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Nanny with Benefits

Page 3

by Amy Brent

  My heart skipped a beat as I looked at the door handle. The gold lion peered out, looking at me like it knew the whole story of me. Who had come up with the novel idea of adding a lion to a door knocker? It was such a striking and weirdly good idea.

  "Okay, twenty minutes early and ready to be the best nanny I can be," I said to myself. I pressed the button and wondered if the lion secretly wished it could be used instead of the more modern chime. My imagination was just as good as Alexis's was, it seemed.

  The navy door opened wide, and I wore my ready smile. It was the super handsome Damon who stood there in a pale blue shirt while fixing his maroon tie. "Hey, Karly. You're early!" He gave a rugged smile. Today he was clean-shaven and smelled like a masculine aftershave. It was gritty with a hint of spice. It took over the whole atmosphere.

  I followed him down the hallway. "I didn't think you would mind if I came a little early. I know you have a client."

  "Actually, I have the really big one and three others today too. I might not be home until seven."

  "Oh, that's okay. I have just you on my schedule from now on anyway. Well, all week at least." I felt that lump in my throat annoy me, but it settled a little more easily than it had the other day. A new job was always a nerve-racking experience. I would do great, I hoped.

  "Okay. I just need to grab my briefcase and run. I've left every number and address you'll need on the countertop. Linda at kindergarten knows you're the new nanny, so I've signed for you to be the responsible person in terms of drop-off and pick-up duties. Thanks so much. I'm impressed you're here early. Rhonda, my personal secretary, will be delighted I'm in early too. She's been dealing with the headaches for the past few days."

  I was about to speak, and then Alexis entered wearing a pink set of clothing. It was made up of a cute rainbow tee and denim pants. "You look beautiful, Dada! But Clara doesn't like that silly tie." She noticed me immediately. "Karly-good-girl! You’re just in time for the curly wurly hair machine. How many minutes do I have, Dada?"

  Damon looked at his watch. "Twenty-two! Give Dada a kiss so he can go now, please."

  Alexis skipped over to her father. He bent down, and she kissed him with a smile plastered on her cute, cheeky face. "Bye, Dada. Karly’s here now. You go get ’em!"

  "Bye, Clara and Alexis and Karly." I watched his gorgeous physique depart through the front door. God really—definitely—broke the mold by making him.

  "Bye!" Alexis and I said at the same time. Clara also had her hand up in a wave with that stitched smile, keeping everyone entertained.

  The morning flew by, and I found myself in a whirl and feeling great as I dropped Alexis along with Clara off for kindergarten. Linda was an absolute dream and was genuinely happy I was her new nanny. She also said Clara had been a godsend for Alexis's coping skills, that the doll had been a real help in aiding her self-esteem too. Although, truth be told, Clara was only allowed to sit on her "special shelf" during kindergarten. That was so Alexis could fully become involved with the other children and activities, which helped her social skills to grow.

  When I got back to the penthouse apartment, there was a list of chores to take care of: laundry, some dusting, cleaning, tidying up Alexis's room, and meal preparation for dinner. I would be staying for dinner, and when Damon got home, I'd be allowed to go home as well. It was a full-on, activity-driven morning, and I was coping pretty well for my first day.

  Before I knew it, it was time to pick up Alexis from kindergarten. I couldn't believe how quickly those few hours had flown by. At the apartment, I watched Alexis with her spaghetti bolognese. She was thoroughly enjoying it.

  "Remember how I told you Clara doesn't eat?"

  I smiled at her. "Yes, I remember."

  "Well, she thinks you're the funniest nanny in the whole wide world now, and all day on the special shelf, she was giggling about it."

  I smiled at her as she slurped spaghetti into her mouth. "Well, I think Clara is funny too! And she has the best stitch smile I've ever seen."

  She nodded in agreement, overcompensating with the mannerism. "Yep!" I watched her little face change. "I am fuller than a bear in the woods eating picnic basketetts."

  Her cute word prompted my attention. "Basketetts?"

  "If that's the wrong word, you'll have to tell Clara. She gets them wrong sometimes. I'm still trying to learn her."

  I looked at Clara, who had her own chair at the table and that same unique smile. "Oh. Clara, it's ‘baskets.’"

  Alexis looked at me again. "Thank you. She will try and member. I mean remember. It's time to wash up, and then, well, I don't know. Do you know, Karly-good-girl?"

  "I have something marvelous planned for us!" I said in a big, motivational voice.

  Her face brightened immediately, looking cuter than ever as the bolognese mixed with her dimples. "Oh, cool. Let's go!"

  We spent the afternoon reading about dinosaurs and filling in some worksheets that were a part of her afternoon activity schedule. We read about a princess who was upset that she was locked in a tower for ten years, and then we did a “fuzzy puzzle” that had a message hiding in the picture until you completed it.

  After a time, I looked at the clock to check on the lasagna timing. Dinner was at six o’clock in this household. Damon would probably have his later. I left Alexis to her TV time and made a salad with dressing on the side so Alexis could choose if she liked it or not.

  "Honey, I'm home!" The voice filtered in from down the hallway. Alexis's face lit up, and she ran to see her dad. He looked as good as he had this morning, although his tie was undone and his shirt unbuttoned to a few holes down.

  "Something smells amazing," he said as he held Alexis in his arms. He looked at me as I added a few finishing touches to the salad.

  "Hi! She's been an angel, and Clara too."

  “I'll just get changed, and then we can have dinner. ETA?"

  I smiled a little nervously. "About fifteen minutes."

  "Oh, awesome. I might grab a quick shower then." He put Alexis down. She was getting tired, and she would probably zonk out after we ate dinner together. I kept the lasagna warm by turning down the oven, and I made sure Clara had a seat ready at the table, too, even though she didn't eat human food.

  Before I knew it, Damon was freshly showered and sitting at the table with combed, sexy wet hair. I caught a whiff of peppermint and strawberries as I brought the lasagna over with the homemade salad.

  "Wow, Dada. Clara says if she could eat, she would definitely eat Karly's food."

  "I’m looking forward to it too. It smells divine, Karly. Thank you."

  I blushed as Damon looked me right in the eyes, making me feel slightly sub-conscious about myself. Did I look okay? I must have looked a bit of a mess. He had a way of doing that, looking at me like he was looking straight into me, and I didn't know where to look sometimes. His eyes were like magnets pulling on my body. I’d never felt this way before.

  "You still look amazing even after your long day," he said, making my body feel warmer than warm.

  I finished my bite of salad that had been rolling around in my mouth and looked at him as composed as I could, trying not to show my heated attraction. "Thank you. I had a wonderful day. It's such a beautiful home to work in, and Alexis is brilliant."

  His eyes moved over me again, from my eyes to my neck, like he was going to take a bite out of me, and then he bit his full bottom lip. "You're welcome to shower here when I get home each day if you want. It's the least I can do for such a great nanny."

  His words were kind and flattering. I felt hot and bothered sitting so close, our knees nearly touching underneath the wooden table. Alexis was happily eating her food, not noticing our eyes locking together like a closed padlock.

  "I'll clean up here and let you two finish your night. I think Clara looks pretty tired. What do you think, Alexis?"

  "Yep. I think she needs lots of booty sleep."

  Damon and I laughed at her mispronunciation. "Be
auty sleep," said Damon, correcting her.

  "Dada, like I said to Karly-good-girl, you need to tell Clara if it's wrong. She needs help, not me!"

  Damon's eyes moved to me as I cleared away the dishes. I was wearing jeans, and I noticed him noticing me as I looked backward, sensing his stare. Tension grew, gripping me as his eyes fell onto my body in the rawest way. I had to go. I felt like my body was going to explode then and there.

  I finished loading the dishwasher. "Okay, thanks for a wonderful day. I'll see you tomorrow."

  I grabbed my bag and hugged Alexis, and then I gave the same attention to Clara. Damon's eyes watched me the whole time. He bit his bottom lip like he was hungry, but not for food. I really, really needed to go.

  His green eyes followed me, making me feel uneasy but good again. "Thanks, Karly. You’re amazing. We'll definitely see you then.”

  I got home to my apartment and ripped off my jeans and panties. All I wanted to do was finger my wet pussy senseless—the one that had wanted Damon all night long, during dinner, after dinner. I'd never been with a man yet, and I needed to fill my need by touching myself. I couldn’t ever remember being this horny. All I could see in my mind’s eye were those perfect green eyes and that wanton lip, and it was too much how he’d stared at me like I was his prey.

  I placed a finger inside myself as I lay down on my bed. My nipples were hard and erect, and I used my other hand to massage them as my finger pushed in and out in a frantic, purposeful way. I imagined his ripped body in the shower, touching his erection as the water sprayed effortlessly over him in a gush, making his body pristine. In my naughty mind, he moved his hand down to touch his throbbing member, and I placed another finger inside myself, making my pleasure even more delicious.

  I worked my fingers in and out in a perfect rhythm, and then the spasms began to unfurl in my core. His penis was erect, like steel, and ready for me in my vivid imagination. I saw him in my mind's eye, watching me through the glass of the steamy shower door. He wanted to put his hardness inside me. His eyes locked on mine as he pulled himself in unadulterated pleasure.

  A wash of sensations flooded my wet pussy, and I moved my fingers fast, desperately, wanting and needing him. My other hand moved to my throbbing clit, and the warmth of it all overwhelmed me. I came with a moan as I imagined him there, pulling at his rock-hardness as he watched me passionately finger myself. I'd never wanted anything more. God, he was so delicious. I’d just met him, and he was my boss. This attraction to him had to be a bad idea. Fantasizing about him was a bad idea, but how could I stop this amazing desire I had for him now?

  Chapter 5


  She arrived early, again. I was impressed by her passion for this job. I finished my breakfast and grabbed my briefcase. I had a client meeting on a Saturday. I couldn't get out of it, unfortunately. It was another sure-fire possibility because Chan had signed on with us. He had said he'd enjoyed "the best women in the world" with Benson, much to the shock and horror of Rhonda, who he'd told the words to back at the office. Benson had been there when he'd said it, and I wished I had seen her face. It would've been downright hilarious, I reckoned.

  "You're making a habit of being an early bird," I said, watching her blush in front of me.

  "I'm always early. It's just one of the things I like to do. Then no one is rushed or starts feeling overwhelmed with their whole day still ahead." She fixed her collar on her pale pink blouse.

  She was hotter than hot. Her breasts were perky, and those rosy-red lips were the color of delicious strawberries. Christ, I didn’t even know how to concentrate and focus on work right now. She was breaking all the rules without even realizing what she did to me. The sweater she had worn the other night at dinner had accentuated her breasts so I could hardly focus on enjoying the lasagna. Fuck, I wanted her. Shit.

  I walked out the door and rode down the elevator to see Mr. Clark for our scheduled appointment. He was always going to follow Chan's decision, but why he needed to negotiate on a Saturday was strange to me. Anyway, I didn't care. The coffee at Palazzo's was always top notch, and having my face seen there was always great for business. I loved it. It had million-dollar coffee with three-hundred-and-sixty-degree views of the city skyline. It was well worth the effort and was a dream catcher of a place to meet up with potential clients.

  When I arrived, Clark was already there. He had a coffee, and I was beginning to believe I was late somehow. I looked at my watch to check. I wasn’t. I was twenty minutes early.

  "Hi. Glad you could come, Jacobs," he said. I looked out the window at the city. It was a heavenly view.

  "Hi, Jeremy. You're earlier than me. Seems to be the way of it these days."

  I sat down, and the waiter took my order for a house special. It was a frappe with double the coffee, expensive cream, and a blue hue that accentuated the flavor somehow. It had a hint of licorice, and it tasted like heaven in my mouth.

  "Let's cut to the chase. Chan's in, so I'm in too. I just wanted to get the passion from his decision. He's always right with his decisions."

  I smiled at his words, having already expected he would be in. We drank our expensive coffees, and I handed him the paperwork to look over and sign. He'd already seen a copy of the legalities via email, so he signed where the yellow tabs were and it was done.

  After that, we discussed golf, his favorite pastime, and his opinion on the newest cryptocurrencies being traded as decentralized monies. He was polite, kind, and eager to leave after he'd told me all the latest news from his company’s perspective. Not a bad sign-up for forty-five minutes worth of work.

  I bid him good-bye, and then I saw Eric filter in. It was unusual to see him at Palazzo's, especially on the weekend.

  "Hey, buddy. I've missed you," he said, sitting down next to me as he patted me on the back. "Coffee?"

  I nodded. "Yep, if it's on your dime."

  My best friend since high school rolled his eyes at me. He signaled for the waiter, and we ordered our coffees. "I had to meet that Chantelle chick here. She's organizing some hullabaloo for Karen and Damien's wedding. She put me on her committee." His face contorted into a weird expression. "She's so damn matter-of-fact about everything, but fuck, she's as hot as hell."

  I laughed at his words. "I had to get a new fricken nanny. Bron bailed and left me in the lurch. I nearly lost Mr. Chan. Could've been a year's worth of work down the drain because she went to see her mother without warning me first."

  He sipped his short black. I could smell it from where I sat, strong and spicy. It was another favorite specialty they did with their extravagant meal menu. "Did you get a new one? And is she hot?"

  I looked away from his devious face as he said the words. Eric was a playboy, and he saw women as meat, ripe and juicy and needing a man to take them to soaring heights in the bedroom. Then, after he was satisfied, the next conquest would ensue. I was a dominator in the bedroom, not the player type. I also found a woman’s intelligence and beauty vivid and alluring. I wasn't about to let this conversation take hold. Eric’s standards were somewhat different than my own.

  I looked at my watch. "Shit, I gotta run. Alexis will be wondering where I am. We're going out tonight."

  "Okay, man. Catch up soon. I'm gonna set you up with Leticia's friend, Charlie-Anne. Fuck, she's a blonde bombshell…"

  I up and left him mid-conversation. "No," I said, giving him my usual look of discouragement. "Speak soon."

  As I drove home, I wondered why I didn't want to tell Eric about Karly yet, about the way I saw her. Usually, we could talk about women all afternoon. Did I really like her enough to put her in the secret zone? Wow, I really did have a thing for her, it seemed. I wasn't quite sure if I could keep going on without having her. I would ask her to dinner tonight with Alexis and me. I hoped she'd come because she really was growing on me. I missed her when I wasn't home. Fuck. I missed her?

  When I arrived home, I felt the usual excitement I always did. Beautiful Alexis hug
ged me, and a warm smile came from Karly, which made my whole body heat up like wildfire.

  “You wanna join us for dinner?” I said, undoing my tie after placing Alexis down.

  “Oh. Okay, sure.” The warm smile stayed on her gorgeous face; it was like watching the sun hit the bluest ocean in the Caribbean. The way her eyes sparkled gave me goose bumps. The masculine part of me was going wild inside, but for Alexis’s sake, I stayed respectful.

  At the restaurant, Alexis gave Clara all her attention. The growing chemistry between Karly and me was unrelenting. I felt like I was back in college, but my feelings were stronger than just wanting to take her to bed with me. She was captivating—the way she spoke, her mannerisms, all of her.

  I was interrupted by Alexis’s question to Karly. “Karly-good-girl, on Munnay, can I please have doughnuts for breakfast? Right before kindy with Linda-kind-lady?”

  I smiled as Karly locked eyes with me. She was seeking my approval. I was happy for it to happen once in a blue moon, and I nodded a yes so she could answer.

  “Sure. I’ll bring them over in the morning. You can choose which one you’d like. Does that sound good?” she said, squeezing Alexis’s arm.

  “Aha!” said Alexis, beaming a bright smile.

  I looked at Alexis and remembered to tell her to tell Clara about the word correction. “Can you please tell Clara that it’s ‘Monday,’ not ‘Munnay’?”

  “Thank you, Dada.” She picked up Clara and whispered to the ever-smiling doll. “Clara said she’s just testing you to make sure you remembered. Kay?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Clara,” I said. I kept my serious face on. Clara liked to be taken seriously.

  Alexis began playing with the napkins and the cutlery, enthralled with a game she’d come up with. The salt and pepper shakers were people, and the straw became a friendly worm that had lost his way.

  My eyes fell on Karly. Her beautiful shoulder-length hair had a blue hue beaming through it from the lighting, and she blushed as my eyes moved and locked onto hers. She looked beautiful in the dress she’d put on, the silvery sparkle of it matching her earrings. She looked radiant, in fact. I realized I wanted her more than anything else in the world. It was exceptionally hard to keep being Dada and not drag her home and take her like I wanted to. It seemed unfathomable that she didn’t have a boyfriend.


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