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Her Baby Daddy

Page 10

by Emma Roberts

  “Yes, you were a total sex god,” I grinned, gesturing for him to continue.

  “Of course… anyway, I never expected to go on a date with, well, anyone. I didn’t even date when I was a teenager — I was too absorbed in my studies. Then it was off to college, and then to med school, and there was never any time for a serious relationship. Most women didn’t really expect that much from me, anyway. I thought I was happy, you know?” He chuckled a bit, glancing down at me to meet my eyes. I was vaguely aware that it had begun to lightly drizzle, and my makeup would likely be ruined in little more than seconds. Just the same, no one had ever looked at me like David was looking at me in that moment. It was as if I were a work of art, the most beautiful woman on the planet.

  “So, did something change your mind?” I asked gingerly, reaching out to brush a wet lock of hair behind his ear. He smiled a bit, tilting his head as if he were considering his answer.

  “Not something. Someone,” he winked, drawing me in close and moving to close the distance like we’d tried in the sandbox. My heart hammered against my ribcage, and I could feel his hot breath dancing across my lips. I parted them, closing my eyes in anticipation. All at once, however, a loud clap of thunder echoed all around us, followed immediately by a flash of lightning. We jolted apart as rain began to pour from the sky — no longer a light drizzle but turning out to be an outright storm. Our eyes met, and his expression was briefly mischievous before he leaned in for a quick peck on the lips and then darted away.

  “Wait! Where are you going!?” I called out in something of a stupor as I chased after him.

  “We need to catch a cab, or you’re going to get washed away. Come on, lovely,” he called back, pausing at the roadside and trying to flag down a nearby taxi. I was outright shivering as I stepped up beside him, and he wrapped an arm around me to draw me in closer. It was damp and cold, and it should have been the opposite of romantic, but I had a realization in that moment that was more terrifying than anything I could ever imagine. I was pretty sure I was falling in love this this man – with the man who was just supposed to be a one night stand, the man I’d told Tiffany that I definitely had no feelings for. In spite of the fact that I’d given up on the idea of soulmates long ago, I felt myself internally thanking the fates.

  “Get in, get in,” he said hurriedly, throwing the door open and nudging me toward the cab. I leaped into the back seat, quickly followed by David, who was laughing his head off. I raised a brow, wondering if I had missed out on some cosmic joke he had planned. He did seem to almost be a god at times. “We…. we…” he wheezed, doubling over and nearly sobbing with laughter.

  “What? We what? Are you alright?” I asked hurriedly. He held up a hand while he tried to catch his breath.

  “No offense, Kimberly. But we look like a couple of wet rats,” he smiled, looking far too delighted about the statement he’d just made. I frowned, glancing in the rearview mirror. The cab driver was watching us with a vaguely disgruntled expression, but I managed to catch a look at myself. I couldn’t help but snicker a bit, realizing that David had a point — we looked like a couple of drowned animals. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, my lips curling in a smile.

  “I’m a much more attractive wet rat than you,” I teased. He raised a brow, perfecting an expression of mock affront. At least, I hoped it was mock offense.

  “I’ll have you know that this rodent has all of his suits tailored by the most talented hands in the country — his hair is coiffed by a barber with a golden comb. Why, I even survive on a diet of pure leafy greens to maintain this magnificent physique!” he harrumphed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. I snorted, crossing my arms over my chest and considering him with a raised brow.

  “A golden comb? Really? And I’m pretty sure vodka doesn’t count as a leafy green,” I smirked, reaching out to give him a teasing little shove.

  “It’s made out of potatoes. It’s close enough to a vegetable,” he argued.

  “Potatoes are actually starches, aren’t they?” I mused aloud.

  “Close enough!!”

  By the time we’d finished our little play argument, the cab driver had stopped in front of my apartment complex and was watching us rather impatiently.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. We’ll be leaving now,” I said hurriedly, fumbling in my purse for cash for the fare.

  “No rush, lady. The meter’s still running,” he said drolly. I startled a bit upon seeing the fare, but David rested a hand on my shoulder and quickly pulled out his wallet to pay off the taxi driver. He tugged me out of the car, hurrying to lead me into the complex.

  “Not to be presumptuous, but I was hoping I could come into your apartment and let the rain slack off a bit. Maybe dry off a little,” David said with an almost meek smile, and I couldn’t help but smile. I took him by the arm, leading him back to the very apartment where this whole thing had started. I couldn’t help but think about the night we’d shared together as I opened the door to my apartment and guided him inside with a small smile. He seemed to be of a like mind, his cheeks flushed slightly and his eyes a bit mischievous as he seemed to scope the place out.

  “So…” I crooned, dragging out the word. He tilted his head curiously, raising a brow to silently urge me to continue. “We could skip the towels and just get out of these wet clothes altogether,” I continued, stepping toward him and reaching out to caress his jaw. There was a bit of stubble there, making his soft skin somewhat prickly. He tilted his head back at my touch as if to allow me better access, so I trailed my fingertips down the column of his throat. I could feel the rumble building in his chest, travelling up his throat and slipping past his lips in a positively panty-soaking growl. “I take it you like that idea, then,” I pressed, leaning in to brush my lips across his pulse point.

  “Only if I’m allowed to rip your clothes off of you,” he murmured, tangling a hand in my hair. He gave it a slight tug, and a breathless gasp escaped my lips. He grinned, looking like a lion prepared to chomp down on an antelope. I could feel shivers going down my spine, sending a surge of heat between my thighs. I was absolutely throbbing for him, and I wasn’t sure I could take much more of his teasing.

  “I think that can be arranged,” I murmured, squeaking as he ducked his head to press a kiss to my neck.

  “You think,” he repeated, drawing away with slightly narrowed eyes. “I’m going to need a little more commitment, Kimmy. You wouldn’t want your guest to feel unwanted, would you?” he murmured against my skin, sending shockwaves through my body. I shuddered, willing myself to utter the words he wanted to hear. Shame had gone out of the window; I was willing to do just about anything if it meant I’d feel that massive spear sheathed in me once more.

  “I… I… tell me what you want to hear. I’ll say anything. I’ll do anything. Please, David. I’ve dreamed of this moment since I woke up in an empty bed the day after,” I said pleadingly, tangling my hands in his hair. He peered up at me, baring his teeth in an almost animalistic snarl.

  “Tell me how you want me to fuck you,” he hissed. I hesitated only a brief moment longer, looking him in the eye with all of the desperation that had been brewing inside of me for what felt like an eternity at this point. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

  “Hard, David. I want you to fuck me hard,” I managed to get out, feeling the slightest inkling of shame for how vulgar I sounded in that moment. He stood upright, looking down at me with an easy smile.

  “Why, Miss Anderson. I do think that can be arranged.”



  I cupped her cheeks in my hands, feeling her soft skin, which was a sharp contrast to my own calloused fingers. Her eyes were wide, watching my every move with what could only be described as trepidation. I knew the path to her bedroom from pure muscle memory, guiding her in the direction we both longed to traverse with little resistance — if any at all. I couldn’t wait to feel her sweet lips upon my own again, couldn’t
wait to mark every bit of her as mine. Stepping into her bedroom was like stepping into my own private domain, more than it felt like stepping into hers. I knew every whim that crossed my mind would be satisfied, and I planned to see that her every desire was met. Leading her to the bed in what felt a well-choreographed dance, I pulled her close to me and kissed her with a tenderness I didn’t even know I possessed. She hummed against me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and I realized we’d yet to even shed our soaked clothes. I took a step back, disentangling myself from her grip — much to her visible dismay.

  “Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold, would we?” I said with a sly smile, moving to tug my shirt off over my head. She watched quietly, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’ shape. It was as if she’d never seen my bare chest before, which I knew couldn’t be further from the truth. Just the same, it seemed as if she were in no hurry to give in to her desires, wringing her hands a bit as she simply stood and looked at me. Well, that wouldn’t do. “You do know you’re permitted to touch me, don’t you?” I prompted, smiling when she seemed a bit startled by my forwardness. A bit strange to choose that very moment to be shy, but I couldn’t say I minded too terribly. I gently took her by the wrist, guiding her hand to my toned chest. She allowed me to take charge, taking my guidance as permission to caress me freely. I smiled encouragingly as she took a moment to explore the expanse of my bare torso, pressing her palm just above my heart. She remained still for a moment, her lips curling into a smile.

  “Your heart is pounding,” she observed, and I felt my cheeks grow warm in spite of myself. Admittedly, I was more affected than I would usually be in such situations, but I didn’t expect her to notice. I managed a crooked smile, resting my hand atop hers.

  “Can you blame me for being excited? I’m in the bedroom of the most beautiful woman, one that I never thought I’d see again,” I teased, taking comfort in the fact that I wasn’t the only one who was a little flustered. It seemed a sharp contrast to when we’d first stepped into the apartment, all hands and lust. Now that we were alone in the relative silence of her bedroom, the sound of a gentle rain the only thing we could hear, I couldn’t help but feel somehow… softer. Being soft had never been in my nature, but it seemed that Kimberly was setting free a plethora of emotions I’d never allowed myself to feel before. I didn’t want to think too deeply about the implications of that feeling, but it was difficult to think too deeply about much of anything with the woman of my dreams so close to me.

  “Well, I could certainly understand me being excited, but you…? You could have your choice of any woman in town,” she said a bit self-deprecatingly. I frowned, brushing her hair behind her ear.

  “As it stands, I’ve made my choice. I can’t think of anyone I would rather share this night with,” I said assertively. She smiled shyly, guiding my hands to the hem of her blouse.

  “What do you say we get this party started, then?” she grinned, her expression only turning ever more mischievous as I began to lift her dress over her head. Tossing the soaked garment over my shoulder, I took a moment to consider the treasure that had been bestowed upon me. Of course, she had chosen some of the sexiest lingerie I’d ever seen in my life— which was saying a lot, given my wealth of experience. Her bra was a lacy black number with a tiny red bow between the two cups, and as much as I wanted to appreciate it, I was more interested in what lay beneath. For each step forward I took, she matched me with a step back until she bumped into the foot of her bed. Her smile was coy as she reached behind herself and unclasped the garment, allowing the bra to fall to the ground and leaving her sumptuous breasts exposed.

  “Wow,” I managed. It was all I could get out in the moment. She smiled, giggling a bit as she grabbed me by the belt loops and pulled me forward. We fell onto the bed in one smooth motion, and in spite of how uncomfortable the wet clothes were, I was confident that there was no place I would rather be.

  “Wow, huh? That’s the first time I’ve gotten that one,” she laughed, tangling a hand in my hair and pulling me in for a kiss. Realizing that it probably seemed as if I was only concerned with my own needs, I pulled away slightly, leaving just a breath’s distance between us. She tried to lean up, but I kept her in place, smiling fondly down at her.

  “If I have my way, you’ll never doubt how amazing you are, ever again,” I assured her, leaning in to kiss along her jawline. She quivered beneath me, whimpering in a way that I was sure would feature in my dreams for years to come. She seemed so sensitive, like clay begging to be molded in my hands. I was all too eager to be the sculptor she wanted — no, needed. My hands found her breasts in short order, just as I fixed my lips to her pulse point. I could feel the pounding of her heartbeat beneath my lips, and I flicked my tongue out to taste her skin. Her hands tensed on my shoulders, and I made it my personal goal to have her cover my back in scratches before the night was over. As I grazed my teeth to that sensitive point on her neck, I could feel the first prick of her nails in my skin, and as my hands slowly caressed her breasts, she only grew more frantic.

  “I don’t know how long I can take this teasing,” she mumbled, and I could only chuckle breathily against her skin. Giving in to at least one of her demands, I allowed her the slight relief of having her nipples stroked to attention. Although it may not have been as much relief as it was an even sweeter agony. She groaned, throwing her head back in sheer ecstasy as I worked my way down her body, peppering kisses across every perfect bit of skin. I wanted to worship her, to treat her the way she had always deserved to be treated. She would never feel unworthy again. At least, not if I had anything to say about it. As my lips wrapped around a pert nipple, her mouth fell open in a silent scream, and her nails dug even deeper into my back. I couldn’t help but smile against her breast, sucking voraciously at the little nub. She squealed, bucking her hips up against my own. I could feel my erection straining against the fabric of my underwear, and I’d yet to even get her pants off.

  “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” I breathed, glancing up to meet her gaze before switching to the other breast. A loud whine was all I received in reply. I continued to kiss a path down her body, this time down her perfectly soft stomach, nipping at her navel for a brief moment before continuing southward. She shifted to rest her hands on the back of my head, tangling her fingers into my hair as I slowly kissed along the waistband of her panties. They were just as sexy as the bra she wore, but they were made all the more intoxicating by the scent of her arousal soaking the front. I smiled at her, reaching up to press my fingers against the damp fabric, pressing against her heat. She tried to roll her hips, obviously eager for some sort of friction. I wanted to tease her for a while longer, but tonight was about her desires, not my own. With a final kiss just beneath the red bow in the center of her waistband, I slid her panties down at a tortuous pace. As each inch of her shaven cunt was revealed, I could feel the saliva pooling in my mouth. She was flushed pink, and once her panties were out of the way, I spread her wide to see her eager little clit peeking out of its hood. “You’re already this excited? Just from me touching your breasts?” I teased, and she rolled her eyes a bit, although her cheeks were red.

  “You’re very skilled with your hands… and your mouth, of course. I’d like to see what else you can do with that tongue of yours,” she said slyly, though it was clear she didn’t expect me to take the bait. When I leaned in, dragging my tongue along her slit with little further preamble, a surprised little mewl spilled past her lips. Her hands tensed in my hair, her well-manicured nails pressing into my scalp. I took that as invitation to continue, lapping at her as if she were the only oasis in a vast desert. Her breath hitched, and her chest rose and fell unsteadily as I continued to please her with my mouth. When it seemed like she was growing close to her peak, I fully intended to continue. However, she yanked my hair to get my attention. Her eyes were dilated, and her breath came in shallow gasps.

  “Inside. I want you inside of me,” she demanded, leaving no
room for argument. I nodded quietly, shifting on the bed and sliding my pants and underwear off in one fluid motion. I was already painfully erect, and I hesitated before entering her, looking up for permission. “Now!” she hissed, wrapping a leg around my waist and pulling me forward. My cock slid into her damp heat with little resistance, though she was tight enough to almost be painful. It was just short of pain, fortunately, bringing me to the height of pleasure as I slowly began to rock in and out of her.

  “Christ, you feel so good,” I gasped, moving more frantically as I felt her clenching around me. “I’m gonna—-” I began, starting to pull out. However, she locked me into place with her legs, and I could do little but oblige her as I came, filling her up until she simply couldn’t take any more. When she finally released me, her expression was one of utter contentedness. I drew her into my arms, resting my chin atop her head as she curled closer. “I love cumming inside you,” I murmured, grinning cheekily. She hummed quietly, laughing a bit derisively.


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