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Guardian Unraveled (Fallen Guardians 3)

Page 35

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  “He deserved it.” Kaerys’ mouth twisted in anger. “Your bravado won’t save you now. Dagan will not find you in this place. I cast a shielding spell, keeping us hidden from mortal and immortal alike in this dull little town.”

  “I’m going to kick your sorry ass, Kaerys!”

  “Do not address me so informally, mortal,” she snapped, circling Shae like a damn flea she desperately wanted to stomp out. “You should be begging for your worthless life. Did you really think I’d let you humiliate me and get away with it? After Aza mates you, Dagan will have no say in anything regarding you. My vengeance will be complete. He’ll regret walking away from me.”

  “The only thing you regret is not being aligned with his family, the affluence of being joined to a powerful lineage,” she shot back. “Except he didn’t care for all that. He chose to be a protector to his sister.”

  “Do it, Aza,” Kaerys snarled. “And don’t be gentle when you mate her. I want to hear her screams. Then I’ll let Dagan hear them, too.”

  Shae fisted her fingers.

  “No, you don’t.” Aza flashed and grabbed her by her arms. He kept her hands pinned to her sides and lowered his head, dragging his mouth down her cheek, which no longer bore the bumpy scar. “We know what these can do. We don’t want them to get in the way, do we, little psychic?”

  Bile shot to her throat at his touch. “I’m sure you don’t. Pity you didn’t remain to see what else I could do before you slithered away from the fight like the snake you are.”

  He smirked. “All that matters is when you’re struggling beneath me as I ram into you—”

  Shae kneed him hard in the nuts. A keening howl broke loose. He doubled over, clutching his groin. She hoped she’d flattened his damn balls into pancakes. “Since you like pain, I hope you enjoyed that!”

  A blast of power hit her right in the chest. Shae crumpled to the grimy floor, unable to breathe, so sure her lungs would never work again. Kaerys stood over her, beaming. “I really enjoyed that.”

  Wait, dammit! She was immortal now, and reborn, stronger than before, right? Going on instinct, she blocked out the pain. Instantly, her limbs functioned again, and her breathing didn’t hurt like her lungs wanted to escape. Beautiful, familiar heat whirled through her once more.

  Ugh, she had to get hurt to regenerate. Typical.

  “You’ll have to mate her here, Aza. Now. If you leave, Dagan will sense her,” Kaerys warned.

  “I hadn’t planned to do it here.” Aza grimaced. He dragged Shae up, grabbed her wrists and twisted them to her back, staying behind her this time. She flinched, pain wrenching her shoulders. “But I’m certainly going to enjoy this.” He hauled her toward the open door of another room. A bed appeared with ropes tied to the four posts.

  “A gift.” Kaerys gave her a chilling smile. “So you don’t teleport away.” With a slash of her hand, she ripped Shae’s top down the front.

  Damn bitch. Teeth gritted, Shae’s energy spun as if it would pull her into a vortex.

  Wood exploded, shrapnel flying all over. Kaerys vanished. A deadly storm flew inside. Dagan. His eyes flaming like the sun latched on to them and burned with fury as they lowered to her torn clothes. “You will beg for mercy for this.”

  “Still, you threaten me?” The Fallen yanked Shae to his front, using her as a personal shield. He bellowed in a strange language. Several demons and demoniis rushed inside like a plague of rats, scuttling over the floor.

  Stupid bastards. In one fell swoop, Dagan held them all immobile with his mind. He cut a quick look at Shae. Just her smile, and he breathed again.

  A shift in the air and Kaerys appeared. She glared at him. “Did you really think, I’d ever forgive you for humiliating me by mating with this lowly mortal? I won’t be laughed at in the pantheon.”

  No, he wasn’t really surprised to see her here, used to her vindictive ways. He flung her aside with his mind, but she stayed put. Damn female must have used a shielding spell, not only on this place but on herself and Aza, as well. Except, he had help. Shae was right. With Samael’s power still roiling in him, and since none could evade Death, he’d finally managed to crack the outside protection.

  Kaerys probably had no idea he’d powered up on his mate’s blood. He ignored her.

  Aza sneered. “I’ve waited a long time for this.”

  Dagan lifted a brow. “To die? Then it’s your lucky day.”

  “You still have no idea who I am, do you? And you can’t kill me.” Aza twisted Shae’s hands harder, and she winced.

  He was so going to rip the bastard’s nuts off and shove them down his throat.

  Through the open door, in the gloomy room beyond, Dagan spied the bed with the ropes tied to the posts. Another image from a year ago flickered through his mind. A female tied to a bed, a dark-haired Fallen pumping into her…as she died. Club Illudo! No wonder the fucker felt so familiar. Only his hair was blond now.

  Dagan eyed the sadistic bastard. Didn’t bother with a threat when death was his end.

  Aza snorted and shook his head. “Here I have you at my mercy where not even your feeble group of Guardians can penetrate the spell the goddess has cast, and you think you’re more powerful? I will have my revenge on you.” A sword appeared in his hand. “Then I’ll have her. Oh, the things I’m going to do to her before I fuck her—”

  Aza shoved Shae aside and lunged, his sword arching toward Dagan. “Shae, leave!” he yelled.

  “Can’t, the shielding spell!”

  Shit! He ducked the blow and stumbled over a steel pipe. That was far too close to his face for comfort. Evading another swing of the blade, Dagan smashed his fist into Aza’s face, sending him flying back. Shae cried out. Dagan spun around as her wings unfurled in a furious flutter of burnished red, and she stumbled. Dammit, she wasn’t used to her wings.

  Fear riding him hard, Dagan grabbed a broken steel pipe from the ground and plunged it straight through Aza’s belly, embedding it into the wall behind him. “You should have taken my offer of Purgatory at Club Illudo. Now, you’ll wish for death.”

  The Fallen gurgled, his jaw dropping open in surprise.

  Dagan pivoted sharply. Kaerys had snatched one of Shae’s wings and was yanking on it. Feathers tore free and floated to the ground.

  “No, you fucking don’t!” Snatching Aza’s dropped sword, Dagan went after the wretched female. He’d stake her right next to her accomplice before killing her.

  “No!” Shae flashed out her hand, stopping him, her eyes stormy and wet with tears of pain. “She’s mine.”

  With a cry of rage, she twisted free and dove for Kaerys. The weight of her appendages giving her the momentum she needed, Shae slammed the goddess into the wall, grabbed her upper arms, and then they both rose several feet into the air. Kaerys’ eyes suddenly widened in terror. “Let go—let go!”

  “You want mercy? Did you show my mate any?” Shae spat, her body glowing, a glimmering halo surrounding her. “This is for what you did to him, for the millennia of humiliation!”


  A bright light enclosed them, and Dagan knew what would happen next as he’d discovered on the blood-drenched grounds of her home near Stone Ridge. He’d seen it with Samael.

  “An angel,” Aza moaned. “She’s mine—mine!” He tugged at the pipe.

  Dagan ignored the crazy fuck. Kaerys’ body trembled, the white glow seeping into her, revealing a skeletal form. Then, her emaciated body vanished in a smoky haze. It would probably take her weeks, months to regenerate from this brutal encounter, if she were that lucky. But he doubted she’d ever be at full strength again.

  Shae wavered, her wings fluttering in agitation as if forgetting their momentum. Dagan grabbed her before she fell and hurt herself. “I have you, baby.”

  Carefully, he brought her down and lowered her to the floor, easing her onto his lap.

  “Everything okay?” Týr burst inside. “The place was locked as tight as a bloody fortress!”

/>   Aethan, Blaéz, and Nik followed him inside seconds later.

  “Kaerys aligned with Aza. She had a concealment spell over them and the warehouse,” he said absently, his focus on Shae’s still and utterly pale face. But the new power rolling inside her lashed at his psyche, her skin the only thing probably keeping it contained.

  “And those frozen assholes?” Nik grunted.

  “What?” Dagan dragged his gaze off Shae, only then remembering the dozen or so demons he’d immobilized with his mind. “They’re all yours.” He released them. Grunts and snarls erupted.

  Týr and Nik flashed, their obsidian swords taking form in their hands as the demons rushed them. Blaéz and Aethan spread out, waiting. Watching.

  “Is she okay?” Aethan asked over his shoulder.

  Dagan nodded. These warriors truly were his brothers. “Thanks for having my back.”

  “Hell, we couldn’t do much here, you both seemed to have it all in hand. Besides, your surly ass is always there for us.” Aethan smirked. The cacophony of noise soon quieted down as the last guttural growl died away.

  “What about this one?” Blaéz drawled, walking around an impaled Aza, studying the embedded pole.

  “Mine-mine,” Aza whimpered, his blood-drenched hands sliding over the post, eyes glued to Shae. “She’s mine.”

  Dagan barely glanced at him. With his mind, he picked up the fallen sword and let it fly. The weapon winged in a deadly arc, millimeters from Blaéz’s head. As he leaped back, the blade decapitated Aza. The Fallen’s head rolled across the debris-covered floor.

  “Damn! Your shit’s fucking scary,” Blaéz muttered. “Quite forgotten that—”

  The concrete floor split open, stopping him short. An obscure dark mist flowed out. Greedy fingers took form, slithering out of the orifice. And in smoky agitation, they grabbed Aza’s body and head, pulling him into the dark hole. Seconds later, it hissed shut.

  A year late, but Purgatory was a fitting end for him. Dagan stroked Shae’s bright hair.

  “Okay, then.” Nik strode over. “I’m gonna do a quick recon of the area, a few of them lit outta here like their asses were on fire.”

  “Indeed. Let’s go kick some demon backside,” Blaéz said, then glanced at Týr. “It’s time you got your hard arse on track and claimed your rainbow.”

  “Celt, you’re a damn pain in my ass. And keep your precog crap away from me.” Týr glared at him. “The only reason you’re still in one piece is because I like Darci. It baffles the hell outta me how she remains so good while sharing your black soul.”

  Laughing, Blaéz followed him out. “She adores me.”

  “Yeah, about that? I worry about her state of mind being mated to you.”

  “What rainbow?” Nik asked them.

  “Nothing,” Týr muttered. “The Celt’s a demented fucker, that’s all…”

  As their voices faded, Shae stirred. Her eyes snapped open, and she pushed up, her gaze darting around the empty warehouse. “What happened? Aza? Kaerys?”

  “He’s dead. She’s gone. You did a helluva job on Kaerys. Never seen anything like it.”

  He shifted so she could lie more comfortably against him. But the new influx of powers roiling within her abraded his psyche like sharp pinpricks. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded, then whispered, “They’re all finally gone—thank God. Mom’s safe now.”

  “As are you, my wildcat, but you’re not okay, Shae. I feel it.” He tenderly stroked the arch of her spread wing, so grateful to have her in his arms again. She may be strong and possess incredible powers, but she was his entire life. “Those pilfered abilities consume you once more.”

  She inhaled sharply as he caressed the appendage’s curve. He could hear her heart drum faster, and it had nothing to do with the battle she’d fought minutes ago.

  “I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “When it comes to you,” he murmured, deliberately running his finger down her wing’s arch again. “I’ll always worry.” A husky purr of need rolled out of her, and he couldn’t wait to be the one to satisfy it. He slid his mouth along her jaw.

  “Dagan—wait, Ash! Aza threatened to kill him.”

  “Done. Shot Týr a message to check on him. Home,” he growled.

  As they took form back in their room at the castle, Shae leapt for him, barely able to contain the tumultuous desire sweeping through her. Her momentum—and her heavy wings—thrust Dagan back, and he tripped, landing on the carpet near the fireplace, she on top of him.

  Shae yanked at his shirt. He tore hers off. His mouth, his hands sliding over every curve and dip on her body. “Conceal your wings, baby. Don’t want you to injure them.”

  Drowning in sensations, Shae wanted him inside her but managed to pull in her wings and conceal them much easier this time.

  Dagan flipped her, and she was on her back. Pushing to his knees, he tugged off her boots and jeans, slid down her body, and buried his face between her thighs. He licked and swirled around her clit. His arms under her hips, he tilted her up, his fangs lightly scraping her flesh.

  She shuddered, her body throbbing with a burning ache. Her head fell back, her moans growing. “Dagan, please…”

  With another decadent drag of his tongue over her throbbing flesh, he then sealed his mouth around her clit. Whatever he did with his tongue, liquid heat pulsed through her body. He sucked on her flesh with hard pulls. Caught in a haze of sensual pleasure, a sharp, hot fire exploded through her as his fangs sank into her. Oh, God! She nearly came off the floor. He held her down, a hand on her stomach as he pulled on her blood, his tongue on her clit. Shae grabbed his hair, pressing her core into his mouth, wanting more. Everything in her focused on the immensely delicious suction—the impossible pleasure building between her legs.

  His pulls grew sharper, more intense. A heartbeat later, with a hoarse cry, she grabbed his hair, her orgasm erupting through her like a landslide as she fell...

  When she finally got her breath back, and the roiling power inside her eased, and her heart no longer in danger of collapsing, it stunned her speechless that he would actually drink from her there—and that she’d actually liked it.

  He licked her once more, then he crawled up her body, his expression tender, red streaking his yellow irises. “Feel better?” he asked, amusement brightening his eyes.

  He seemed to enjoy her discomfort when he did something sexually unexpected and really wicked to her, but she didn’t care. “Can you actually drink that way?”

  “For a feeding, I usually prefer a vein. This was more for your pleasure and to ease the power inside you. There’re so many other delicious places, Shae-cat.” He rolled her nipple.

  “Oh.” Heat flooded her face, and he smirked, his fangs peeking out. It was the sexiest thing ever, his smile. She put her mouth on his and kissed him.

  Dagan rose to his feet, and she wrapped her legs around his hips as he flashed them. Warm water splattered onto her face. “What the—” she spluttered, breaking their kiss.

  They were in the shower, the faucet open full, water pouring down on them. Shae blinked away the droplets. “Really?”

  He shrugged. “We need a bath after rolling on the grimy floors in that dilapidated building.” He got rid of his boots, both landing with a wet thud on the tiles. He straightened, the water cascading in a rustle over him. Shae lowered to her knees and tried to undo the metal snaps of his jeans. But his rock-hard erection straining the wet denim seriously hampered her efforts. With a tiny growl, she fought the snaps, the water making it even more difficult to unfasten. “A little help would be good, you know.”

  “Why? When I enjoy your growly efforts so much more.”


  He laughed, the sound warming her heart. She looked up, water running down her face, and at the absolute love in his eyes, her heart nearly faltered. The next minute, his pants disappeared.

  “I love you undressing me but I can’t wait any longer.” He pic
ked her up and pressed her back against the wall. Her legs came around him again. Pinning her to the shower stall with his body, he grasped his cock in one hand and, in one thrust, sank into her. And he groaned.

  Shae gasped. His erection filling her, stretching her, and stealing her breath.

  Those inhuman yellow eyes seared hers as he pulled out and slammed right back into her. Her gasp turned to a whimper, and he ground his hips into her, rubbing against her sensitive clit, his expression wild. Eyes intense. Exactly how she always wanted him.

  Her orgasm close, she stiffened just as a bright, white light flowed through her, sweeping away her thoughts. It coalesced and merged inside her as unimaginable pleasure swept through her, hauling her up and over.

  Warmth, tenderness, and so much love flooded her. “Dagan,” she panted. “What is that?”

  “It’s our souls joining—how it should have been.” Now, you are all mine. His words were clear in her head, not faint and tinny like before. He thrust back into her. Harder. Faster. Then his entire body went rigid. A low, aching groan escaped him.

  It was the sexiest sound she’d ever heard. He shuddered as he found his own release and spilled himself into her. I love you, Shae-cat. Deeply…madly…desperately. His avowal crowded her thoughts. And when the sands of time fall no more for us, I’ll love you beyond and forever.

  Finally, she had the man who made her whole. Completed her, melded with her in ways she couldn’t begin to fathom. She loved him. Madly. Deeply. Desperately. And, yes, forever.


  Thank you for reading Guardian Unraveled, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it. And if you did, I would love if you’d consider leaving a review. Even a few words would do and is much appreciated. ♥ GLH


  I can’t end this book without an enormous Thank You to a special group of people.

  My CPs, Anna, Nancy, Celia, and Coleen; for wading through all that is first draft and bringing out the best from me. This book is the better for it.


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