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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Page 33

by Unknown

  Zach helped her out and they paused for a second on the pavement outside the London Club.

  “You know the plan?”

  “Yes, I giggle, flirt with Daniel and be all over you like a rash” she grimaced at the thought of Daniel and Felicity. She arranged her features into a bright smile. Feeling Zach's hand on the base of her spin they walked inside. Lexie and Duncan were waiting at the table, Daniel and Felicity were nowhere to be seen.

  “They're late”

  Zach looked at his phone as it buzzed in his pocket.

  “That was Dan, they're on the way”

  All four of them breathed a sigh of relief and ordered drinks. It also meant they could sit and wait at the table, which gave Charlie some relief.

  Making an entrance like the Snow Queen was Felicity, looking ludicrously tanned against the white dress. It was figure hugging and framed by a black fur stole over her shoulders. Daniel followed in her wake, his skin pale with a slight sheen of sweat. He glanced at Zach who saw the nerves like terror in his face. When they shook hands he squeezed hard, trying to get his friend to loosen up. Even Charlotte felt his nerves as he leaned in and kissed her on each cheek. She felt sorry for him.

  The seating arrangement kept Charlotte away from Felicity and between Zach and Daniel. Lexie was opposite her and then Duncan. Charlotte was worried when the wine appeared and she took a sip or two but mostly drank water.

  “So you are a dark horse, Casey becomes Charlotte my son's ex-girlfriend slumming around with this reprobate” she flicked her eye at Zach. Lexie opposite was trying hard not to bite at the comment aimed at her brother.

  “Well, I thought he was dead” Charlie countered “But you could say that Zach here has more to offer a girl” she let her eyes linger, he leaned in and kissed her at length.

  “Later Zachary, you know the rules” Felicity chided. “Charlotte perhaps you should have stayed with Mitchell, when I finally meet my demise he'll be worth millions”

  The main course arrived and silence reigned, which gave Charlotte a chance to calm down. Zach was able to swap her glass for his without being noticed. Felicity was high on being at this exclusive club, the hallowed ground for BDSM. Charlotte made eye contact with Daniel and smiled while her hand reached under the table to caress his leg. He jumped slightly but then relaxed and she felt him hold her hand in place. He winked at Zach who then put his hand on Charlie's thigh, tracing patterns that kept her on edge. She glanced across at Lexie who was staring at her plate in grim determination. Her husband Duncan seemed relaxed in contrast as he beamed and kept Felicity entertained with anecdotes from the cameras installed.

  With a brief squeeze Charlotte looked at the clock, it was ten to eleven.

  “So girls shall we go and get ready” Felicity trilled, her eyes greedily running over Charlotte “I guess this is your first time, so I'll show you the ropes”

  “Thanks Felicity, but I'm just going to the Ladies first, Zach can you tell me where it is?”

  “Come on Felicity, I'll show you where the changing room is and Duncan can take Dan and we'll see you in there” Lexie said.

  “Don't be too long my sweet, I can't wait to taste you” her comment aimed at Charlotte.

  “I'm sure you can teach me so much, I'm an eager pupil” Charlotte replied, trying not to laugh at this horrid old woman who was trying to flirt with her.

  They waited until Lexie and Felicity were well down the corridor before turning the opposite way towards the front door.

  “My girl just needs some fresh air” Zach explained to the doorman. He had been primed by Duncan so he nodded and smiled. Charlie saw Mitchell lounging against the car in the small parking area and ran to his open arms. Sasha stepped out of the passenger side and walked towards Mitch.

  “Good luck” Charlie said, as they passed. She nodded, her smile strained on her face, the fear evident until she reached Zach's side. Keith followed behind as he was to take the place of Duncan who was on his way to the secure office that contained the cameras.

  Then they vanished inside and Mitchell quickly ushered Charlotte into the car and they drove back to the flat.

  “I wish I knew what he is planning”

  “Perhaps it’s best we don't, just in case the police end up questioning us”

  Back inside the club Zach pulled Sasha close and let his hand drift inside her coat. He found bare flesh.

  “Are you naked?” He breathed, pulling her into the nearest cloakroom, his fingers making light work of the buttons. Sasha looked resplendent and sexy in the baby doll, string and stockings. Zach could hardly breathe let alone speak. He ran his hand down her arm and felt the slight tremor beneath her skin.

  “I love you Sash, but when I tell you to leave don't hesitate”

  Sasha nodded and plastered a smile onto her face as they walked down the corridor towards their fate. He hoped that Daniel had done his job and that a small amount of the drug was in Felicity's system.

  Chapter 49

  In the changing room Zach looked at Keith who also looked both nervous and excited. He stripped down to his briefs and waited for Zach who did the same and then pulled out the black plastic bag. The room came equipped with a large bed and all the restraints that were required. There was a tap on the door.

  “Are you ready Lexie called, Felicity is dying to be spoilt by all of us”

  “We'll be out in a second” Zach replied.

  “Are you ready?” He asked Keith “I have a feeling someone is not going to be pleased to see us.

  “I'll follow you” Keith said.

  They entered a darkened room, the walls red and forbidding. The lighting was low except for the bright spotlights over the bed in the centre. Felicity lay there, handcuffed and surprisingly quiet.

  “How much did you give her” Zach hissed, as Dan walked over.

  “Enough to persuade her that we should attend to her needs first before she can take the reins”

  Keith approached the bed and ran his hand up her leg.

  “Felicity how nice to see you” he said “I just couldn't miss this chance to have some fun, to take that carrot you kept dangling”

  He leant down and kissed her lips, she said nothing but her eyes were darting wildly around the room.

  “So Felicity, the game is this. We'll ask you some questions and depending on the answers we will dispense either pleasure or pain” Zach said “and I have a special guest to help me”

  All eyes turned to the door of the female changing room as Felicity whispered.

  “Charlotte, is she coming, I want to see her” her voice throaty with desire.

  “If you answer the questions she'll be here at the end, but I have someone else who I'm sure you're dying to meet”

  He moved aside as Sasha made her entrance, the pale pink baby doll and string stood out against her dark skin that seemed to shine.

  Felicity's face turned scarlet with rage at the sight of Sasha.

  “What's she doing here?”

  “All in good time, I thought you'd be happy to have her again” Zach smirked, letting his hand reach out to enfold her in his embrace.

  “Daniel, release me, I don't like not being in control” Felicity demanded, her voice petulant.

  “Question one. Did you murder you husband Anthony?” Lexie asked, she held a riding crop in her hands, letting it flick lightly against Felicity's thigh.

  “No, of course not, it was an accident”

  Whack, the whip came down across her thigh.

  “Did you murder Anthony, this time I want the truth”

  Felicity stuttered, her face going from red to white.

  “It was an accident, he slipped and fell. He hit his head and drowned”

  A welt appeared on her other thigh and Zach marvelled at Lexie's practised use of the whip. He started to wonder how many times she had been here with Duncan.

  “Felicity, I grow tired of your impertinence. We know what you did to your son so why keep lying”

  Felicity strained against the cuffs, her mouth tightly shut. Daniel moved to her side, his mouth touching hers as she moaned through his kiss.

  “If you tell the truth I'll venture lower, or perhaps let Zach bite your nipples”

  She swallowed and bit her lip, all eyes watched her.

  “Anthony was growing fond of younger girls, I had to make sure he didn't tire of me. I knew he did his rounds of the club every night so I waited for him in the dark. He was so shocked to see me that he did slip and fall, I just nudged him into the pool”

  “That's better Felicity, I think Keith should get the first taste” Zach said. He undid the catches on her corset, freeing her breasts that stayed exactly where they were. Keith devoured her nipples, as she writhed with pleasure beneath his tongue.

  “I want Charlotte now” she demanded, when Keith stood back to catch a breath.

  “All in good time, we have one more question for you” Zach said, attaching the nipple clamps. He tightened them until she squealed and then looked down at her.

  “So who should have the controller?” He looked at Sasha, who grabbed it with glee. His lips locked onto hers for a long lingering kiss, his hand slipping to caress her nipple. Sasha sighed and arched towards him, Felicity's eyes were black. Zach smiled and blew her a kiss.

  “We need you to cast you mind back to 1995 and a Doctor called Mark Eden, does that name ring a bell?”

  "No“ she screeched, as Sasha turned the dial and vibrations started to tickle Felicity's nipples.

  “Is this enough?” She asked.

  “A bit more I think” Zach jogged her hand and Felicity's thighs clenched.

  Within view Daniel started to kiss Lexie, his hand running down her thighs to the lace of her stocking tops. Zach admired his sisters acting skills as she moaned loudly before her hand slipped into his briefs.

  “So gorgeous, young and ripe” Dan said “I prefer younger models too”

  “You fucking bastard, Daniel. If you stop and release me now then I'll make it worth your while”

  “Just answer the question, do you know Doctor Mark Eden” Daniel asked “I believe his wife was called Stephanie and his daughter was at our table earlier”

  “Well, now you've said that then perhaps I have heard his name, I think Mitchell mentioned Charlotte's Dad”

  “Turn it up again Sash” Zach said “She's a very good liar”

  Keith had joined Daniel in stripping Lexie and Zach averted his eyes, he had no wish to see his older sister like this.

  “Now we know that you had dealings with a certain private detective regarding this Doctor and his shifts, why?”

  “Keith's the liar, I just asked him to keep an eye on him, and I needed him alive to keep Stephanie away from James”

  “And why was that?”

  “James kept talking in his sleep, calling out for her, I had to stop him mentioning that bitch”

  “So stopping it meant making Stephanie's life even worse by killing him, murdering the Dad that Charlotte never got the chance to know. Murdering Mark to add to the scars that Stephanie already had because you took her true love away” Zach loomed over her, the rest of the participants in the room were silent, all activity had stopped as they stared at Felicity.

  She was still on the table, her tan faded beneath the pale terror of the accusations that had been levelled at her.

  “Turn it up to full” Zach commanded. Felicity screamed and started to beg.

  “Zach, I was young, foolish, frightened. All I wanted was to be loved. I was losing James back to her, he kept talking about finding her again and leaving me” she whimpered, tears streaming from her eyes.

  “All we need is an answer, if you tell us the truth now we'll let you go. We'll let you escape from the police and any punishment as long as you promise to stay away. Stay away from the son you claim to love, from his beautiful girlfriend Charlotte, from Stephanie and James and from Sasha and I. We've done your bidding for too long, slaves to your sick twisted desires. Our lives will be forever branded but it has to stop now. Just confess”

  They crowded around the bed, each staring at the terror struck face of Felicity, ageing before their eyes.

  “It was me”

  “Louder Felicity, I don't think we heard that”

  “It was me, I killed him, I stabbed him” she yelled, her eyes wild and wary. She was staring at each of them in turn. Zach walked away and found the bag.

  “I think you need time to contemplate your actions”

  He saw Daniel take a long sip from a glass of water, he walked over and shared it in a kiss with Felicity.

  “I'll be back for you in a little while, I need some private time with my friends and Charlotte” his comment dug the knife into Felicity who was gulping and crying. Zach placed the bag over her head.

  “Look into your soul, search deeply for forgiveness and maybe you'll find it, then again maybe you won't”

  They left the room, Sasha was quietly sobbing in his arms. His sister grabbed Dan whose legs had turned to jelly and with Keith's help they left the room. Daniel passed out in the changing room as the others just sat in silence.

  “I'll go and check on Duncan, make sure he got all that before he erases the tape. Do you still want a copy Zach”

  He reached and hugged Alexa tight.

  “Thanks sis, I owe you one and yes”

  “No thanks needed, just be happy, just be the nice guy I used to know” she kissed him on the forehead and pulled on her dress.

  “Get dressed Sash and wait outside with Keith, I just need a few minutes with Daniel.

  Sasha ran her hand down his spine, lingering to feel the brand on his skin, before he turned and she kissed it lightly.

  “Don't be long baby” she whispered.

  He watched her leave to get changed, thinking that if he had any energy left tonight then he would undress her slowly, savour her goodness and beauty.

  “Dan, Dan, wake up” he shook his friend’s shoulders. He was rewarded by a bleary eyed look from Dan.

  “Did we do it?”

  “I hope so, but we can't go back and check, we have to leave now”

  With a bit of help Daniel struggled into his suit and shoes, Zach did the same before they paid the bill and left. Duncan was outside with Lexie, Keith and Sasha. Two taxis waited at the kerb.

  They drove silently through the midnight streets, afraid that police lights and sirens would shatter it.

  Chapter 50

  Charlotte and Mitchell had dozed off on the sofa but as the door of the lift opened Mitch gave her a little shake.

  “They're back” he said. Rubbing her eyes she watched as Daniel, Keith, Sasha and Zach filed in. Zach went straight to the decanter and poured four glasses. Charlie reached for her glass of water and took a sip.

  “We've got the confession, Duncan recorded everything” he said, slumping down on the other sofa. The adrenaline that had kept him going through the evening had vanished.

  “And” Charlotte demanded, firmly awake now. Her green eyes locked onto Zach. He swallowed but held her gaze.

  “Yes, she played a part in her husband's death”

  “And my Dad”

  They all looked at each other, Mitch held Charlie tight to his side. He could feel her heart beating rapidly.

  “She stabbed him” Zach uttered, watching her crumple before his eyes. Mitch held on, feeling faint and disgusted at the news but strangely not surprised.

  “So we've got her, the police can have the tape and she'll be going down?” Charlotte whispered, before she fled the room. Mitch followed and found her throwing up in their ensuite.

  “When will they find her?” Keith asked “I can at least corroborate her story with what I know and did to help”

  Zach nodded and finished his drink.

  “I'll call you a cab Keith” he said, dialling down to David on reception “Send the bill to the club I'll settle it

  “Thanks Zach, appreciate it mate” he shook ha
nds and then went back down in the lift.

  “Dan will you ok on the sofa” He asked, but was greeted with snoring. Sasha grabbed a nearby throw and tucked it around him.

  “Let’s go to bed honey, I need to sleep” she purred. He stood up and guided her along the hall to the bathroom.

  “Let’s shower first I feel dirty” he said, pulling her inside. She let him undress her and then she returned the favour, allowing her fingers to linger on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat start to slow to a more regular beat. The warm water trickled over their skin, soothing and healing. It washed away the last feelings of disgust and guilt. In the bedroom they cuddled up under the covers, she filled his arms, she completed him.

  It was late morning before anyone stirred. Zach found Charlotte brewing tea in the kitchen, he guessed Mitchell was still asleep. She looked at him, before holding her arms open.

  “I've seen the news, she's dead” her voice flat and devoid of emotion.

  “I hope everyone followed the plan, otherwise the police will be here” Zach said. Daniel had done well, he guessed the dose in his mouthful of water had been more than enough. Charlie held open her arms and he filled them, resting his head on her shoulder, the tears trickled down and between her breasts.

  “I'm glad, thank you Zachary” she kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair before they moved apart.

  Footsteps in the corridor found them looking into Daniel's bloodshot eyes. Zach quickly flicked the off switch on the TV in the kitchen. Charlotte sidled past them and with a coffee for Mitchell in her hands she left the two men to chat. She owed them both but now she had the hard job of telling Mitchell. Despite his vehemence that Felicity meant nothing to him she wasn't so sure. Sliding into bed next to him she pressed her lips to his shoulder, chest and followed the line of dark hair lower.


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