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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Page 35

by Unknown

  “Ok, give me an hour though, need to call Cal and pop over to the club, just in case the police decide to follow up on our story” Zach said, grabbing his keys from the counter.

  At the end of the drive he did he checked to see if any police or strange cars were around but the lane was empty. Cal was waiting for him as he snuck in through the back door.

  “So what's up boss?”

  “Just need to create a small alibi for my mate Dan, if the police call I will deal with them but if they ask this is what I need you to say”

  Over a coffee Cal took in the limited details and accepted a bonus in his wages. He enjoyed working for Zach and despite not knowing the full details he assumed it had something to do with the woman who died in London and was all over the news. He had remembered her attending the launch party for Love Shack radio.

  Zach drove home and Daniel appeared an hour later, the two cars in the flat's parking bay looked too decadent for the area. He hoped that in helping Mitchell that he would be a decent sort of chap when the will was read and make sure Daniel was not left out in the cold. Inside he ordered a take-away and then left Dan to the television when he went back out to work at the club.

  Charlotte felt lost in the house on her own. Mitchell had started back at the bike shop with Simon. Her Mum and James were both out at work. Jester curled up by the couch as she slotted in the DVD. No time like the present for another viewing of Dirty Dancing. At the same time she picked up her phone and gave Julia a call. They had so much to catch up on. The phone rang a couple of times before Julia answered.

  “Hey, long time no speak, how’s the bright lights in the big city?”

  “Oh, hasn't Simon said anything to you?”

  “About what”

  “Well, I kind of bought the curtain down a bit dramatically on the first night”

  “Yeah, but I'm guessing that's not the real reason you're calling. I see on the news that Mitchell's Mum is you're stoked”

  Charlotte sighed and took a deep breath.

  “Yes and no, I've got Mitchell back but he's struggling to get over what she did to him. I don't really know how he's feeling about her death other than relieved that the babies will be safe”

  “Babies...what Babies?”

  “My babies, I'm pregnant”

  Now it was Charlie's turn to listen to silence on the other end.

  “Whose is it” she whispered.

  “I don't know yet, I'm hoping Mitchell but there is a chance it could be Zach”

  “Fuck, what if its Zach, oh crap did you say babies, how many?”

  Charlotte started to giggle at the questions, even though she didn't have the answers to them.

  “I'm having twins, I'm around six months gone so due in August but I can't do anything much because I nearly lost them”

  “I guess I need to come up for a visit then?”

  “Please, whenever you have some free time”

  “I'm seeing Simon Friday night so how about I come up that morning, spend the day and maybe if you're up for it the four of us could grab some food together?”

  “That's a plan” Charlie said, hearing the patio door slide open.

  “Look, I've got to go now Pam's here to get me lunch as I'm not even allowed to do that”

  “I'll text you when I leave, forgot to mention I passed my driving test so I'll see you Friday”

  At the radio station I called Jack into my office.

  “Fuck, Steph what mad news eh” he said, sitting down .

  “Yes, it’s so hard at home. I think Charlotte and I just want to sing 'Ding, dong the witch is dead' and dance around with stupid, happy smiles on our faces. But we can't because it’s Mitchell's Mum and James' ex-wife”

  “Yeah, never thought of that, just assumed you'd all be celebrating” he reached across the table and took my hands in his. His fingers glanced over the scars as we both looked at them and shuddered. I pulled them away and sat back in the chair.

  “Well, enough about her, let’s talk about the exciting opportunity I have for you, since you did such a good job while I was away”

  “What opportunity?”

  “Greg is setting up a new station in Nottingham and he wants you to be Station Manager there”

  I watched with amusement as my statement sunk in and a slow smile appeared on Jack's face.

  “Really, Me, Station Manager, Oh my god”

  “Well only if you want the job, the lunchtime show pulls in our biggest listener numbers because of you so if you say no then I'm more than happy to keep you here”

  “Fuck, Station Manager...uh can I think about it and talk to Justin. We were going to start house hunting but this will be a whole new start”

  “It’s more money and you can still retain a radio slot like I do”

  Jack looked at his watch and then stood up

  “Can I get back to you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, take the rest of the week if you need to, just need to let Greg know on Friday”

  James trudged in for his shift, not really knowing what jibes he'd get from the lads. They all knew about his ex-wife but this turn of events was frankly mortifying. Neil was the first to wade in.

  “Hey, never took you for the kinky type so did she have you tying her up when you were together?”

  “None of your business, mate”

  “Oh but to die, all tied up with a bag on her head. Not very dignified”

  “Exactly, so just butt out, she's dead” James growled and grabbed his coffee mug. Turning he bumped into Matt who just laughed and pushed past him. If only he could tell them everything she had done. Even though there was no confession he felt sure that she had played a part in the death of Stephanie's husband. Now they would never know and would that still keep holding his Steph back from moving on?

  Tim, the station officer caught up with him in the corridor.

  “You ok?”

  “Yup, well as can be expected”

  “Are the lads giving you grief about it all?”

  “Yeah, don't worry I can handle it”

  “Well, just keep your mind on the job, I know you've been through a lot recently so just let me know if you need more time off?”

  “I'd rather work, keeps my mind off all the other stuff”

  “Good man” Tim clapped him on the back and let him continue through to the engines. James was pleased to have the mundane job of equipment testing as his mind was still reeling.

  Chapter 53

  Zach could hardly contain his excitement as he pushed the car to the maximum on the motorway. Sasha was calling him and her face was going to be much more cheerful than Dan's. Even the girls at the club had paled into insignificance when his mind recalled the image of Sasha in her lingerie on Saturday night. She had looked divine, his beautiful sensual angel. Even Sherrie who had bought the takings up to the office had left moments later, he was no longer interested in her ministrations at the end of the shift. In fact he'd not even been there once he had started to spend time with Charlotte.

  Parking up in the street, he straightened his t-shirt and walked towards the door that undoubtedly held his destiny. He had another present for Samuel and a couple of bottles of expensive Merlot in the boot of the car for later.

  “Sash” he breathed, as she opened the door. She too in casual jeans and a vest top.

  “Zach, glad you're here. We've got a couple of hours before I have to fetch Samuel from School”

  “Mmmh, couple of hours did you say” he pushed her against the hallway wall and let his foot kick the door closed. His hands were in her hair as he pulled her lips close for that first, tender but ferocious kiss. She raked her hands over his scalp, igniting the surge of his love.

  She took his hand and he followed her up the staircase to her bedroom. Inside they somehow littered clothes all over the wooden floor, throwing them in all directions as his skin ached to feel hers. They fell upon the soft white covers of the bed, each touch a step to the next
point of pleasure. She arched against his mouth as he devoured her pert nipples, making her groan before his mouth covered hers. Zach slid lower down the bed and rolled her over so that he could admire her beautiful buttocks rising up from the slender waist. His finger trailed there and he felt her body tense.

  “Do it Zach, please” she begged in a whisper. He let his palm smooth up and then down, taking his time to stroke the smooth skin. He could feel the tremor of anticipation in the tiny goose bumps that rose beneath his touch. Then he withdrew, just enough to hear her sigh. He slapped his hand back down on her skin, watching a blush of pink appear, like a random brush stroke.

  “Again” she pleaded. He slapped the other cheek and then did a further twoon each side. They weren't hard slaps, just enough to leave a warm glow to her skin and get her gasping and moaning for him. He trailed his hand lower to find her wet and dripping. He let his fingers run up to find her clit, rolling it between his thumb and finger as she pushed back against him. Taking a moment to steady his own pumping heart he kissed each mound of her ass, still hot on his tongue before he slid inside her. He inched inside to try to control his need to just burst.

  They rocked together before he withdrew.

  “I want to see you” he said, as she rolled over beneath him. Before he could get back inside she sat up and took his cock into her mouth. She revelled in the taste of both of them on her tongue. He looked down at the moment when she looked up. Her eyes were shining and he thought the lashes were wet with tears. Taking her cheeks in his hands he lent down and kissed each eyelid, the tip of her nose and then a soft, sensual kiss that claimed her. Sasha lent back on the pillow as his weight crushed what little breath she had from her. He eased into her once more as their hips bumped and grinded to a crescendo. Her orgasm throbbed around him, moving within to match the beating of his heart. He filled her as she cried out.

  “Zachy, baby”

  “Sash, oh god Sash” he moaned, withdrawing to lie beside her. Pulling her close he felt her fill his arms as they spooned together.

  He let his chin rest on her shoulder, breathing in the spicy scent that she wore. This was it, he didn't need another woman in his life.

  “You're beautiful, so beautiful and you're mine”

  “Yes, no more wasted time. We're free now”

  “Free....FREE” he shouted, resisting the urge to jump out of bed and shout it from the window. Instead he turned her around and let his eyes lock onto hers, hazel and warm contrasted with the dark brown of his own. She snuggled into his embrace, both of them feeling the exhilaration the absence of Felicity made in their lives.

  When the clock downstairs chimed the hour Sasha opened her eyes. Zach was snoring lightly beside her so she kissed his cheek and watched as he opened his eyes.

  “Think we'd better get showered and dressed”


  “Yes, come on” she implored, reaching for his hand to pull him up and instead ending up lying atop of him. She struggled to untangle their limbs that seemed magnetically attracted to each other. Releasing her he followed to the bathroom and enjoyed a leisurely shower.

  “So do you want to come and fetch Sam from school with me?” She asked, towel drying her hair.

  “Yup, I hope he likes the present I bought for him”

  “Zach, you can try and buy love but it will be much better if you just get to know him”

  “I just want to make up for the years I missed, his birthday's and Christmas when it was just the two of you”

  Turning from the mirror Sasha moved across to take Zach in her arms.

  “Well you've already got my love, just be yourself” she kissed him on the tip of his nose. It felt great to take the short walk to the local Primary School that Sam attended. As they got closer to the gates he felt Sasha try to withdraw her hand, but he held on. He liked the looks of the other school mum's, shocked and surprised to see Sasha with him. When Sam came rushing out he did drop it so that she could scoop him up.

  “Mum, put me down, I'm not a baby anymore” he demanded, as she kissed his forehead and then let him down.

  “Zach's here to spend some time with us today and tomorrow”

  Zach watched as his son turned startling brown eyes on him, there was no mistaking the look coupled with the dark hair and paler brown skin.

  “I've bought you a present, you can have it when we get back to your house” Zach said, taking Sasha's hand back in his. Sam watched and then took his Mum's other hand. Zach noticed the boy was sneaking glances at him as they walked along, he guessed forming the questions that they would have to answer. In the road Zach pulled his keys out and pressed the button.

  “Can you see which car is mine?” He asked.

  Sam shook free of the hand and ran ahead to pat his chubby hand on the paintwork. Sasha looked at Zach as he tried not to wince and instead he smiled and winked.

  Opening the boot he found the parcel and handed it to Sam.

  “Do you think you can carry it into the house?”

  “Yeah, Mum hurry up its big”

  Zach grasped his bag and the couple of bottles of wine before he caught up with them. In the lounge Sam tore off the paper and looked in awe at the remote control Ferrari car.

  “Shall we go and try it out?” Zach asked.

  “Yeah, look Mum it’s the same car as...” He stopped and looked at Zach.

  “Tell you what why don't I get us all a drink and we can go in the garden?”

  “Yes Mum, but what's his name?”

  “Sam, I'm called Zach”

  Sam grasped his hand and shook it.

  “Wow, my name is Samuel Zachary Mason, but you can call me Sam” he said, earnestly.

  “Well, Sam it’s nice to meet you” Zach could hardly contain the beam in his smile. He looked up and caught Sasha's eye and she blushed. In the afternoon sunshine Zach set up the car and showed Sam how to use the controller. Then they set up a race track around the garden. Sasha watched her two boys together, their dark heads bent and intent over this toy. After dinner they all sat together on the sofa and watched “Cars” on DVD. The excitement of the day was telling as Sam dropped his head into her lap and was asleep before the end of the film. Zach stood up and reached down to take the sleeping boy in his arms. He stiffened slightly before wrapping his arms around Zach's neck.

  Sasha followed them up the stairs and then tucked Sam into bed.

  “Is Zach staying? Can I play with him again tomorrow?”

  “Yes, now off to sleep its school in the morning”

  “Night Mummy, Night Zach” he murmured, before he closed his eyes again. They crept out and went back downstairs together.

  “He's wonderful” Zach gasped, pouring another glass of wine and letting Sasha cuddle into his side.

  “He likes you”

  “So when can we tell him?”

  “Let’s see how tomorrow goes” Sasha said, before she put down her glass and moved her lips to his.

  In bed together Zach was amazed at the feelings flowing through him, so much love he could hardly contain his smile. He just wanted to be a father, he wanted to be a husband; his heart had room for them both. Looking at the sleeping woman beside him, he reached out and stroked her hair. She stirred and reached out for him. She fitted into his arms. Just before he slept he thought briefly of Charlotte and the babies growing inside her. Being a father now he knew what a life changing experience it was and he hoped fervently that they belonged to Mitchell and not him. Their first time had been a mistake, a power thing for him that had spun him out. But in a way he was glad, so much had come from their brief relationship.

  The next morning Sasha was up and about, single-handedly making breakfast, packed lunch and getting Sam into his school uniform. Zach tried to help but in the end retreated to the chair at the kitchen table and watched. The doorbell rang.

  “I'll get it?” Zach said, as Sasha packed the school bag.

  “Thanks, it will be Michelle and her lad, Ja
ke. They always do the morning walk to school and sometimes I walk Jake home”

  The woman at the door looked shocked to see him open it.

  “Uh, Hi is Sam ready?”

  “Yes, he's just coming” Sasha called, appearing in the hallway with Sam in tow.

  “Can I show Jake my car?” Sam said, grabbing his friend’s hand.

  “Yes, if you're quick”

  The two kids disappeared into the lounge and Zach stuck out his hand.

  “I'm Zach”

  “Michelle” she looked past him at Sasha and Zach saw the look of women needing a gossip.

  “I'll go hurry the boys up” he said, retreating to the lounge as he heard the car start up and then bump into the leg of the coffee table.

  “Who's he” Michelle whispered.

  “My boyfriend, come round on Thursday night and I'll fill you in”

  “To right you should, he's fucking gorgeous”

  Both women straightened as Zach appeared, a child in each hand.

  “Go on, schools important” Zach said, patting both on the head.

  With the door shut Zach pulled a giggling Sasha into his embrace.

  “Michelle's face” she laughed “I have some serious explaining to do on Thursday”

  “Come on, you've worked so hard this morning I think you deserve a lie down”

  Zach picked her up and took the stairs at speed, eager to rediscover what he had last seen the night before. But before he reached the bedroom his phone rang.

  “Guess I'd better take this” he said, Dan's name was flashing on the screen.

  Sasha started to peel off her clothes so Zach stared out of the window and took the call.

  “Dan, what's up?”

  “The police are here, can I pass you over?”


  “Ah Mr King, I was wondering when your club was next open, we'd just like to corroborate Daniel's story so we can close this avenue of investigation”


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