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Paradox I

Page 6

by Rosemary Laurey

  “Yes.” Why, she didn’t understand, but the slow thrills still thumped deep inside.

  “It pleased me too, Myfanwy, but now, let me show you something else.” His hands closed round her waist. “Open your legs and let them trail behind you.”

  Swimming in the lake by the village had never been like this! Arragh’s touch and the sheer delight of warm water on her naked body were each a pleasure—but together! How she gloried in the wash of sensations. Opening her legs wider, she sighed with joy as the heat slowly rekindled between her legs. She stretched as flat as she could, so her breasts submerged and cut a swathe through the water as he pulled her along. His grasp relaxed and now her hands just rested in his.

  She slipped his hold and went under. Hearing his cry of surprise, she dived deeper. She was tempted to pull his legs from under him but they seemed planted as firmly as a hundred-year oak. Instead, she swam between them, surfacing a few yards behind him.

  “Playing games, are you?” he asked.

  “Yes!” She kicked sideways, propelling herself away as he lunged. It won her a few seconds, but no more. He was after her and caught her legs, but instead of pulling her under as she expected, he swam alongside and kissed between her shoulders as his hand closed on her breast.

  A little wobbly, she stood, his arm round her shoulder now and his face very close to hers. “Let’s play,” he said and grabbing her hand, kicked off, pulling her after him.

  Like a pair of otters, they played. Splashing and kicking from end to end of the ample bathing basin until Arragh finally scooped her up in his arms and leapt out. He set her on her feet and wrapped her in a warm drying sheet as the water ran off his shoulders and down his legs to pool by his feet. Myfanwy poked an arm through the folds of the sheet and ran her hands over his damp skin and the rivulets of water streaming down his chest. His hard, smooth skin was becoming familiar, less strange each time she touched him. Arragh was her dragon, her mate and soon… Her heart skittered at the thought of what soon awaited. It wasn’t fear that caused the tightening in her belly. Could it be desire? Desire for a beast? Her throat tightened at the thought.

  “What is it, little one?” Arragh patted her skin with the cloth and drew her close. “Afraid?”

  Denial came almost as a reflex, but the concern in his eyes stopped her. “A little.”

  He wrapped the sheet tighter around her and pulled her closer. “Don’t be.” She couldn’t miss the entreaty in his voice. “Myfanwy, I’ll never hurt you. With me, you’ll always be safe.”

  “I know,” she replied without thinking. Minutes later, she couldn’t think. Arragh’s lips sent her brain in a whirl and her body wild for more.

  He carried her the few feet to a low divan and tumbled her onto the pillows. She lay back and looked up at him. Her limbs went limp and her heart seemed to slow as Arragh placed one knee on the divan. Leaning over her, he slowly spread her legs, his fingers warm on her water-softened skin but nowhere near as warm as the heat gathering between her legs. She was open, exposed, her feet dangling and slow tendrils of heat reaching out from the tips of his fingers across her awakening body.

  The divan dipped a little under his weight as he sat, so close that his hip brushed her side. A smooth hand spanned her belly and surely, confidently, moved upward to rest under the swell of her breasts. She anticipated the slow pressure on her flesh and the soft brushing of his thumb over her nipples. Her breath quickened and her heart sped as she lay back and let the wild sensations invade her body. How did a touch on her breasts stoke such heat between her legs? Why did a brush over her nipples cause such a sweet clench of pleasure deep inside?

  She sighed from sheer abandon then gasped as his lips closed over one nipple. It was sensation magnified. Myfanwy closed her eyes and let herself flow in the sheer joy of his lips and the teasing of his tongue. She arched her chest to meet his mouth, letting her head drop back and her breasts curve upward, wordlessly begging for more. He complied. Now her other breast received his kiss, while his nimble fingers caressed the first nipple.

  “Arragh,” she murmured. He looked up, gold flecks on his wide lips. She touched one fleck and it came off on her fingertip. “That’s my gold,” she said.

  He shook his head. “No, mine. Why do you think they decorated you? Didn’t I promise to lick it all off?” Yes. Her throat went dry at the prospect. With a smile, he reached for her finger and slowly licked off the little speck. “I will take off every trace before we fly back across the crater.”

  She hoped it took years to remove gilding. She wanted his mouth on her again. Immediately!

  Never taking his eyes off her face, he climbed onto the divan and stretched beside her. “Not still afraid, are you?” His voice was soft, and as persuasive as his touch on her breast.

  “Not of you,” she replied.

  A crease, almost a frown gathered between his eyes. “What are you afraid of?”

  Her jaw clenched with the realization that he expected an answer. Now, as he waited, his hand warm on her breast. It never occurred to her to evade. “Of pain, when you…” She faltered in shame at speaking of these things.

  “When I take your maidenhood?” His eyes widened and his voice rose in amazement. She nodded, very much aware of the blush flooding her face. He shook his head and gave her a searching look. “Why would I hurt you?”

  Myfanwy swallowed as best she could with a throat tighter than she’d ever thought possible. “They say it is always so. That women must submit and accept.”

  “They lie!” She jumped at the force in his voice and the near growl that followed. “Myfanwy, my love.” His great hand reached out to stroke her face. “I did not mean to frighten you, but they lied.” He paused as if to be sure she understood. “I will never give you pain. That I vow before the Goddess. Do you believe me?”

  She did believe him, but his words contradicted all she’d ever been taught. “How can it be so?” Her face reddened even more at asking, but how could she reconcile Arragh’s promise with all she’d ever been taught?

  “How could I hurt you, Myfanwy? You’re my mate.” He leaned closer and kissed her. “Trust me, when I enter you the first time I’ll be small enough to take your maidenhood easily. Later when you’re accustomed to me, I’ll fill you completely. But I won’t be too large at first.”

  It hardly made sense, but she couldn’t disbelieve, or could she? “How is this?” She paused remembering the women’s talk. “A man cannot control when he is…” Dear Goddess! What was she saying?

  “A man cannot.” Arragh smiled. “I’m not a man, Myfanwy.”

  He wasn’t! “I’ve noticed.”

  He chuckled. “I should hope so!” He was very close now, hip to hip, leg to leg, and his chest seemed like a great gray wall by her face. “There is no pain between mates who desire each other and you desire me.” He paused as his fingers trailed a path between her breasts and down her belly. “I know you do, Myfanwy. I can smell your desire on your body.”

  Was that what it was? The heated scent between her legs that became noticeable as soon as Arragh spread her open. The hand on her belly eased down, cupping her naked quim and starting wild tremors sparking like fire. Her hips took on a life of their own, shifting and angling upward to feel even more. His response was an increase of pressure until she felt a strong finger rubbing in her slit. Firm, gentle and insistent he stroked in rhythm with her hips.

  Her whimpers became moans, her mind became a wild white fog. All her knowing focused on the sweet and soaring pleasure between her legs. “Arragh!” It was almost a mewl, her tongue no longer shaped words.

  “Should I stop?” he whispered, his breath warm on her skin.

  “No!” Now it was halfway to a scream. What was happening?

  “I won’t.” She heard his promise clearly, understood him for certain but then he moved, shifting away from her.

  “Arragh, don’t go!” She grasped his shoulder, digging her nails into his dragon skin.

s lips were warm on the back of her hand. “I’m not leaving, my love. I’m about to give you more. Everything you’ve ever dreamed and some things that never even entered your dreams.” He was now seated between her open legs, one hand on the inside of her thigh. His head so low, his breath brushed her bare skin. He looked up from between her legs. “I love the smell of your desire, Myfanwy.” His finger slid along her crack, opening her folds, exposing even more of her. She sagged back on the pillows as a slow sigh full of ache and need came from deep in her lungs. Her body waited, hot and heavy, her limbs loose and the space between her legs fiery. Frenzied emotions and longings caught up in her wild longing to have Arragh touch her again. And again. “And I long to taste your sweetness,” he murmured just before his tongue swept along her slit.

  A great cry of shock, surprise, and wonder burst from her tight chest. She lifted her head to see a wide smile and his dark eyes gleaming at her.

  “That pleased you?” he asked, the smugness on his face telling her he already knew.

  “Yes!” Speaking got harder by the minute.

  “Then lie back.” She didn’t move, couldn’t, while her chest heaved and her heart raced. “Lie down, Myfanwy. If you want more.”

  For a second, he thought she would refuse, but with a little gasp, she yielded. Her need and arousal beating out her modesty and the twisted fallacies they’d filled her young mind with. She wanted him, that was obvious to the skies. Her deep folds glistened rosy with arousal. She was his for the having and the pleasing. A hand on each thigh opened her wider, he paused just long enough to savor the sweet scent of her sex before skimming her slit with the tip of his tongue. He barely touched her. She no doubt thought he’d stroked with his finger. Fair enough, she would know soon enough the wild joys he had in store for her.

  He licked again, keeping his tongue narrow. She gave a contented sigh and her legs relaxed under his hands. Next time, he widened his tongue, applying more pressure as he skimmed again, pausing just as he reached her clit. He watched the quiver of anticipation that reached even her deepest parts, then laid the full flat of his tongue on her warm flesh and licked her from fore to aft then returned without giving her a chance to consider what he’d done. He was rewarded with an unsteady sigh. She’d be moaning, begging, and tossing before he was through.

  But he was nowhere near through.

  He tasted her again, sweet and needy. Needy for him! His heart seemed to swell at the thought. Myfanwy, daughter of Harwed Rees lusted for Arragh, the Dragon of Cader Bala. The sight of her—pliant and trusting, spread on the pillows—almost undid him. He fought the urge to take her there and then and claim her as his and the hope of all dragons. He needed to take her gently or risk breaking his promise to never give her pain.

  He reined in his desires and concentrated on her satisfaction. Her scent near drove his body wild but he was dragon, not some unfeeling human bent on taking instead of giving. Time for Myfanwy to understand about dragon loving.

  He lapped her folds again and was rewarded with a slow, heart-wrung moan. Before her sweet whimpers faded, he bent his head and this time, gently circled her clit with the tip of his tongue. His touch was feather light and smooth but drew a wild response. Her legs shook as tremors worked up her body to her face. She gave a gasp, her chest heaved and wide dark eyes met his.

  “Arragh!” she said, her shoulders sagging back on the divan as she caught her breath.

  “Yes?” She didn’t answer. “Yes, my love?” he repeated.

  “What are you doing?” It came out on the tail of a little gasp.

  “Want me to stop?” His breathing all but ceased as he awaited her answer.

  “Nooooo!” She shook her head. “No, please, don’t stop! Please!”

  Begging already! He bent his head to hide his smile. Running his fingers along the soft skin on the inside of her thighs, he asked, “You want more?”

  Instead of the breathless assent he expected, she gave a little snort and lifted herself up to her forearms until she was half-sitting. “Are you trying to tease me?”

  Flushed with desire, she was the most beautiful creature in creation and the pique in her voice only added to her sexiness. “Forgive me, Myfanwy. Permit me to make recompense.” Before she could reply to accept or refuse, he dipped his head and tapped her clit with the tip of his tongue. She tensed with pleasure before collapsing back and opening herself even wider as if beseeching his entry.


  After he’d readied his virgin mate completely.

  He lapped at her desire until her moans came in a soft litany of need and her body rippled with her want. As she lay back gasping, Arragh moved her legs one at a time so her feet were flat on the divan. With her knees wide, she was utterly open and available. And his.

  His fingers traced the lines of gilding that bordered her slit before spreading her female lips apart. She was flushed with need. The scent of arousal intensified as he held her open. His own need to taste deep grew with his spiraling desire. Curling his tongue, he darted in and out, testing her size and penetrating a little more each time. She was tight and narrow and hot with need. A flicker of his tongue had her squirming. A fingertip on her clit brought out a moan. His breath on her moist flesh wrung sighs from her lips. Soon she’d be his utterly.

  Very soon.

  He tongued her clit until she couldn’t keep still. Her head tossed from side to side, her hips rocked, and her hands clutched at the pillows. Keeping up his rhythm, he penetrated her slowly with just one finger. Feeling the pressure of her maidenhead, he paused momentarily, waiting for her to rock her hips downward. A little extra flutter of his tongue brought the response he needed, as she bore down, he pressed upward.

  Her cry of surprise was lost in her groan of passion as he quickened the tempo of his tongue. Never pausing, he drove her passion higher until yelps and wild cries of need echoed off the stone walls. He slid a second finger beside the first. She accommodated him as her muscles tightened around him. He explored her slowly, curling his tongue round her clit while seeking the soft, spongy core of her pleasure with his fingers. A wild cry signaled his success. It was only moments now. His lips, tongue, and fingertips worked in tandem, stretching out her passion, pulling her higher and wilder in her need.

  Little mewls and cries became great gasps and moans. She was sweating freely. He intensified his touch. Pushed her harder and higher until her groans became great screams of joy. “Arragh!” she yelled aloud as her climax crashed over her and he slid his fingers deep. Her flesh pulled around him as he touched the neck of her womb. She gave a last shout of triumph and collapsed into a soft, pliant heap of womanhood.

  “Arragh,” she gasped, reaching out her arms.

  He withdrew his fingers and moved up the divan to lie beside her, holding her in his arms as the last ripples of her climax slowed. Limp in his arms, she opened her eyes and looked up at him. And smiled. His dragon soul skittered with possessiveness as he bent over and kissed her on the mouth.

  His lips felt cool on her heated skin. Her body still rocked and floated on the wild sensations he’d drawn from her. She was weak and sweaty and worn. Content to lie in Arragh’s arms as her mind tried to grasp what had happened. What had happened? Too worn to speak, almost too spent to think, Myfanwy looked up at her dragon lover and smiled.

  He smiled back, his eyes glinting dark and a look of smugness and delight on his beautiful face. She wanted to ask him something, but as she tried to remember what it was, he leaned closer and kissed her. Her mouth opened of its own volition, but it was her will that brought her tongue to his, her body that longed for his hands, and her mind that understood the strange sweetness on his lips was her! She was tasting her own essence on her dragon’s mouth.

  “Arragh,” she managed when he at last let her go, “I never dreamed anything could happen like that. It was beyond imagining. Past anything I ever thought possible.” She paused for breath. “Will we do it again?”

  “Many times.�
� He stroked her forehead and dropped a kiss, his lips cool on her sweaty skin. “But first we have to finish.”

  There was more! “Finish?” But of course, he had yet to—but how? She bit her lip, he had promised but… “Arragh?”

  He kissed her again. Her taste still lingered on his lips. He smoothed her skull with his fingertips. “There is still more joy between us, Myfanwy. Much more.”

  How could she ever doubt him? She ran her hands over his hard dragon chest, his wide shoulders, and with a courage she only half-understood, down his flat and softer belly, and knew she had to ask. He spoke of mating, but how could they mate as a man and woman might? Where was his cock? Not where a man carried his that much her eyes and hands knew. She frowned as her fingers paused over a small bulge in his groin. Was this his cock? If so, how?

  “What perplexes you, little one?”

  She took a deep breath. How did one ask? How could she not? But how to ask? “Arragh, your manly parts?”

  “Are readying for you, my love.” Even as he spoke, his groin rose. Her jaw dropped as she watched his cock appear, slim and smooth, the skin deep, dark gray but the smooth rounded head was rimmed with gold.

  “By the Goddess!” She had to be goggling as well as gaping, but in all the heavens! Never had she seen anything so wondrous. “How do you do that?”

  He grinned, a smug male grin that crinkled his eyes and creased his cheeks. “I’m dragon. We can.”

  Yes, he could. “Just like that?”

  He nodded. “Just like that, whenever we want to.” He chuckled. “I take it, lady, you’re impressed? I salute you.”

  He did! As he spoke, his gilded cock moved back and forth and then made a small circle in the air.

  Maybe laughter wasn’t the correct reply. She couldn’t help it and even less when he acknowledged her amusement with a sideways bob. “But how? You just make it appear, just like that?”

  “Only when I need it.” He leaned on his hip so his cock tapped the top of her thigh. “Otherwise I keep it tucked away safely. Like my wings.”


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