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dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon

Page 33

by Linda K Hopkins

“Master,” she said. “How can I help you? Do you bring news of Matthew?”

  “I do,” Lleland said. “He’s not returning.”

  “He’s dead?”


  “Then how do you know he won’t be back?”

  Lleland paused. “He’s been placed under arrest,” Lydia said. “He was found guilty of a crime.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Mistress Hobbes said. “Thank you for bringing me the news.”

  “There’s something else,” Lleland said. He held out a bag of coins. “This is for you.”

  The woman frowned. “I won’t accept money from you.”

  “It’s not from us,” Lydia said. “It’s from, er, Matthew. He didn’t want you to be left destitute.” The woman’s eyebrows flew up in disbelief, but she remained silent as she eyed the bag.

  “Take it,” Lleland said. “As my wife says, it’s from Matthew. There’s just one thing you need to do.”

  Her expression turned wary. “What’s that?”

  “Tell your children the truth about dragons. That they aren’t a danger and want to live in peace.”

  “That’s not what Matthew said.”

  “I know. But Matthew was wrong. It wasn’t completely his fault, because his father hated dragons too. But their hate was based on fear, not on truth. Tell me you’ll teach your children the truth.”

  Her eyes flew back to the bag of coins, and after a moment she nodded. “I will.” She took the bag. “I’ll tell them we were saved by dragon gold!”

  Lleland glanced at Lydia, eyebrows raised, but Lydia just smiled. “That’s right, Mistress,” she said. “Dragon gold.”

  They arrived back in Civitas three days later, after a slow, leisurely trip that involved many stops and detours. As they walked into Drake House, a voice was heard from the parlor. “Took you long enough!” Zach called. “I was beginning to wonder if I needed to send out a search party.”

  “Zach! How marvelous to know you’re here!” Lydia said, walking ahead of Lleland into the parlor.

  “You always were happy to see me, sister,” Zach said with a laugh. He glanced at Lleland. “I saw your friend when I was traveling back. Scott.”

  “Did he recognize you?”

  “He did! He waved and shouted at me as I flew overhead, and when I landed, he wanted to know when you were returning.”

  Lleland laughed. “What did you say?”

  “I told him you were thoroughly occupied, and then offered him a ride back to the city.”

  “Really? Well, that was generous of you!” Lleland poured a glass of wine and handed it to Lydia. “Have you attended my classes?” he asked Zach.

  “I have. Your students will be overjoyed at your return. They’re probably wondering what they did to cause you such displeasure that you’d choose Dodds to stand in for you. The man is excruciatingly dull!”

  “You could have taught in his place.”

  “And miss watching the boredom on the others’ faces? But I did pose a few, er, interesting questions.”

  “I’m sure you did,” Lleland said wryly.

  They passed the afternoon pleasantly, and a few hours later there was a knock on the door. Hannah bustled into the room.

  “There’s a man outside who wants to see you,” she told Lleland. “His name’s Scott.”

  “Thank you, Hannah,” he said. “Please show him in.”

  She disappeared down the passage, and returned a short while later with Scott a few paces behind.

  “You don’t waste any time, do you?” Lleland said as Scott entered the room.

  “It’s your wife I wanted to see,” Scott said.

  “You have your own.”

  Scott scowled. “You don’t need to remind me,” he said. He accepted the glass of wine Lleland held out to him. “Callaway and Elliott will be back soon,” he said. “We should speak to Grant before they do. Make sure he understands our side of things.”

  “You can’t mention who any of us are,” Zach said.

  “I know!” Scott said, his tone exasperated. “But he needs to know why we don’t have a head on a stake!”

  “I agree,” Lleland said. “Do you know if Grant’s in town?”

  “He is.” Scott grinned. “In fact, I can tell you with complete certainty that he’ll be at home alone this evening. His steward happily gave me the information in exchange for a silver coin. Which you need to pay me back!”

  “Tonight? Very well. Meet me outside his residence at eight.”

  Grant was, as Scott had discovered, home for the evening, and the two men were quickly admitted. “Ah! Seaton. Scott. Back already? What happened? Where are the others?”

  “Callaway and Elliott are still en route. Hobbes remained behind,” Lleland said.

  “What happened? Did you see the dragons?”

  Lleland glanced at Scott. “We did. But as we traveled, it soon became clear that they weren’t a threat.”

  “No-one we spoke to seemed in the least concerned about them,” Scott said. “Even the people in Hobbes’ village were unconcerned.”

  “The aim of the League is to remove dragon threats,” Lleland said. “These dragons are not a threat.”

  Grant frowned. “So you let them be?”

  “We did.”

  “And what about Elliott and Callaway? What do they think?”

  “Elliott saw our point,” Lleland said.

  “And Callaway?”

  “There’s a black dragon in the mountains,” Scott said.

  “Like the one that plagued Civitas?” Grant interjected.

  “Exactly,” Lleland said. “Callaway was, er, distracted by the resemblance.”

  “Did he kill the dragon?”

  “No. He will, if he can. But he’s no longer interested in the others.”

  “I see.” Grant frowned in thought. “What about you, Seaton. Do you want to kill this dragon?”

  “No. I’ve finally come to realize that the dragon that killed my father is dead and gone. The other dragons had nothing to do with his death.”

  “Hmph! So you no longer wish to hunt?”


  “You made an oath, pledging to give your life to our cause. And you’ve been our most successful hunter.”

  Lleland hid a grimace. “I know, Master. And I’ve served the League faithfully for ten years. I ask you to release me from my oath, but even if you don’t, I refuse to hunt any longer.”

  Grant nodded thoughtfully. “What about you, Scott? Are you also reneging on your oath?”

  “I want to remain in the League,” Scott said. Lleland frowned, but was silent.

  “Very well. Seaton, I release you. Scott, you’ll receive word soon.”

  “What are you doing?” Lleland said angrily when they were back on the street. “Surely you don’t wish to kill me?”

  “I don’t, Lleland,” Scott said. “But someone needs to know what the League is up to.”

  Lleland glared at Scott for a moment longer. “You’re going to be our spy?”



  “Because I agree that dragons shouldn’t be hunted. Besides, I need the money.”

  “You want me to pay you?” Lleland was shocked.

  “Of course! You don’t expect me to serve you for nothing!”

  Lleland laughed wryly. “I can just give you my blood!”

  “Ah, but you won’t! Come now, you must admit it’s only fair.”

  Lleland sighed. “Very well!”

  Zach laughed when Lleland related the incident later, but Lydia was concerned. “Do you think we can trust him?” she asked.

  Lleland had been wondering the same thing. “I think so,” he said.

  “We’ll smell a lie,” Zach said. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “When are you going to introduce me to your mother?” Lydia asked Lleland a few days later. He’d returned to class, and as Zach had predicted, his students were thrilled to have him back.
  “She’s terrified of dragons,” Lleland said. “After all, her husband was killed by Jack.”

  “She needn’t know what we are,” Lydia said. “But you cannot hide me away forever!”

  “I know, my love. And I don’t want to. It’s just that last time she saw dragons, she had nightmares for weeks, even though they were in human form.”

  “You still need to introduce me,” Lydia said.

  “You’re right. We’ll go on Sunday.”

  Drake House was closer to Tottley Alley than the university, and it didn’t take long for Lleland and Lydia to reach the house on the following Sunday. Anabel was busy in the kitchen when Lleland pushed open the door, but she stopped what she was doing when she saw Lydia at his side. Her eyes flew back to Lleland as she took off the apron tied around her waist.

  “Lleland, who is this?” she said.

  “Mother, this is my wife, Lydia.” He took Lydia’s hand. “Lydia, meet my mother, Dame Seaton.”

  “Dame Seaton,” Lydia said with a nod as Anabel’s eyes flew to Lleland.

  “Your wife?”

  Lleland nodded. “Yes, Mother.”

  “Oh, my!” She sat down on a chair. “Lydia, is it?” Lydia nodded. “Well, my dear, welcome to the family. I cannot tell you how thrilled … but when did this all happen? I didn’t know you’d even met someone.”

  “I’ve known Lydia for some time now,” Lleland said. He squeezed her hand. “Her brother is one of my students.”

  “One of your students? Well! And who are your parents?”

  Lydia glanced at Lleland before answering. “My father is Aaron Drake,” she said.

  “Aaron Drake?” Anabel paled. “The dragon-slayer?” she whispered.

  Lleland knelt down beside Anabel and took her hand. “Aaron Drake only killed one dragon, Mother,” he said. “The one that killed your husband. But he doesn’t hunt others.”

  “He doesn’t? But what about you, son? Does he know –”

  “I don’t hunt dragons any longer, Mother,” Lleland said. “Lydia has shown me that not all dragons are monsters.”

  Anabel looked at Lydia. “You have? Oh, thank God! I’ve been so worried.” She rose to her feet and pulled Lydia into an embrace, startling her. “Oh, my child, that’s the best news. I know you will be perfect for my Lleland.” She pulled away and placed her hand on Lydia’s forehead. “You’re very warm, my dear. Are you with child?”

  Lydia blushed. “No, Dame,” she said.

  “Ah, well, all in due time.”

  Lydia glanced at Lleland as he wrapped his arm around her. “You’re all I want,” he whispered as Anabel hurried from the room to fetch some wine. “Our lives could not be any more complete.” She smiled, and flames flashed in her eyes.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  They spent a few hours with Anabel, and left as it was growing dark. Lleland took Lydia’s hand as they walked along the street. “I’ll admit I was rather nervous introducing you.”

  “I know.”

  “The thing is, she kept warning me about dragons. That they were all around me, but that I couldn’t see them.”

  Lydia smiled. “She was right.”

  “So I thought she might recognize you as a dragon. That somehow she’d know!”

  “Her fear was for you. As long as you were hunting, you were in danger. She knows you’re no longer in danger.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and stared into her eyes. “I heard there’s a dragon lair somewhere in the hills. Should we go hunt it down?”

  A slow flame started to burn in her eyes. “What will you do when you find the dragon?”

  He laughed low. “Oh, my love, I intend to devour it.”

  “Let’s go,” she whispered.

  A few weeks passed before Lleland saw Scott again, but one evening there was a knock on the door, and Hannah ushered him into the room.

  “There was a League meeting last night,” he said as Lleland passed him some wine.

  “Oh? What happened?”

  “Callaway and Elliott are back. Callaway has convinced the others that the black dragon is a threat and must be hunted.”

  “What about the rest of us?” Zach asked.

  “They’re no longer interested in you. But they’re determined to hunt Lleland down and kill him.”

  Zach nodded. “Well, brother,” he said. “It seems we’ll have to stay hidden in plain sight. But remember, no matter what happens, we’re on your side.”

  Lleland nodded. “Thank you,” he said.

  “Now pay your spy,” Zach said, “and let’s go hunting!”


  Lleland stared down at Lydia as she lay spread out on the cave floor, her tail stretched in one direction, her neck in the other.

  “Are you sure you want to stay here?” he said. It was early spring, and the scent of crocuses drifted through the hills into their hiding space.

  “I’m sure,” she groaned. “I’m too exhausted to move.”

  “Hmm.” Lleland cocked his head as he took in Lydia’s form. Her belly spread over the hard floor of the cave, bulging on either side. “I’ll return when my classes are done,” he said.

  “Bring me something to eat when you come back,” Lydia said, closing her eyes. “An elk, perhaps.”

  “Maybe that’s why you’re feeling so tired,” Lleland said. “You’ve been eating constantly.”

  Lydia’s eyes opened as she flashed him a blazing glare. “Are you telling me I’m getting fat?”

  Lleland backed away, almost tripping over his tail. “Of course not,” he said. “Nothing of the sort.”

  Her eyes closed again. “Good. I’ll see you later.”

  Lleland watched her for another moment, then turned and flew out of the cave. It was deep in the hills, hidden by a pile of rock. He changed a few miles from the city, and walked the rest of the way to the university. Only a few weeks remained before the term was done and he was free to start his role as Aaron’s scribe. Hopefully Lydia would be back to her usual self by then.

  He entered the university building and headed towards his classroom, almost walking into Zach in the process. “Bonum mane, Frater,” he said. “Nice to see you again.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Have you taken such an aversion to my presence that you stay away from Drake House so much?”

  Lleland sighed. “Lydia didn’t feel up to returning.”

  “Ah! Blame it on Lydia.” Lleland mustered a small smile, but remained silent. “That’s not it, is it?” Zach finally said.

  “Lydia’s been feeling … unwell,” he said.

  “Unwell?” Zach’s eyebrows came together as he frowned. “That’s impossible.”

  “She’s always hungry, sleeps all the time, and says she’s too exhausted to move.”

  “Where is she?”

  “In the hills?”

  “Should I send for Aaron?”

  “Not yet. Give it a few more days, and let’s see what happens.”

  Lleland returned to the cave that evening, a deer clamped in his jaws as he flew. Lydia smiled at him sleepily. “Is it already evening? I think I slept all day! Did you bring me something to eat?” Lleland dumped the fresh carcass in front of her and watched as she heaved herself up. If possible, she looked larger than she had that morning. She crawled forward and sank her jaws into the still-steaming flesh, ripping it delicately. She licked her claws when she was done and lay back down on the ground. Her stomach was definitely spreading over the rock more than it had before. “Mmm, that was good, but I’m still hungry. Can you get me some more?”

  “You can’t be serious! You’ve fed every day for the last week.”

  “But I am.” She turned to look at him. “Please, Lleland.”

  “Very well! Stay here.”

  She smiled. “I won’t be going anywhere.”

  Lleland was back an hour later, this time with a small doe. As he landed in the cave, he saw Lydia scratching the ground with her claws. “What are you d
oing?” he asked.

  “I was getting bored,” she said. “Did you get something?”

  He dropped the carcass on the ground and watched as Lydia ate. She closed her eyes when she was done, and immediately fell back to sleep. Lleland lay down next to her with a sigh.

  He woke a few hours later to the sound of groaning, and turned to see Lydia on her feet, her body hunched over her stomach. “What is it?” he said. “What’s wrong?”

  “My stomach. It hurts. I can’t lie down.”

  He rose to his feet. “Can you change?”

  “No,” she moaned. “I tried, but it’s impossible.” She groaned again as Lleland watched helplessly. “What can I do?” he said.

  “I don’t know!”

  “I’m going to get Zach.”

  “No! The pain’s passing. I’ll be fine.” Slowly, the tension eased from her body and she lay down on the ground again. “There, I’m already feeling better.”

  He lay down next to her. “Something’s not right,” he said. “Perhaps I should send for your parents.” But she was already asleep.

  The next morning, Lleland was woken by the sound of scratching. He opened his eyes to see Lydia scraping sand out of the hole she had started making the night before. She smiled guiltily when she saw him watching.

  “How’re you feeling?” he asked.


  “Are you going to hunt with me?” Her smile vanished and her expression grew pleading. He sighed. “I’ll be back in an hour,” he said.

  When he returned, Lydia was on her feet, panting. Wisps of flame curled through the air with every breath. She groaned and hunched over her stomach. Lleland dropped the animal in his jaws and landed at her side. “Lydia!”

  “It’s … all right,” she panted. “Just a … passing pain.”

  A spasm shook her body, and she lifted her head with a roar. Her tail flicked through the air, arching down to the ground, and her eyes grew wide. The spasm passed, but a moment later she was rearing back onto her hind legs, roaring again as another gripped her. Lleland saw her stomach tighten, and she gritted her teeth. “Must get … it out,” she panted.

  “What?” Lleland said.

  She turned to him with a snarl. “This thing inside me,” she roared. Lleland pulled back slightly, surprised at her ferocity, and glanced at her back end. Her tail was raised, and beneath it he saw something gleaming white. His eyes widened as his glance flew back to Lydia. She gritted her teeth as another spasm racked her body, and her whole frame shook as a roar tore from her throat, and then she relaxed as something slipped from her onto the ground. It rocked slightly as Lleland and Lydia both turned to stare at it.


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