, no! I don’t know what you want. I’m sorry!”

  “Give me your dress,” Q ordered.

  Sabrina glared, but knelt on the couch and pulled it over her head. The white bra she wore was only a demi-cup and her hardened pink nipples were held up and out on display. A matching thong left little to the imagination. Together, the color said innocent, while the cut said otherwise. Perfect for Sabrina.

  Jude groaned. He traced his finger along the string that went across her hip then followed it down to the cleft of her ass. She quivered and gasped, lips parting. Her expression was breathtaking.

  “Jude, you stay with her. Touch her until I tell you to back away, okay?” Q licked her lips, wishing she was using a video camera instead of a still. She pressed a hand between her own legs for a second, trying to relieve the ache.

  “I saw that,” Jude growled.

  “Shut up, Sir.”

  “You watch yourself, girl.”

  His vague threat barely registered. Her hand-held camera seemed more appropriate for this job. Grabbing it out of the open case on the table only took a second. When Q turned back, Jude was standing behind Sabrina, rolling her nipples between his fingers. Her head was thrown back against his chest. The little whining noise that came from Sabrina’s lips shot straight to Q’s clit.

  She nodded at Jude when she caught his attention, and he slipped out of the picture. She barked Sabrina’s name and her subject’s eyes opened, but her wanton expression suggested she wasn’t paying much attention to what Q was doing. She snapped a few pictures in rapid succession – the flashes seemed to bring Sabrina back to herself.

  “Stop,” she complained feebly. “I look like an idiot.”

  “No, you don’t,” Q and Jude replied in unison.

  “Stand up for a second.” She got Jude to help her turn the chaise lounge so that the back of it was facing the camera. Q took Sabrina by the arm, led her to the couch and placed her hands on the top near the higher end. She moved Sabrina’s feet back until her ass was practically sending the camera love letters.

  “What? No,” Sabrina complained. Her shifting feet only served to draw more attention to her luscious ass. But she didn’t move or cover herself. Or safeword. Q took several shots with Sabrina’s ass forefront, her expression pouty as she looked at Q over her shoulder. At Q’s side, Jude sighed blissfully, sounding like he’d found heaven.

  “She’s so spankable,” Jude said admiringly. “A Dom’s wet dream.”

  Q nodded in agreement. “She walks around the apartment in these tiny little towels, the bottom of her cheeks hanging out. Like she doesn’t know what she’s doing to me. At least now if she does it, she knows I’ll bite her.”

  A whimper from Sabrina got their attention. “You bite it too hard, Q. And quit talking about me as if I can’t hear you!” She tried to get up.

  “Stay!” they both growled.

  “You know what this shot is missing?” Q asked.

  “It needs a little color, I think,” he replied.

  They smiled at each other and he stalked back to Sabrina. He raised his hand high then brought it down hard – the slap echoing loudly in the large room. Sabrina screeched, and stomped her foot. The glare she gave Jude was priceless. Q could almost see the red print throbbing on Sabrina’s ass – Jude’s fingers and thumb all in bright scarlet relief on her pretty white backside. Q’s camera had started clicking as the blow descended, so she’d captured images of the hulking man menacing the dainty girl. In the final frames, Sabrina’s marked ass was the focal point, the pain and pleasure on her face its accent. She flipped back through the shots and was caught between wishing she was Jude and wishing she was Sabrina.

  “Good?” asked Jude.

  “Yes, several. We could easily sell these as cover photos.” She smirked.

  “Ghost!” Sabrina squeaked.

  Q chuckled. “I would never sell these, little girl. Jeez, next thing you know you’ll safeword for having to do dishes. Safewords are for emergencies.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Not funny. Can I move now? I’m getting tired of standing like this.”

  “Sure,” said Q. “Kneel on the floor and put your hands behind your head.”

  Sabrina balked.


  Looking startled, she knelt on the floor. Q strolled over, unhooked Sabrina’s bra and slid it down her arms, then pulled the girl’s hands into position. Her breasts thrust up and out. Q crouched beside her. She bit firmly at one nipple then the other, and then sucked them until Sabrina mewled.

  She stood back with Jude and looked down at her. Sabrina squirmed in place, looking up miserably at the pair of them. Poor kitten. It must have been hard having two Doms.

  “Are you wet, Sabrina?” Jude asked.

  “Why don’t you check and find out?” she snapped. “Sir.”

  He tapped Sabrina’s face lightly with his fingers – a mockery of a slap. She blinked furiously then her eyes widened in shock. She gulped.

  “What did I tell you about sassing us?” he demanded.

  Her skin reddened. She squirmed. “Sorry, Sir.”

  Jude nodded and got down in front of her while Q went behind. They ran their hands over her body, exploring with gentle fingers. As Q
nudged aside her tiny thong and probed the wetness between Sabrina’s thighs, her fingers bumped into Jude’s where he toyed with her clit. Q coaxed a finger into her, stroking with a slowness she knew Sabrina would find frustrating. She fastened her mouth onto the back of her neck, biting and sucking hard. Jude’s head lowered and he latched onto Sabrina’s nipple.

  Her breathing was erratic and labored, her moans getting progressively higher pitched as she got to the precipice. Before she went over the edge, both of them stopped and stood, looking down at her again. The scream of frustration was pure desperation. A couple of tears streaked down her face.

  “Please, let me come?” she begged, brown eyes round and pitiful. She had managed not to lower her arms, and her tits still thrust forward, nipples shiny from Jude’s attentions.

  Q fought the urge to lay her back on the couch and suck her clit into her mouth. Hearing and feeling Sabrina come was even better than having an orgasm herself. Instead, she caught Sabrina’s gaze and smirked then suggestively licked her bottom lip. Sabrina eyed her mouth as though just watching it in action might be enough to give her relief.

  She snapped a few pictures before Sabrina came to her senses.

  They posed her in a few more positions, alternating between staring at her and touching her. Jude stripped her of her panties at one point. Eventually she’d had enough.

  Q had used a wide white ribbon to tie her wrists behind her and she was standing, looking over her shoulder at them. “How come you don’t have to be in any of these, Q?” she grumbled, not that she’d budged from where they’d put her.

  “Because I’m the photographer,” she replied sardonically. “I’m also barely a sub, if you hadn’t noticed.”

  Jude’s gaze swung to Q, and his brow arched. In two strides he was looming over her, making her feel little. Hard blue eyes stared down into hers. She could almost feel her internal controls shift to him, as though he’d just eaten part of her soul. Knees buckled and she sank to her place at his feet, head down. A gentle hand on the back of her head spoke his approval. With a shudder, she pressed her face to his pant leg. He stroked her hair and everything was right in her world. Tears welled, but she blinked them back before they ruined everything. A sniffle escaped her.


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