Paradox I

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Paradox I Page 9

by Rosemary Laurey

“We’re closed,” he barked without looking up.

  Haaken ignored him and walked closer. He opened the small pouch tied to his sword belt and withdrew three gold coins, more money than this establishment would bring in during a fortnight.

  “Get the hell out of here. I said we’re—” The bartender looked up and his eyes widened. “S-s-sire.” He dropped the cloth he’d been pushing. “I didn’t realize—”

  “Private rooms.” He tossed the first coin on the bar, watching as the man grabbed and then bit it to ensure its authenticity. “Food.” He tossed the second coin, which the bartender caught with a gasp. “A bath and change of clothing for one of my companions.” He held up the third coin so the little man could see it but not reach for it. “If everything is to my satisfaction, this too will be yours.” He tucked it back into his waist pouch for safekeeping.

  “Yes, sire. Right away.” The bartender’s gaze was locked on Haaken’s money pouch. He licked his lips then nodded, eager to do as he was bid. “Do you desire your usual rooms?” He walked out from behind the bar, wiping his dirty hands on an equally filthy apron. “We’re empty this eve, business has been slow.”

  “Be quick about it, we’re tired.”

  “Of course, sire.” The man offered a sketchy bow.

  Behind him, the inn door opened for Ty and the girl. His brother was behind her, trying to push and it was obvious she didn’t want to enter. Her feet were stuck straight out in front of her and one hand clutched the frame. Ty tried to unhook her hand from the door then howled when she twisted and bit him.

  “Yowww!” He grabbed her by the waist and swung her around so hard she was forced to grab her box with both hands or risk dropping it. He dumped her on the floor, then slammed the door shut behind him, preventing her escape.

  “What’s going on out here?” A large woman entered the room, the top of her dress undone though she seemed in no hurry to cover her enormous breasts. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the woman on the floor. “You can’t bring that in here.”

  As she marched toward Ty and the woman, another man stomped out of the room she’d just vacated. “Woman, get back here! I paid for a fuck and—” With his drawers drooping from his skinny ass, the man took one look at Haaken and made an awkward run for the door.

  “Wife!” The bartender moved to head her off.

  Clearly the innkeeper had married since their last visit. Haaken glanced from the diminutive bartender to his new wife. Judging from the disparity in their sizes, he was surprised the man hadn’t smothered under all that flesh.

  “I run a clean place,” she screeched at her husband.

  Haaken glanced at the disarray of the room, toppled tankards and grease-spotted tabletops. If she ran a clean place, she certainly didn’t mean this one.

  He stepped forward. “Mistress, I can assure you that you’ll be well compensated for your aid.”

  The bartender’s wife stopped in mid-screech when she saw him. Her skin flushed and her gaze moved over him as if he were a plate of candied fruit and she were a starving woman.

  “Well.” She shook off her husband’s arm and approached Haaken with a sway in her step. “Since you put it so nicely.” She gave him a heated smile with dingy teeth as he caught the aroma of unwashed flesh, sweat and another man’s satisfaction.

  He moved away from the woman. “As I said, you’ll be well compensated. My brother will stable the horses while you’ll aid the young woman in getting cleaned up and properly clothed.”

  “I don’t have anything that’ll fit such a scrawny creature,” the woman sneered.

  “Anything will do as long as she’s covered and clean.”

  The bartender picked up the two bundles Ty had brought in. “Who is she, milord?”

  “Your whore?” the wife asked.

  Haaken’s gaze flicked over the girl still seated on the floor. Dani? Was that her name? In her current state, it would take more of a man than he to bed the repulsive creature. Her smell alone would keep most men at a distance. “My slave.” He turned and walked toward the doorway leading to the steps and the rooms above.

  “I’m no man’s slave,” the young woman spoke. Haaken turned to see her struggle her to feet. She limped into the center of the room, her chin high and the tail of her chain clanking on the floor. “I wasn’t Con’s slave nor will I ever be yours.” Her stormy blue eyes sparked with indignation. Even though she swayed with weariness and was coated in layers of dirt, he was pleased to see that she had some spark of life left in her.

  He glanced down at the rusted iron cuff that encircled her ankle for it told another story. Freewomen weren’t bound like dogs to rickety old wagons. “See to it the cuff is removed as well.” He continued up the stairs.

  The Boar and the Ram was a familiar tavern. Several times a year, he and his men visited the establishment and he knew the layout well. He walked to the broad door at the end of the hall and flung it open. The room was small, but clean and well-ordered. A large bed, washstand, a window overlooking the lane and a fireplace with a comfortable chair were all it boasted.

  The bartender entered with an armload of wood. He dumped it into the wood box, then crouched to light the fire already laid. Two sleepy-eyed maids appeared, one with a fresh pitcher of water and the other with a tray of wine, sliced meat and crusty bread.

  As they moved about making the room comfortable, Haaken removed his cape and draped it over the foot of the bed. They had no idea he was going have little use for the room.

  After a few moments and a number of curtseys and bows, they left and Haaken bolted the door behind them. Picking up the tray of food, he opened the narrow door in the far corner. It opened with very little sound and he stepped into the confining space.

  His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness and he climbed the spiral steps to an attic. On the east side of the cavernous space was a large dormer window with an old velvet chair and small table positioned before it. Haaken put the tray on the table and opened the window, allowing the cool air to rush into the musty space. Seating himself in the comfortable expanse of the chair, he finally allowed his body to relax.

  The sun continued its inexorable climb while he cleaned the tray and drank the wine. As the sun broached the horizon and he closed his eyes, he heard the first scream.

  They were going to kill her.

  Heart pounding, Dani slid from under the arm imprisoning her. Her feet skidded across the damp stone floor as she scrambled under a rickety table in the corner of the room. She pressed her back against the wall and her fingers curled around the wooden legs as curses from the fat woman rang overhead.

  That horrible blond man had taken her chest away from her and shoved her into this place. Even though he’d told her she’d get it back, she didn’t believe him. He probably wanted to steal all of her treasures and now that he had them, they wanted her dead.

  No way would she make it easy on these demons.

  “No amount of money in the world is worth this ruckus, not even for the handsome Lord-Whoever-He-Is. Unless of course he gives me a good screw before he fucks this one.” The fat woman brayed then dropped to her knees, her eyes glittering with devilish intent. “Come out here, you dirty wench.”

  Dani kicked at the large coarse hands reaching for her. Fingers dug into her ankle and the large woman gave a sharp tug that slid Dani across the floor. Still clinging to the table legs, the length of her arms stopped her forward progress.

  “Loosen her grip,” the woman snapped at a nearby maid.

  The little maid clawed at Dani’s fingers and still she refused to release the splintery wood. If she lost her hold, they’d kill her for sure. The maid slapped at her hand and Dani felt a brief moment of triumph until she felt teeth sink into her knuckles.

  “Yeow!” She released her fingers and the fat woman gave a vicious yank, propelling her across the damp floor. Dani rolled to her stomach and kicked at the woman’s hands, desperate to free herself.

  “Red!” her tormen
tor screamed. “Get in here.”

  The door flew open and a massive man filled the doorway, his hair as red as the setting sun. For a split second, Dani froze. What new demon was about to be let loose upon her?

  The grip on her ankles loosened and Dani took the opportunity to give another kick, managing to free herself. The fat woman lunged again and Dani gave another kick, unbalancing her and she stumbled back against the wall.

  “Get her,” the woman snarled. “Put her into the tub.”

  A big hand landed on the back of Dani’s neck, halting her awkward scramble for safety. Nails dug into her skin as she was hauled to her feet and steered toward a steaming tub of water. She struggled against the restraining grip, but this was no overfed woman. This was a full-grown man who was built as if he were no stranger to wielding a sword all day, every day.

  She gave a startled shriek as the giant pushed her into the narrow metal tub. The scalding water soaked her meager clothes and seared her skin. Ruthlessly, her head was shoved under the water and she struggled against the punishing hands as water filled her mouth and nose.

  Fingers tangled in her hair and hauled her head above the water. She gasped for air as she struggled to raise her leg over the side of the tub. Her ankle, the one that had been tortured by the iron cuff, was abraded and the scorching water sent such pains up her leg that her teeth hurt.

  “Stop fighting,” the giant rumbled.

  “I’m not—” Her words were cut off as he shoved her back under the water. She struggled, her lungs unprepared and straining against the lack of oxygen. It hurt, it hurt so bad and she wasn’t sure she could stand it much longer.

  Then she was hauled to the surface again and she coughed water from her lungs as she hung her head over the edge, struggling to breathe.

  “Are you through?” the giant asked.

  Weak, she nodded and tried to raise her leg from the hot water.

  “Why are you trying to get out?” he rumbled.

  She shrieked as she was shoved under the water again, this time only for a split second before she was hauled to the surface again. The pain from her abused scalp brought tears to her eyes as he dunked her again, too fast to catch her breath. Was he going to kill her?

  “Hurt.” She gasped as he pulled her up again.

  He paused, his fingers still tangled in her hair. “What hurts?”

  “Ankle…hurts.” Her lower lip began to tremble. “Please…”

  The giant released her and, with curiously gentle fingers, he captured her leg and raised it to rest on the edge of the tub. She winced as his finger found a sore and she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  He patted her knee, his touch tender. “I’ll get something so I can remove this right away.”

  Shocked at his sudden change, it was all Dani could do to simply nod. He released her leg and strode from the room, careful to shut the door behind him.

  “Remove her clothes,” the fat woman ordered the little maid.

  Dani began shrugging out of her clothes when the maid stepped forward. After her clothes were removed, she saw the fat woman coming at her with a large bristle bush and a bar of soap. Did she actually think to wash her with that? Where was the bathing cloth?

  Dani cleared her throat, her voice husky from her dunking. “If you have a cloth I can—”

  “Shut up. I won’t take any more of your bad behavior. His lordship bade me to get you clean and that’s what I mean to do.”

  The maid returned armed with another brush and soap as well. Within seconds, they held her down and were scrubbing her skin as if she were a soiled garment. Dani shrieked and fought to avoid the torturous bristles to no avail. One of them had her hair in a firm grip as they sought to flay the skin from her very bones.

  Reality receded to a red haze of too-hot water, sharp bristle brushes and harsh ash soap as the two women scrubbed her within an inch of her life. She didn’t even flinch when the maid announced her hair beyond saving. With a sharp knife, they cut off most of it in knotted, uneven hunks.

  When they were done, the maid ushered Dani from the black water and into a thin towel, tossing a second one over her ruined hair.

  “Ye Gods, woman, he bade you to bathe her, not skin her alive.”

  Dani didn’t move as Red’s voice boomed across the room.

  “She was fighting us,” the fat woman said. “She got what she asked for.” She walked around the red-haired giant and slammed the door behind her.


  But Dani was too miserable to utter the word aloud. Every inch of her body ached and her head throbbed from the repeated dunking and rough haircut. Hunched over, she clutched the thin cloth to her body and shivered.

  “Go ready her room.” Red approached, his work-scarred boots moving into her line of vision.

  Dani heard the maid scurry from the room but she refused to look up, not wishing to see what new hell was about to be launched upon her. She started as something touched her shoulders and a length of pale yellow cloth was draped over her. The material was soft as silk yet thick. She shivered and gathered it around her, grateful for its warmth.

  Without saying a word, Red dropped to his knee and lifted the foot with the cuff. Withdrawing a long narrow tool, he set to work on the locking mechanism and, within seconds, the old cuff opened enough for him to slide her foot free. The skin abused by the cuff was red and scored from the constant friction.

  He looked up at her and his expression was kind. “You’re free.”

  “If only that were true,” she said before thinking.

  His gaze sharpened. “Lord Haaken is a good man and he’ll take fine care of you.” He dropped the cuff and released her leg. “Come, I’ll take you to your room.”

  Dani struggled to her feet, careful to avoid his helping hand. Silent, she followed him into the chilly hall and up a narrow set of steps. He opened a door, then stepped aside, allowing her to precede him.

  The room was small and a fire crackled in the fireplace. A young woman, not the one who had tortured her, was turning back the bed. Small and narrow but plumped high with soft-looking sheets and blankets, the bed was the best-looking thing Dani had ever seen.

  “Good night, miss.”

  Before she could utter a word, Red shut the door and left the two women alone.

  “I have a gown for you, miss.”

  Dani reluctantly released her yellow wrap and allowed the woman to help her into the thin gown. Within moments, she was tucked into bed in a voluminous white garment. The maid doused the light and slipped from the room, leaving Dani alone with the crackling fire.

  Exhausted, she could barely keep her eyes open let alone find the energy to enjoy the unknown luxury of her rented bed. So much had happened in the past few hours. After years of dreaming of freedom, she’d finally escaped her father, not as a free woman, but as a slave to a stranger. What would he do with her? What would become of her? Red had said that her keeper was a good man. She could only hope and pray to Ola that he was right.

  Her eyes closed as she allowed her body to sink into the soft mattress. Until she could gain her freedom, as long as her keeper provided clean sheets and a warm bed, she would do almost anything he required of her.

  Chapter Three

  Haaken scowled at the shorn creature seated at the table in the corner of the private dining room. His little slave had lost not only her dirt and stench, she’d lost yards of hair as well. Her unevenly cut, fuzzy blonde hair stuck up in tufts that made her look like a baby chick. She’d been shorn then sent to bed with wet hair.

  Other than her unfortunate haircut, he could see the potential she held. Her eyes were pale blue, surrounded by long blonde lashes. Her features were sharp, too sharp from lack of proper nutrition. Her mouth was soft and full, but her lips were chapped from the cold weather. Ren would have something to aid their healing.

  With her gaze locked on her overloaded plate and her feet tucked under voluminous skirts, she stuffed food into her mouth as quickly a
s she could chew. Ty sat across from her, his food untouched, a look of horrified fascination on his face as she plowed her way through a platter of roasted fowl, fresh cheese and boiled greens.

  If she kept eating like this, she’d make herself sick. There was no doubt that she needed the nourishment. Another twenty to thirty pounds would easily sit on her medium-sized frame. Just not all at once.

  “Are we ready to leave?” Haaken asked.

  She jumped when he spoke; her gaze darting in his direction, then away again. He was mildly irritated that she didn’t immediately respond to his question. Obviously her former master had been lax with her training, something he would soon rectify.

  Ty pushed away his plate and tossed her an amused look. “After she’s done stuffing herself like a fat little sow, we can leave.”

  She ignored Ty, her cheeks plumped with food like a little yellow nuthatch storing food for a long, hard winter. She snagged a large hunk of brown bread from a plate. Her oversized sleeve slid along her arm and Haaken caught sight of several long red scratches against her pale skin before she stashed the bread in the folds of her skirt.

  Before he could think, his hand locked around her wrist as she reached to swipe another piece of the coarse bread.

  She gave a squeak of alarm as he pulled her arm up and her sleeve fell away. The long scratches were intersected with smaller ones, especially along the inside of her arm. He turned her arm first this way, then that as he inspected her. The marks were fresh and the echo of terrified screams reverberated through his head.

  “When did this happen?” His tone came out harsher than he’d intended and her eyes widened, her mouth still full. “Swallow.”

  It took her several seconds and she had to reach for a pewter goblet of water to ease the way. His impatience increasing with every second, he resisted the urge to tap his foot.

  “Last night.” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “The innkeeper’s wife did this to you?” He turned her hand over and noted the teeth marks on her knuckles. “She bit you as well?”

  She shook her head and the little blonde tufts wobbled. “It was the maid that bit me—”


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