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A Heart Full of Lies

Page 6

by Nique Luarks

  Skyy looked terrified, “My mom said a tree fell through her house.”

  Deidra began dressing as well. “Is everybody ok?”

  Skyy put her hands over head now wild hair. “They’re outside.”

  Erin couldn’t believe Tone pulled a fast one on her and popped up on her. For one, how the hell did he know where she stayed? They’d had small talk here and there but never enough for him to know her address and how to get to her house. She watched as he took everything out the bags and sat them on the kitchen island. Even though she was slightly pissed she couldn’t help but notice how good he looked.

  He wore a simple white tee, gray sweat pants, and blue, gray and white Jordan Retro’s 4, with his KC fitted. Even still his appearance turned her on. He had a platinum chain around his tattooed neck and a phat diamond earring in his right ear. He must’ve sensed Erin staring because he turned and smiled at her.

  Erin looked away quickly and opened the refrigerator. “I don’t know what you’re smiling for.” She grabbed an apple out and leaned on the island. “How you know I don’t have to work tomorrow?”

  Tone opened up the cabinets looking for pots and pans. “I talked to you a couple days ago about your work schedule this week. What, you thought I wasn’t listening?”

  “How did you know where I stayed?”

  Tone laughed rinsing the pans out. “Erin let it go, I told you I know people.”

  “Did Skyy tell you? Cause she’s mad at me. I know that’s why she told you.” Erin bit into the apple.

  Tone shook his head. “I’ve never talked to home girl. You like onions?”

  Erin frowned. “No.”

  “You like green peppers?”


  “On what?” he quizzed.

  “What they’re in.” She stood next to him watching him work the stove and slice the vegetables like a master chef. “What are you making?”’

  He looked down her and flashed that diamond smile. “Omelets, pancakes, and fried potatoes and onions.”

  Erin looked over everything. “I don’t like onions.”

  “You might like the way I make it, just try it.” He shook his head at her. Tone noticed the lighter on her counter. “You smoke?”

  Erin finished off her apple. “Sometimes … depends.”

  “You were high when I met you.” he grinned at her knowingly.

  Erin laughed. “You were too.”

  Tone washed his hands and dried them off. Reaching in his pockets he pulled out a sack and handed it to her. “You know how to roll up?”

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Duh.”

  It was going on four in the morning and Erin and Tone were sitting on her sectional high and full. Tone noticed how she loosened up, and was now lying in his lap across the sectional. He watched her as she watched television, in awe at the Goddess he was looking down at. Her oversized t-shirt covered most of her legs but he could still make out her shape. He admired her lips, skin, and hair. He traced the tattoos on her soft skin and licked his lips. Nails, and feet done to perfection, he felt his dick getting hard.

  He didn’t want to come on too strong, but Erin wasn’t making it easy. He could tell she had been hurt, but he was willing to take the necessary steps to break down her walls, all of them. He rubbed her arm and looked back up at the tv, just as his phone started ringing. Erin sighed and he reached for his phone. Seeing that it was Amina he hit ignore.

  Erin rolled her eyes and sat up straight. “You gotta go?”

  Tone fixed his dick in his sweats. “Naw, I was gone chill with you for the night. That cool with you?”

  Erin looked at his phone as it was ringing again. “Your girl wondering where the fuck you are.” She stood up and crossed her arms, not fully understanding why she even cared in the first place. She wasn’t even feeling him like that.

  Tone picked up his phone and answered it. “Wassup ma?” He looked at Erin and grabbed her when she started walking away. “Amina, wassup? Naw, I’m in for the night. Naw, I’m busy. You can’t be calling me all late and shit, I’m with my girl.”

  Erin heard whoever it was yelling, shook her head, and snatched away from Tone. “You need to leave Santonio.”

  Tone hung up the phone. “Why? We chillin’, don’t trip off that shit, you see I shut it down.”

  “Obviously you’re still involved with somebody else, and I don’t do drama. Thank you for the meal and your time, but I’m just not interested.” She made her way to the door and stood by it. “You should go, I’m getting sleepy.”

  Tone rubbed his hands over his face. “Aight, it’s cool. I’ll call you when you wake up.” He grabbed his jacket and stood in front of her. “I just need you to know one thing though.”

  Erin stared into his light brown eyes. “And what’s that?”

  “I don’t give up.”

  Jeanette clocked in for work at the Swope Park Medical Center and set up her nurse’s station to start assisting the patients that were already in the waiting room. She was running late and the last thing she needed was to hear her boss’s mouth again. This week alone she’d been late six times counting lunch and it was only Thursday. She tried to avoid being tardy as much as possible but with Kory not having a car, he always had hers. She removed her jacket and sat down.

  Amina, her co-worker was on her phone when Jeanette turned on her computer. “Hey Amina, I’m sorry I’m late girl, Kory’s ass was taking forever to get ready.”

  Amina popped the gum that was in her mouth and rolled her eyes. “Don’t he always. Girl I told yo’ ass to leave him alone.”

  Jeanette logged into her computer ignoring Amina’s comment. “You hear that storm last night. My lights were out this morning. Yours?”

  Amina didn’t take the hint. “Don’t let him cost you your job.” she warned Jeanette.

  Jeanette grabbed the clipboard and looked over the names on the list. “I hear you. So what’s new with you and ole boy, what’s his name … Tone?” Jeanette laughed to herself. Amina went through men quicker than she went through drawers. Every other week she had a different story to tell, about somebody new.

  Amina sucked her teeth. “Girl his ass tried to front on me in front of some new hoe. He ended up calling me twenty minutes later, damn near begging me to come over.”

  Jeanette frowned. “You let him after he played you out?” She shook her head and mocked Amina. “Girl yo ass needs to leave him alone.”

  Amina shrugged her shoulders standing up to go get a patient. “I’ll be right back.”

  Jeanette got up from her desk and went to go get some water. Her boss Dr. Hendrix stopped her on her way back. “Ms. Marshall I’m glad you could join us, I was getting worried.”

  Jeanette smiled shyly. “I’m sorry my son wasn’t feeling good.”

  He waved her off. “Don’t worry about it. I know that storm last night was vicious. Can you have Amina send my next patient in?” He fixed his tie and turned around.

  Jeanette walked off heading back to her station as Amina walked past her with a patient. Ten minutes later Amina plopped down in her chair still popping her gum. Jeanette was stumped on how Amina could get and keep a job with her attitude and manners. Sad to say Amina was the very definition of ghetto; loud, obnoxious, and rude. She wore a short haircut that was jet black and curly. She was a redbone with pretty features, and a banging ass body. Jeanette figured that was the reason most men put up with her.

  Amina typed something into the computer and faced Jeanette. “Now what was I saying? Aw yeah, so he came over around five something high, tryna act like he didn’t just show out. I let his ass have it.” Amina rolled her neck and continued. “Talking ‘bout I need to learn how to stay in my place.”

  “You make him leave?” Jeanette asked.

  Amina made a face. “Hell no, he right I ain’t his girl. But like I told him I’m not sharing the dick with nobody. He laughed me off, but he knows I ain’t playing.”

  Jeanette didn’t quite understan
d. “So … y’all made up?”

  “Bitch duh, I sucked the shit out his dick, so he would know what he was missing out on if he ever gave this up.” She ran her hands over her thighs and ass. “He ain’t stupid Jeanette. I’ma find out who that bitch was though and I’ma shut it down.”

  Jeanette laughed at her. “Your ass is crazy.”

  Amina smirked. “And you know this. Shit your ass would be crazy too over a nigga like Tone. With the kinda paper he making, I’d put up with anything. I’m tryna be that nigga’s wife, and be set for life, and ain’t no way I’ma just let some random take my spot.”

  Chapter Seven: Where Have You Been

  Sasha looked over the menu and decided she just wanted a burger and some fries. She closed it and eyed Shawn as he skimmed through the options. She hated coming to “Ugly Joes” but Shawn loved the atmosphere. She hated all the loud noise, and between the pool table, bar, and darts games that were going on she couldn’t think straight, let alone enjoy a meal. It was Sunday and in their household this was the day Shawn insisted they spend “quality time.”

  She loved that he’d designated a day just for them, only thing wrong was the destination he chose. She knew that after he ate, he would head straight to the bar and pool table, and forget all about her. But she wasn’t in the mood to argue so she just played it cool.

  “What you getting?” Shawn asked as he closed his menu.

  “A burger.” she stated plainly.

  “Fries too?”

  “Yea I do-“ She stopped midsentence as she locked eyes with Michael who was sitting at the bar. She quickly looked away, stammering her words. “I, um, I .. I’m not really hungry.”

  Shawn looked back at the bar. “What?”

  Sasha shook her head. “Nothing I thought I seen somebody I know.” She kicked herself for being so sloppy.

  Shawn gave her a look. “Who the fuck you thought you knew in here?”

  “Shawn, don’t start. We’re supposed to be enjoying each other not fighting.” She sucked her teeth.

  Shawn took a sip of his drink. “Let me find out.”

  Sasha was about to say something smart when she noticed Michael coming over to their table. She looked up at one of the big screens hanging from the wall, trying to avoid eye contact so he wouldn’t come over and speak. Too late.

  Michael walked up on the table and smiled. “Hey Sasha, how are you? I wasn’t for sure if that was you or not, I see you changed your hair.”

  Shawn gave her an evil look, then spoke to Michael. “Who are you?” He looked back over at Sasha. “Who the fuck is this?”

  Sasha sat up straight. “Baby, calm down, this is Michael, my boss.” She smiled at Michael. “Hey.” She wanted to disappear, if not forever, then just for this moment.

  Shawn leaned forward. “Yo’ boss? Since when the fuck did you get a male boss.” This was all new to him. Sasha hadn’t said anything about assisting another man.

  Michael gave Sasha a sorry look. “I didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

  Shawn waved him off. “Yea, aight.”

  As Michael walked away, Sasha shook her head. “Really Shawn? That’s my damn boss, you going to get me fired!” She let out an angry sigh. “And I didn’t tell you because I knew you would act like this.”

  Shawn grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair and stood up. “Let’s go.”

  Sasha stared up at him. “Why? We haven’t even eaten yet. You’re tripping.”

  Shawn put his jacket on and snatched her out of her chair. “Get your ass up and let’s go.”

  Sasha snatched away from him. “Get off me.” She couldn’t believe he was acting like this. She grabbed her belongings and followed him past the drunken crowd and out the door. She rolled her eyes as she got in the car, for all this she should’ve just fucked him.

  As they drove home in silence Sasha’s mind went back to Michael and the bar. He cleaned up nice in regular clothes. She just wished she’d been prepared for when he approached her. Yea, she never told Shawn she worked for him, but then again he never asked. Still that gave him no right to grab on her and embarrass her in public, especially in front of Michael. What if Shawn had just cost her her job?

  Shawn pulled his 2015 Cadillac Escalade into the driveway and turned the truck off. He leaned his head back against the head rest and took a deep breath. Sasha could tell he was pissed, but she really didn’t care, he’d snatched her up like she was a damn rag doll. She wasn’t down for that type of disrespect and Shawn knew it.

  “So you’ve been working for that nigga all this time?” Shawn looked over at her.

  Sasha ignored him and opened her door exiting the truck.

  Shawn did the same. “You hear me?!” he slammed the door and followed her into the house. “You fucking that nigga?” He didn’t want to ask but he had to know.

  Sasha laughed. “Are you serious?” She sat down on the couch. “You grabbing me by fuckin’ arm and shit, I’m not your child. You need to treat me with more respect.”

  “Why you didn’t tell me you were working for him? It just be y’all two?” he asked. “And you might as well let that little job go, because you’re finished.”

  Sasha took her coat off grabbing the remote control and turned the television on. “Why does it matter that he’s a man? He’s my employer, not my lover. I’m not quitting, I don’t care what you say or how you feel about it. Just because you out here fuckin’ your baby mama still don’t mean I’m doing nothing.” She shot him a mean look.

  Shawn gave a puzzled look. “Man, what are you talking about?”

  Sasha tilted her head. “Yea I thought you would learn by now to erase the messages out of your phone.” Unbeknownst to Shawn, Sasha went through his cellphone and home office computer every night. She’d seen the back and forth text and emails between him and Milan, and she knew he had been going over to her house a lot.

  Shawn rubbed his hand over his head. “I only go over there to see my daughter, I’m not fuckin’ her.”

  “You expect me to believe that? That’s why you’re all in your feelings about my boss, because you the one doing dirt. I haven’t did anything wrong, so the insecurities are all you.” Sasha gave the tv her undivided attention, ending the conversation.

  Shawn opened the front door. “I’m not doing shit, but let me find out anything is going on between you and that nigga, I’ma dead both of y’all.”

  Sasha rolled her eyes, tired of the constant disrespect from Shawn. “You ain’t gone do shit.”

  Shawn walked out slamming the door behind him.

  Erin had just came back from grocery shopping when she saw Tone’s Camaro sitting in front of her house. It had only been a couple days since she’d last seen him, and she had to admit she felt some type of way. Maybe it was the fact that while they were chilling she started to get comfortable, too comfortable. His conversation was intriguing and he had a good head on his shoulders. She wasn’t ready to be around him yet.

  She exited her car popping her trunk as Tone got out of his car. The cold November air smacked her causing her to shutter just a little. As Tone came up on her she couldn’t help but notice how good he looked. He wore all black, coke white Air Force Ones, and a black and white Yankee fitted cap. Erin couldn’t help but smile to herself as his cologne surrounded her.

  Tone adjusted his North Face coat. “Wassup love.”

  Erin grabbed as many bags as she could. “Hey.” She didn’t know why he was here or what he wanted, but she wasn’t in the mood.

  Tone smiled at her. “You ain’t been answering my calls.” He grabbed the remainder of the bags out of the trunk and took a few bags from Erin.

  Erin shut the trunk. “I know.”

  Tone followed her up the walkway and into the house before he asked. “So what’s up with that? A nigga cook you breakfast and get booted?” he laughed. He still couldn’t believe she put him out. He’d told his homies about it and couldn’t do nothing but laugh and want her more. But one thing
he wasn’t gone do was let Amina come between him and Erin. Bitches like Amina came a dime a dozen, but women like Erin were rare and priceless.

  Erin sighed. “I don’t do men who have wives, girlfriends, and baby mama’s.” She began putting the groceries away.

  Tone started helping. “Good, cause I ain’t got neither. What’s all this food for?”

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Yea, ok. I’m not stupid.”

  Tone shook his head at her. “You a trip, I’ma break down them walls though.”

  Erin ignored him. “Santonio besides that, what did you want, because I gotta meet somebody in a little bit.”

  Tone frowned. “Who?”

  Erin ignored him. There was no way she was going to answer to Tone. He was not her man and she didn’t owe him anything. The look on his face said otherwise though. She was meeting up with Sasha later, but that was none of his business. She knew deep down whoever called Tone the other night was more than just a friend.

  Tone stopped what he was doing. “Erin, who you going to meet? A nigga?”

  “Santonio, why does it matter if I’m going to meet a nigga? I’m not your woman, so cut it out.” Erin couldn’t front she was amused to see how bothered he was. Yea it was petty but Tone needed to realize she wasn’t fazed either way.

  Tone stood in front of her. “You will be my woman soon. Know that.”

  Erin looked up into his pretty eyes. “How sure are you?”

  Tone rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “Very. I don’t care how long it takes for you to see I ain’t like the lames that you used to. I know you’ve been hurt, I can see it. But what I also see is perfection; you’re everything I ever wanted, and I knew that the night I looked through my rearview mirror and saw you standing there. You’re smart, independent, head strong, funny, and fine as hell.” He corrected himself. “I’m sorry, beautiful. I’m not asking for you to be a part of my world, I want the honor of being in yours. If I gotta change my number, and you be the only one who got it for you to rock with me, I’ll do that. So you can stop trying to get rid of me cause Erin I ain’t going nowhere.”


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