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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

Page 17

by Kasey Millstead

  “Me?” I gape up at him.

  He nods. “The way your eyes raked over me. The way you bent over the pool table and pushed your ass out. I paid attention.” I huff. “You knew what you were doing,” he says, giving me a devious smile.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I play stupid. I just wanted one night to forget about Rodger. I just happened to have slept with a guy who my father signed. Why is karma coming after me?

  “Now who’s the one lying?” He leans down so close his lips are almost touching mine. I lick mine. “And now I want another chance to show you just how much you enjoyed it. Preferably without as much alcohol involved this time.”

  I shake my head. “That can’t happen.”

  “It can. And it will.”

  “No,” I say firmly.

  “What? Are you saying I don’t have a chance?” He lifts an eyebrow and gives me a small smile.

  I let out a breath before telling him the truth. “I had one intention that night and that was to forget my ex,” I say, and his smile drops off of his face. “So both of our intentions were not pure.”

  “You speak of my intentions as if you still don’t believe me when I say I didn’t know who you were,” he says frowning once again.

  I shrug carelessly. “Does it really matter? It happened. You’re the one who won’t let it go.”

  “You’re right,” he says softly. “I don’t want to let it go.” He run his hand up my back. “I want you again and again. Why do you make it sound like such a bad thing?” He presses his lips against mine. I open up without hesitation letting him kiss me. It’s just a kiss. What could it hurt?

  My lips work with his as if they have done it a thousand times. I feel his fingers brushing against my back and then his hand is covering my breast.

  I gasp in his mouth when I realize he had untied the top of my bathing suit.

  He chuckles softly. “I want you right now.”

  “My dad...” If he saw this he would shit a brick and both of our lives would be over.

  “He’s not here,” he whispers.

  “Jackie?” I ask. How can I get out of this?

  “She has probably left already.”

  If I know Jackie, she is probably sitting in one of the windows, eating my ice cream while watching us. She’s a freak like that.

  “We can’t do this.” I finally say pushing him away from me. My body shivers as his heat no longer touches me. My body wants him. Hell, my body has had him, and it knows how fucking good it feels.

  I go to walk past him, holding my top over my breasts the best I can. Which is hard since it’s just two triangles.

  He grabs my arm and spins me around. He knocks my body into his and I feel the air leave my lungs when he grabs my ass and lifts me up. He lays me down on top of the lounge chair.

  “Dash…” I say breathlessly trying to get up.

  He straddles me and pins my hands down by my head. I don’t fight it. Instead I lift my hips up to his. Needing some kind of friction. I’m soaking wet and horny as hell. I want him to remind me how much I enjoyed it.

  He slowly smiles then his eyes land on my exposed chest. Crap, I lost my bikini again.

  He bends down and places his lips on mine, slow and soft. His hands release my wrists and I wrap them around his neck. I just can’t push him away. He makes me forget Rodger. He makes me feel alive again. Not the pathetic little dog that obeyed every command.

  He slides a hand between our bodies and inside my bikini bottoms. “You’re already wet for me, baby.” He smiles against my lips when his fingers find my soaked pussy.

  I moan as he slides one into me. “Tell me what you were thinking about when I startled you,” he demands as he enters another finger into me.

  “You.” I arch my back and let out a whimper.

  He chuckles as he places soft kisses on my neck. “What about me?”

  I pause for a second. Rodger never asked me how our sex felt or what I liked. We always did what he liked. My opinion didn’t matter. I like that Dash wants to know.

  “The way you fucked my mouth,” I say honestly and a deep rumble comes from his chest.

  “I think about that all the time too,” he admits.

  His fingers slide out and my body sinks into the lounge chair from the loss. “What are you doing?” I ask as he sits up.

  “I believe it’s my turn to fuck you with my mouth,” he states with a smile as he unties both strings of my bikini bottoms and sinks down between my legs. I bend my knees and arch my back as he does just that. No tenderness. No holding back. He literally fucks me with his tongue, and it’s amazing. He grabs my legs and throws them over his shoulders and his hands hold down my hips as they buck. My hands tangle in his light hair and I scream out as he brings me to orgasm in minutes. Once done he sits up but continues to hold me down as my body shakes from the aftermath. He leans down and gives me a soft kiss on my parted lips as I pant. I lick what’s left of myself off of his lips.

  “There’s another memory for you to think about when I’m gone.” I lie there completely spent as he gets up and walks back into the house.

  I throw my arm over my eyes and cuss myself. What the hell did I just let him do? Did I really just let him go down on me in the middle of the day on my parents’ lawn furniture? Yes, yes I did! And it was fucking amazing!

  “Girl…” Jackie screeches as she comes running outside.

  I sit up and hold my bottoms between my legs. She’s my best friend, has been since middle school, and she’s seen my tits more times than I could count, but I do not want her to see my pussy after what Dash just did to it.

  “What?” I try to ask calmly. I pull my legs up and throw my arms over them trying to hide that fact that they are still shaking.

  “What?” she repeats placing her hand on her narrow hips. “You know what. I saw that.”

  “I knew you would watch you sick freak,” I say with a laugh.

  She fans herself. “I didn’t see much but I do need to cool off after that. Oh, and he was hard as a rock as he walked out.” She winks. “Big package, huh?” She then jumps into the pool and I lie back down as I look up to the sky. I’m fucked! Getting involved with him is the last thing I need right now.



  “Go away,” I growl as I hear my doorbell ring again. I pull the covers up over my head and try to get back to my sex dream with Dash.

  We’re in my parents’ pool and the sun has set. The full moon up above is the only light we have. My back is shoved against the pool and my legs are wrapped around his hips.

  “Dash,” I say breathlessly as his lips run up and down my neck.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he says while his lips brush my ear. “So fucking perfect.” His hands on my hips grip me tighter.

  “Please,” I beg and thrust my hips to him. I can feel his hardness resting against my lower belly. We’ve stripped naked, but he’s making me wait for some reason. I’m going to explode before he even starts to fuck me.

  “Open up, Tabby.” Then a fist hits the door a few more times breaking my dream once again.

  I growl as I bounce out of bed and storm to the door. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I demand looking at Rodger. Not only did the bastard ruin my dream, but he has to be standing on my front porch at the butt crack of dawn.

  He gives me a look of disapproval with his green eyes due to my choice of wording. He always hated it when I cussed.

  “I came to talk to you.” He looks behind me to my hall. “May I come in?”

  “No,” I say closing the door a bit so he has to look at me.

  He fixes his tie and straightens his back. “Please?” he asks through gritted teeth. He doesn’t believe in asking permission. To him a man should receive whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Like every man on earth is a god and women are just little slaves.

  “No,” I say again more firmly. “It’s over Rodger. Go away.” I sla
m the door in his face and head toward my bedroom. He ruined my dream for nothing. I look up at my clock and sigh. I’ve got three hours before I have class.

  I start to walk to my bathroom but come to a stop when a thought crosses my mind. I’m on Spring Break! I don’t have to be anywhere today. I crawl back to bed and as soon as I pull the covers up and over my head my house phone rings.

  “Ugh!” I say throwing the covers off of my face. “What now?” I snap reaching over to grab the phone off of my dresser.

  “Hey Dad,” I say with a smile. I hate how much time I have missed with him and my mother over the last year. My parents really liked Rodger, so when I had to call and cancel a dinner date or birthday party for them with some lame ass excuse Rodger had made up, they believed me. Believed that I was just too busy with my ‘grown-up life’, as they would say.

  “Hey sweet pea, how about joining me for dinner tonight?” he asks happily.

  “That sounds great,” I say lying back down in bed with a comfortable sigh.

  “Okay how about at the Gardens, say seven thirty?”

  “See you there. I love you.”

  “Love you to sweet pea.”


  I had spent the day in bed daydreaming about Dash. Well, up until Jackie showed up and dragged me out of bed to go to some stupid yoga class and then to the mall to do some shopping.

  I pull up to the Gardens and leave my car with the valet. The waitress smiles as I walk in smoothing down my black dress. I chose something simple yet elegant. It’s tight fitting on my chest and has a red belt that circles high on my waist. Then the pleated skirt flares out. It might be a tad short for a dinner with my dad, but I bought it today and wanted to wear it out as soon as possible.

  “Good evening Ms. Knight.” The hostess greets me.

  “Good evening.” I smile back.

  “They are right this way.” She turns and walks away from her station.

  I follow behind her frowning. They? Who is my dad here with? Maybe my mother is coming as well. Not likely, though. That woman is busier than my father most days.

  The hostess walks us up to the table as my father stands. “Hello sweet pea.” He hugs me tightly then releases me. I turn to see Dash sitting there with a smug smile on his face.

  “Can I get you anything?” the hostess asks as she places her hand on his shoulder. I have to hold back my eye roll.

  “No. Thank you, though,” he answers keeping his eyes on me.

  I sit down looking at him, but speaking to my father. “I didn’t know he was coming.”

  “Well I knew you were coming,” Dash smirks, and I can’t help but remember what those lips did to me just a few days ago.

  “How is Rodger doing sweet pea?” my father asks, and my eyes shoot to Dash. He rolls his shoulders.

  I gulp down some of my water before I reply to him. “I don’t know.” I turn to him. “We broke up.”

  He frowns “Why? I thought that you two were in love? I actually expected you to bring him with you tonight.”

  I sigh, “No. We were not in love, Dad.” I was in love. I was an idiot who let my heart get the best of me!

  “Well I guess it’s better off you guys break up before marriage.” He nods to me.

  I nod back not really knowing how to respond to that. At one point I saw myself marrying him. Then at another point I saw myself cutting him into little pieces and burying him in the backyard of our spring Villa where we would be living. The waiter chooses this time to come and take our order and then a silence falls on the table as I look around the restaurant. It’s a Saturday night, so it is fairly busy.

  “What do you do?” Dash asks getting my attention.

  Oh. So he wants to play this game? The one where we act like we haven’t rolled around naked. “I’m a student.” I can play. I also work for my dad. But he doesn’t need to know that.

  He just nods. “What do you do besides race bikes?” I ask curiously. I had never heard of him before. I’m surprised my father chose him to join the team.

  “That’s about it,” he says biting into a roll.

  “College?” I question.

  He shakes his head. “Racing.”

  I want to roll my eyes at him but instead I look over to my father. “Where did you find him?”

  He looks offended that I asked. His eyes move to Dash before they come back to me. “He’s the best there is.” He gestures to him.

  I expect Dash to give me a smug smile. But instead he’s watching me intently. He tilts his head to the side as his gray eyes continue to stare into mine. I want to look away but that would show weakness. It would show him how much he can affect me. So what we had sex once? I can handle that. I lick my lips as I remember the other thing he did to me while lying by my parents’ pool. The motion of my tongue has his eyes dropping to my lips and I’m thankful to look away. I pick up my glass of water since my mouth is feeling dry all of a sudden.

  “So tell me more about this Rodger guy?” He finally speaks.

  I stop my drink halfway to my mouth. “What about him?” I try to say nicely but failing. Why does he want to know about my ex?

  “How long were you guys together?’

  “A year.”

  “How did you meet him?”


  “Why did you guys break up?”

  I tilt my head to the side and narrow my eyes. “Why should any of this concern you?”

  “Sweet pea,” my father speaks, “he’s just curious. And I am as well.”

  I throw Dash a go to hell look before I turn and speak to my father. “It was just over.” I shrug carelessly. I’m not going to admit that he had made me a different person or that I was suffocating.

  “And he just walked away? Like that?” my father asks sitting back in his chair. Not buying it. “He seemed too much like a boy in love to just let you go so easily.”

  I hate how perceptive my father is. He sees everything! Even things I don’t want him to see. “He wants another try,” I state before thinking about what I just said. I look up at Dash, and his jaw is tight and his eyes look dangerously dark—I smile to myself. He’s jealous. He doesn’t want anyone else playing with his toy.

  We hear ringing, and my dad fishes his phone out of his pocket. “I have to take this.”

  As soon as my father walks away, Dash places his forearms on the table and speaks. “So you still talk to him?” His voice is hard.

  “Yes,” I say, and he lets out a growl that I almost miss. “He showed up at my house this morning. It wasn’t something I could have prevented. The bastard woke me up,” I whisper.

  He fists his hands on the table. “And?”

  “And nothing.” I don’t want anything to do with Rodger anymore. But why do I want Dash to think I do? Because I like the way he looks when jealous? “I made him leave. I’m done with him. I’m done being that type of person.” I whisper the last part as I drift off in a memory.

  “Lock the door and come here,” Rodger commands as he stands by the bed dressed in a pair of khakis and a polo shirt.

  I do as he says and then walk over to him. “What are we doing up here?” I ask. We are at his parents’ house for our usual Sunday dinner.

  He doesn’t answer right away. Once I’m a few steps from him he reaches out and grabs my wrist. I yelp from how tight he’s holding onto me. He pulls me to him before picking me up and throwing me onto the bed roughly. .

  “Rodger…” He places his hand over my mouth to quiet me.

  “Shh,” he says softly. “You don’t want them to hear you, do you?”

  I shake my head, and he removes his hand from my mouth. “Good girl.” He places a soft kiss on my lips before his hands move up my thighs. He lifts the hem of my white cotton dress high enough to expose my panties. “This dress it too short.” He sighs heavily—disappointed in my choice of outfit. “No woman of mine should be showing off what’s mine.” His fingers dig into my hips, and I arch my back biting my lip
to keep from making any noise. I don’t wanna make him mad.

  “I’m sorry,” I breathe when he doesn’t let up. The pain making me cave.

  He smiles. “Show me how sorry you are.” He stands up off of me and unzips his khakis. “Show me the good girl you can be instead of the slut that you look like.”


  I snap out of my memory when Dash says my name. I blink a few times before I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly noticing our waiter had brought our food out as well.

  “What type of person?” he asks, and I frown.

  “Excuse me?” I ask confused. What were we talking about?

  “You said I’m done with being that type of person. What did that mean? What type of person were you when you were with him?” His voice is soft and concerning.

  I look down at the table and give a little smile to myself. Rodger had truly taken a strong-willed woman and turned her into a fragile piece of glass that he wanted to periodically break. See, to him, he was the only one able to glue me back together. That gave him power. I gave him the power. But now, now I’m stronger than I ever was before.

  “Weak,” I say as I look him in the eyes. “I’m no longer weak.”

  He frowns. “I can’t see you being the weak type.”

  I let out a little laugh before I lean over the table and speak quietly. “Don’t think you know me because I let you fuck me.”

  His eyebrows raise to his hairline, and I sit back with a sour look on my face. How dare him! He doesn’t know me. He doesn’t know how much I’ve hated myself. That one night at his party was supposed to be fun and bring back the old me. Instead I had sex with someone who is currently not going anywhere.

  Fuck! I can’t catch a break!

  “Sweet pea?”

  I look up from my pasta that I haven’t even touched and watch my dad as he walks back to the table. “Yes Daddy?” I ask

  “Are you okay?” He looks down at my food then to me.

  I nod with a smile on my face. “Yes.”

  “Well I’m going to go make another phone call. I will be right back.” He kisses me on the head and then walks off leaving me there with Dash once again.


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