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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Page 29

by Unknown

  “I'll miss you tonight” he breathed.

  “Me too, I'll ring you later” I pulled away reluctant to leave him but life went on.

  Walking into the radio station I was accosted by Naomi who hugged me and then stood back.

  “Wow, love your tan, how was the honeymoon?”

  “Great thanks, but I'm also glad to be back”

  I grabbed a coffee and then entered my office, unused for nearly 2 months. A fresh vase of flowers brightened up my unusually tidy desk. I'd only read three of my hundred emails when Greg poked his head through the door and let out a long wolf-whistle.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my station manager?”

  “Greg, how are you” I replied, leaving my desk to then be engulfed in the wash of his aftershave. He squeezed me tightly and then released me.

  “I'd better let you go, married woman and all” he said.

  We sat and discussed the weeks I'd been away and the increasing listener numbers.

  “How was Louise on my show?” I asked.

  “Good, but just lacked that little something that you have when you get on air”

  “The personal touch, I guess”

  Greg nodded.

  “How's Jack been?”

  “A godsend, I'm setting up another station in Nottingham and I wanted to ask you how bad it would be if I sent him there as Station Manager”

  “Fantastic, give me a lead time and I'll get Lou up to a better level and give Leon the lunchtime slot and she can take on breakfast”

  After a fantastic show filled with listeners pleased to have me back I drove home, glad to be back doing a job that I loved.

  James was having an eventful morning with Mitchell. The trip to the police station had been brief but still not given them any clues as to what was happening with the investigation.

  “So shall we swing past Simon's shop and look at replacing your bike?” James asked in the car. He watched as Mitchell visibly turned an even paler shade beneath his tan.

  “Can we just go home, Charlotte might need me?”

  “Nan and Gramps are looking after her and I've got a couple of hours before my shift” James said “And I can't keep driving you around”

  “I need to get home, Dad please just take me home”

  Taking a glance across he saw beads of sweat on Mitchell's forehead and his hand resting on his leg was gripping it now, the knuckles turning white. This is what Stephanie had warned him about, so he dropped the subject and turned the car for home. Mitchell bolted upstairs as soon as they arrived. Charlotte appeared in the lounge doorway, Jester at her side.

  “He's gone upstairs” James said, as he wandered into the kitchen.

  “I'll go, make him a coffee I'm sure he'll come back down”

  Charlotte went upstairs and pushed open the door to their room. Mitchell was face down on the bed, sobbing into his pillow. Charlie sat down and let her hand start to sweep up and down his spine. Gradually the sobs subsided and he turned on his side.

  “Go and dance”

  “I don't think I can, I'm a mess, a failure” he stammered.

  “No you're not, I'm the one who messed up, who failed to wait for you”

  He sat and pulled her against him, his hold tight but he trembled at the same time. She kissed his cheek, feeling the wetness of his tears, then his lips. Just a brush at first but he held her there and they lengthened. Charlotte felt the world slip away when his hands tangled in her hair then down her spine moulding her body into his. Her bump was the only thing that stopped their hearts beating against each other’s but a couple of kicks made them break apart.

  “I want you so much” Mitch breathed into her ear.

  “I do too but the hospital said I can't, well not fully anyway” she replied.

  “I'm sure there's something we can do” he replied, a tiny, sexy grin removing the fear from his face.

  He pulled the straps from her shoulders to reveal her ripening breasts, the nipple rosy red against her pale skin. Reverently he took each in turn, tiny careful sips at the buds. She signed and leaned back onto the pillows as he rolled the rest of her dress down. Trailing light fingers over her belly and smiling up at her when he was rewarded with a barrage of kicks. He planted two kisses, one on each side of her belly button before he went lower. Hooking the string of her panties he pulled them off and Charlotte stiffened.

  “Oh god, it must be like a bush down there now, I haven't shaved for over a week.

  “It’s beautiful” he assured, his lips touched hers again before his breath touched another set of lips. She groaned when he found her clit and started to suck and circle in just the way she loved. Mitchell felt her coming on his tongue and savoured the sweetness.

  He lay beside her and smiled.

  “I'm so glad we're back together”

  “You will be in a minute” Charlie smiled at him, the sparkle back in her eyes. He pulled his clothes off quickly and at last she touched his skin again. She rained hundreds of kisses from nose to toes and then back again. Her mouth consumed him in its heat and intensity. His hands stroked her head, his mouth called her name. The past was being swept away, they were back together in the present and he hoped the babies would seal their future.

  James looked at the cold cups of coffee and got ready for work.

  “I'm off now” he shouted.

  “Bye Dad” two voices called back, followed by laughter. Jester took one look at his owner and James patted his head.

  “Off you go boy” he said. The Labrador took the stairs at speed and pushed open the door of the bedroom. When James shut the front door he laughed, things were looking up.

  Chapter 43

  Zach's plan was complete but he needed three people on side to join him, Daniel and Keith. Pacing around his office he held his phone, wanting to text Charlotte and Sasha but fearing their answer would be no. And to really get Charlotte he would need Mitchell to agree. When his phone rang he almost dropped it but smiled when he saw his sister's name.


  “Zach, I think you have some explaining to do after the other night and as your sister I have a right to know”

  “Did you enjoy the show?” Zach tried to side-step the question.

  “Yes, Charlotte was outstanding but the end when she collapsed is she ok? And why was Felicity arrested?”

  “One question at a time” he said, trying to contain his chuckle at which bit of information would floor her.

  “Felicity was arrested because the police discovered that she had tried to fake the death of her son Mitchell and reinvent him”

  “I knew she was mad, but can they really arrest her for that?” Lexie asked.

  “Well, not just that they think she might have killed her last husband and possibly be responsible for the death of another person too”

  “Fuck me, I knew she was bad after what she did to you and Sasha but that's just wrong, her own son”

  “Yes, but I have my own plan for her. Let's just say I don't trust the police will find her guilty of these things and even if they did prison is too good for her” Zach said.

  “So next question, how is Charlotte?”

  “She's fine Lexie, she's pregnant”

  Silence reigned on the other end of the phone for what seemed like an age.

  “Oh Zach, is it yours?”

  “They might be, I won't know until they're born. But Charlotte is with the person she needs to be with. I was only ever a stop gap, her real love is Felicity's son Mitchell”


  “She's having twins so it’s even more important that I nail Felicity first, but I need your help”

  “You mean the London Club” she said.

  “Yes, the holy grail of Felicity's crowd, the one place she will attend with no suspicion”

  After a further chat Zach rang off, leaving the invitation up to Lexie who knew Madame Zee Zee, the owner of the club. He could tell by his sister’s voice that she was nerv
ous about his plan, but the die was cast. He needed to do this, for his and Sasha's future, for Mitchell and Charlotte, Stephanie and his mate Daniel. Lexie's husband ran the security system inside the club, after all he had installed a lesser system at Zach's two clubs. With his help the footage would show a simple incident as the cause of Felicity's death.

  Next and with baited breath he rang Sasha, it took a few rings before she picked up.

  “Hi Sasha”

  “Hi Zach, how are you?”

  “Good thanks and you?”

  “What do you want Zach, I can tell there's something niggling you”

  He sighed, her voice was melodic and touched his heart in an instant. Zach filled her in on Felicity and then his plan. At first she flatly refused but as he told her Charlotte and Mitchell's story he could tell she was softening.

  “Are you free tomorrow evening, I'll come and take you out to dinner. You can have tonight to think about the plan” he said, crossing his fingers.

  “If I can sort out a child-minder for Samuel then I'll text you tomorrow” she said

  “I'll be waiting and hoping”

  “Bye Zach”

  “Bye Sasha”

  The next two calls were easy, Keith and Daniel agreed to their parts and to get hold of the drug needed. The club was starting to fill up as Zach lingered over the last call. In the end he sent a text.

  “Lottie, I need to speak to you and Mitchell when you are free to talk freely, let me know Z”

  Charlotte was in the kitchen starting to prepare a salad to go with the Moussaka in the fridge when the text came through. Mitchell was next door and had been for over an hour, their time in the bedroom had revitalised him into dancing. He had the music loud enough for her to hear it and more than once she found her feet doing their steps. She read it a couple of times before sending a reply.

  “I'll talk to Mitchell but I'm not sure how pleased he'll be to talk to you, he's scared of everything at the moment”

  “Just tell him I can help with that, if Felicity is the reason. I want to help him, I want to help you”

  “Ok, I'll try Zach”

  I opened the front door and heard the sound of music, Charlotte was in the kitchen and I could see the clink of light from the door to the studio.

  “Hey Mum, how was work”

  “Good thanks, great to be back. How are you sweetie?” I said, putting the kettle on, followed by the oven.

  “I'm fine, Mitchell's dancing and Arlene sent me an email saying that once I'm ready the part is still mine and she wants Mitchell too”

  I could hear the Dirty Dancing soundtrack playing and I smiled.

  “That's great news, looks like you'll have a few willing grandparents and great grand-parents on hand to help with baby-sitting”

  The song finished and Mitchell appeared in the doorway, wiping the sweat from his face, his hair matted to his head.

  “Hi Steph”

  “Hey, how's the dancing going?”

  “Great thanks but I think I'm going to need a shower” he grinned at Charlie who smiled back. With him gone Charlie stopped her chopping and sat down.

  “Mum, I need your help”

  “With what” I asked.

  “How can I get Mitchell to agree to talk to Zach, I suspect he will be reluctant since neither know who the twins belong too” she wrung her hands then one crept up as she nibbled the nail.

  “Tell you what, why don't I invite him over for dinner on Friday evening. James and I can make ourselves scarce if needed” I suggested. She reached for her phone and tapped a quick message to Zach.

  “Thanks Mum, I think that could work. I'm going to have a soak in the bath before dinner, my back is killing me”

  In the bathroom Charlie caught a glimpse of Mitchell through the steamed glass of the cubicle. His body was slowly starting to regain the muscular sculpt she was used to.

  “Babe, I'm going to run a bath”

  He peeped out from the enclosure.

  “Can't I tempt you in here instead?” He reached out a hand and cocked his finger in a coaxing motion.

  “Ok” she breathed “I'm such a pushover for your finger”

  Shrugging off her sundress and knickers she stepped beneath the warm water, feeling its soothing touch on her skin, following by the enticing stroke of Mitchell's wet hands on her hips. He slid them round and over the swell before upwards to slip across her nipples. Dripping the shower gel onto her skin Charlie enjoyed the way the bubbles sprang up all over her.

  Then taking the shower head from its catch he swept it over her body, letting the spray linger on her nipples and then lower onto her clit, knowing exactly the way she liked it. She arched her back against his solid chest, sliding against him until she fell limp. His strong arms caught her easily as she turned to kiss him. Her Mum's voice stopped any further enjoyment and Mitchell took great pleasure in wrapping her up in a towel and drying her hair.

  “I'll deal with you later” she giggled, patting his ass beneath his towel.

  “Better get tea eaten then before you fall asleep as usual”

  Zach read the text from Charlotte and smiled, if he could persuade Sasha to take him back into her life then a dinner at Stephanie's to get Mitchell and Charlotte on side would be much easier. He phoned Lexie back and left a voicemail for a table booking the following evening. In his mind he felt certain his luck was changing and Sasha would say yes.

  Chapter 44

  Sasha's message appeared just after nine the next morning, she had organised a child minder for Samuel. With his heart beating out of sync he replied.

  “I'll pick you up at seven, looking forward to seeing you”

  Zach spent the rest of the morning shopping for a new suit, a bracelet for Sasha and another new toy for Samuel. Then leaving his club in the capable hands of Cal he drove down to London. Parking at the flat he called in briefly to fetch his spare key that Felicity had left.

  He wandered from room to room, pausing to see that the dining room furniture had been moved back into place. He peeped into the main bedroom and thought he could still smell the faint scent of roses. He shook his head, from now on Charlotte was just a friend unless...He got changed and then ordered a taxi to take him to Sasha's. The whole of his body trembled in anticipation of seeing her again. If people were only meant to have one true love then Sasha was his.

  When the taxi pulled up at the kerb he found his heart had leapt into his throat, his lips were dry and his hands were sweating. Quickly he rubbed them on the fabric of the seat as he stepped out and smoothed down his jacket. Tapping the door he stood waiting, the present for Samuel in his hand. Opening the door she met his eyes, he looked down and back up, revelling in the sight of her. A vision in a bold pink pattered dress, knee length but fitted to her form.

  “Hi” she stammered, her own nerves evident in the quiver of her fusia lips. He pressed the parcel into her free hands.

  “For Samuel” he said.

  “Thanks” she placed it in the hallway and then pulled the door shut.

  He stepped aside so she could walk past him to the cab and then he hurried past to open the door for her. His heart had doubled its beats per minute, he was in awe of her. The cab journey was silent, each of them afraid to speak the unspoken bond. Inside the restaurant Lexie rushed over to greet them. Zach watched as Sasha visibly relaxed in her presence. He guessed it might have been due to the fact that they shared so many things in common including their age.

  Following them both to a window seat he admired the curves of Sasha's body. He felt like he had on their very first date, he'd been nervous then. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him and his heart leapt. He ordered champagne and then they chose from the menu, Zach avoided the seafood platter he remembered her allergy. Then it was just the two of them, he gulped down his champagne and felt the bubbles start to calm his fears.

  “So” they both said at once and the ice broke. She laughed and he did too, they had always been abl
e to read each other's minds and even finish sentences. She took a sip of hers and he couldn't help but watch the way her lipstick marked the glass. Over starters they filled the gaps with small talk about jobs but then once the main course had been and gone they were left with coffee and desserts. Zach knew he could wait no longer. He glanced around the restaurant but being a Tuesday evening it was fairly quiet and the nearest diners to their table were an elderly couple.

  “So have you had time to consider my plan?” Zach asked.

  “Are you sure it will work, that you will get away with it”

  “Yes, Daniel and Keith are both on board. Things are in progress for an invitation to Madame Zee Zee's club, possibly next weekend. If you're on board I'm hoping you can help me persuade the final two people that I need, Charlotte and Mitchell”

  Zach met her gaze across the table and held his hands out to her. Sasha smiled and let hers reach out and be held by him.

  “I've spent the last seven years thinking about you, worrying what else she had done to you and feeling frightened that she would just pop up again. I just want to get on and live, forget that one horrible memory that has tried to scar me”

  “Sasha, I've been a womanising bastard, at her beck and call and forever reminded of how I let you down” Zach dropped his eyes and stared intently at her hands resting in his. She squeezed slightly and he looked up again to see tears shimmering on her thick lashes.

  “Tell me what I can do” she said.

  “Ok, but there's a few more things I need to tell you first” Zach ordered more drinks for them and took a welcome slug of his JD.

  “I've been having an entanglement with Charlotte, at first she was just another notch but then something happened. She thought that Mitchell was dead and slowly she beguiled me with her innocence and kind-hearted nature. In a way she reminded me of you. Then we found out he wasn't dead and worked together to prove that he was alive and finally get the police on the case. But” he paused, afraid to admit the big issue and what could prove to be the breaking point in the two of them getting back together.


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