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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Page 23

by Unknown

  Swiftly his lips claimed hers, comforting the only way he really knew how. Her eyes for a moment startled before her lids dropped and she allowed his tongue into her mouth. She climbed onto his lap, her dressing gown falling open to allow him to move his hands to her skin. It felt soft under his fingers, her breasts larger than before and her bump was perfectly round and high, not very big but he was aware of it now. She started slightly as his hands swept down across it and then around to the small of her back, holding her firmly in place. Charlie could feel his erection nudging beneath her, separated by the fabric. She had nothing to lose anymore Mitchell had found someone else, someone he wanted to bring over to the UK with him.

  Zach's caresses had found her vulnerable and wanting release from the pain of seeing her one true love with someone else. She worked open his dressing gown to run her hands through the hair on his chest and then with a wiggle they were skin on skin. She rubbed her body against him and kissed him more fiercely as he impaled her. He bounced and bucked beneath her as she held him in thrall with her tender kisses on his lips, throat and cheek. Zach could not hold back as he filled her with his heat, she shuddered.

  "Oh, Oh my god" her hand flew to her stomach. She giggled and smiled.

  "Zachcan you feel it"

  With his hand under hers he felt what seemed like a fluttering from within her.

  "I think the baby liked that" she exclaimed, her smile bright for a second before fading with the remembered words.

  "Has it moved before?" Zach asked, suddenly in awe of the life she carried.

  "Sometimes it kicks when I dance, but only really in the last few days”

  She moved off him and wrapped her dressing gown back around her.

  "I'd better go and shower"

  "Take your time" Zach said.

  "Come with me" she held out her hand. This was far more intimate than Zach had been used to since Sasha but he took her up on the offer and followed her into the bathroom. Charlie passed him the shower gel and turned so that her back faced him. He needed away her tensions before she did the same for him, reaching from his shoulders to a last tender sweep across his scar.

  "That feels better"

  "Mmmh" Zach murmured as he wrapped her in a towel.

  "Are you staying all day?"

  "Yes, I'm going to see Lexi, do you want to come?"

  "No, I've got to do some practice and then Emily the costume girl is coming over to fit my outfits....guess I'm going to have to come clean"

  Zach stared at her in shock.

  "You mean they still don't know?"

  "I kept bottling it, I didn't want them to pull me from rehearsals or the first show"

  "Just take care, I know dancing is important to you but so is your health"

  Charlie was totally taken aback by this new caring side of Zach. Whilst she changed into her practice clothes Zach pulled out some clean clothes from the spare room wardrobe and let his sister know he was calling in.

  "See you later" Charlie shouted above her music as she heard the flat door close. In the car journey all Zach could think about what the feel of the baby, possibly his baby. His sister greeted him at the door and they caught up on the gossip.

  Charlotte had a great practice, all her dance moves were crystal clear in her mind and now she knew what she had to do. She would wow Mitchell back to her on the night of the show, how could he resist. Emily arrived at noon and once she got over the shock of the news was able to sympathetically fit the costumes to cover the bump. She told Charlotte that she had worked with Arlene before and that she would be ok with the news and still be able to work something in once the bump got bigger. With that in mind Charlie decided that once the first show was done then she would come clean.

  When Zack returned later he carried boxes of pizza, packets of cheese and onion crisps and even some chip shop mushy peas.

  "How did you know?" Charlie asked, beaming at him.

  "I noticed the remains in the lounge from last night, it’s a strange craving"

  "Shit, did I leave that in there, I was so tired last night I don't even remember going to bed"

  Zach smiled, a strange look in his eyes, but stayed quiet about moving her to the bedroom. Charlie gathered plates and then pulled on her pyjamas as they were the comfiest thing. Side by side they ate and Charlie educated Zach with the movie version of Dirty Dancing. She didn't tell him that since getting the part she had watched it every single night. But tonight it didn't fill her with such sad memories of Mitchell.

  She lay with her head in his lap and his hands seemed to rest happily on her bulge. Could she possibly consider that if he was the father then he would be happy about it? She was confused, if Matthew was Mitchell and decided to take her back and then found out that the baby wasn't his then would he just leave her again? As the film credits scrolled she yawned and stretched, wiping the usual tears from her eyes.

  "I can't wait to see you perform" he said.

  "I just hope I remember all my lines"

  She left him in the lounge as she padded along to bed, in the night she rolled over and found his solid bulk beside her. It felt nice to have him there as she spooned up behind him and breathed in the smell of her favourite aftershave.

  Chapter 33

  James spent the next couple of weeks preparing for Stephanie's return. The hot tub was cleaned and refilled, house scrubbed from top to bottom and the best hotel booked for their stay in the capital. He had even splashed out on one of the small boxes at the theatre so they would have the prime seats to watch Charlotte perform. He had also invited Sarah and Chris. He hadn't forgotten his promise to think about Stephanie's proposal to make her friends parents and he was going to surprise them all with a Yes. After what had happened with Mitchell and Stephanie's Mum he had realised that life was too short.

  When Rob had come back and said that their investigation into Keith Madison had found nothing and they had no grounds for a search of the property he took the chance and forwarded the email information. He made sure that there was no link to the hacker he just said that Mitchell had sent it to his own email. Later that day Rob was on the phone.

  "Are you sure this is straight from your ex-wife's pc?"

  "I guess so, I found it on Mitchell's email's as I thought I'd better try and shut down his account and Charlie remembered what she thought was his password"

  "Well, I'm still not sure what we can do with Felicity over in America, but I will certainly check out the rota dates and see if the Hospital can corroborate that they belong to Mark Eden. It's a long shot they may have destroyed the files by now"

  "Please try" James pleaded.

  "I will, because if this points back to Keith I can get a search warrant and also one for any storage units that Felicity might have here in the UK and her Health Spa computers"

  Hanging up James leaned back in the chair and smiled briefly. Everything seemed to be moving in the right direction. Setting up the webcam he took a sip of his tea and waited for Stephanie to come online. He was rewarded by her smiling face.

  "Hi Babe"

  "Hi Steph, how did it go today?"

  "Difficult, Mum was so confused and no matter how many times Dad and I tried to explain the change of location she kept asking if she could go home"

  "I bet that made it even harder for your Dad?"

  "Sort of, but then when she started to talk about going home to Greytree we realised that she can't even remember her house in New Zealand now"

  James watched Steph close her eyes, a solitary tear squeezed out from under her lashes. She wiped it away quickly.

  "So have you seen Charlotte recently?"

  "No, I'm thinking of giving her a call next week to find out where this flat is so that we can drop her home after the show"

  "I'll find out if you like, I'm going to have a chat with her in a while"

  With the days slowly counting down James couldn't wait to have her back in his arms again.

  With only a week to go until
my flight home I spent my mornings over at the Nursing Home with Dad. It seemed that Mum was finally settling in and seemed at peace. She enjoyed our conversations about family holidays on the coast in the UK, huddled in the caravan as the rain lashed down outside. Walking on the beach together and collecting shells. The only cause to worry was her weight loss, even though the staff told us she was eating her meals she started to look pale and thin. My Dad still got cut up every time we walked away but he endured it.

  "Why don't we take her for another sail before I go home and the weather really starts to get colder"

  "Good idea Steph, I'd love to see how you're getting on"

  The next afternoon I spoke to Russell on my way past and as the long range forecast was good we arranged for an 11am start the following day. I reached the yacht and climbed aboard, waiting for Sebastian. I found a note taped to the wheel.

  "Hi Steph, today's lesson is you going solo, meet me at the cove. Seb x"

  With some trepidation I untied the rope and slowly engaged the motor so that I could steer out of the harbour. Then on the ocean I hoisted the sail and cut the engine. It took a few turns of the wheel to catch the wind but then I was off, the breeze whipping the stray strands of hair. I followed the line of the cliffs and laughed out loud, I can sail! Turning into the cove I saw another yacht, much grander than mine moored off the shore. I let down the sails and dropped the anchor so that I was nearby but not close enough for the boats to bump each other.

  "Ahoy there" Seb shouted from aboard "Thought you'd got lost"

  "Cheeky, I'm here now so what next?"

  "There's a picnic on the beach I'll meet you there but don't forget...."

  I laughed and finished his sentence "To drop the ladder!!"

  In a few minutes I had stripped down to my bikini and dived into the water, the cold spiked through my warm, windswept skin but I surfaced and started to swim for the beach. This time Sebastian was waiting and wrapping a spare towel around my body he pulled me close.

  "You've passed" his lips brushed softly on my cheek. Then with my hand in his we walked over to the blanket and basket on the sand. It was a simple lunch of bread, cheese and a nice bottle of white wine.

  "Sorry it's not champagne" he muttered.

  "No apologies needed, I'd have been happy with lemonade"

  Feeling full and lazy we lay down on our towels and stared at the sky.

  "I'm going home at the end of the week"

  "I know, I'm going to miss you but you've shown me that life has to go on"

  He turned on his side to stare down at me.

  "So any chance I can hear your story before you jet off?"

  "Yes, but not here, this place is for beautiful memories only"

  Sitting up I swallowed the remains in my glass and Seb did the same.

  "How about dinner this evening I know a lovely restaurant" he suggested.

  "Great, you'll have to tell me where it is"

  "I'll pick you up, say around eight?"

  "It's a deal"

  Seb rowed me back to my yacht so I could climb aboard.

  “I’ll race you back” he joked

  After my usual evening chat with James I showered and found a dress to wear. Stepping into the lounge I waited nervously for Sebastian to arrive. He pulled up in his car and I stepped inside. We drove in silence along the cliff road, then as the light house swept its beam over the precipice I saw a small well lit tavern. Inside the atmosphere was warm and inviting as we were shown to a booth and handed menus. I peeped over the top of the pages and let my eyes alight on his. If I had lived a different life, I would perhaps have fallen for this young, sad man. I ordered a glass of red and Seb took a beer, knowing that he had to drive back later. The menu was brief but filled with fresh fish, seafood and an array of pasta dishes.

  Over our meal I found it easy to open up, I told him how my daughter had found her love which in turn had returned mine to me after twenty four years apart. I tried not to linger over my suicide attempt but that fate had been kind enough to keep me alive ready for the day when I said “I do” to the only man I would ever love A small happy tear clung to my lashes when I finished and took a sip of the wine.

  “How amazing, true love does prevail”

  “I guess it does, and I will admit that I can’t wait to see him again”

  I saw the flash of sadness veil his eyes, he looked away.

  “I wish I could find my love again, but every day she slips further away. All I have left is a mannequin who shares her looks” his voice had dropped so low that I struggled to hear the words that he choked on.

  I reached across the table to take his hand in mine, clasping it tightly and in turn allowing his fingers to graze my scar.

  "Dementia is truly the worst disease in the world and I think more for the family, friends and lovers that it leaves behind. Seb, you can't keep holding your life back as you know she is not going to return. Still remember her, love your memories but move on. Life is too short and you're still young enough to find a new life and love"

  "That's easier said than done but spending time with you over the last few months has been amazing. I need to get on with my life, go back to teaching sailing in the summer and then my art in the winter"

  "Seb, you are a dark horse, what sort of art?"

  "Photography, in fact I have a present for you in the car"

  Splitting the bill we returned to my place and I persuaded him in for a coffee on the veranda.

  "I know you're not going until the end of the week and I hope that we can sail once more together before you do, but here is a little present"

  He handed me a frame and turning it over I gasped in delight. He had beautifully captured the moonlight on the sea, in silhouette my yacht and directly above it a single bright star"

  "Wow, it's amazing"

  Putting it down on the table I reached for him and we hugged. His hands slipped down my back and pulled me in tighter as his lips sought mine. I could feel the physical attraction simmering beneath the surface. Would it really hurt if I gave him some love back, love that he had been missing for years? His mouth parted to the pressure from mine and our tongues met and mingled. However this time it was Seb who backed away.

  "In another place and time I could happily fall in love with you Stephanie but let's part as friends"

  "Close friends" I breathed, letting my sigh touch his cheek cooling the red stain.

  The next morning I woke in bed alone, my dreams had been filled with thoughts of James and I was so glad that I hadn't given in to my desires the night before. My Dad was already up and packing a picnic of sorts for us to enjoy.

  "Morning Dad"

  "Morning Steph, you were up late last night"

  "Yes, I've made a very dear friend in Sebastian and I will miss him when I return home"

  Dad picked up the frame from the table and admired it.

  "A very talented friend I'd say. I hope you told him that he can always come and chat with me after all you've told me about his wife"

  "I did Dad, maybe you can go sailing together"

  We picked Mum up from the home and arrived to find Russell and Wilbur waiting. The breeze was brisk and I struggled to tie my hair back as we all helped Mum into position. A slow sail took us along the coast and past the cove that Seb and I had been the day before. The next headland revealed a wide sandy beach, filling with people enjoying some of the last few warm days of summer. Mooring up a little way off to eatour sandwiches and watched as Mum stared at all the people on the beach. When a gust of wind echoed their laughter in our direction she joined in. I persuaded Dad into a couple of photos that I could share with Charlotte on my return. He let me sail us back to harbour and when I allowed the wind to speed us along my Mum laughed and clapped in delight as her hair was flung wildly about her face. It was like the years had been stripped away by the force of the air and the spray of the sea.

  Saying goodbye to her at the nursing home was difficult. I knew it woul
d be the last time that I saw her before my flight. In her favourite armchair I knelt beside her and saw her eyes were closed.

  "Bye Mum, I'll be back soon and I'll bring Charlotte with me next time"

  "Bye Stephanie" her eyes opened and a brief moment of clarity resided there.

  "Be a good girl and let James look after you like your Dad has looked after me"

  I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my cheeks as I rested my head in her lap and felt her soft hands stroking my hair. Reminding me of the way she used to do it when I was ill as a child. Our roles may have changed but her love was still strong and true. Looking up her eyes were closed again and a gentle sigh escaped from her lips. Dad helped me up and wrapped his arms around me as my sobs subsided.

  "Just remember her from the yacht today, she looked so happy and carefree like the girl I married so many years ago"

  "I will Dad"

  Chapter 34

  With the final week of rehearsals in full swing Charlotte felt exhausted every night. Every single muscle and sinew in her body seemed to ache. Her costumes fitted snugly and no one had mentioned anything about her slight weight gain. Over tea she would recite her lines into the emptiness of the flat before watching the film without the sound so she could practice. She loved the way Arlene had adapted the screenplay to the stage, most of the seminal movie scenes were still included and they very cleverly did the lake scene behind a screen so it looked like they were diving into water.

  She was flat out on the sofa on Thursday evening when her phone rang


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