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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

Page 44

by Kasey Millstead

  “Thanks Alexa, as long as everything I asked for is in our room, my wife and I will be just fine.” He walked away as she stumbled over her apologies. He linked his fingers with Rylan’s, and they found their way to the presidential suite elevator.

  Arriving in their room Rylan sucked in a deep breath, spinning in a circle she squealed. “The presidential suite! Cole!”

  “It’s not a big deal. It was the only room with two separate rooms and a Jacuzzi tub. I didn’t want to be presumptuous, and I wanted to make sure you had a nice place to relax after that long trip.”

  “This is too much. Thank you.” She leaned up to kiss him on the cheek before shaking her head and walking around to check out the suite.

  Cole followed behind her and noticed there were rose petals and little bottles of oils and bubble bath lined along the back shelf of the tub. On a small stand next to the tub sat the bucket of chilled pink champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. Leaning against the door jamb to the bathroom he crossed his arms and found himself fascinated with watching her explore the grand bathroom.

  Her fingers trailed over everything the same way she took in his bike. She found the chocolate covered strawberries and grabbed two. Walking straight up to him, she lifted a strawberry to his lips as she did the same to herself. Biting into her own strawberry, she traced his lips and teased him with his. He let her trail the delicious chocolate over his lips, pulling it away before bringing it back for another feather light touch. He waited for her command before he bit into the juicy fruit.

  “Open up.” She slid the strawberry between his lips and allowed him to bite down, savoring the combination of the bitter dark chocolate with the sweet juice of the fruit.


  “Do you want more?”

  “Those are for you to enjoy while you relax in a bath. I had them bring some champagne—or there’s beer. Sorry, I wasn’t sure what you drank. If you want something else, I can have them bring it up. They also delivered some clothes for us. I guessed, so I’m sorry if I guessed wrong on the size.” He shrugged sheepishly.

  Rylan laughed. She bent over at the waist and laughed at his ramblings. “I haven’t changed that much. I’m sorry. You act as if you don’t know me. You know me. Better than anyone. I know everything will be perfect. Since they opened the champagne, I’m assuming that means you’ve already paid for it or will have to even if we don’t drink it. We will both be having at least one glass. I still prefer beer over anything else.” She poured the slightly pink bubbly liquid into to two tall thin glasses, handing him one and offering him another strawberry.

  Cole knew in that moment that they were going to be fine. They hadn’t grown apart or changed all that much. The wall he put up seemed to fall away when she was near. “Before we start drinking, I really want to talk. I… come on.” He grabbed her hand and led her to the living room.

  The main room was fully furnished with a couch, arm chairs, tables, and lamps. He guided her toward the couch and sat down next to her. He took the glass from her hand and set both of them down on the coffee table. “I know we talked, and you know why I left. But I never got to tell you how much I missed you or how hard it was for me to leave you. I never told you how sorry I am for not only leaving you but also never calling you, never reaching out and finding you. I waited, thinking you would call me. Come looking for me. When all along I should have gone back for you the day you turned eighteen. I am so very sorry, Ry.”

  Tears pooled in his eyes as he watched the moisture in Rylan’s gather and crest over sticking to her lower lashes before breaking free and trailing down her cheeks. “We weren’t meant to be together then. You know I believe everything happens for a reason, Cole. Now that we’re here, together, we just need to move forward.”

  He brushed his thumbs across her cheeks, drying them. He searched her eyes as he thought over her logic. “I’m not the same guy I was then. So much has changed. Can we really just move forward?”

  Her shoulders shook as she laughed at him again. “You haven’t changed as much as you think. Sure, you changed your whole fucking name, and your outside appearance isn’t the same as it use to be. Other than that, behind that wall you put up for others, you’re still my Chris. I see you in there. I see the boy I fell in love with and so much more. I want to get to know you and fall in love with you, Cole. I already love Chris, who’s a part of you know matter what you think, and now I want to love Cole, the rest of you, so I can love all of you.”

  Well, fuck if she wasn’t dead on. He was still Chris, but he was Cole too. He wanted to get to know the woman Rylan had become. Was she that much different then the girl he knew? He didn’t think so. “Let’s play a game, yeah?”

  She offered him a soft smile, and he wondered what was going through her pretty little head. “What do you want to play, Cole?”

  “I think we play a round of twenty questions. For each question asked, the other person can either answer or pass. If you pass you have to drink. It’s been a while since we’ve played twenty questions.”

  A true smile spread her beautiful lips, and he hoped she was remembering their earlier days and when they’d play the game. “Okay, I start.” She raised her eyebrows waiting for him to deny her, but when he just shrugged, she fired off the first question. “Favorite band?”

  “Easy. Korn, that hasn’t changed. How many boyfriends did I miss out on meeting?” As soon as the question left his mouth, he felt stupid. There wouldn’t have been any boyfriends if he hadn’t have left.

  “None. How many girlfriends in the last five years?”

  “None. Did you get to graduate high school?”

  “Yes. How many sexual partners?”

  “You really want me to answer that?”

  “I asked it, didn’t I?”

  “Now that’s two questions.”

  “True, but you answered my question with a question. Spit it out.”

  “You first.”

  “Seriously? Fine, seven.”

  Well fuck; he hadn’t expected her to say anything, much less seven fucking partners. One or two he could deal with, but seven? In five years, she’s slept with seven different guys. Count your conquests, that’s barely over one a year. He mentally slapped himself. Now he had to answer, and he didn’t think he could honestly answer her. “Okay, I don’t think you want to know.”

  “Do you remember what I said to you that first night at the kick off dinner?”

  “Yeah, something about me being egotistical.”

  “Yes, every girl anywhere near a race track in every race town I stopped in had a story to share about Cole West. So don’t worry, I know you weren’t innocent during our time apart. Just give me a ball park figure.”

  “I didn’t count, and probably couldn’t recall them all, so let’s say a hundred or so.” He closed his eyes and polished off the glass of champagne. He wished for the first time that he hadn’t slept with so many women over the last five years. Standing, he headed toward the bathroom to get the champagne and to give both him and Rylan a chance to process the hard questions. He grabbed the bottle of champagne and the strawberries. Returning to the room, he found Rylan’s glass emptied as well and she was curled up with a pillow now, cross legged on the couch. He reached for her glass to fill it as he met her eyes. “I figured we could use another glass after that rough round, and maybe a strawberry?”

  “Is that your next question?”

  Laughing, he filled her glass shaking his head before sitting down, facing her. “No that’s not part of my questions. So do you want a strawberry?”

  “Sure, I’ll grab it.” She reached over grabbing a piece of chocolate covered heaven. Licking her lips, she took a large bite only leaving the top of the strawberry with its leaves in her fingertips.

  Cole drew in a deep breath; his pants were growing uncomfortable just watching the sensual way her lips formed over the heart shaped food. “This is my question… Does that bother you that I kind of went wild?”

  She chewed her strawberry and washed it down with a sip of champagne before answering. “Honestly, yeah. It does a little. But it’s not like I waited for you or expected you to wait for me. You didn’t know I was coming after you. I get it, but it does hurt some.” She roughly brushed the tears off her face.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else I can say besides that. I should have known we’d end up here, and I should have known that I wouldn’t want to have say this kind of shit to you and definitely wouldn’t want to hide it from you.”

  “Cole, it’s part of who you are. I’ll be okay.”

  “Come here, babe.” He pulled her against his body, needing the physical connection between them.

  “Does it bother you that I’ve been with seven other guys?”

  “Fuck yeah. But I can’t blame you. Did you love any of them? Shit, are you with someone now?”

  She snuggled in closer to his chest, trailing her fingers along his abs again. “I’m glad it bothers you. No, I didn’t love any of them. Most of them were one time hook-ups. There were a few that I was with a couple times, but they all knew the score. I was in love with someone else. My heart wasn’t available. I am not with anyone right now. What’s going on with Heather?”

  He cleared his throat he knew this question would come up eventually. Downing another glass of champagne, he set the empty glass on the table and went to the fridge to find beer. “I’m done with champagne. Do you want a beer?”

  “Are you avoiding that question for a reason?”

  “No, I just need a beer. Do you want one or not?”

  “Yes. Now answer me.”

  He silently grabbed two beers, opening them both, and handing one to Rylan, he sat back down, and took her hand in his. “Heather was one of my regular hook ups. Nothing more.”

  “She likes you.”

  “I know. But there’s nothing there, I promise. It’s over now.”

  “Does she know that?”

  “After the way I treated her last night, I would hope so.”

  “Did you tell her?”

  “Well no, but I wasn’t exactly a nice guy last night.” He released her hand and shoved his hand through his hair. “Are you done with the twenty questions? Why don’t you go get in the bath?”

  “Hey, you were the one that started this.”

  “Yeah, and now I’m ending it.” He stood and stared at his beautiful girl, wondering if he needed to call Heather. It was never an issue before; he knew she liked him, but she also knew his game. The tension in the room had him rolling his neck and shoulders trying to release the tightness. Things went from great to bad quick and it was entirely his fault. He was stupid for suggesting the game. He just wanted to get to know her, to find out if she was still the same girl.

  “Fine.” Rylan sulked off to the bathroom, closing the door behind her this time.

  Cole found the clothes the hotel brought to the room for them. He asked Dom to pull some strings and use his connections to have someone find a clothing store near by and pick them both out something to wear for dinner and jeans and t-shirts for the next day,. There were several bags and two boxes on one of the beds. He opened the bag and found most everything he needed. Opening one of the boxes, he found the perfect dress for Rylan to wear to dinner and suit for him in the other. The hotel had also brought up toothbrushes and a hair brush.

  Before taking the items in to Rylan, Cole took the time and privacy to call Heather. He owed her that much, after all. He sat on the bed, selecting Heather’s name before lifting his phone to his ear. After three rings her soft voice reached his ear. “Hello?”

  “Heather, we need to talk.”

  “I appreciate you calling, Cole, but I already know. You love her. She’s the one that’s held your heart captive. I get it. I want you to be happy.”

  “Yeah, she is. Thank you.”

  “Goodbye Cole.”

  “Bye Heather.” He ended the call, but before he locked his screen he brought up her contact, deleting it from his phone’s memory.

  Gathering Rylan’s items, he knocked on the bathroom door. “Ry, I have you a change of clothes.”

  He didn’t hear anything so he knocked again before turning the doorknob and finding it unlocked, he headed in. “Ry?”

  He could hear her soft sniffles, and his heart broke. “Hey, shhh.” After setting her stuff on the counter, he dropped to his knees beside the tub. “I’m sorry, it was stupid of me to suggest that game. I should have never let it go in that direction. No one has or ever will mean what you mean to me. I just got off the phone with Heather. It’s over and she knows it.” He cupped her face, drawing her head out of her hands and forcing her to look at him.

  With wide eyes, Rylan searched his face. “You did?”

  “Yeah, everything is going to be okay.”

  “I know. I overreacted. It’s okay. I’m okay. I just feel like it can’t be this easy. We can’t just get back to where we were. I still love you with all of me, and it hurts to think you don’t.” She tried to pull her head away, dropping her gaze back to the bubbles surrounding her.

  “Look at me Ry; I need you to look at me when I say what I’m about to say.” He waited for her to put her focus back on him. When he knew he had her full attention, he told her the truth. “I never stopped loving you. I love you, Rylan. I hate that I have to say this, but I do. Those girls were fillers, a way to pass the time until we found each other again. I’m sorry I hurt you in every way possible. I love you.” He dipped his head and took her mouth in a sensual, passion filled kiss.

  Chapter Seven

  After Rylan agreed to get dressed for dinner, Cole took a quick shower and dressed in the bedroom. Once dressed, he sat on the couch and waited for Rylan to join him so he could take her out on a proper date, their first date. He had just brought his beer to his lips when Rylan came sauntering out of the bathroom.

  He set the beer back down without taking a drink and stood to take her in. She was gorgeous. The long black dress with a slit on both sides, all the way up to her thighs, fit her body perfectly. She had pulled her hair up on top of her head, exposing her beautiful neck. He crossed the room to her, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. “You look stunning.”

  She smiled, making her even more beautiful. Her eyes took in every part of his suit covered body. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  All he wanted to do was stay in and take that dress back off her, and imaging her laying on the bed fully exposed to him had him growing uncomfortable again. Letting out a long sigh, he tucked her hand into his arm. “Let’s go before I decide I’ve waited long enough for our reunion.” Winking at her, he lead the way to the in suite elevator.

  They arrived at Juliette’s Restaurant inside the hotel just in time for their reservation. After giving the hostess his name, they were escorted to a table. Cole pulled Rylan’s chair out for her, gestured for her to sit, and then helped her move the chair back in before taking his own seat.

  The hostess handed them each a menu. “Your server will be with you momentarily.”

  As the hostess walked away, Cole reached over and grabbed Rylan’s hand. “Let’s start this night over. This is how I hoped things would go for us.”

  Rylan nodded in agreement. “That sounds perfect. I’ve missed you.”

  Before Cole could reply, their waiter arrived. This time, Cole never took his eyes off Rylan. “Welcome. I’m Paul, and I’ll be your server for this evening. Can I start you off with a bottle of wine or something else to drink?”

  Cole looked at Rylan. “Do you like wine?”

  She lifted her gaze to the server. “No, two Bud Light drafts please.”

  Cole smiled in agreement. He loved this girl. She never was a girly girl, and that was just fine with him. The waiter mentioned he’d be right back before taking off to get their beers. Cole dropped Rylan’s hand and picked up the menu. “Do you know what you want?”

  “A burger and fries.”

  He chuckle
d before he said, “That sounds perfect.” Locating the burgers on the menu, he chose a mushroom burger. When Paul returned they ordered their meals and were left in peace while they waited.

  “Are we going to see where this takes us?” Cole looked deep in her eyes and saw a spark of the girl he once knew. They really weren’t very different.

  “It’s what I want, Cole, more than anything. I want to know if this connection I still feel is there for real.”

  They weren’t sitting across from each other; Cole had chosen the chair next to hers, needing to be close to her. He grabbed her hand and lifted her knuckles to his mouth for a kiss. His eyes stayed on hers as he watched a dark swirl of desire cloud her green irises. His lips lingered as his warm breath brushed against her hand. “You mean this connection. This pull I feel to you. Babe, that is as real as it gets.”

  Rylan shuddered as he lowered her hand back to the table. He knew he was right, and what they had had been real.

  Their food came, and the conversation turned light and easy. Paul approached their table and asked, “Can I get dessert for you?”

  Cole looked to Rylan for her answer. She shrugged before admitting she wanted something sweet. “Can I get the chocolate turtle cheesecake to go please?”

  “I will be right back with that.” He left the couple alone again.

  “Chocolate turtle?” Cole raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Yeah, it’s the best. Chocolate, pecans and caramel mixed in or on top of a cheesecake. Don’t worry, I plan on sharing.” She winked, flashing him a grin with a cute crinkle in her nose and a shine in her eyes that gave him the impression she was up to something.

  “Here you are. You both have a great night. The bill has been applied to your room, Mr. West.”

  Cole pulled his wallet out of his pants pocket. Retrieving a few bills out of it, he handed Paul his tip. “Thank you.” He wrapped his arm around Rylan and led her out of the restaurant and back to their elevator. Sliding the key through the slot, he kept his other hand on her lower back. As the doors dinged open, he ushered her in as she held on to her dessert. Cole didn’t stop guiding her until he had her pushed up against the elevator wall.


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