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RoadKill: Savage Hell MC Book 1

Page 12

by K. L. Ramsey

  “You look worn out, Viv,” Cillian said. “How about you rest and I’ll let you know when we’re ready to move out.” She trusted Cillian to make the hard decisions for her but Viv wanted to be a part of this discussion.

  “No,” she said. “I’d like to be a part of this.” Cillian wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “You need to rest for the babe,” Cillian whispered.

  Viv smiled up at him, “I promise to rest later.” Cillian nodded, not pushing her further. She was thankful that he let it go with the others pretending not to listen in to their conversation. Viv could feel all eyes on them.

  “Listen up,” Savage said. Viv was pretty sure the big guy was used to people doing exactly what he ordered. “We have about four hours until the sun comes up and we need to figure out our next move.” Savage nodded to Hart who took over their little make-shift meeting.

  “Before we went in, I activated the tracker on my cell and my guys heard everything we were saying. When they took my phone, my team got ready to move in. They showed up just after we were clear, going in and making arrests. They got most of the guys who were there and both girls they were auctioning off with your daughter.” Hart looked at Savage. “They were only eleven and thirteen.”

  “Fuck,” Savage growled.

  “The good news is, they’ve been reunited with their parents. The bad news is there are more girls out there and Dante and about six of his guys got out,” Hart said.

  “Shit,” Havoc said. “So, Dante’s probably figured out what happened by now and he’ll be on the warpath. Hell, he told us exactly what he’d be taking from each of us if we double-crossed him. My gym,” Havoc whispered.

  “I have security measures in place for my sister—that’s who Dante found at my place, taking care of my dog. He won’t be able to find her; I’ve made sure of that,” Hart said.

  “What did Dante say he’d threaten to take of yours Cillian?” Viv asked. She was afraid she already knew the answer to her question though.

  “You and the baby,” Cillian whispered. “That’s why I had Repo bring you here. I can’t let you out of my sight, Honey. Dante’s coming after all of us and we need a damn good plan to bring that asshole down.”

  “He won’t stop there,” Savage said. “He considers my daughter his property and he’ll want her back. I think we need to come up with solutions and take a vote,” Savage said.

  “Well, we can always take off,” Bowie offered. “It worked the first time we had to deal with Dante. It could work again. This time, we won’t be able to head to Texas since he knows about the house there.”

  “We can barricade ourselves in here and protect what’s ours,” Savage said.

  “No,” Dallas protested. “The kids can’t go through that. Chloe has already been through enough. I say we run.”

  “I’m with Dallas,” Cillian said. “We aren’t safe here. We’ll be sitting ducks.”

  “But, where will we go?” Viv asked. “Won’t we be just as vulnerable out there, with no place to go?”

  “She’s right,” Savage said. “We need a safe, secure place to land. One that Dante has no idea exists. Suggestions?”

  “I can fly us anywhere,” Ryder piped up from his spot in the corner. “Just say the word.”

  “The problem is where?” Cillian asked.

  Repo stood next to Viv and she could hear his sigh. “I don’t go around sharing this, but I have a cabin in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It can accommodate all of us.”

  “I didn’t know you were from Tennessee,” Savage said.

  “No one does. In my line of work, I don’t share my home address with anyone. I have a place here in town but try to get to the cabin as much as possible. It’s yours if you need it, Savage,” Repo offered.

  “Thanks, man,” Savage said. “I think that’s going to be our best option if we chose to run. We stay here, we’re sitting ducks—I get that. But if we leave, we can be picked off just as easily. Let’s put this to a vote, just like club business.”

  “What about non-club members, Viv asked. Do we get a vote?” She knew that Cillian was considered a Savage Hell honorary member but he wouldn’t be able to vote in their meetings.

  “This isn’t church,” Savage said. “Everyone gets a vote tonight. We each have something to lose in this. So, those in favor of staying put and holding our ground?”

  Viv looked around their small circle as Savage and Hart put their hand up. “Well, it looks like we’re packing up and heading to Repo’s cabin then if it’s just the two of us.”

  “I’ll have the plane gassed and ready. Remember, I can only take eighteen passengers,” Ryder said.

  “And, I’ll call my housekeeper to open up my cabin and stock it,” Repo said.

  “Can you trust her?” Cillian asked.

  “Him and yes,” Repo said. He’s ex-Navy and honestly, I’d trust him with my life. Doc’s like a brother to me. He watches the cabin while I’m here or chasing down a runner.”

  “A runner?” Cillian asked.

  “Yeah, I chase down people who fail to show up for arraignment—you know, bail jumpers,” Repo said.

  “I’m familiar with the term,” Cillian said.

  “Well, it keeps me away for weeks or even months at a time. I don’t get home to Gatlinburg as often as I’d like,” Repo admitted. Viv noted the sadness in his voice and wondered if he left his home in Tennessee running from something or even someone.

  “Fine, get everything in place. We leave in thirty minutes,” Savage ordered.

  “Can I help you pack for the kids?” Viv asked Dallas.

  “Absolutely,” Dallas said. “With three kids, I need all the help I can get.” Viv smiled up at Cillian and he nodded.

  “You go ahead. You’ll need the practice of packing for our little one, soon enough,” Cillian said.


  They got to Repo’s cabin just after daybreak and he could see just how tired his woman was every time she put on a brave face and smiled up at him. “You look about ready to drop, Love,” Cillian said.

  “I feel it,” she admitted. “Would you mind if I laid down to have a nap?” She asked around a yawn.

  “Of course,” he said. “How about we rest together? I could use some shut-eye.” It was the truth. He had been up for almost forty-eight hours now and he felt like the walking dead.

  Repo’s cabin was incredible. Savage had called in a few of the guys, from Savage Hell, to travel with them. They were acting as makeshift guards and he was grateful that Savage had thought to bring extra protection. It would allow him the luxury of a few hours’ sleep and gave him peace of mind knowing his woman would be safe if he closed his eyes. Even with the full planeload of eighteen people, Repo had rooms for everyone and some to spare. His and Viv’s room was at the end of the left-wing and was partially secluded from the main house. He loved that they could have their privacy and Savage’s protection at the same time. The threat of Dante’s Dragons coming after them was a very real one. His vendetta against Savage was personal and now Hart, Havoc, and he were caught up in that feud.

  “That sounds perfect,” Viv said. Cillian pulled her into his arms, carrying her around to the side of the bed. He gently laid her on the fluffy comforter and she scooted over, as an invitation. Cillian climbed in next to her and pulled Viv against his body, loving the way she snuggled into his hold.

  “This is perfect,” he whispered against her neck. He kissed the soft skin behind her ear and she snored softly, causing him to chuckle.

  “That’s right, Viv. You sleep for now,” he said. Cillian closed his eyes and let his exhaustion consume him. He just needed some sleep and he’d feel better about this whole mess. Yeah—he just needed a few hours.


  Kill woke with Viv’s body wrapped around his own and if he wasn’t mistaken, she had her hand down his trousers. “What’s happening here, Honey?” he asked. Viv gave him her shy smile and if he had to guess, his little vixen had woken up re
freshed and ready to play.

  “We slept for almost seven hours, Cillian. I’m hungry and horny. I figured we could take care of the latter first. Then, maybe I can convince you to help me find the kitchen and we can grab some food.” Viv waited him out, her hand resting on his already stiff cock.

  “Shit,” he swore. “Well, you do know how to wake a man up, Love,” he teased. Viv seemed to take that as her cue to pump his erection in her hands, letting her fingers caress the top of his head. He moaned and thrust harder against her palms as if needing more.

  “You like that?” she questioned.

  “I fecking love it,” he admitted. Kill did too. Every time Viv touched him felt like another piece of him was clicking into place. He knew it sounded cheesy but she did complete him. Vivian Ward was making him who he was and Kill had to admit, he liked the person he was with her. He just hoped he’d live up to his own expectations of being a good father. He’d never be able to stand it if he let Viv or their kid down.

  “Cillian,” she whispered. “Love me.”

  “You never have to ask me for that, Baby.” Cillian brushed back her long blond hair from her eyes and pulled her body against his, kissing her soft lips. He broke their kiss and she mewled her protest, causing him to chuckle. “I love you, Viv.” She smiled down at him, her body still pressed up against his own, her hand holding his cock in her firm grasp.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you tell me that, Cillian,” she whispered. “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Viv,” he whispered. Cillian peppered her neck with butterfly kisses and Viv shivered against him.

  “I love you, Cillian. I never thought I’d meet someone like you,” she admitted.

  “How so?” he asked. He hated that everything in him believed that Viv deserved better than him. He was an ex-con and Viv was so sweet. She deserved so much more than he was going to ever be able to give her. The one thing he couldn’t do was give her up because walking away from Viv and their kid wasn’t a possibility for him anymore. He needed her just as much as he wanted her.

  “When I was with my ex,” she began and Kill moaned. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about her ex-husband with her tangled up in his bed. He wanted to strip her bare and sink balls deep into her pussy, but that could wait a few minutes.

  “Just hear me out,” she protested.

  “Fine—you have two minutes until I get you naked.” Cillian liked the way her eyes flashed with need at the mention of getting her naked. She’d be on board for whatever he had planned. His Viv usually did.

  “Deal,” she agreed and batted her eyelashes at him. Kill chuckled and shook his head. “When I was with my ex, I thought that he was what I deserved. Like I wasn’t good enough for anyone else. I was convinced that all men cheat and hell, maybe I even pushed him to do it—you know because I thought it would inevitably happen.” Kill opened his mouth like he was going to protest and Viv covered it with her hand. “Please,” she said. Kill nodded and she hesitantly pulled her hand free from his lips.

  “Go on,” he prompted when she made no move to continue.

  “I finally got fed up and kicked his ass out. Hell, maybe I thought I was happy on my own, I don’t know. I was doing all right without a man in my life. At least that’s what I told myself. But, meeting you proved me wrong. I think I was waiting my whole life for you,” she whispered.

  “Oh Viv,” Kill breathed. “I feel the same way.” Cillian cupped his hand over her bump and smiled at her. “I never thought that having someone like you would ever be a possibility for me. When I was in prison, I didn’t think past the next day. My entire existence was staying alive, day by day, minute by minute. That all changed the day I walked into your diner. You and our baby changed me, Viv. You both made me a better person. I want to be a better man for you both. Thank you for giving me a chance.” Cillian didn’t give her time to comment. He rolled her under his body and sealed his mouth over hers, stealing her words along with her breathy sighs and soft moans. Viv was the perfect woman for him and if he had his way, he was going to show her just how perfectly they fit together.

  He pulled her t-shirt up over her head, leaving her in just her panties. She slid his gym shorts down his body and he rubbed his unruly cock against her wet panties.

  “Fuck, honey,” he said. “You are already so wet for me, Viv.”

  “Only for you, Cillian,” she promised. She shamelessly thrust her hot core against him and he couldn’t take anymore. He slid her panties to the side and sunk into her body. Viv moaned so loudly; Cillian was sure the others would be able to hear her. He kissed her like he couldn’t get enough, only allowing her to come up for air when she was gasping and panting with need.

  “You feel so good, Viv,” he said. He was so close, he rolled her on top of his body, knowing that position usually got his woman off. “Ride me, Honey,” he ordered. Viv smiled down at him, throwing her head back and riding his cock as he commanded. She was close and Kill knew that he wouldn’t last much longer. He reached down between where their bodies were joined and ran the pad of his thumb over her clit. Viv hissed out her breath and when she came, he felt as though she was milking his cock. Viv cried out his name and he couldn’t help himself, he followed her over, whispering sweet praises to his girl.

  Viv cuddled into his body and they laid there like that for what felt like an eternity. “Problem one solved,” she giggled.

  “Problem?” Cillian questioned. His body felt like jello and his sex brain fog still hadn’t lifted.

  “Yep,” she confirmed. “Remember—I woke up horny and hungry. You took care of the horny part but now, I’m starving.”

  Kill laughed, “Well, we can’t have that now, can we? How about you put on some clothes and come with me to the kitchen? I can make us something to eat and then we can watch a movie or something later. Sound good?” he asked.

  “Sounds perfect. I’m thinking if we don’t make an appearance soon, Savage will send someone to look for us,” Viv teased.

  “You’re probably right, Honey.” He lifted her from his body and swatted her ass. “Get some clothes on and we’ll go make our appearance.” Kill watched as Viv got out of bed and pulled on her yoga pants and a t-shirt. Her hair was tousled and she looked thoroughly fucked and completely sated and Kill wondered how he had gotten so damn lucky.


  They had spent almost two weeks hauled up at Repo’s cabin and Viv was beginning to wonder if they were ever going to be free from Dante’s threats. According to Savage’s guys, the president of the Dragons wasn’t calling off his search which meant that they were stuck hiding out in Tennessee.

  Savage Hell’s guys had led the Dragons on a wild goose chase and she knew that if they expanded their search, sooner or later the Dragons would find them and there would be nowhere to run.

  “You look worried, Love,” Cillian said.

  “That’s because I am,” Viv said. “What happens if they expand their search for us?”

  “You mean the Dragons?” Cillian asked.

  “I’m not sure who else you think I’m talking about, Cillian,” Viv sassed.

  “Sorry, I’m just a little foggy from taking the shift to stand guard last night. I need a few hours of sleep.” He pulled her against his body and ran his hands over her ass, cupping and squeezing her fleshy globes, making her squeal.

  “Cillian,” she giggled. “Stop, someone will see us.” Viv looked around the spacious family room to find both Ryder and Repo sitting in the corner of the room, smiling at the two of them. “Shit,” she whispered. “You want to play then take me to our room.”

  “Well, that sounds like a challenge,” he said. “Marry me, Love,” he whispered against her neck. Cillian was kissing his way up to her mouth and when he pressed his erection against her belly she gasped, giving him access to her mouth. He kissed her like his two friends weren’t sitting in the corner watching them.

  “Cillian,” she warned, trying to push h
is big body from hers. “I already told you I’d marry you.”

  “Sure,” he said, shrugging. “I mean now. Marry me now, Viv.”

  Viv barked out her laugh and Cillian looked hurt. “You can’t be serious,” she challenged. “We’re in hiding from a group of bad guys who call themselves the Dragons. And now you want me to what—run down to the courthouse and marry you? We can’t even leave the house, Cillian.” He looked so disappointed she wished she could take back her words, but she knew that there would be no way to do that.

  “Have you changed your mind about marrying me then?” Cillian asked. How could he doubt her? She’d never change her mind about spending the rest of her life with him.

  “Never,” Viv breathed. “I’d never change my mind about you, Cillian,” she promised. She framed his face with her hands, not caring that they had an audience and kissed his lips. “I love you and that will never change.”

  “Okay,” Cillian sighed. “Then marry me. As soon as this mess is done with and we can get home safely, go down to the courthouse with me and let’s get hitched.” Viv hesitated, not wanting to hope that they’d ever be free of this mess. She wanted to agree but that would mean taking a leap of faith she wasn’t sure she had in her. “If you want a big wedding,” he said, “I’m sure we can put it off for a bit until I can figure that out. I’ll just have to save up a little first,” Cillian offered.

  Who would she have a big wedding for? She had no relatives and the courthouse honestly sounded perfect to her. “No,” she said. “I like the idea of going down to the courthouse. Besides your club, neither of us has any family. It will be perfect,” she promised.


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