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Paradox I

Page 15

by Rosemary Laurey

  Dani awakened slowly, aware of the weight of a hairy male arm tossed over her abdomen, pinning her to the bed. Turning her head, she saw Haaken stretched beside her, his magnificent body bathed in flickering firelight.

  He lay on his stomach; the sheets were tangled around his ankles where he’d kicked them off. Haaken in full garb was impressive; in the raw, he was mouth-watering.

  His long legs were straight and muscular, sprinkled with black hair. His buttocks were firm and rounded, his waist narrow before widening into broad, muscular shoulders. His arm, roped with toned flesh and sinew, was tossed over her waist. His forearm was heavy and she lightly ran her hand across it, relishing the warmth and tensile strength of her lover in repose.

  His hand was splayed on her side. She rubbed her fingers over his, noting the numerous scars from his hard-won life. As protector of the province, his was a hard life of constant negotiations for peace and, when it came down to it, war.

  A woman would be a fool to hand her heart to such a man.

  She held her breath as she removed his arm from her body. He made a sound in his sleep and his hips shifted restlessly before he stilled.

  So, she was a fool.

  Dani rose and sat on her heels, looking at him. He’d stolen her heart with barely a word. It was his actions, his friendly yet commanding interaction with his men, his tolerance and patience with the villagers and his desire to aid them in gaining a better life that demonstrated more about his character than any words he could speak.

  And there was no way she could repay him for saving her from her former life. He’d given her more than she’d ever dreamed and she yearned for a way to say thank you.

  Dani leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the indentation of his spine. She smiled as he twitched beneath her touch. She moved lower, kissing and licking a path over the plump curve of his buttock before she bit him.

  “Hey!” His head popped out of the pillows.

  She laughed and patted him on one firm cheek, then squeezed. Taking her other hand, she gave his other cheek the same treatment.

  “I’m not a melon, woman,” he growled. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Mmm.” She gave him one final pat. “Checking out my merchandise.” He started to roll and she stopped him by straddling his narrow hips. She leaned forward, pressing her breasts into his back and forcing him back against the bed. “Not yet, my jaJin. I’m still checking.”

  Haaken’s dark chuckle turned to a choke as she shimmied down his body. The sensation of his bronzed skin against her erect nipples caused a rush of warmth between her thighs. Then his muscles tightened as she stroked upward.

  “Do you like that?” Her voice was husky and she barely recognized it as her own.

  He made a soft growl as his fingers clenched the bedding.

  “Shall I be softer?” She rose so that her nipples barely brushed his flesh and she could feel him shudder beneath her touch. “Harder?” She pressed down, flattening her upper body against his back. “Or maybe none at all?” She rose, her body aching with the need to be fulfilled, but enjoying the game too much to rush.

  She squealed when he twisted beneath her. She pitched sideways, but he grabbed her before she could fall off the bed and settled her over him, his cock warm and hard against the damp notch of her thighs.

  With a self-satisfied smile, Haaken reclined against the pillows, his arms raised with his hands behind his head.

  “As your jaJin, it would behoove me to inform you that you’ve only inspected half of your merchandise. I would hate to think that you’d select me for your pleasure, then be…disappointed.”

  As if that could happen.

  Dani leaned forward, anticipation moving through her nervous system. “How right you are, jaJin.”

  He shifted so she could kiss him, but she avoided his handsome mouth, opting instead to kiss his throat. His chest was warm beneath her hand and she could feel his accelerated heartbeat. He may act unmoved, but the growing hardness pressing against her and his deepening breaths told another story completely.

  She nibbled a path down his body, pausing to lick a spot or bite a nipple. She arched against him, reveling in the feel of his throbbing cock against her sensitive opening.

  But she wanted more, much more.

  She stretched and reached for a small bottle of massage oil on the bedside table. As she uncorked it, the rich scent of aloinnin blossoms rose from the pale oil. Aloinnin, a powerful nerve enhancer, was coveted among lovers young and old.

  Aware of his dark gaze, she moved so that his cock sprang free between them. Pouring oil on her hands, she shuddered as she coated his stiff rod with the fragrant liquid. When his skin was glistening and Haaken was panting, she released him.

  “jaJin, I want you to pleasure yourself.” She moved back until she was settled between his feet against the footboard. Her legs spread, her feet framing his hips, she rubbed the excess oil into her thighs. “I want to watch.”

  Haaken’s gaze was fixed on her spread legs and the damp flesh between them. He licked his lips as he reached for his cock. His big fingers encircled and he began to stroke. Slow at first, concentrating on prolonging the sensation as he worked his hand over his straining flesh.

  Dani continued rubbing oil into her skin when what she really wanted was either to touch herself or launch herself at the cock being prepared before her very eyes.

  She slid a finger into her dampened folds, lightly grazing her bundle of nerves. The aloinnin oil caused a rush of heat so sharp it bordered on pain. She moaned and repeated her movement, her body arching against her hand.

  “I need to touch you.”

  Dani opened her eyes to see Haaken, his face straining, his cock bulging from his fist. He looked as if he, too, were in pain.

  “My poor jaJin,” she said. She moved to her knees, brushing his hands away, her fingers barely encircling his wrists. She leaned over, imprisoning his hands against the bed while his cock nestled deep between her thighs where it belonged. “Let me help you.”

  She spread her legs, her knees rubbing the outside of his hips as she rocked against him, knowing the heat of the oil and the incredible size and hardness of him would quickly take her over the edge. She rotated her hips, slowly at first then increasing the pressure as the tension mounted.

  She couldn’t stop a long, loud groan of release as a tidal wave of sensation washed through her. Spasms continued to shake her for several moments even after she’d collapsed on his chest.

  “Do I please you, mistress?”

  She sighed. “Yes, my jaJin, you please me greatly.”


  Then, without warning, Haaken stretched one arm over her head taking her wrists with him. Then, he looped his arm around her waist, then rolled over and buried himself in her again with one smooth movement.

  Dani gave a strangled cry as he loomed, filling her, overpowering her. She looped her legs around his waist as he pounded—stretching and filling her beyond belief. The sensation of this man inside her was one she longed to savor, but not this time, the fever was too intense.

  Her consciousness faded to this man, this room, as he took her to the heights of ecstasy, again and again. Just when she thought she could bear no more and she was on the verge of begging him to stop, he’d reach down and stroke her with one broad finger until she soared again.

  With the big bed shuddering beneath them, Haaken roared his completion, his body straining and jerking with the force of his release. Dani gloried in the beauty of this man who’d possessed her, his face damp with sweat, his eyes closed, focused on his pleasure.

  He collapsed over her and she reveled in the weight and heat of his big body. She slid her arms around his shoulders, her fingers tangling in his damp hair as she closed her eyes. She couldn’t ask for anything more.

  Chapter Nine

  “What do you mean I can’t leave?” Dani hugged the newly cut bundle of bandages to her chest.

  “The Overs
eer gave his orders. You’re not to leave the keep.” Mik shut the door she’d just opened only, this time, he hung a padlock on the heavy iron hasp effectively locking her in the keep. “If you need anything, it will be brought to you.”

  “How can I help the villagers if I can’t go down there?” Tears of frustration stung her eyes. “I can’t do anything from here.”

  “I’m sorry, but I have my orders.” He looked decidedly uncomfortable at the sight of her tears.

  “So you said.” Dani blindly shoved the bundle at him and stalked back to the castle.

  Nothing had changed between her and Haaken. Nothing at all. He still sought to keep her as a slave and not allow her any say in her life. Which meant she couldn’t stay here any longer. He didn’t love her and she wouldn’t remain here without his declaration of love. If he did, he’d never have ordered her to be locked in the keep. How was he any different than her father? She had more food than she could eat and clothes to rival any woman’s closet, but a cage was a cage no matter how gilded the bars.

  Haaken’s bedchamber was empty and she slammed the door behind her. The room had been set to rights, the linens on the massive bed had been changed, the fireplace cleaned and a fresh fire laid, waiting only for the touch of a flame to set it alight.

  Just like her.

  She sank to her knees in the midst of the woven silk carpet. Her head bowed, she allowed the tears to come. Softly at first, the trickle turned into a torrent as she contemplated her uncertain future with a man who neither trusted nor respected her. Haaken had changed the scenery and released her from her chain, but, with Mik’s orders this morning, it was apparent that nothing had changed at all.

  What kind of future was that?

  Dani stared overhead at the soaring stained glass windows. The Wryven curse might be true for it seemed the Wryven men didn’t understand that love wasn’t about imprisonment and keeping someone at arm’s length. Love was about risk, the risk of losing one’s heart to another. Love was about trust, trusting one’s mate to be faithful and do nothing to harm anyone including themselves. Love was about joy, the sheer joy of being alive and in love. The sense of belonging it brought.

  But Haaken wouldn’t know any of that.

  Which meant she couldn’t stay here any longer. Her eyes closed against the pain at the thought of leaving. She’d exchanged one cage for another. She couldn’t go back to her family and she couldn’t stay with Haaken viewing her as a possession rather than his mate. His lover. His equal.

  She dried her face with the sleeve of her dress. She’d accept no less from any man, especially the love of her life. Dani struggled to her feet, knowing each step drove home the wedge that Haaken had begun with his careless orders.

  Haaken ran down the steps from the tower room. The sun had set and he’d received an update from Ty as to the casualties in the village and the extent of the rebuilding efforts. But, as Ty had droned on, all he could think about was Dani. He was still puzzled by his lack of transformation into a complete human. If she was the one and she was marked as foretold in the legend, why was he still consigned to the form of the raven during daylight hours? He’d taken Dani as his mate and given her everything she desired. What more could he do to break the curse?

  The house was curiously still, the air heavy as if its inhabitants awaited some event to put it into action. Nothing looked amiss, but there was something wrong. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what was different but something just didn’t feel right.

  The door to his bedchamber stood open and empty when he entered. Where was she? He headed for the main staircase. He hoped she wasn’t too mad at him for putting a halt to her excursions, but the countryside outside the castle walls was too dangerous to let her run free. If his enemies deduced who she was, there was no telling what could happen to her. Above all, he had to keep her safe for both their sakes.

  He reached the main floor and started for the entrance when the sound of someone crying stopped him. He frowned and followed the sound to the solarium.

  Dani sat on the rim of a small fountain, her face pale and composed. Dressed in pale pink silk, she’d never looked more beautiful or remote. Beside her sat Ren, her face blotchy as tears streamed down her cheeks. Had Lorn done something to hurt his sister? If he had, Haaken would tear the man limb from limb.

  As he entered the room, Dani’s gaze shifted from his sister to him. Her cool expression didn’t alter when her eyes met his and a chill of foreboding ran down his spine.

  “Ren?” He stopped a few feet away from the women. “What’s wrong?”

  Dani removed her hand from Ren’s shoulder as his sister rose. She gave her brother a sad shrug before ducking around him and running from the room.


  “I love you.” She sat straight and tall, her expression remote.

  Haaken forced a slight smile against the growing sense of impending doom. “You don’t sound happy about it.”

  “You’re wrong. I’m very happy about loving you, but I can’t live here any longer.” She gestured toward a small bag near the door. “I’m leaving. Tonight.”

  Leaving? A sense of unreality washed over him. In one breath, she’d said she loved him and in the next, she’d announced she was leaving. How could she leave?

  She shook her head. “You don’t love me, you desire me. I thought that might be enough, but it isn’t. After yesterday and what I saw in the village, I realize it isn’t enough. Not anymore. I want it all, Haaken. I want more than your body. I need all of you and you cannot give me what I need.”

  “You’re talking foolishness, woman.” He clenched his fist. “I’ll not allow it.”

  “Yes, you will.” She rose from her perch. “If you don’t, you’ll risk my love turning to hate. Is that what you want? For me to hate you?”

  He scowled. Of course he didn’t want her to hate him, but the words stuck in his throat.

  She stepped closer and her scent wrapped around his senses. Her gaze was searching and he fought the urge to turn away. Never had he run from a challenge, so why did he want to turn away from this small woman?

  “You can’t even say it, can you?” Her voice was sad.

  “By Ola, what do you want from me, woman?”

  She stepped back. “You know what I want. Only you can decide how much I really mean to you.” She picked up the bag and walked away, her back straight and shoulders squared. The tiny bells on her ankle chimed as she moved toward the door.

  Haaken followed, his steps slow. He didn’t want her to leave, but he couldn’t give her what she asked. To offer his heart would spell their doom as it had for his ancestors.

  Haven’t you already lost your heart to her?

  He ignored the taunting voice in his head. Yes, he had and look what that had gotten him. She was leaving anyway.

  But you haven’t told her.

  Why should he? She’d still leave and have the satisfaction of knowing she’d stolen his heart as well. No, he wouldn’t do it.

  The outer bailey was bustling with warriors and staff going about their duties before bedding down for the night. As Dani made her way to the gate, their activities stopped and people watched her slim form. Most, if not all, of the inhabitants of the keep were aware of his restrictions upon her movements and they were curious as to her business.

  The head gatekeeper approached, holding out his hand to stop her progress. They stood together for a few moments, then he looked up at Haaken in the doorway.

  For a second, the only sound was that of a squalling child. Even the wind seemed halted as everyone waited to see what he’d do. As he stood there, more and more eyes moved between Dani and him. She stood facing toward the gate, her posture tense as if expecting him to refuse her.

  He motioned to Mik. “Follow her. See that no harm comes to her but don’t aid her, in any other manner.”

  “Yes, sire.” The warrior walked down the steps toward Dani.

  Haaken nodded to the gatekeeper then tur
ned away, not wanting to see her leave. Dani would return to him.

  She must.

  Chapter Ten

  Four moon cycles later

  Ren threw open the door of his study and stomped in. One look at her face told Haaken that his baby sister had reached the end of her patience. “When are you going after her?”

  “Not now, Ren.” Haaken dismissed her and returned to the documents on his desk. He had work to accomplish in the next few hours and he couldn’t afford any more distractions.

  She reached over and snatched the papers off the top of the desk. “Yes, now!”

  Haaken rose. “I don’t have time for this—”

  “Make time.” She held the papers just out of his reach.

  “I am your Overseer—”

  “You’re my brother first!” She dropped her arm. “Or have you forgotten already?”

  Ty came running into the room, sword drawn, with several guards behind him. He slid to a halt, his gaze moving as he looked for signs of trouble. “What’s all the yelling about?” He slipped the sword back into his scabbard before catching Ren’s braid and tugging her close for a ferocious hug.

  Haaken cringed as his financial reports were crushed between his siblings. Was nothing sacred?

  “Haaken is being unreasonable.” Ren’s voice was muffled against the front of Ty’s vest.

  “There’s a switch.” He released his sister and waved the guards out of the room. “Usually you’re the one being unreasonable.”

  Ren scowled at her brother, then stomped to a chair and dropped into it in a flurry of yellow silk. “You’re never on my side,” she grumbled.

  Haaken barely controlled his annoyance as he watched her crease the pages even further.

  “What did he do now?” Ty asked.

  “He won’t go get her.” She riffled the crumpled sheets in an attempt to put them back in order. “I’m getting married in a fortnight and Dani won’t be there because of him.”

  “Ah.” The one word held a wealth of meaning in its utterance.


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