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The Countess Confessions

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by Jillian Hunter

  Praise for Jillian Hunter’s Boscastle Affairs Series

  The Mistress Memoirs

  “Hunter knows how to combine sensual romance with a mystery, and passion with tenderness.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Another wonderful winner.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “Exquisite . . . filled with action, mystery, sensuality, love for extended family, rotten children to love, and a bevy of eccentric characters . . . a rare treat for historical readers.”

  —Romance Junkies

  Praise for the Bridal Pleasures Series

  The Duchess Diaries

  “There is so much to love about this book. The witty dialogue and the fantastically paced writing, the characters who sparkle and come to life on every page . . . a romance tale at its finest.”

  —Smexy Books Romance Reviews

  “The reader will have a hard time putting it down.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “Another completely captivating combination of wonderfully madcap plotting, wickedly humorous writing, and wildly hot passion.”


  “Fast-paced, sexy, and hilarious. . . . Run, don’t walk, to get a copy.”

  —Romantic Times

  A Bride Unveiled

  “Sizzling sexual chemistry and rapier wit . . . a thoroughly romantic literary treat.”


  “Hunter draws the reader in with a compelling plot and engaging characters in this smoothly written tale of love lost and found.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  A Duke’s Temptation

  “A sinfully sexy hero with a secret, a book-obsessed heroine in search of her own happy-ever-after ending, a delightfully clever plot that takes great fun in spoofing the literary world, and writing that sparkles with wicked wit and exquisite sensuality add up to an exceptionally entertaining read.”

  —Booklist (starred review)

  “With humor and charm, sensuality and wickedness, Hunter delights.”

  —Romantic Times

  “This is the first in what looks to be a very promising, and extremely seductive, new quartet. Few can resist a novel by Jillian Hunter!”

  —Huntress Book Reviews

  More Praise for the Novels of Jillian Hunter

  “One of the funniest, most delightful romances I’ve had the pleasure to read.”

  —Teresa Medeiros

  “An absolutely delightful tale that’s impossible to put down.”


  “A sweet, romantic tale . . . full of humor, romance, and passion. Historical romance that is sure to please.”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “A lovely read.”

  —Romance Reader at Heart

  “Enchanting . . . a fabulous historical.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “[It] bespells, beguiles, and bewitches. If romance, magic, great plots, and wonderful characters add spice to your reading life, don’t allow this one to escape.”

  —Crescent Blues

  “Romantic and sexy. . . . Read it—you’ll love it!”

  —The Romance Reader


  The Bridal Pleasures Series

  A Duke’s Temptation

  A Bride Unveiled

  The Duchess Diaries

  The Boscastle Affairs Series

  The Mistress Memoirs


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  A Penguin Random House Company

  First published by Signet Select, an imprint of New American Library,

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  Copyright © Maria Hoag, 2014

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  ISBN 9781101637234


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.





  Title page

  Copyright page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50


  Author’s Note

  Excerpt from Jillian Hunter’s next historical romance

  For Gordon, with my deepest love and gratitude

  Chapter 1



  The fortune-teller’s tent was the talk of the party. It stood beyond the reach of the light shed by lanterns that twinkled in the trees. Even the footmen positioned in the garden wondered whether it had been pitched illegally or was there to entertain the guests. Judging by the chattering young ladies and gentlemen lined up on the footbridge to the dark hollow where the gypsy fortune-teller had encamped, no one cared why she’d appeared. Upon her arrival she had allegedly announced she would give readings tonight that pertained only to romance.

  Few of the well-heeled guests would have found the courage to approach her if she hadn’t come to the party.

  “What an enchanting surprise. Lord Fletcher’s wife or daughter must have talked him into hiring her. She’s reading for free, I heard.”

  “Well, I hope she doesn’t run out of inspiration before my turn.”

  Inspiration? It was patience the fortune-teller needed. So far Miss Emily Rowland had predicted only happy outcomes for the lovelorn, and those had exhausted her talent for deception. Each snippet of excited chatter that reached her ear only made her heart sink lower. She was doing all of this in the pursuit of love, to predict romance for one particular guest at tonight’s ball, although as the evening progressed,
it seemed more likely this scheme would bring about her ruination.

  She sat up in her squeaky cane-backed chair, cringing as the tiny bottle that sat on the table wobbled precariously to one side. Emily had no idea what substance the green glass contained. She had borrowed it from her brother, Michael, to use for atmosphere after overhearing one of his Rom friends whisper to him over the garden wall, “Use this when all else fails.”

  Emily didn’t believe in magic. She doubted she’d have the courage to sprinkle it on her heart’s desire when he appeared. She couldn’t imagine what the results would be if she dared. When the time came, she suspected she wouldn’t have the nerve to use the potion, whether or not it was imbued with any power, on the gentleman she hoped would offer her a marriage proposal.

  “Are you ready for me?” a man asked at the door.

  “Yes. Enter.” And be quick about it, she thought as she moved her wobbly bottle to a safer position on the table, away from the flickering oil lamp, about which her brother had said, “For the love of heaven, Emily, whatever you do, don’t let the light fall to the straw.”

  The fifth person to seek her services happened to be a cad whom Emily disliked too much to hide it. He whipped his horse to show off, treated his servants like lumps of dirt, and was staring with vulgar fascination down Emily’s bodice while she feigned interest in the palm of his hand.

  “I fear, Mr. Prickett, that your palm reveals a short life line.” She drew her hand away from his and slid back into her creaking chair.

  “Nonsense,” he said in an indolent voice. “Longevity runs in the family. Give me the name of the next lady fortunate enough to share my bed.”


  “I beg your pardon.” His face portrayed the conceit of a man who refused to believe he had been dealt an insult. “Did you say, ‘Miss Todd’? I don’t believe I know anyone by that name. Is she here tonight? A lady I’ve yet to meet?”

  “How should I—”

  A loud cough from behind the tent reminded Emily that a fortune-teller told her clients what they wanted to hear, not the truth. But honestly, what did she know of palm reading and French tarot cards?

  She could not have been in her right mind when she had allowed her friend Lucy, Lord Fletcher’s daughter, to talk her into this strategy. Once Emily had seized upon the idea, she had turned to her half brother to employ his help. She should have listened to Michael’s warnings instead of letting Lucy’s enthusiasm for matchmaking erode her judgment.

  “You are desperate, Emily,” Lucy had untactfully reminded her.

  “I am desperately in love, yes.”

  “With a gentleman who does not realize you exist,” Lucy said, her bluntness meant to motivate Emily before she became officially known in Hatherwood as an eccentric spinster.

  “Perhaps it’s for the best,” Emily had suggested. “He notices other ladies. I’ve tried to make him notice me. I’ve done everything but turn cartwheels on the cricket field when he plays. I’ve dropped my reticule on his foot. I’ve bumped into him twice in the churchyard. And all he ever does is apologize and go on his merry way.”

  “You might have been too obvious.”

  “So in your opinion, wearing a curly black wig, tinting my skin, and telling omens are subtle ways to draw his attention?”

  “You will not be yourself. You shall be a fortune-teller who slips Emily’s name into his thoughts as his future beloved. As soon as you’re finished, you will disappear, remove your disguise, and become Emily again. And this time when he sees you, everything will be different. He won’t know why he never noticed you before. He’ll wonder how he could ever have missed such a charming—”

  Mr. Prickett’s voice startled her back into her role. “Where am I to meet this lady?” he asked, apparently unaware that his plans for a lustful evening were of no concern to the fortune-teller.

  Her brother bumped up against the tent in subtle warning. Michael was invigorated by his Romany blood, which came from the secret affair their mother had carried on a month before she married Emily’s father, the man who had once believed himself to be Michael’s sire as well. When the young baroness was dying, she had revealed the truth, cleansing her conscience and breaking the baron’s heart by forcing him to realize he had been cuckolded, that his only son and heir was not his own.

  Mr. Prickett’s voice jarred her again. “What else do you see for me and this woman?”

  “Separation. Woe. Perhaps even a lawsuit.”

  He frowned. “Why don’t you give the cards a try?”

  “The reading is over,” she said. “I have lost contact with the other side.”

  “What other side?” he demanded with a doubtful look.

  The other side of the tent. Or the side of me that claims some link to sanity. He can take his pick. “Go,” she said, rising from the noisy chair. “Unstable elements are interfering with my ability to read or influence the future.”



  He started to protest until a cloaked lady entered, forcing him to either make a scene or an exit. Fortunately he chose to leave. The lady who hurried into the tent perched herself on the stool in front of Emily’s table. “Well?” she asked, biting her lip as she swung her cloak up from the straw. “Is our little fortune-teller ready to meet her fate?”

  Emily stared across the table at Lucy’s cheerful face. “Is Camden still outside?” she whispered.

  “He certainly is.”

  “How does he look?”

  “No different than usual. Well, are you going to read my cards?”

  “Not again. We spent all last night reading them, and Michael has given me so many details about the deck that I’m afraid I don’t remember what all the inverted positions mean.”

  “Make them up. None of us at the party know. There’s only one person who matters. Read the future in my palm.” She held out her hand. “Practice for your next customer.”

  “I can predict your future if, against all odds, I manage to convince Camden that he and I belong together. You will be a bridesmaid at our wedding.”

  “How lovely!”

  “But if by any chance he recognizes me, you and I will be found out and sent to our aunts for discipline. We shall spend the next season in disgrace.”

  A pleasant male voice called from the line outside the tent’s entrance. “Are you almost done in there? The band is tuning up in the ballroom, and champagne is being served. We don’t want to miss the dance.”

  “That’s him,” Lucy said, as if Emily would not recognize the voice that haunted her dreams on a nightly basis. “The seventh in line. I’ll slip out the back and listen. Or do you prefer privacy? I wouldn’t want to inhibit your performance.”

  “Privacy? You must be joking. Michael has his ear to the tent in the event that I make an utter fool of myself and need his intervention. You might as well return to the party before your father finds out what we’ve done.”

  “Don’t worry about him. He’s too busy entertaining—”

  A commotion of raised male voices, one of them Camden’s, diverted Lucy’s and Emily’s attention. It sounded as if he and another man were exchanging words. But Camden never quarreled with anyone. His even temper was one of the qualities Emily adored.

  “Are they arguing?” Lucy whispered, her eyes wide with disbelief.

  “Hush. I think so.”

  “Well,” Camden said, more placating than combative, “I have been standing in line a dashed long time, sir, but if you are in a hurry, I suppose I—”

  Emily could not make out what else Camden said. A deeper voice responded, and there followed a shuffling of feet and silence.

  “I shall investigate,” Lucy said before Emily, prompted by instinct, could ask her to stay.

  She reached down for the handle of her basket. In it several decks of tarot cards, labeled in French and English, sat neatly tied in red silk ribbons. “Michael?” she said over her shoulder, but he gave no answer.
  Had he left his post to investigate the disturbance? She turned her head to glimpse Lucy escaping the tent. No sooner had her friend disappeared than the seventh person stepped inside.

  Seven. It was a mystical number from ancient times. When Michael had suggested that assigning Camden a number in line would give Emily time to prepare herself for his reading, she hadn’t realized that she would become such a popular attraction at the party. She hadn’t dreamed that the man she desired and one she did not know would argue over who would be the next to sit before her. No one had ever fought to be with Emily until now. If anything, she was the last girl to be invited to a party or a picnic, and often she wasn’t asked at all. Now Michael was gone.

  And the stranger standing before her in all his charismatic arrogance did not resemble the man she had expected, in demeanor or appearance. His hard face might not have disconcerted Emily if she had met the man before and had developed a tolerance to the impact he wielded. Under ordinary circumstances, she might not have found herself breathless from his unadulterated masculinity. High cheekbones and hollowed contours defined his face. A handsome man, to be sure. One whose vitality of presence, whose self-possession, a woman might encounter once in a lifetime. Emily realized that it was rude of her to stare. But she couldn’t help herself, and he had made a scene to be the next man in her tent. What did he intend to conquer? Surely not a vagabond girl.

  She waited for him to speak. He appeared to take her response to his magnetism for granted. Emily would have dearly loved to summon Lucy back to the tent to whisper, “Look at him. Where did he come from? Is he as attractive as I think?”

  Lucy had gone, however, and some vital instinct in the back of Emily’s mind set up a warning cry. Flee. Run now or live to rue this moment. But a dreadful suspense weighted her to the chair. His presence rendered her incapable of movement. And, really, what was there to fear? What was the worst that could happen with others outside the tent?


  Seven was a lucky number.

  There were the Seven Hills of Rome. Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. Seven days in the week. Seven archangels. Seventh heaven. Shakespeare’s seven ages of man.

  The number did, however, possess some dark connotations. An English gentlewoman visiting London would never want to explore the stews of Seven Dials. And wasn’t there a fairy-tale giant who wore seven-league boots?


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