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dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon

Page 31

by Linda K Hopkins

  Aaron rose to his feet as the venison was cleared away. “People of Storbrook,” he said as those in the hall fell silent and turned to look at him, “you have loyally served the Drakes over many years. You have seen and heard things that would have sent lesser souls fleeing, but you have remained faithful. Many of you have watched my daughter grow up, and have loved her, as we do.” He lifted his glass and turned to look at Lydia. “You’ve grown into a strong and determined woman, and I am proud of you.” Lleland glanced at Lydia to see her watching her father intently, her eyes shining. “I am happy to release you to your chosen mate – I couldn’t have chosen anyone more worthy.” He glanced at Lleland, then turned to face the crowd. “Join me in the toast to my daughter and her husband.”

  There were cheers as glasses were lifted and they drank Lydia and Lleland’s health. Lleland’s hand snaked around Lydia’s waist, and he kissed her cheek.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  She turned to face him, then spun around when the door to the hall was suddenly flung open. Lleland looked up in surprise as a huge man strode into the room, with blazing red hair that hung to his shoulders and eyes as blue as sapphires. He was flanked on one side by a man who was clearly his son, and on the other by a petite woman. The two men were dragons, and they froze as they stood at the threshold to the hall, their gazes ranging across the room and settling on the dragons on the dais. The woman smiled slightly as she saw Keira, then moved on to Lydia, but both the men narrowed their eyes angrily.

  “It’s him,” said the younger man, staring at Lleland. “And he’s a dragon.” The words were spoken softly, but to Lleland it seemed as though they were shouted across the hall. He recognized the man who had been with Zach at the inn. Lleland glanced at Zach, who was staring at the young man, his face set.

  “Favian,” Aaron was already at the door to greet the new arrivals. “Welcome to Storbrook.”

  “What’s the meaning of this, Aaron?” Favian’s voice was angry. “I came here looking for a hunter, and stumble on a wedding. Your daughter’s getting married, and you keep that from me? And who’s she marrying? A rogue? A hunter?”

  “Favian.” Aaron’s voice held a note of warning. “Remember who you’re speaking to. If I kept things from you, you of all people should know I had good reason to do so.”

  “This doesn’t look good, Aaron.” Favian’s eyes swept the room and settled on Max. “I see the pup knows all your secrets,” he said bitterly.

  “We can discuss this later, Favian, but right now we’re celebrating a marriage. You’re welcome to join us, or leave peacefully, but I’ll not have you ruining Lydia’s wedding.”

  Favian looked back at the dais, his gaze settling on Keira for a moment then moving on to Lydia. “Very well, Aaron, for Lydia’s sake I’ll hold my peace. I cannot remain here, but Cathryn and Will are free to do as they choose. And as soon as this is done, you and I will have words.”

  “Of course, Favian.” Aaron waved at Thomas. “Please show Master Favian to a chamber where he can cool his heels.”

  “Yes, Master,” Thomas said.

  Favian turned to the woman. “I suppose you will remain,” he said.

  She smiled and laid a hand on his arm. “I know you’re angry, but I’ll stay. I’m sure Aaron has a very good reason for his actions, and I wish to see Keira and Lydia.”

  He nodded, then glanced at Will. “And you?”

  “I’ll stay,” he said. Favian stared at his son for a moment, then strode from the room without another word.

  Lleland glanced at Lydia. “Who is that?” he asked softly.

  “Father’s cousin. And his closest friend.” She turned to look at Lleland. “How is it Will recognizes you?”

  Lleland looked at Zach. “He was with Zach when I saw them in the hills,” he said wryly.

  “In the hills? Did you … were you hunting?”

  “Yes. And later I saw them both at the inn.” Lydia shot him a horrified look. “It was a different life, Lydia,” he said softly. “I did things I wouldn’t do now.”

  “I know,” she said. She stared at him a moment longer, then smiled. “Now you’re mine.”

  He returned the smile. “And you, my beautiful dragon, are mine! But we’ve only been married a few hours, and already I’m causing problems for your family. I’m sorry.”

  “Uncle Favian will forgive Father once he’s had a chance to cool down and Father’s explained.”

  Except for those seated near the door, few in the hall were aware of the tension that had momentarily swirled around the dragons. Their conversations had been low, heard only by those with exceptional hearing. The musicians had continued their playing, and the conversations had continued unabated. As Favian left, Aaron greeted Cathryn with a hug, then turned to Will.

  “Next time you speak to me first, understand?” he said.

  Will hung his head. “Yes, Master,” he said.

  “Good. Now come join us for what’s left of the meal.”

  Will joined Zach on the dais. Zach’s expression was set, and he immediately began an earnest conversation with Will, his voice so low even Lleland could not hear over the other noise. Will glanced at Lleland with a frown then returned his attention to Zach.

  Aaron resumed his seat, and Keira left the dais and hurried towards the woman.

  “Cathryn! What a to-do! But Aaron will explain all to Favian.”

  Cathryn smiled. “I know. Now let me see the bride and groom.”

  Keira led her over to the table. “Lleland,” she said, “this is Cathryn.”

  Lleland nodded. “Mistress.”

  “Cathryn,” Lydia said, “this isn’t the way I wanted you to come to my wedding, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  Cathryn smiled. “You look lovely, Lydia. And may I wish you many years of happiness.”

  Lydia glanced at Lleland with a smile. “Thank you. I think we’ll be very happy.”

  “Come, sit down,” Keira said. “We’re halfway through the meal!”

  The meal resumed, and a few minutes later Will left Zach and came to where Lydia and Lleland sat.

  “I’m sorry about this, Lydia,” Will said. “It’s just …”

  “I understand, Will. But you must know there’s a reasonable explanation.”

  Will sighed. “Yes, so I’ve heard. Anyway, I wish you the greatest happiness.” He glanced at Lleland. “You too, I suppose!”

  The hall was cleared for dancing after the last course was served, and the musicians struck up a lively carol. Lleland rose to his feet and led Lydia into the center of the room. Her hands were in his as they twirled around the floor, but they were soon joined by others who pushed between them with a laugh, forcing them apart. Lydia swung her skirts and moved her feet to the lively rhythm, and her scent drifted across the hall. The music ended, and Lleland made his way to Lydia’s side as the first notes of a line dance were sounded. Taking Lydia’s hand, Lleland led her into the line of dancers, while Max and Anna took their places beside them. Zach and Will led their mothers into the line with a laugh, and Lleland glanced around to see that Aaron had disappeared from the hall. Next to Zach and Keira, Richard danced with a serving girl. Lleland watched them a moment. Richard didn’t look older than fifty, but he was over seventy years in age. The wonders of dragon blood, he thought wryly.

  It was after midnight when Lleland finally had a chance to draw Lydia aside.

  “Please tell me you’re ready to leave this joyful gathering and go to your chambers?” he whispered into her ear. The musicians had laid down their instruments, although Fritz was accompanying those still with enough energy to dance on his fiddle.

  She smiled as a line of dancers circled around her. “I’ll meet you there,” she murmured. She moved away and joined the circle of dancers as Lleland watched. She wound her way through the hall, but when the line of dancers swept past the door, she fell from the circle with a laugh, pleading the need for refreshment. She stood on the sidelines for a moment,
then slipped into the shadows and out the door. Zach glanced at Lydia as she left, then looked at Lleland and made his way to his side with a grin.

  “Not thinking of leaving us, are you?” he said. “There’re some girls who would be devastated if they didn’t have a chance to dance with the groom.”

  “I’m sure you can keep them well occupied,” Lleland said. “In fact, I doubt they’ll even notice my absence.”

  “Even so,” Zach said, dragging him towards Cook, “you cannot leave without showing Cook your appreciation for all the work she’s done.” Lleland shot Zach an annoyed look, but he gallantly held his hand out to the stout woman and led her into a circle that was forming. She was red in the face and panting slightly, but she beamed at Lleland as she placed her sweaty hand in his. Lleland glanced at the wine table – how many glasses had she had?

  Another quarter of an hour had passed when Lleland slipped through a side door, and making his way along the passage, he headed towards the stairs.

  Chapter 44

  Lleland mounted the stairs three at a time and fairly ran down the passage, but slowed his step as he neared the chamber. He stepped into the room to find Lydia standing at the window, staring out across the pristine mountains. She turned as the door closed behind him, and their gazes collided. In another moment she was in his arms, and his lips on hers. Flames swirled into his mouth as her lips parted, and he groaned as a need, more desperate than the need for blood, swept through him. He pulled her closer, tasting her fiery, sweet flavor. Her hands slipped around his waist and slid up his back, caressing the ridges of his wings, and she pulled slightly away to look into his eyes.

  “I want to taste you,” she whispered. “I want your blood.”

  “Yes,” he moaned. “Taste me. Drink me.” He bent his head back to hers and kissed her again. When they broke apart, he saw she had a knife in her hand.

  “Take off your shirt,” she said.

  He slipped the doublet off his shoulders and yanked off his shirt. He watched as she placed the point of the knife against his chest, a few inches above his nipple. The breath caught in his throat as she looked up at him, meeting his gaze, and he nodded.

  The blade pricked as it slid into his skin, bringing blood welling to the surface. Lydia tightened her grip on the handle, and Lleland gasped when she pulled the knife downward, slicing his nipple and sending a searing pain through his chest. Her lips covered his skin, and his blood flooded her mouth, filling him with the sweetest pain. His fingers gripped her shoulders as his wings sprang open, stretching into the furthest reaches of the room. He could sense her spirit reaching towards him, like an invisible cord that wound around his heart, and he gave himself to her, melding his spirit with hers. He threw back his head and roared, filling the room with flames that curled around them.

  The pain in his chest had already eased as the wound healed, and he was filled with the deepest need to know her in every possible way. He ripped off her gown and sent it to the floor, then roughly pushed the chemise from her shoulders. His lips found hers as his hands tentatively touched her breasts, becoming bolder as she moaned into his mouth. His hands slid around her back and slipped to her waist as he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  “I want you,” he rasped. “I can’t wait.”

  “Take me,” she groaned. “Make me yours.”

  He kicked off his breeches, and covered her with his naked body. “I love you,” he gasped as he took her. “You’re mine.”

  They collapsed onto the bed a few minutes later, panting heavily. His wings had disappeared, folded against his back, and flames swirled through the air, dissipating as they neared the ceiling. Lydia’s eyes were blazing when she turned to look at him, and he gazed at her in wonder. He traced his fingers down her face to her neck, before bending forward to nibble her earlobe. Golden hair tickled his nose, and he wrapped a long silky strand around his finger.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  She smiled. “Let’s get away from here,” she said. She slipped off the bed onto the floor and turned to him. “Come.”

  “First show me your wings,” he said.

  She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, unfurling the massive appendages. They shimmered in the low light of the moon shining through the window. He stared at her, then pushing himself from the bed, stalked towards her, stopping a foot away. He reached out a hand to stroke the smooth surface of her wings, and a shudder passed through her, making them quiver. He glanced at her to find her staring at him, her eyes blazing.

  “Show me yours,” she said.

  He opened them, and they filled the room, huge and black. Lydia stepped closer and reached above his shoulders to touch them. Her soft touch made the heat flare again, and he grabbed her and pulled her against his hard frame, kissing her deeply. Her hands slid down his chest and around his waist, molding their bodies closer together. Their feet left the floor as they circled slowly through the air. Cold air brushed against them from the window, and Lleland broke away to glance at the darkness beyond. He looked back at Lydia and she smiled, and without another word they angled themselves towards the window and sped into the darkness.

  Lleland rolled beneath her and wrapped his arms around her, capturing her mouth with his. She folded her wings while he wrapped his around them both, and they were free-falling through the air. Lleland knew, without thinking, when the ground was close, and he spread them to stop their crash fall. Arms clasped around each other, they straightened and shot towards the heavens, spiraling as they rose higher. They kissed as the wind rushed past them, and Lydia wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands slid down to her thighs and clasped her, supporting her as he claimed her again. Her hands tightened in his hair, holding him close as their passion soared, and when he felt the exquisite release, he lifted his head and roared, spilling a trail of flames that lit the sky.

  He fell back against his wings as she collapsed against him. The earth was far below, and in the sky, the stars glittered far away. Her fingers trailed over his chest, while her legs lay tangled in his.

  They drifted, twisting and turning languidly through the air in an aerial dance as they separated and then came together. They dozed for a while, floating through the air, then found pleasure as they joined together once more. They touched one another, learning the curves and contours of each other’s body, and Lleland felt as though he could not be more complete.

  The eastern horizon started to grow lighter, and he looked at Lydia ruefully. “I don’t want to go back,” he said.

  She smiled. “We don’t have to. I know a place we can go.” She pushed herself away from him, but he grabbed her hand.


  “A cave. We’ll get there faster if we change.” He held her for another moment, then let go. She drifted away, and a bright light flashed through the air. She turned to look at him – wonderfully huge and beastly. Her horns glimmered in the early morning light, and her scales glowed. He felt another wave of desire wash through him, and he pushed the heat away from his belly in a blast. She was already soaring away as he started to follow her. Her tail flicked near his face, and he watched with awe as the enormous creature glided ahead of him. How was it possible, he wondered to himself, that such a magnificent beast belonged to him?

  They flew in silence towards a distant peak, but as they grew closer, Lleland could see the dark entrance of a cave high in the tall wall of rock. Excitement filled him as he looked at Lydia, and he could sense hers mounting as well. He slowed down, allowing Lydia to pull ahead of him. She flew into the mouth of the cave and landed on the floor a few yards from the entrance. Her tail swished over the hard, stone floor, but she did not turn around to look at him. Lleland glanced down at himself. He was huge, primed and ready to take his mate, and a wave of satisfaction washed over him. She might be an enormous creature, but he was her mate. He landed behind her with a growl, and did not wait before mounting her.

  His talons sank into her sides, a
nd she lifted her head and roared as she writhed beneath him, sending him deeper. Her huge frame heaved under him and her roar dropped to a growl. He sank his talons deeper into her flesh, and the tension ran from her body as she lowered her huge form onto the ground and stretched out her long neck. The growl became a purr that vibrated through her as she yielded herself to him. He stretched his neck and dropped his jaws to her shoulder, then sank his teeth into her skin. He felt a thrill pass through her, and he swallowed the blood that flooded his mouth, as sweet as berries and summer sunshine. He drew more, reveling in the exquisite pleasure of tasting her. Her blood was weaving through his body as his soul reached out to hers, and he could feel her reaching back, strengthening their bond. The wound he had made was already beginning to heal, and he ripped it open again, desperate for more. He pushed himself deeper and filled her with his passion. As the last shudder subsided, he slipped off her and lay beside her, his neck draped over hers.

  “You’re the most exquisite creature,” he whispered. “Your blood has made me into a powerful beast, and taking you as a dragon is the most fantastic thing I have ever experienced. If you want me to forgo my human form completely, I’ll happily do so, as long as you’ll remain with me forever.”

  “Whatever you are,” she said, “you’ll always be my dragon.”

  He groaned. “I love it when you call me that. Tell me how I’m your beast.”

  “Like this,” she said, digging her claws into his hide and yanking him closer as her jaws ripped through his neck and his blood spilled into her mouth.

  Chapter 45

  They dozed, and later they hunted. Desire filled him again, and he mounted her on the soft forest floor as their roars echoed between the mountains. They slept side by side, or in each other’s arms, and when Lleland watched her, he marveled silently at the incredible gift he had been given.

  They remained in the cave for the next three days, until finally the harsh realities of life could no longer be ignored.


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