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Nanny with Benefits

Page 6

by Amy Brent

  The waiter took our order and returned with the wine. He poured the glasses and vanished when I cast him a “leave us alone” look.

  The entrées came before I set the small talk aside and got to the issue. “The reason I’ve asked you to dinner is—” Karly tilted her oyster and swallowed it in one gulp. “Even before you mentioned you were a vir…”

  “Virgin. It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she said before downing a second oyster.

  “I know, but you might have limits. I need to know these because you’ve been driving me absolutely wild. I can’t think of anything at the office apart from you. I guess you’ve also noticed I get home early?”

  “Um, I thought you just wanted to see Alexis.”


  “Of course not. I might be a virgin, but I’m not totally ignorant.”

  I swallowed my oyster and felt it run down the back of my throat.

  She smiled. “To be honest, I’ve been in the same situation. You’ve been driving me pretty crazy also.”

  I sipped from my wine glass and placed it back on the table. It was now or never to lay my cards on the table. “I wanted to kiss you more. In fact, I wanted the entire thing to go further. It’s just your limits,” I said, enjoying her beauty.

  “I think I’m ready,” Karly replied. “Alexis goes to sleep pretty much any time I tell her.”

  “You want it to go further?” I felt Karly’s foot rub up against my leg.

  “Yeah. Why not?” she asked. “A nanny with benefits.”

  “I’d never thought of it that way, but I like the sound of it,” I replied.

  “But you’re the boss. Whatever you say is the best position or the best way to do it, then that’s the position I’ll put myself in.”

  My ears heard every word she said. The cityscape was forgotten as my eyes fixed on Karly and the way she suggestively toyed with her straw.

  “I think you’d better take me,” she said. “Home, I mean. It’s getting late.”

  I held the door open when we reached her apartment. Karly thanked me for a beautiful evening. She turned to walk toward the entrance of her apartment, but I couldn’t let it end that way.


  She stopped and turned. I stepped away from the car. “You should think it over for a couple days. This nanny with benefits thing, you should think about it instead of jumping right into it,” I said.

  Karly stepped back toward me. “Okay, if you like.”

  She leaned forward and placed her hands on me, flat on my chest. She pushed me against the car. I grabbed her hips, and our lips locked. Karly ran her hand over my cheek as I lifted her leg and held it against my hips. I felt my arousal growing. It was the oysters. Fuck. Our lips pushed hard against each other’s. Her tongue twirled around mine as she caressed my cheek. Her hips squirmed, and I knew she was aroused.

  Karly pulled away from me and smiled. She sauntered toward her apartment and then paused to look over her shoulder. “I think it’s extremely hard.” She winked and vanished. My cock was fully erect, and she knew it.

  Chapter 10


  Alexis, bless her soul, wanted to spend Friday night with her nana. Not being in a position to argue, I didn’t, although it’d be hard not seeing her. If anything, Alexis brightened what could have been a mundane day. Both she and Damon raised my spirits, but in different ways. Alexis appealed to my playful side, and Damon appealed to my playful side. Could life get any better?

  I’d gotten the window open. How glorious it felt. A cool breeze blew into the bedroom, the birds sang their happy song, and yesterday, I’d had a full day off.

  My mind wandered. Sex. Sex with Damon.

  I crossed my legs and rolled over. Now wasn’t the time to indulge in daydreaming and pleasuring myself. I plumped my pillow, rested my head back, and closed my eyes to imagine how sex would feel with Damon. I knew he was gentle and considerate.

  I rolled over and buried my head in my pillow, thumping the bed a few times in frustration. It helped, although it didn’t help the situation.


  I lifted my head as my cell phone vibrated. I reached over and looked at the screen. “Who’s this?” I muttered, not recognizing the number.

  I hit the button and answered. “Hello?”

  “Karly.” There was a slight pause. “It’s me, Keith. Can I—?”

  “Didn’t I tell you never to call me?” I said.

  “I wouldn’t usually call, but it’s Travis,” he replied with a croak in his voice. As soon as he mentioned Travis, my mind was alert. Keith, I found out the hard way, was a dick, and I got on better with his cousin. We’d become close and were inseparable as friends. I was his shoulder, and he was mine sometimes.

  “What’s wrong with Travis?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure how to say it. He’s dead.” Keith sobbed on the other end of the line. Being the compassionate type, I attempted to console him as best I could. I was absolutely shocked by the news. “Can I meet you for lunch?” he asked.

  I wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but Keith convinced me it was because he was upset and really needed a comforting shoulder to cry on. I never wanted to see or hear from him again, and it didn’t matter who had passed away. I felt bad for him, though, and I caved.

  “Sure. I’ll meet you for lunch,” I replied, mentally kicking myself in the process. “Only as friends, though. Don’t start reading anything else into the situation.”

  Keith finished sniffling. He said to meet him at Cafe Blanca down by the river. The place wouldn’t have the same impact as my recent night out had. The whole experience of eating oysters and having a steamy, passionate kiss against Damon’s car was my best date ever. But, Travis had been a beautiful friend, and the least I could do was pay my condolences in person. It was not a date.

  “What time?” I asked. A tear rolled down my cheek. The thought of never seeing Travis again started to hit home.

  Keith said twelve thirty. At least I still had time to relax and get ready. I dropped the phone back onto the bed and let thoughts of sex with Damon wash away. I sighed. As much as I tried, the idea of Damon’s naked body wasn’t enough to prevent the thoughts of Travis from pushing their way to the front of my mind. And Keith. I really wished I hadn’t agreed to see him. My stomach twisted into knots.

  I showered and stood there for much longer than usual. The hot water wasn’t enough to wash away the tingling sensation I felt. Keith was the last person I wanted to have lunch with, and I knew already that the rest of the day would be pretty much screwed.

  I walked to the river and spotted the cafe in the distance. Couples ambled hand in hand, and thoughts of Damon and me doing exactly the same thing helped a little. A family walked toward me and swung their child between them. Alexis would love that. I smiled as they walked past me. I paused and grabbed hold of the cast-iron railing, the cold steel sending shudders flooding through my gloves and into my hands. I hunched my shoulders and pushed my hands into the pockets of my maroon jacket.

  I stepped into Cafe Blanca and unfastened my coat while glancing around for Keith. As always, it appeared he’d be late. I sighed and then sat at a table that was a far cry from being secluded and quiet. I sat smack in the center of the café and perused the menu. I was starving, although I had no intention of dragging this meeting out for longer than was necessary.

  Keith stepped into the cafe with a broad grin on his face. That was not the sign of an upset person. He spotted me and waved as he walked over, ignoring the waiter who attempted to tend to him. Same old Keith.

  “It’s a bit chilly, don’t you think?” he asked in an upbeat tone. I stared into his face. Had Keith pulled a fast one on me? I placed the menu back on the table.

  “You don’t appear to be very upset,” I said.

  Keith chuckled as if his plan to get me to meet him had worked, like things would be back to normal, moving in his favor. He had another thing coming!

how could you? How could you use Travis’s death as a way to get me to meet you? He’s not dead at all, is he?” I asked, more shocked than ever. My anger grew. Keith shook his head and appeared content with me sitting opposite him.

  “Just relax and enjoy lunch, will you? I might’ve bent the truth a little—”

  “How the hell can sobbing on the phone that your cousin’s dead be bending the truth only a little?” I snapped. A few heads turned. I didn’t care. They could all know what a scumbag Keith was. “It’s sick and twisted. That’s all I’ve got to say.”

  I reached for my coat and bag and attempted to stand. Keith grabbed my arm and then thought better of it. He sat and pleaded for me to sit back down.

  “Don’t go.”

  “Keith,” I replied, “over my dead body.” I pulled away and began to leave.

  I haad almost reached the door when Keith grabbed me again. He spun me to face him. He pleaded and begged as the door opened, and I stepped back toward the walkway at the side of the river.

  “Come back inside, will you? Karly, everything will be okay,” he said, gesturing for me to walk back into the cafe. Keith stood holding the door and waved his arm as if I’d change my mind and walk back inside. “It’s okay,” he pressed.

  I stepped back again and half-turned, bumping into a person entering the cafe. “I—”

  It was Damon. Thank god.

  “Is everything okay here?” Damon asked. I glanced down and noticed Alexis walking up the entrance path to the cafe.

  “No! Everything’s not okay, thanks to this douche,” I snapped, facing away from Alexis so she wouldn’t see my anger or hear my words. “He’s a two-bit liar.”

  Alexis came up and grabbed Damon’s hand.

  “I don’t want to be rude in front of your kid, mister,” Keith said, nodding at Alexis, “but you’d better stay out of it.”

  Keith knew how to rub someone the wrong way; he had the knack down. He’d rubbed Damon the wrong way, and I’d never seen him anywhere near being angry—until now.

  “You’d better let go of her arm. If the lady says no, then she means no,” Damon said in a deep tone. Alexis let go of his fingers and stepped back. It was obvious she’d seen Damon in a bad mood before. Suddenly, my arm was free. I rubbed the soreness where a bruise would definitely appear in place of the reddened fingermarks.

  “I warned you once to keep out of something that isn’t your business,” Keith barked as he squared up to Damon.

  Damon shook his head as he smiled through tightened lips. His jaw bulged through his rugged cheeks, yet he stayed composed even though he was angry. “This lady is in my employment as my nanny. As long as she remains in my employment, I won’t butt out of it, as you request,” Damon remarked in a low, menacing tone.

  Come on, Keith, don’t pull the macho bullshit.

  Keith broadened his shoulders and gave the entire “you and whose army?” speech as if that’d scare Damon off. Damon shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a couple of coins and handed them to Alexis, who stood with her arms wrapped around my leg. She wasn’t quite sure how to take what was happening.

  “What’re these for, Dada?” she asked him.

  “Bad word coins.”

  Alexis looked up at me and whispered, “Dada hasn’t used any bad words today.” I pulled her closer to my leg. Not yet, Alexis. Not yet.

  “I’ve asked you politely to let it be and leave. You can stand there and flex your muscles as much as you want,” Damon said in a cool, calm, and collected manner. “If you want me to kick your fucking muscled ass from here back to where you came from, I can arrange it in a matter of seconds.”

  Alexis muttered as she stood behind me. She pulled her mitten off with her teeth and pushed the coins inside her Barbie-pink jacket pocket. “Dada has one more bad word coming,” Alexis said, obviously counting them. I looked down and smiled.

  “Get outta here, you two-faced piece of crap.” Damon lifted his hand to swipe Keith with the back of his hand. He restrained himself for a couple of reasons. First, we stood in the entrance of Cafe Blanca and were the entertainment. Second and more importantly, Alexis stood watching his every move.

  Keith huffed and puffed as he pulled on the zipper of his jacket. He started to storm off. “You’re making a huge mistake here. You’re gonna regret it,” he yelled.

  “Good-bye, Keith,” I replied. “Don’t ever call me again, and say hello to Travis for me.”

  Keith hunched his shoulders as he rammed his hands into his pockets. The cold chill turned his breath, and he huffed and puffed like a steam train as he neared the river in haste.

  “What was all that about?” Damon asked as he crouched, picking Alexis up.

  “History. That’s what all that was about,” I said. “Can you believe he said his cousin was dead and that he was upset? It wasn’t even true.”

  “It’s hard to know what lengths some people will go to manipulate a situation.”

  I handed Alexis a coin and apologized before I spoke. She lifted her hands and pushed them against her ears, making me smile. “Well, that prick isn’t going to manipulate me ever again, thank goodness,” I said. “What are you two doing here anyway?”

  “Can you believe I had such a nice time by the river the other night that I couldn’t think of a better place to go, apart from a more child-friendly offering?”

  “Well, enjoy your lunch,” I said, giving a smile, grateful he’d been there in my time of need.

  “You’re here, so you’re more than welcome to join us,” Damon said. Alexis turned to me and gave a grin, and I so wanted to stay with them.

  I did the right thing, though. Alexis and her father were spending quality time together. “I’ll give it a miss. I knew my day would be ruined when I heard his voice. I want to go home and forget all about it.”

  “Okay, if that’s what you want. Just take it easy. See you tomorrow?” Damon asked.

  I smiled at him and turned to Alexis, handing another coin to her. She held her ears like a good girl. “Of course you will. It’ll take more than a douche like him to keep me away.”

  I gave Alexis a cuddle, and Damon sent a wink in my direction. I felt good that they were a part of my life. The chemistry was there with Damon, undeniably so, and every time we were near each other, it was apparent we felt the need to grow closer still. I would go home and think about him as I cleaned my apartment. God, it felt good to be falling, and I was falling hard.

  Chapter 11


  I'd been a little worried about Karly since the incident with that Keith guy. He was such a fucking jerk-off. Yep, an absolute prick. I hated guys like him.

  My concentration was interrupted as I heard her unlock the door. She was early like she always was.

  "Hey there!" she said, giving me the same kind smile she always did.

  I looked into her perfect eyes. She looked radiant in her pale pink sweater, the one that drove me crazy and accentuated her perfect breasts. I'd imagined for so long what I wanted to do to her when we finally became intimate with one another. I couldn't wait to make her come. I couldn’t wait to make her crave me.

  "Hey," she said again, wondering why I hadn't spoken to her yet.

  "Sorry. My mind was in another place, daydreaming. Are you okay with what happened the other day? I was kinda worried after you left the café."

  "Hey, listen, I really want to apologize for that thing with Keith. It's over with him, but he contacted me about Travis, and I was trying to do the nice thing. I really didn't want you to see that."

  "It's totally fine. Don't even go there. He's just one of those guys who have a chip on their shoulder. It doesn't take much to set those types off. Did you really date that guy?"

  Her face still looked bright despite our conversation topic. "Um, I actually dated him for two years. I can't even believe I spent that much time with the guy. He used to get mad because I wouldn't do it with him. He was very controlling and possessive in that weird, s
talking way. It used to scare me when he got really angry. He cheated on me multiple times, and it was only three months ago that I broke it off for good."

  "Wow. He’s a dick." It was a good thing they weren't together anymore. Guys like that could be dangerous. "Karly, are you still good about our conversation the other night?" I was eager to know if she wanted to keep something going with me. I hoped so.

  "Yes, definitely," she said. A finger wrapped a piece of hair around it. A slight blush washed over her face, and my dick sent me its usual signal.


  There was a slight pause as she cleared her throat. "I want to do it tonight," she said as her doe eyes pressed their magic into mine.

  My face lit up. I was more than happy that she wanted to be with me. I hadn't been able to stop imagining pleasuring her and taking her virginity. It was something I'd craved. I'd imagined a plethora of scenarios. It was taking over my mind like an addiction. Karly was my sexual coffee, the most alluring type you could find.

  "That sounds perfect, Karly." I walked to her, wanting to kiss her, but Alexis entered the living room with Clara in their usual, explosive way.

  "Clara said she's not sitting on the special shelf anymore. Today, she wants to be with Karly-good-girl. Otherwise, she might get loneby."

  Karly's face lit up as she listened to the word that was supposed to be “lonely.”

  "Hey, Alexis, can you tell Clara the word is 'lonely'?"

  Alexis's face grew a big smile. She whispered into Clara's ear and then placed Clara on the couch in a serious standing position. Alexis walked over to Karly and whispered in her ear loud enough that I could hear.

  She said, "Clara is in timeout for saying ‘bastard.’"

  I tried to keep my face straight as I heard little Miss Six say a word that even I hadn't said that often. It was something she must have picked up from school.

  "Well, Clara is six, so that's six minutes in timeout," said Karly, putting on her most serious face. She gave Clara a look of disappointment. Alexis did the same.

  Alexis then changed her frown and smiled. "She'll be seven on my birthday!"


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