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Gone Rogue

Page 14

by A McKay

  “Stick by us, it might look peaceful, but the island doesn’t except their leader. Rebels are trying to get enough support to overtake the kingdom.”

  Slade could hardly believe the land was at war, but he wasn’t surprised, greed controlled everything. “Zach lock and load,” he said and Zach just stared back.

  “With what, they were all tossed,” He eyed around the boat looking for something.

  “Right,” Slade looked ahead and knew the beach would have something they could make into weapons. “Time to get wet,” with that he jumped off the front of the boat landing on his butt, so he would hit the bottom for it just reached his neck. The waves trying to push him in any direction but Slade had enough footing to control his movements too just a minimum.

  Zach threw their bag over that held the book, fresh water canteens, and the tasteful MREs. Soon a big splash followed, then another splash. While they swam, Slade walked with the bag. Soon Zach and Slade lead the way without a clue as to why they were out front. The nymphs were the only ones among them that knew where they were going.

  “So why did you two bow down to the dragon?”

  Summers Rain stopped and stared back. Rose Petal followed suit and glared at them which caused Slade and Zach to stop and turn wondering why the surprised looks. "You mean she never told you?"

  "Who never told me?” Slade asked Summers Rain, confused again.

  "I am sorry but under her law, we cannot tell you without her permission, especially since you used to be part of the Secret Sanctum."

  "I guess we will find out,” Zach said helping Gabrielle down through the water.

  "Yes we will,” Gabrielle said looking like someone that needed swimming lessons.

  As we approached the shore, Slade could hear a rustle in the trees. No one else seemed to notice it but something was there. He put his hand up to stop them just where the water reached the dry shore. He signaled Zach that something was in the bushes.

  "What is it?” Summers Rain asked, looking in the bushes.

  "Something is up there," he whispered and signaled for them to remain calm and talk to each other.

  While the girls chatted, Zach came from one side of the bushes, while Slade approached from the other side. Slade started to signal with his hand, three, two, and before they hit one, a white shape jumped between them, making them dive out of the way.

  "What the hell," Slade yelled to Zach the creature of half women and half horse stopped, stomped, and rubbed her hooves on the ground. Soon others joined her through the same trail.

  "Cyrille, Lorita, Thurayya, Broen," Rose Petal squealed with delight, as if they were lost friends. "Human what are you staring at?” Broen asked or Slade rather assumed was Broen for he was the only male in the group. Both Zach and Slade were not able to resist staring at the bare breast in front of them of the females. Slade elbowed Zach and their eyes met Broen’s eyes in a fierce stare.

  Broen had two mammoth size swords on his back, and the colors he wore, orange and black with some kind of crest on it. "Sorry sir, we’ve just never seen such magnificent beings before.” Gabrielle now stepped in front of the dumb founded guardians going to one knee. The guardians stared standing not following her lead wondering why she would bow to what had to be a soldier or something close to one.

  "Foolish human, and what is this," Broen took a sniff and looked at Gabrielle, then sniffed again and his eyes widened as he looked at Zach and Slade. "Guardians, I thought they all have left us, the queen will be surprised."

  "She already knows. The queen wants them to bring peace.”

  "Where was she?” Slade asked but now ignored by not only the nymphs but by Broen too.

  "Thurayya take the girl.” Before he could say another word, Slade jumped in front of Gabrielle and a half of a second later Zach jumped behind his comrade ready to fight the four-legged half human, half horse.

  "Don't worry, Broen only meant, to give her a ride, they will take us to the castle by tonight." Summers Rain said then jumping on Broen. The half horse the half man groaned. “I didn’t gain any weight you faker,” Broen laughed and then stared at them hard.

  Thurayya slowly walked over her hooves kicking high, and then laid down in front of three strangers of the island, the other two females horses then followed Thurayya’s movement one on each side of the guardians.

  Summers Rain just walked to the bush where the creatures had jumped out. Slade stepped over whom he thought was Cyrille; she rose, picking him up like a well train horse.

  "What is she doing?” Zach said now being elevated by Lorita. Slade was about to ask the same, but then Rose Petal disappeared, into the bush; the bush seemed to absorb her. Then pollen flew from the bush, and Summers Rain just sighed.

  "Summers Rain why didn't you jump off in the river, like you usually do?” Broen asked.

  "And miss my chance with you, besides they would have freaked out even more." She was right; Slade didn’t think Zach’s eyes could have opened even further than they were already. He had figured it out on the boat, but clearly, Zach had been paying more attention to other assets, the ones that jiggled and reminded him of ripe melons.

  Zach was scratching his head again, as Slade explained it to him in a whisper “She is a nymph of the forest she is probably at the castle already." Zach looked still confused, “Remember they are part of what they grew up in, she is a forest nymph.”

  "You two don't know much about our kind." Broen huffed at them.

  "The castle is a better place to discuss this," Cyrille said.

  "I would think they would sound like Ed from the TV show," Zach said using Ed’s naying in it before Lorita bucked up with her legs jolting Zack back and forth. She clearly didn’t think funny remark was a joke but more of an insult. Slade was more surprised that they knew who Ed was.

  “Zach I do not want to walk, control your tongue,” Slade said hoping it wasn’t too late for the ride.

  The horse like creatures heads turned to him, Lorita then spoke "We are centaurs, not horses."

  "Sorry,” Zach said, trying to hold back his smirk. Slade grinned, they didn’t know who Ed was, and they just didn’t like to be called a horse.

  "Let's go,” and with that, the centaurs started to move, speeding up with each step they took. Soon Broen sped off leaving nothing but dust.

  "Grab tightly, and hang on," Thurayya said to Gabrielle, she was in front of the two men and Zach was studying the movements as two females were so close together holding each other. Next, she sped off, faster than vampires did; Slade barely could see them go.

  The two centaurs that the guardians were riding were just galloping, though, it seemed like theirs didn't want to move that fast. "Grab on already would you," Lorita ordered Zach. Zach leaned forward, and Slade didn’t know if it was accident, but he went right over her breast. Slade couldn’t hold a snicker making Cyrille look, and she shook her head.

  “He’s going be killed before he makes it to the queen.” Slade noticed that Lorita took longer than normal to slide his hands though below her breast. He recognized the looks both of the half horse and half woman, and his blood brother. He figured they would sneak off for some fun before they made it to the castle. His brother seemed not to care what she was for she was already naked.

  "Next time, you are walking," Lorita said speeding up.

  I started to put my hands around Cyrille as Lorita and Zach were running with Broen, "Just to let you know Guardian, you touch me there, I will kill you."

  "I would never," Slade just put his hands around her flat strong stomach, her smooth skin feeling soft like silk. "By the way guardian, I am not a centaur like them; I am not part of Broen’s kin."

  Before Slade could ask, she sped up, and then before he knew it, they were flying. "Aww,” Slade looked below them as the ground grew further away, “I guess you’re not like them.”

  "Yes, my father was a pegus and my mother a centaur."

  Slade and Cyrille weren't going faster, but they were g
aining distance to Broen by not having to dodge so many trees. The warm air, the sunglasses He had on protecting him from the wind. He could see the vast land of island. One side green, one side yellow encased in sand, and the mountains all with snow. Then he noticed more flying creatures, surrounding what seemed to be a huge forest range.

  "What are those," he yelled to his new favorite ride.

  "Fairies I think."

  Fairies, what else could be here, she started to turn a direction gliding effortless through the air. "Harpies,” she said nodding to the left, and then right in front of them, a herd of pegsuses flying joining them. They all looked at her, and nayed, Cyrille nayed back to them.

  "What did they say?”

  "You will see." She said going down lower and passing through a mountain range valley. Slade looked at the cliffs; huge engravings on the side of a mountain looking like a dragon. This dragon was not like the one that tried to kill them though, this dragon was huge, and it took the entire side of the mountain. A monument he supposed to all the dragons in the land. Cyrille wasn’t looking at the amazing carving; no, she was looking at massive beasts that were in a group below them.

  "Something is wrong” and she flew down and landed in front of the group. There were hundreds of them staring at Slade; he was the different creature among them. They were made out of different colors of stone, their face seemed to be carved into them, their eyes the only thing that look vulnerable. Otherwise, beside the incredible stone like physique, they looked of man. “My friends what is the matter?” Cyrille asked

  The leader of the stone like guards staring hard at Slade then softly at Cyrille “Cyrille, home attacked amazons, Broen knows now?”

  “You ran cause of amazons?” Slade had to ask after dissecting their speech pattern. He was confused at how a bunch of girls kicked them from their land. “The girls scared you?” It seemed to him that these big burly rock men should be able to hold their own against any kind of warrior.

  “What funny human?” the big stone man asked, clearly ready for a fight.

  “Nothing, only that…” Cyrille cut in stopping him before the guardian was shown the stone people’s strength.

  “I will take the news to the queen and your land will be free soon.”

  “Queen, she no help,” he said hope in his eyes draining.

  “I can’t move the amazons by myself, they are too strong,” Cyrille said shaking her wings free from her side.

  Slade thought to himself if he were able to free the village, maybe the queen would help him. Sort of like a trade to help both parties. “Stone man,” he didn’t know what else to call him, “I am a guardian, I will protect your home, and Cyrille will fly me there.” Slade needed allies and what was a better way, the stone men were good of start than any.

  Cyrille’s head turned to Slade, and then the stone guards all looked to him. “Guardian,” he echoed through the crowed. The leader spoke over the crowd, “go protect our land or die trying.”

  He was talking to somebody clearly more intelligent than the others in the group, but it still was like talking to a five year old.

  “Cyrille, lets fly,” I grabbed her stomach and waited, but she didn’t move.

  “Guardian, you don’t want to fight the amazons.”

  “I do,”

  She shook her head, “your funeral, for amazons usually leave us girls alone.”

  They picked up speed and flew again, but soon started to descend on an open dessert like area below a very rocky Mountain.

  Females ran back and forth, clothes torn on them, but clearly they all were strong, all seemed to have a warriors look. When they drew near, they could see their clothes were made from all types of animals, and some might have been from creatures they killed. They all seemed to be busy until one noticed their landing.

  Then as one unit they all stepped to the entrance of the village, a girl wearing little bit nicer rags than the rest stepped forward. “Cyrille the queen’s bitch, how can I help you?” She then glared at Slade, hard, and pissed.

  “Under the law of the land, this is the stone guard’s home, not the amazons.”

  They stared at her and then started to laugh, “You tell that queen of yours, we are claiming this as our home now.”

  “You don’t want to do that, the kingdom will declare war on your clan,” Cyrille said trying to act tough, but fear was easily detected in her voice, that he was sure the amazons could notice.

  “Leave, before I kill you and your, what is that, a man, or a boy you found on the island to take advantage of.” Cyrille started to back away, but Slade slid off Cyrille’s back, and he stepped in front of her. “Such a big man, what else on you is big,” before Slade could answer, she stepped close to him. He could feel her body heat. “Offer yourself too us or be gone, I don’t feel the need to kill this second.”

  “How about this instead,” the clan seemed to gasp, for it must have been wrong for somebody to raise their voice to her. “You and your cute little girlfriends there go back to where you belong, for I don’t really want to hit a girl.”

  “What are you hiding behind those sunglasses boy?” She asking looking almost as seductive as dangerous. Slade let her grab his sunglasses, and slowly she removed them and she tossed the shades at Cyrille. Slade heard them hit her skin, hoping she caught them, so he could put them back on after they got out of there in one piece.

  The Amazon’s hand slowly slid down Slade’s face brushing his neck that had the bumps in from the marble like lodestone necklace. “What are you; you’re not man, or at least not all man.” She was close enough that Slade could feel her firm breast against his chest, she backed away, and she looked around, her eyes widened this time. “You will mate with our strongest one. A guardian and Amazon will make a great warrior.”

  Slade cracked a few muscles, which made the Amazon sprawl ready to fight, “I have heard of your kind, but they left our land,” she turned to walk back to the group and then turned to face Slade once more. “You don’t exist anymore; this is a trick from the queen.” She was back among her group of female warriors, and stared at Cyrille, and then at Slade. “If this is a trick, I will kill your queen for this,” but now Slade could hear the fear in her voice. “This land isn’t suitable for our talents anyways,” and with that, they backpedaled into the trees never looking where they were going but watching the centaur and the giant guardian, until they disappeared inside the trees.

  “Holy shit, guardian, you almost got us killed,” Slade could hear the stone people coming back, yelling in celebration. Cyrille handed his shades back. “Here, we need to get back before they think something has happened.” Slade hopped back on the half-breed and she took off again in magnificent flight. Slade watched as the Stone people cheered, and he knew he had allies for life.


  She landed gracefully in front of the others; Zach looked at me in complete astonishment. “You son of a bitch, how did you get a flying one?" All of them got off the creatures that brought them to the main gate, “what took you so long?” Zach asked.

  Slade was about to answer when he got a slap on the back that knocked the air out of his lungs. “So you are a fighter, I haven’t heard a single man scaring the amazons before, good job,” Broen’s deep voice filled with pride.

  “Thanks,” Slade said, Zach was looking at him in a confused manner. “I will explain later.”

  “Still how did you get to fly?” Zach started to sound like a baby.

  "Probably because I didn't grope mine," Slade said, Broen turned hasty to Zach.

  "It was an accident," Zach said with a nervous laugh. He then whispered to Slade, “There was more than just groping.” Slade shook his head in respond not surprised at all.

  The gate opened, “after you newbie’s check in, I will see you there.” Broen said, “Right now I need to debrief with Cyrille about the Amazons.” Slade and Zach looked at him and wanted to salute him for he sounded of a sergeant.

  "Where's there,"
Slade asked? It was too late. The creatures were off.

  Before Slade could get pissed off, they looked at the creatures around the area. "Oh" Gabrielle said seeing hundreds if not thousands of different creatures walking in and out of the castle gate.

  "My" Zach's mouth opened as he turned his head around.

  "God" Slade joined the open mouth squad. Giants, fairies, and others, from cute ones to the disgusting ones passed them.

  "Excuse me," they heard a voice from below them.

  "Imps," Slade, said remembering the stories he read about them. He stepped out of their way as hundreds of them walked by. They didn't really care who the three like humans were, they were all on a mission it seemed.

  "Look," Zach said pointing to a globe flying over the bridge towards them. They quickly stepped out of the way giving the thing more room. It got close and they noticed a man was in there.

  “It sure beats walking doesn't it?” The older man said going straight through the gate stopping only when the guards told him to for inspection. Slade studied him a little bit more; he looked like the man from the shop he got the clothes from. Only the face looked familiar, “no it can’t be, can it?”

  “What can’t be?” Zach asked

  “Nothing, never mind”

  Slade started to walk the direction of the gate, where the wizard was, or at least what he thought was a wizard for he never actually seen one. The gate guards were made out of the same type of stone like material he just helped. “Zach don’t piss them off,” he warned his brother.

  "Stop," one of the guards that weren’t made out of stones said to the imps that were in front of them in the line. The imps stopped, and looked up. The guard seemed more lizard like with scales and a tail. "Where are you going?" the guard asked.

  "We have an appointment with the queen representing our leader."

  "Does she know of this?"

  "Yes," the imp said, one of the stone guard handed the tablet over to the scaly man, which reminded Slade of the nightclub.


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