Book Read Free

The Dave Brewster Series

Page 36

by Karl Morgan

  “Majesty, our troops are approaching the prison gate on Localus,” Captain Benkomar said. “They are awaiting your orders.”

  Those few words shook Nokalez out of his mood. “That is unexpectedly good news, Fondaya,” he replied. “Tell them to attack! We’ve got to free our agents in the deepest parts of the prison. With another half million loyal agents, we may yet win this war.”

  “By your command, Majesty,” Fondaya said, as he sent the orders to the soldiers on the planet’s surface.

  “Fa-a-Di, this is Dave Brewster, please come in,” said the voice in Fa-a-Di’s headset. “The ground troops are assaulting the prison gates. I’m not certain how long we can hold them off.”

  “Dave, what in God’s name are you doing on Localus?” the general demanded.

  “Brother, you know I am not an able soldier,” Dave replied. “Jon Lake is commanding the Nightsky and Charlie and I are here managing things on the ground.”

  “Okay, my fighters and I will head that way to slow them down,” Fa-a-Di said. “I strongly recommend you abandon the planet if they penetrate the gates. They will likely execute any non-Predaxians they find there.”

  “I know, brother. We have enough maklans here to jump us up to the fleet. How is the battle in space going?” Dave asked.

  “Unfortunately, it is looking like a stalemate, brother,” Fa-a-Di responded. “Neither side has adequate force to overcome the other. We may need to negotiate before too many more lives are lost. My fighters will be in range for a strafing run in three minutes.”

  “Thank you, Fa-a-Di. Localus out,” Dave said as he cut the line. A tone sounded on his ear-piece. He touched the contact, “What’s going on Charlie?”

  “Dave, the enemy has breached the prison gates,” Charlie replied. “We are taking some casualties, and I’ve ordered our people to retreat to the security level.”

  “Okay, Charlie, please keep your head down,” Dave said. “I hope Fa-a-Di can come to the rescue soon.” Dave knew there were many thousands of maklans on the planet managing the mind control activities of the agents held deep in the planet. A few thousand Galliceans served as guards. There was little chance they could all escape if the invaders accessed the security level of the prison.

  Dave could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand straight up. He spun around in his chair, but there was no one else in the room. He checked the settings on his pressure suit. Perhaps lack of oxygen was affecting his mind. The gauges read normal. He heard a buzzing in his ears and looked around again. Still nothing. Gradually, the buzzing resolved into a soft voice, “Dave, it’s Engineer Nok. Can you hear me?”

  “Nok, where are you?” Dave thought to her.

  “Standing right in front of you, Dave,” she said. “Well, to be more accurate, my inner light is floating in front of you.”

  He squinted, but there was nothing there. “I must be going crazy,” he said aloud. “Too much time in this pressure suit is wearing me down.”

  “Dave, the hours we spent together in The Hive have linked our minds,” she continued. “I didn’t think it would work with non-tekkans, but Zee insisted I try.”

  “Why are you here, Nok? What does Zee want? You can see we’re pretty busy fighting an invasion now,” he said.

  “Dave, Zee is frightened that you may die today,” she continued. “You remember that you agreed to build more Hives to protect all of us from the Paxran Empire. You can’t do that if you don’t survive this battle.”

  “Nok, no one here yearns for death, but what can we do? I must protect this planet from the invaders who now have the advantage. They will probably take this position in twenty minutes. I am not going to abandon my soldiers,” Dave replied.

  “Dave, Zee has a plan that will protect you and may end the scourge of the Predaxians. But you must trust him,” Nok pleaded. “Zee believes no more lives need to be lost on this planet. We still believe the only way to stop the space battle is with the death of Emperor Zendo. We cannot be involved in that, but we have a solution for the situation on Localus.”

  “I trust you, Nok,” Dave said. “I’m not convinced about Zee, but you are a great friend. What do we do now?”

  A loud commotion startled Dave Brewster. He drew his blaster and ran from the room. The security door opened and Charlie and his Gallicean team rushed in. Laser blasts shot around them as the door slammed shut again. Several Galliceans were wounded. Charlie’s pressure suit was splattered with blood, but his suit seemed to be intact. “Dave, I guess you can tell the enemy is on the other side of the door. I might take ten minutes to breach it.” He sat heavily on the floor. “Maybe we both should have stayed in the twenty-first after all.”

  “Charlie, the tekkans have a plan,” Dave said. “I don’t know what it is, but hopefully it will work before that door opens again.”

  “There are ten thousand Palian soldiers on the other side of the security door, so I hope you are right!” Charlie panted.

  All of the view screens in the room came to life with the face of a Palian general demanding their immediate surrender. The door was buckling and weakening by the moment. It wouldn’t be long now. Dave imagined his string of light traveling across the universe, detached from his dead body. He looked at Charlie as the door flew open.

  Chapter 42

  Dave and Charlie were sitting on the deck of the bridge on Nightsky. The bridge crew aimed their blasters at them until they realized there were humans in the suits. Lia Lawson ran from her communications station to depressurize her father’s suit and removed the helmet. Then she did the same for Dave.

  “What is going on here, Admiral?” Jon asked.

  “I don’t know either, Jon,” Dave replied. “A second ago the Palians breached the security door and were storming in and now we’re here. What’s the situation on the planet?”

  “I read no life on Localus,” Ali announced. “Every living thing has disappeared from the planet. How is that even possible?”

  As they watched the view of Localus on the main view screen, the planet began to collapse and break into massive chunks. Those pieces crumbled into ever smaller rocks. Waves of gravity shook the nearby ships as the planet became smaller and smaller. After a few seconds, Localus had completely disappeared.

  The image of Zee Gongaleg, High Consul of Tak-Makla appeared on the view screens of every ship and fighter on both sides of the battle. “Dear friends, we have decided that this battle must end. We have taken all the Beings from the planet and returned them to their home worlds or their ships in space. Since Localus was at the core of your ambitions, we have eliminated it. Be advised that although we abhor violence, we could have just as easily eliminated your ships and their crews. I now direct my words to Emperor Nokalez Zendo of the Predaxian Empire. We kindly request you to cease hostilities and return to your home world. We also want you to stop using mind control on the helpless civilizations that you control. All of our planets have wonderful roles in the future of the galaxy. We must come together as friends. I leave it to your good judgment.” The image faded out.

  Captain Fondaya Benkomar turned to the emperor, saying, “Majesty, what are your orders?”

  Nokalez was seething with anger at the words of the tekkan High Consul. He thought for a moment and said, “Fondaya, order the fleet to attack Nom-Kat-La. Zee has won the day for us on Localus. Where are the agents who were on Localus?”

  “Apparently, all of them arrived safely on Predax, Majesty,” he replied.

  “Too bad, we could have used them to control the Galliceans on Nom-Kat-La,” Nokalez said. “After we take the planet, send five cruisers back for them. Full speed ahead!” The Alliance fleet broke contact and headed toward Nom-Kat-La.

  Most of the defending fleet followed behind the Alliance ships, trying to take shots at them as they moved away. Five Gallicean ships held back to retrieve the star fighters which did not have sufficient range to reach the planet. Fa-a-Di climbed out of his damaged craft and hurried to the bridge where h
e was met by Jake and Mitch.

  The maklans reported great confusion and anger on the Alliance ships. Almost all of the Lozaki ships had retreated to their home worlds to defend against the Pyrrians. Several Palian cruisers had also abandoned the fight to return home when they were freed from the mind control agents. Concern was very high on the Predaxian ships as well. Many had seen Altamar, Dokalak or Zakamar jump onto their ships. They had been receiving transmissions from Panoplez himself, trying to convince them to support him as emperor. The troops were clinging to their life-long devotion to the empire in desperate hopes that all would return to normal soon, although few truly believed that. Now was the time to strike at the emperor himself.

  The ten fastest Gallicean battle cruisers caught the Alliance fleet easily and began to attack in an attempt to slow them and break up the fleet. The Bankalo swerved to avoid separation from her protecting cluster of ships. The Kong-Fa, the fastest ship in the Gallicean fleet dived between the protectors and blasted the Bankalo’s engine room. The defenses were weakened but held. Bankalo fired back, but it was a clean miss. No-De-Ka, Je-e-Bo’s flagship followed closely behind Kong-Fa and targeted the same spot on the Bankalo. The engine exploded and the Bankalo began to tumble out of control. After several rolls, Bankalo hit the cruiser Zolonow and the two exploded in a massive ball of fire. In the midst of the turmoil, the emperor moved to a Palian cruiser, the Bologo which was now leading the fleet toward Nom-Kat-La. Withering return fire forced the two Galliceans to retreat to the safety of their fleet.

  Emperor Zendo entered the massive bridge of the Palian ship. The Palians were around ten feet tall, and the Predaxians were like dolls to them. “Captain, what is your report?” he demanded.

  “Majesty, I am Captain Nokeke of the Bologo, and it is an honor to have you on our ship,” she began. “We will arrive at Nom-Kat-La in thirty minutes. All transport ships report ready to send troops to the surface when we arrive.”

  “Majesty, I am Panakar Valonez, and I am your lead agent on this ship,” said the Predaxian on the chest of the captain. “The Palian crew is fully under our control. We will protect you with our lives, liege. You should know there is great turmoil among our agents on this ship and others. We have seen several Predaxians jump onto ships and break our control.” The Palians continued their duty, oblivious to the mind control agents.

  “Who is behind this treachery?” the emperor shouted.

  “Me, father,” Pan said as three Galliceans and two Predaxians flashed onto the bridge. The Galliceans pulled their war daggers from their scabbards and attacked the crew, aiming first to disable the agents connected to them. Pandemonium filled the room. Pan pulled a large Predaxian war blade from his belt and approached his father. “Dad, the time for mind control is over. Let’s go home now.”

  Nokalez drew his blaster and shot his son in the chest. Pan flew across the room and fell in a heap. “You were always a fool, Pan,” Nokalez laughed. “I had great hopes for you, son. Now you will die a traitor.” He approached his son and withdrew his own war blade. He stood over him and placed the blade between Pan’s eyes. “Sorry son.”

  Zakamar Vondee plunged her blade into the emperor’s back. He reached back and hit her across the room with his hand. He pulled the blade from his back and walked to Zak with both knives in his hands. “Treacherous hag,” shouted Nokalez as he spat out blood. “You turn my son against me and now you threaten me! Now I will have the pleasure to kill you too.”

  As he approached the unconscious Predaxian, a loud laugh filled the room. He spun around to see a massive Gallicean standing in front of him. “This is the end of your tyranny, little bug!” Fa-a-Di shouted as he plunged two of his war daggers into the emperor, who fell to the deck dead.

  Pan went to the communications station and hailed the Alliance fleet. “To all ships of the fleet, I am Emperor Panoplez Zendo of Predax. My father is dead. You owe your allegiance to me now. You are ordered to disengage and return to your home planets. All agents are ordered to discontinue mind control activities now and forever.” He allowed the Palian officer to resume his station, and ran to Zak who was now conscious and sitting up. “Zak, we won,” he cried, “The war is over and we can go home now.”

  “Yes, your majesty,” she smiled. “I am so happy for you, Pan.”

  “Sweetheart, you know I’m going to abolish the empire and hold free elections,” he replied.

  “That’s what we both want, isn’t it?” Zak said.

  “Yes, but maybe before I do, we can have an imperial wedding. What do you think?” he said. “You deserve to be Empress for at least a week before we give it all up.” They hugged.

  Chapter 43

  Dave and Charlie sat near the beach. Small waves rolled onto the sand a few feet from their small table. Kally approached the table and refilled their coffee cups. “Anything else, gentlemen,” he said.

  “Do we have any chocolate croissants, Kally?” Dave asked.

  “I have some coming out of the oven soon, Dave. I’ll bring them out shortly,” Kally smiled as he returned to the house.

  They could see High Consul Zee approaching them from his residence next door. Fa-a-Di and De-o-Nu were with him. Charlie and Dave rose to greet their guests, who then joined them at the table. Charlie went to tell Kally about their guests, but saw him already approaching with a tray and more drinks.

  “My friends, it is great to be with you today,” Zee began. “I am told that two freighters will arrive today with green coffee and a few expert roasters. Our relationship continues to prosper.” He looked at his communicator. “I only have time for one cup of coffee before I have to meet with Ambassador Brewster and High Commissioner Fa-a-Di in the city. Where is Darlene, Dave?”

  “She left early today, Zee,” Dave replied. “She wanted to review the treaty one more time before the signing ceremony. Darlene felt there was still some questionable wording around the treaty with Predax and Palus.”

  Zee sighed. “We have tried to help the Palians deal with the loss of Localus, but it is difficult. I feel they will use that against us in negotiations.”

  “The Palians are a cantankerous people,” Fa-a-Di laughed. “I remember my father telling me about his relationship with their traders before the First Predaxian War. Two weeks ago, their entire race was enslaved by Predax, and now they want to turn our rescue to their advantage.”

  “Yes, negotiations are always rife with such tactics,” Zee acknowledged. He sipped the coffee and bit a piece of croissant. “My, this is wonderful coffee Dave. I hope the roasting experts coming here will help us duplicate it.”

  “I believe they will surpass this,” Charlie jumped in. “If not, we’ll send more experts until they get it right, Zee.”

  Zee laughed, “Thank you Charlie. Your words are very comforting. I must take my leave of you now. I too wish to review the treaty before Field Marshall Fongula Nokka connects to our meeting. Do any of you wish to take a tube with me now?”

  “Most gracious, Zee,” Fa-a-Di said. “I think we would like to enjoy each other’s company a while longer. We Galliceans have only a minor role in this negotiation. My brother-in-law and I will join you soon.”

  “Very well then,” Zee said. “I will see you two in my office soon. Dave and Charlie, I hope you will join me there later today. I have arranged a shuttle home and would love to show you more sites on our world.”

  “We will be there by 1600, Zee. I hope we can stop at your son’s farm and be introduced as well,” Dave said.

  “Of course, that would be wonderful. To save time, may I use your tube station? I am already late,” Zee said. They nodded and he walked toward the house.

  “It is another wonderful day on this manufactured world,” De-o-Nu began. “I only wish we were full sized so my brother-in-law and I could fly you around ourselves.” He pulled a flask of Gallicean whisky from his belt and filled the four coffee cups to the brim. “We want you to know that you both fought with honor at Localus. When we found you w
ere on the planet, we both feared the worst.”

  “And when the tekkans crushed the planet into dust,” Fa-a-Di interrupted, “you can imagine the panic we felt. I could never imagine that I would see you eye to eye without a pressure suit or glass wall separating us. Now, here we are.” He pulled two small boxes from a compartment on his belt. “These two medals are the Order of Gallia. Our High Council has commanded us to give these to you for your exceptional bravery in battle and for saving Nom-Kat-La and all of Greater Gallia from the Predaxian hordes. There were four thousand Gallicean guards on Localus who would have died if not for Dave’s connection with the tekkans.”

  The four stood and embraced one another. “My dear brothers, I don’t know what to say,” Dave replied.

  “Well, that’s a first,” Charlie jumped in. All laughed loudly.

  Fa-a-Di raised his glass, and the others followed and touched them together. They drank and sat back down. “I have it on good authority that there will be many more medals for all of us,” Fa-a-Di said. “Pan and Zak want us to go to Predax for a celebration of freedom with their former colonies. Several high commissioners want us to join similar celebrations on at least a dozen planets. That might keep us busy for a while.”

  “Where is our little friend, Jake?” De-o-Nu asked.

  “He accompanied Mitch Nolobitamore back to No-Makla. Their families have been worried sick about them,” Dave replied. “I am told that Mitch is going to be made ambassador to Predax.”

  “And what role will Jake fulfill?” Fa-a-Di asked.

  “He is the lead on the human DNA project on Earth,” Charlie said. “We all knew that would happen one of these days.”


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