Paradox I

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Paradox I Page 10

by Rosemary Laurey

  Haaken hauled her from the chair and pulled her toward the door. The sound of her stolen food falling from her skirt marked their way across the room.

  “Gather our things. We’re leaving.” He spoke to Ty as they exited the room.

  The journey to the taproom was short. With her slender wrist still in his grasp, she stumbled along behind him. Her fingers latched onto his cape as she struggled to keep up with him.

  The public taproom was packed with customers. The moment Haaken entered, a hush fell over the crowd, punctuated by shushing sounds for those slow to notice his entrance. The bartender looked up from drawing a pint that he handed off before hurrying toward them.

  “I trust all is well, sire—”

  “No, it is not. Where is your wife?”

  “My wife, sire?” The bartender began a jittering backward walk. “I’ll-”

  “I’m here.” The overfed woman stepped out from a curtained alcove, adjusting her massive breasts within the sheer confines of her top. She ran her hand over her tousled hair and gave Haaken a come hither look.

  “I asked you to assist my companion in a bath.” Haaken pulled his reluctant slave in front of him. “Not skin her alive.” He held out her arm for both the bartender and his wife to see the marks. Several of the more adventurous customers leaned forward to get a good look at the spectacle.

  “She was fighting us and got knocked around a bit.” The woman shrugged. “We had to use scrub brushes on her as she was filthy. A simple cloth would never have gotten her clean.”

  “No one is filthy enough to require their skin to be flayed from their bodies.” Haaken pulled the gold coin from his belt pouch. “This was to be payment for the bath and her clothing. As you’ve seen fit to cause my charge great pain and suffering, I’ll award the coin to her for her trouble instead.”

  “Now, you wait just a—”

  “Merlee—” The bartender plucked at her sleeve.

  She shook him off and stepped closer to Haaken. “I did as you asked.”

  “Mistress, you forget yourself.” Ty appeared with their saddlebags. “You’re speaking to an Overseer appointed by the Realm and you will give him the respect that is his due. Your behavior is not only offensive, but inappropriate. If you wish to remain in our good graces, I recommend you shut up and take your loss with good grace.”

  Haaken released Dani and flipped her the coin. Several people exclaimed as light flashed over the rich gold before she snatched it in mid-air and tucked it into a fold in her clothes. He retrieved his bag from Ty and turned to leave, his anger appeased.

  For now.

  Dani clutched Ty’s waist, her heart thudding in excitement. She owned an entire gold coin. All her very own. And it wasn’t just any gold coin. It was a deuce, worth enough to keep her in food and a roof over her head for a month. She pressed her lips together to stifle the squeal that threatened to erupt.

  Unless it was fake.

  She frowned, her grip tightening automatically on her companion’s waist as Ty urged his horse up a steep slope. Could gold coins be faked? When they reached the top, she released her grip and reached into her cloak.

  Around her neck was a small leather pouch Ty had tossed her before they’d mounted. She’d tucked the coin inside, taking great care to knot the top before placing the lanyard around her neck. She’d seen a deuce such as this once. Not one as shiny though. Maybe this was newly minted?

  She released the pouch, taking care to tuck it between her breasts before sliding her arm around Ty again. She leaned to one side, her gaze catching on the big man riding ahead of them. If he were a Realm-appointed Overseer he should have many more coins at his disposal. Maybe he could give her some sort of loan.

  She shivered in remembrance of the scene in the taproom. Somehow, he didn’t strike her as a person who would lend money to a woman with no means of support. With his anger tightly leashed, he was formidable. She would hate to get on his bad side.

  She shuddered at the thought of him losing the rein on his control. He had a cruel face, but his gesture had been anything but cruel. With his hair as black as a raven’s wing, his angular face, hooded dark brown eyes and his firm jaw, some women might find him very attractive. Not her though—


  She laid her cheek against Ty’s soft cloak. Her box dug into her belly but she ignored the discomfort. She wasn’t a woman to trifle with a man and she wasn’t about to start now. She was on her way to an exciting new adventure and now had money of her own. While the big man seemed to think she was his slave, she would have to disabuse him of that notion. He’d be disappointed that he’d lost the money she represented, but maybe she could find a way to pay him back—


  Beneath her cheek, she felt Ty pulling on the reins until the horse came to a jolting stop. Dani craned her neck as she leaned to the side, her breath caught in her throat as she took in the view below them.

  They were on a cliff overlooking a large city. In the darkness, the lights twinkled like fairy dust along rows of neat buildings. The sudden release of tension in Ty’s body made it clear that this was home to her companions. Did the big man have control of such a large place? If he did, then he truly was rich, richer than she’d suspected.

  The object of her thoughts nudged his horse forward, leaving Ty and Dani to follow. A ball of anxiety formed in her stomach and expanded as they wove down the cliff and into the outskirts of the city. Dani loosened her wrap for the air was much warmer here than in the mountains. She took a deep breath and inhaled the fragrance of freshly turned earth, animals and night-blooming carnelian flowers.

  They rode past small huts tucked between neat patches of fields. These properties obviously belonged to farmers and herders. Their windows were darkened, as they would be rising soon to tend to their chores.

  As they approached the center of the city, the streets turned from dirt paths to gravel and finally solid white rock. Dani’s neck ached from her attempts to see everything at once. The houses went from modest to outlandish within the distance of a few streets. Few people were out with the exception of the half-naked ladies who’d hung out the window of one establishment and called for Ty as they’d ridden passed.

  All too soon, they left the white paved streets and rode toward a massive castle, complete with turrets, drawbridge and guards. Acres of rolling land surrounded the castle walls and Dani detected the rustle of animals in the darkness. As they approached, a drawbridge lowered over the moat, welcoming them into the bailey.

  After they entered, Dani heard the creaking of a great chain and she looked back as the bridge ascended once again. She swallowed hard. This place might be tricky to escape.

  “Welcome home, sire.”

  A small man came forward and took the reins of the big man’s horse. She couldn’t help but admire the easy grace with which he dismounted from the animal.

  “Thank you, Jax,” he said. “It’s good to be home.”

  Dani scowled as she received a not-too-gentle poke in the ribs from Ty, signaling her that it was time for her to get down. She shoved her wooden box at him for safekeeping as she dug her nails into his arm. Her feet hit the ground and her knees wobbled. She was unaccustomed to riding or sitting for any length of time and wanted more than anything to sink down to the ground. She’d be damned before she’d allow herself to fall in front of these men.

  “Follow him.” Ty shoved her box at her.

  The big man was walking toward the towering entrance to the castle. Stumbling in his wake, Dani caught up just as he entered the door. She skidded to a halt at the sight before her.

  The entrance was probably the grandest place she’d ever seen. Thick colorful carpets covered a pale stone floor and tapestries and paintings covered the towering walls. High overhead a light fixture blazed, casting a golden glow over the entire area. At the far end was a wide staircase and a woman was running toward them.

  Her dark hair was tumbled about her head as if she’d jus
t awakened. Her slender form was clad in a gauzy blue material that floated as she ran.

  “You’re home.” She flung her arms around the big man and gave him a noisy kiss. “I’m so pleased.”

  He chuckled and Dani couldn’t believe she’d heard the sound. Throughout the entire trip he’d been taciturn, barely uttering a single word, let alone laugh. Who was this woman? His wife? Mistress?

  “You’ve brought good news, I hope?” she asked.

  “Nay, twasn’t her.”

  The woman made a soothing sound. “Don’t worry, Haaken. She’ll come, I know it. I feel it.”

  “I hope you’re right, Ren.”

  “I always am—”

  Dani turned away, pretending not to listen. But she’d turned too soon and stumbled into a small table, setting a narrow arrangement of flowers tottering. Releasing the grip on her box, it hit the floor with a crash, leaving her clutching the vase and the now disarrayed flowers.

  The woman’s gaze swung toward her. She blinked several times as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing. “Who do we have here?” she asked.

  Haaken frowned at Dani. “What is your name again, girl?”

  “Dani.” She put the vase back in its previous position. “My name is Dani.”

  “How did you end up with her?” the woman asked.

  “She’s a long story.” Haaken leaned forward, whispering to the woman.

  “No!” She cast a scandalized look at Dani.

  Face hot, Dani released the vase and retrieved her box. She had no idea what he’d said but she could well imagine that it hadn’t been flattering.

  “Why the nerve—” the woman blurted.

  He shook his head and laid a finger over her mouth, stemming the flow of words. “Can you take care of her for me?”

  “Oh yes, right away.” She looked at Dani, her gaze assessing. “Is she to be added to your—”

  “I haven’t decided.” Haaken walked to the steps. “Just take care of her. The hour draws late and the dawn approaches.”

  The woman looked at her, then made a soft humming sound. Whatever she was thinking, Dani had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it.

  Chapter Four

  The moment Dani followed the woman through a gated doorway near the stairs, the entire atmosphere of the castle changed. Gone were the ornate furnishings and in their place was understated elegance. Thick rugs in soothing tones of peach and pale green cushioned her footfalls. The walls were ivory plaster with paintings and silk tapestries hung at regular intervals. Along the passage there were several inviting nooks with overstuffed chairs grouped for conversation.

  At one point they passed a massive bank of windows that overlooked torch-lit gardens like nothing she’d ever seen in her life. It was still early in the growing season here in the southlands, but there was lush green grass and a profusion of blooms so brilliant it almost hurt her eyes. She could hardly wait to see it in the daylight.

  Dani stumbled as the woman turned to the right and led her into a room with a tiled floor. The mixed scents of perfume oils and steam hung thick in the air. In the center of the room was a large pool of water surrounded by rose-colored marble benches. Steam rose from the water. At the far end of the room there were several smaller pools shrouded by drapes of white linen. Obviously intended for those who wished to bathe unobserved.

  “The castle has its own natural hot springs,” the woman said. She stopped in a small alcove that contained a mauve silk-covered bench. “Put your belongings here until I can find a room for you.” She gave Dani a big smile. “By the way, I’m Haaken’s sister, Ren.”

  His sister!

  Oddly relieved, Dani gave her a slight smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Ren. Can you tell me where I am?”

  Ren blinked. “Haaken didn’t tell you?” She rolled her eyes. “Men. Why does this not surprise me? This is the Overseer’s castle in the city of Wryven. Haaken is the Overseer and you’re to partake of his hospitality.” She retrieved a silk robe from a peg on the wall. “Remove your clothes and put this on.”

  Dani looked at the robe suspiciously. “I don’t have to take another bath, do I?”

  “Well,” Ren wrinkled her nose, “you do smell like a horse.”

  Dani looked down at her pale arms. Horse smell or not, she was cleaner now than when she’d been birthed. “I don’t—”

  “We’ll tend your skin,” she said. “Haaken told me you’d been injured.” Ren set the robe on the bench and moved to leave, pulling the silk hangings free from their ties to cover the entrance to the alcove. “Just come out when you’re ready and I’ll get my things.”

  Ren left and Dani was alone. Clutching her box, she examined the small space. The alcove was undersized but luxurious with an ornate bench and a small table with a crystal lamp from which golden light spilled forth. Along one wall was a line of pegs that held various garments, most looking like robes. Did Haaken have many visitors to his baths?

  She set her box on the table and removed her clothing. The rough cloth had been torture to her abused skin and she was glad to be rid of it. But, no matter how much the cloth irritated her, these garments were all she had and, once her bath was over, she’d be forced to put them on again. She folded the items and created a neat stack on the bench before she removed the bag containing the coin.

  Unable to resist temptation, she pulled out the coin. The gold was shiny and she ran her thumb over it. One side bore the stamp of a raven and the other the crown of the realm. She frowned and ran her thumb over the raven. Why the raven? Unease skittered down her spine. What was it about the raven that—


  Ren’s soft voice jerked her from her musing and she stuffed the coin back into the bag before tucking it into the box with her other treasures. It should be safe enough there while she took a simple bath. She scooped up the robe, taking care that her calloused hands didn’t snag the fragile lavender silk. Wrapped in the insubstantial garment, she slipped through the drapes.

  Ren was crouched by one of the smaller baths and she waved Dani over. “Slip in here and relax. I’ve brought you some tea and sweetbreads, nothing too heavy to interrupt your sleep.”

  Dani eyed the water. “Is it very hot?”

  “No, it will be perfect, I promise you. I’ve added oils—almond to soften your skin and chamomile, bay and lavender for healing.” Ren held up a small vial for Dani to see. “And when you’re done, we’ll also oil your injuries, and by the time you wake, you’ll feel like a new woman.”

  Dani doubted that but she was too polite to argue, so she climbed the tiled steps and dipped her toe into the water. It was warm but not overly so. As Ren turned away to prepare her tea, Dani tossed off the robe and hastened into the water.

  “Each of these smaller baths has a different temperature, with the coldest being in the far corner surrounded by the blue tile and the hottest with the red.” Ren set the tray where Dani could reach it. “I don’t recommend the hot one.” She grinned.

  Dani settled into the water on a low seat built into one of the narrow ends of the tub. The water was heavenly against her sore body and the scent of the oils was calming.

  “I’m going to fix your hair.” Ren approached with a comb and silver shears. Her nose wrinkled. “They made quite a mess, didn’t they?”

  Dani didn’t know if they had or not as she hadn’t seen what had been done to her, but she’d felt the odd tufts that stuck up on her head as they’d ridden. From the tray by her arm, she selected a tart and bit into the crunchy crust, closing her eyes in delight.

  “They’re good, aren’t they?” Ren settled behind her. “Our cook makes lemon for me as they’re my favorite.”

  The women settled into a companionable silence that was punctuated by the soft whisk of shears. A short while later when Ren had pronounced herself done, Dani was surprised to see that the tray was bare with the exception of some crumbs and her teacup was empty as well. She was truly replete, something she’d not
felt very often in her life.

  Ren patted her on the shoulder. “Your bath is almost done and your hair looks much better.”

  “Thank you,” Dani said.

  “My pleasure.” Ren retrieved her tray of vials from a low table nearby. “jaJin will be here to aid you with your bath while I prepare your room.”

  “Who is jaJin?” Dani frowned. “I can bathe on my own—”

  “‘Tis customary for the women of the house of Wryven to be bathed.” Ren shrugged. “‘Tis our way.”

  “I’m not a woman of—”

  “You are now.” Ren gave her a secretive smile.

  As the other woman left, Dani leaned her head back and allowed her eyes to slip closed. Just how many women were there? Two? Dozens? She wanted to ask but suddenly she felt so weary, her tongue almost thick and it didn’t seem to want to cooperate with her. She sighed. When she’d ridden out of her father’s life, she’d never imagined people lived in such luxury.

  She giggled. If they could see her now, they’d be green with jealousy. Sitting naked in warm scented water up to her chin. Indulging in more food than she’d ever seen in her life and surrounded by luxuries the likes of which she’d never dreamed. And Haaken, oh my. There was a man who would set a woman’s heart to flutter with just a look. He’d certainly set something to flutter in her, something she’d never experienced before.

  The sound of footsteps interrupted her musing. A cool breeze touched her cheeks as the curtain was opened then slid shut. Through her lowered lashes, she saw a slim, dark figure move around the tub. She was so tired, she just couldn’t seem to bring herself to open her eyes. Sometimes, it was just easier to…accept.

  Gentle hands slipped under her head and adjusted the soft support that cushioned her neck from the edge of the tub. Murmuring her thanks, she remained in the welcoming twilight world as someone—jaJin, she supposed—took a cloth and gently bathed her face and neck with the scented water. As the bathing progressed, she drifted on a cloud of sensation. A languid movement of water, then someone sat at her feet, attending to parts previously untouched.


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