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Montana Fire

Page 11

by Vella Day

  “I like it.” Amber had told her that after Max’s police career he’d moved over to the fire department, but Jamie didn’t feel right asking for the details of the switch. Amber said it had something to do with the fire that killed his family. The last thing they needed more of tonight was serious talk.

  When he didn’t say anything more, both of them dove into their meal as if they hadn’t eaten in months. She was sure it was to keep from having to discuss his family or the investigation.

  She washed down dinner with her wine. “From all the television shows I’ve watched, I can guess what a detective does day-in day-out, but I’m not really sure what a fire marshal does. I know you investigate fires, but there can’t be that many blazes in Rock Hard to keep you busy, right?”

  He smiled. “Right. It’s a good thing only a portion of our job is taken up with actual fire investigation. Because of my police background, I was able to become an arson investigator. To me, it’s the best part of the job. When we’re not trying to figure out what started fires, our time is spent dealing with code enforcement, like liquor licenses and building construction. We also supervise fire drills, give training on fire safety, and even give general safety puppet shows to first graders.”

  She huffed out a laugh. She couldn’t picture Max in front of little kids. “You do that?”

  “Don’t look so amused, young lady. Actually, Rich is amazing with the little ones. I work with the older, at risk kids. I counsel them about the hazard of setting fires.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “That’s why I work all the time. But I’m in the process of finding a replacement for my old position. In fact, Rich should be interviewing him right now.” He drained his coffee and ate the last bite of his lasagna.

  “I’m glad. You work too hard.”

  He smiled. With all that he did, Max never acted stressed out. He was amazing, really. He also really liked helping others—like herself. Not only that, but Max said he enjoyed working on cars. Even though she tinkered with Grayson, Jamie was more into watching cars race, but either way, they both appreciated automobiles.

  Before she could find out what else they had in common, a short, round man in an apron waddled out from the back holding a white take-out box. His eyes sparkled as he made a beeline toward them. He placed the item between them on the table. “Max! How wonderful to see such a happy couple.”

  Max’s neck flushed pink. “Jamie, this is Giuseppe Buscemi, the owner.”

  Mr. Buscemi lifted her hand and kissed the back. “My pleasure. So glad to see you’re keeping this lonely man company.”

  Max’s brows pinched together. “Giuseppe.” Jamie had to swallow a laugh at Max’s growl.

  “What, my friend? It’s not right to always eat alone. Life is too short.”

  Max’s gaze shot to what the owner had set on the table. “What’s this?”

  Giuseppe planted a hand over his chest. “Can’t a man bake a pretty woman a small dessert?” He stepped back and winked. “Enjoy.” He was gone before Max could answer.

  What a delightful man, but his actions seemed to embarrass Max. She was tempted to see what was inside, but decided to finish the last ravioli instead.

  “Sorry about that. My good friend can be a bit over zealous.” Max waved for the check.

  “He’s Italian. Besides, he seems really nice.”

  The left side of Max’s mouth hitched up. “He can be. He can also be nosy. I bet he came over just to check you out.” Elissa hustled over with the bill. Automatically, Jamie picked up her purse to pay for her half, but Max handed the waitress his credit card before she had the chance. “It’s on me.”

  While he sounded rather insistent, it was hard for her to always be on the receiving end of his generosity. “I should be the one paying. You chauffeured me to and from work for the last few days.”

  “Sorry, honey, that’s not the way I work. I asked you out, remember?” His voice might have held some lightness, but his eyes were piercingly serious.

  Arguing seemed to be futile, and the use of the nickname melted her insides. “I appreciate it, then.”

  Elissa returned, and he signed the receipt. Max lifted the box and handed it to her. “This is for you.”

  She accepted the gift. As soon as she was seated in his car, she opened the lid, and the Tiramisu made her mouth water. The design on top was beautiful. “Oh, my.”

  He looked over. “What is it?”

  She held it up. “A heart made from the cocoa. How cute it that?” She pretended that Max had ordered it for her even though she suspected differently.

  “Giuseppe’s an old flirt.”

  “I like that he is.”

  On the way back to her house, they both kept quiet, no doubt thinking about the danger she might be in.

  He turned into her drive, stopped, and put the car in park. He twisted toward her. “I have an idea. Would you be interested in going with me to the Monster Truck Rally in two weeks?”

  A rush of excitement slammed into her. Any kind of car event thrilled her. “I’d love to.” Jamie thought he might have asked her to dinner because she’d asked him first. Now, she believed he really liked her.


  While doing her research, she’d actually checked out the upcoming event. “I can’t believe I’m going to see Ghost Ryder and the Monster Medic in person.”

  Max laughed and the sound shot straight down her body. “You really are into cars.”

  “And trucks.”

  Max eased out of his seat, came over to her side, and pulled open her door. She grabbed the dessert and stepped out.

  Max slipped the box from her fingers, set it on top of the hood, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her heart almost stopped when he pulled her close.

  “I had a really nice time tonight, Jamie.”

  “Me, too.”

  His lips slightly parted.

  Oh, my God. He’s going to kiss me.

  Chapter Twelve

  Max couldn’t believe how perfectly Jamie fit against his body. She was so sweet and warm. If anything happened to her, he’d be devastated. He thanked his good luck she was willing to listen to his warning. She sounded sincere when she said she’d be careful. Her trust in him meant a lot to him.

  Jamie placed her palms on his chest and looked up at him with expectation. God, what she did to him. He prayed he wasn’t rushing her, but he needed her badly. Max dipped his head, and when she didn’t pull away, he kissed her—slowly at first, then with more intensity. The moment she leaned into him, desire swamped him.

  He wanted her so fucking much. Max teased open her lips, and when she dipped her tongue into his mouth, his cock hardened. He loved her strength, her convictions, and her passion.

  Jamie moaned then wrapped her arms around his neck. That did it. If he didn’t stop now, there was no telling what might happen. Max broke off the kiss.

  She looked up at him with slightly swollen lips. “Do you want to come in?”

  Her plea undid him. “Yes.”

  More than she could know, actually, but he wasn’t ready to tell her. He didn’t want to assume her request was an invitation for sex. If it wasn’t, he hoped to hell, he could keep his distance. Damn, it was going to be so fucking hard not to touch her. To kiss her. To make love with her.

  Jamie picked up her box off the car hood and led him up the steps to her front porch. She fumbled with her key, but managed to open the door a few seconds later. She didn’t look at him as she led him inside, and he hoped she wasn’t having second thoughts about the kiss.

  She faced him. “Can I get you some coffee?”

  “Sure.” It wasn’t coffee that he wanted. It was Jamie.

  Max followed her into the kitchen. She peeled off her coat, and he removed his, too. He liked watching Jamie pour water into the coffee maker, then measure out the grounds. He thought by putting some distance between them that his need would diminish. Fact was, the opposite had happened. The domest
ic scene had broken his resolve, and he wanted her more than he had a second ago.

  Before she was able to turn on the machine, Max stepped behind her and twisted her around.


  She wet her lips, and all thought fled. He walked her backward toward the entrance. “Ever since the wedding, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.” He inhaled her delicious scent, a scent that reminded him of fresh linen.

  She drew in her bottom lip, and glanced up at him with hope. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you, too.”

  He inwardly groaned. He wanted her to understand exactly what she’d be getting if she agreed to be with him. “I’m forty-three, and have had a lot of bad shit happen in my life, but one thing I know, is that when I’m with you, I feel whole. Good. Happy.”

  Jamie ran her palms down his chest. “You make me feel safe. And happy, too.”

  That was as close to an admission that she liked him as he’d probably get. “I won’t lie. I want you, Jamie.”

  “I want you, too.”

  If this were any other woman, he might have stripped her right there, but this was delicate Jamie. She’d only dated one other man in the last few years. Max held out his arms. “You want to do the honors?”

  Her eyes widened. “You mean take off your clothes?”

  He chuckled. “That’s as good a starting point as any.”

  She grinned. “But in the kitchen?”

  He lowered his arms. “Not romantic enough, right?” What had he been thinking? Jamie was classy.

  “How about the bedroom?” she asked.

  Her chest expanded as if she was holding her breath. “Works for me.”

  She smiled, clasped his hand, and led him through the dining room and down the hallway. He wanted to assure her that if she changed her mind, he’d stop, but why put that terrible idea in her head?

  Her bedroom was at the end of the hallway. She flicked on the light, and a pretty little lamp lit up the small room.

  She turned to him. “Sorry. I didn’t get the chance to make the bed this morning.”

  He never made his. “It’s perfect.”

  “It’s pink.”

  He had yet to even glance at the bed, as Max hadn’t taken his gaze off her. “Honey, it could be purple polka dots and I wouldn’t care. This is all about you and me, not whether you’d make a good maid.” Once more he raised his arms. “I promised you could take off my clothes. I don’t let just anyone do this, as it’s not my normal style. So if you want, have at me.”

  She moved closer and pressed her lips together in concentration as her tiny fingers pushed the top button through the hole. Already, he could tell this was a mistake. He’d never last. Her knuckle brushed his chest, and a trail of fire shot downward. She undid the next two, and his desire strengthened too fast. “Need help?”

  “Hold your horses. I’m getting there.” Her brows pinched.

  Max looked over her head to help calm his growing urgency. She tugged on his shirt and lifted it out of his jeans, then finished opening it. The second she was done, he slipped the material over his shoulders and let it drop to the hardwood floor.

  She bent down and retrieved it. “Don’t want to get it dirty.”

  He so didn’t care what happened to his shirt. She could have stomped on it. Jamie folded his shirt and placed it on her dresser. All the while, his imagination ran wild about what he planned to do with her luscious body.

  “You’re killing me, girl.” He lifted her up, and she squealed in delight.

  Max gently placed her on the heap of sheets. The woman couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds. He then toed off his shoes, shucked his jeans, and tossed off his socks. He’d leave the briefs to her.

  “Holy shit.” Her mouth opened wide.

  He froze. “What’s wrong?”


  Relief washed through him. He thought she’d tell him that she wasn’t ready. He wasn’t sure what he would have done. Max crawled on the bed next to her. “I’m glad you find me appealing.”

  “More than appealing.”

  Max chuckled at the surprise in her voice. He dragged her on top of him, loving the feel of her body on his, and kissed her hard. Jamie clasped his face and returned the kiss with as much passion. Holy crap, but he hadn’t been this turned on in forever. They kissed, nibbled, and then kissed again. Sometimes, it was slow and sensual, and other times hard and fast.

  As much as he wanted to spend hours making love to her lips, there was so much more he wanted to explore.

  “I’m feeling a bit underdressed here.” He nodded to her fully clothed body. He kept his tone joking so as not to pressure her. She was fragile in many ways.

  “Then maybe you should take off my clothes.”

  Whoa. He loved this bold side of her. “I’ll be glad to.”

  He lifted her off him, and slid his hands under her knit top, loving her smooth silky skin. He slipped the knit fabric over her head, and her blonde hair flew everywhere. She patted it down, as if what she looked like mattered to him.

  Max caught sight of her pretty white bra and sighed. It was simple, but perfect. “Nice.”

  She clasped her hands over her chest. “I’m kind of small.”

  “Nonsense. You’re perfect. In fact, everything about you is perfect.” He liked using the same word she had.

  He lowered Jamie’s hands before he slipped the straps down her shoulders. With a quick release of the back clasp, he lifted off her bra and gazed upon her nakedness. Amazing. He leaned over slowly, giving her time to stop him. When she didn’t, he dragged his tongue across the tip of her pert nipple. She moaned, and a second later, the tiny bud hardened. On the next pass, he sucked on the taut peak.

  She gasped and grabbed his shoulder. “Yes. That feels so good.”

  He never dreamed she’d be so sensitive. Just as he lowered his hand to cup her pussy, his cell rang. The ring tone belonged to Trent. Fuck. He didn’t want to answer it, so he let it ring.

  “Aren’t you going to get that?” The worry in her voice made him think twice.

  “God help me if there’s another fire.” He sat up, pulled the phone from his pants pocket, and pressed the on button. “This better be fucking important.”

  “Sorry, man. Something bad has happened. It’s really bad.”

  Max had never heard Trent come close to losing control. His friend never let emotion color anything he did. “Tell me.”

  He glanced at Jamie. Her hands were fisted. Shit.

  “A group of five men stormed the free clinic where Jamie works. The security guard is dead along with one other.”

  All he could think of was that maybe the men believed Jamie was inside. His heart squeezed at yet another close call. He wouldn’t say anything in front of her. “What can I do?”

  “I need your help.”

  Trent wouldn’t have asked him if he didn’t require Max’s expertise. “Are you there now?” Max didn’t want Jamie to suspect anything, so he didn’t ask for any details.


  “I’ll be right there.”

  Max disconnected the call and tossed his cell back on the floor. “I am so sorry. I’ve got to go.”

  She picked up her shirt and pulled it over her head. “Is it another fire?”

  “No. There’s been a murder.” He didn’t want to lie to her.

  She clasped his hand. “Who?”

  “Trent didn’t say.” That was the truth. “Jesus, Jamie. Trust me when I say I don’t want to go.”

  “I understand.”

  Max hugged her close, kissed her, and then stood. As quickly as he could, he dressed. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Maybe we could go to a movie or something.”

  The joy that had been on her face a moment ago, disappeared. “Sure. I’d like that.”

  Jamie walked him to the door. If the murder hadn’t happened at Jamie’s place of work, Max would have told Trent to handle the situation alone.
br />   “I’ll be in touch.” Before he changed his mind about leaving, Max hustled out of her house.

  As he neared the clinic, about ten police cars were blocking the way. A few residents were standing on the street watching, their necks craned. Dear God, what had happened inside? He hoped Trent planned to question these people. Someone might know something.

  Max did a quick scan for a short, blond man in a baseball cap, but no one fit the bill.

  Given a terrorist cell might be in Rock Hard, and Vic Hart “worked” nearby, this terrorist cell might be closer than he thought. Could agent Hart have pulled out a phone to call his contact and been spotted?

  Damn. That was pure speculation, which was something Max never liked to fall prey to. He hoped that when he saw what happened inside, he might have a better idea what they were dealing with.

  He parked and slipped out of his car. As he made his way toward the carnage, his heart grew heavy for Jamie. Whatever happened here tonight, she’d have to face it. Poor girl just might crack.

  Max had to protect her. At all cost.

  He held up his badge and made his way inside the clinic. He detected no odor of smoke, so this wasn’t fire related. No door or window had been broken either, implying the shooters had arrived before the clinic closed, or had gotten hold of the key. The waiting area looked untouched, giving credence to their initial suspicion that theft of drugs might be involved. He wished he knew what they were after.

  Nick Rogers, a detective who’d been on the force with Max, was standing at the hallway door. “Hey, Max.” He let out a long exhale as if the scene in the back would give nightmares to anyone.

  “Trent called me. He inside?”

  “Yes, but it ain’t pretty.”

  Murder never was. “Thanks for the warning.” The farther Max went down the hallway, the louder the chatter became. The exam room doors were open and everything inside had been trashed. His gut soured. What had they been looking for in those rooms? Drugs weren’t usually kept in the exam rooms, but maybe the free clinic was set up differently from the walk-in clinics.

  At the end of the hallway, he found Trent, the coroner, and two detectives.


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