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Then Came Indecision (Southern Love #2)

Page 11

by E. L. Todd

  “I really appreciate your help today.” Blaise appeared beside her, his shirt returned to his body.

  “Of course.”

  He stared at her, his arms across his chest.

  “I should go.”

  “You must be hungry. That was a long day.”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “I have somewhere to be.”

  “Come on. You haven’t even seen my house.”

  “Because you hid it from me for so long,” she snapped.

  He took a deep breath but didn’t lash out. “I still need help with other things besides the fields. Paperwork is backed up and the orders are all screwed up. It would really make my life easier if I had my secretary back.”

  “Uh…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Blaise stepped closer to her. “I could use the help.”

  She stared into the blue eyes she loved so much. They were the same ones she gazed at it when they made love for the first time in the back of his truck. The memory made her heart squeeze. It was such a beautiful moment. But now it was like it never happened.



  “Your mind wandered for a moment. I would give anything to know where it went.”

  She shook her head. “I think I’m just tired from the heat.”

  “Then let’s go inside and enjoy the AC.”

  Alexandra felt a warning in her heart.

  He placed his hand on her waist. “Come on.”

  She stepped away. “Okay.”

  He dropped his hand then walked alongside her to the house. After he opened the front door, she appraised the large living room. The couches were all made of leather, and there was a grand fireplace against the wall. Pictures decorated the room. Alexandra picked one up. It was a picture of an older man and woman.

  “Are these your parents?” she asked.

  Blaise stopped behind her, his chest touching her back. “Yeah.”

  “Your mom was beautiful.”

  “Prettiest lady I’ve ever seen.”

  Alexandra smiled.

  “Besides you,” he whispered in her ear. His breath fell on her skin and made it prickle. The touch made her inside turn to jelly. She put the picture down then stepped away.

  “What happened to the drunk driver that hit them?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said quickly. His playful manner disappeared altogether.

  “Aunt Martha said the same thing.”

  “It’s a painful topic.”

  She stared at him but didn’t pressure him.

  He met her look then sighed. “He was exonerated because he was proven innocent. The car he was driving was stolen so there wasn’t enough proof that it was really him.”

  “But that still doesn’t make any sense.”

  “I know it doesn’t,” he snapped. “He walked free—motherfucker.”

  Now Alexandra knew why he didn’t want to talk about it. “That’s why you want to be a lawyer.” The realization hit her.

  Blaise nodded then turned away. “I would never let a criminal go free. Not on my watch.”

  The pain burst in her heart as she listened to him. Knowing he suffered so much just made it unbearable for her. She came to him then hugged him, wanting to comfort him in any way she could.

  Blaise stilled at her touch then reciprocated. He pulled her to his chest and held her there, strong and firm. His chest rose from the deep breath he took. When he released it, a quiet sigh escaped his lips. His large hand gripped her lower back, not wanting to let go.

  Alexandra rested her head against his chest, listening to the sporadic rate of his beating heart. They said nothing as they held each other. The hug last longer than she meant but she still couldn’t let go.

  Blaise pressed his lips to her forehead and kissed her gently.

  The touch made her eyes burn with tears. He used to do it all the time, every chance he got. The kiss meant more than any other affection he showed. She felt protected and safe every time he did it, like she was the only person in the world that really mattered. That she was his, only his. Alexandra pulled away and wiped her tears. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he said gently. The pain was bright in his eyes.

  “I meant about your parents.”

  “I know.” He cupped her cheek then pressed his face close to hers. “It doesn’t hurt so much when you’re around.”

  Her breathing increased the longer they touched. She was so angry with him, so livid, but all that disappeared as soon as she looked at him. Her weakness irritated her beyond reason. Alexandra stepped away. “Can I get a tour?”

  “Of course.” He walked down the hall and she followed behind him. “These are the bedrooms. They are just guestrooms right now. This one used to be Cole’s.” He walked further down the hallway. “And this is my bedroom.” He stepped inside.

  Alexandra saw the large bed with the wooden frame. There were two nightstands, a fireplace, a few couches, a bathroom, and a balcony. When she looked at the bed, all she thought about was Danielle, knowing she slept there. Blaise made love to her on that very mattress. It made her feel sick.

  Blaise stared at her. “I got new furniture as soon as Danielle left, and not just in here.” It was like he could read her mind.

  She looked at him.

  “I’ll only be sleeping with my future wife in this bed.”

  Alexandra felt her heart race.

  Blaise sat on the bed. “It’s a rare fabric from India. It’s extremely light and cool in the summer, but warm in the winter.” He patted the spot next to him. “Feel it.”

  She was rooted to the spot.

  “Or not…” He stood up and came back to her. “The upstairs is pretty much identical.”

  “How about your office?” That sounded safe.

  “Yeah.” He led her to the opposite side of the house. The study had a large window that faced the backyard. The horses were eating the grass below their feet.

  Alexandra stared at them, fascinated by their elegance and strength.

  “You like horses?” he asked.

  “They are beautiful.”

  “Let’s go riding.”

  “Oh. I’ve never ridden a horse.”

  He smiled. “I’ll teach you. It’s easy. You just have to bond with the animal. That’s the key.”

  Alexandra looked at his desk. “It looks messy.”

  He sighed. “That’s why I need you.”

  “To do what?”

  “I want you to work in here and take care of everything. I’m just too busy to do everything, especially now since I have to start over.”

  “How often would you need help?”

  He shrugged. “Probably every day.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Alexandra, what are you scared of?”

  She averted her gaze. “Why do you even need to ask?”

  “If you came here today, you still want me.”

  “But I can’t have you!” she snapped. “I’ve moved on. But that doesn’t make this any easier.”

  “You’d never move on from me,” he said with a dark expression. “Don’t bother, Alexandra. What we have is inexplicable. My heart was meant to be beat with yours. There is no doubt.”

  “If I’m your soul mate, why did you lie to me?”

  “I never lied!”

  Frustrated, she left the office.

  He grabbed her. “This running away act is getting really old.”

  “Don’t touch me.” She pulled away.

  Blaise sighed while he looked at her. “Let’s feed the horses.”


  “Come on.”

  “No, I’m leaving.”

  He blocked her way. “Have you ever fed a horse?”


  “Then you need to do it. You’ll love it.”

  “Blaise, I need to leave.”

  “You’ll leave when I let you.”

  She glar
ed at him.

  He went to the front door and opened it. “I’m not stopping you.”

  Alexandra stayed rooted to the spot.

  He shut the door. “Let’s go feed the horses.”

  She sighed, hating herself.

  Blaise grabbed a few carrots and opened the white fence. They both walked inside before he shut the door.

  “Just keep your hand flat. They won’t hurt you.”

  “Okay,” she said as she gripped the carrot.

  Blaise whistled loudly and all the horses lifted their heads, their ears straight. He smiled when he watched them.

  The horses trotted over to him, neighing as they went.

  Alexandra smiled. They were so beautiful to watch.

  When they reached Blaise, they rubbed their manes against his shoulders and chest. Blaise laughed while he scratched each one behind the ear. “It’s nice to see you too.”

  Alexandra felt her heart melt at the sight. “I think they just want your food.”

  “No, they love me. Right, boys?”

  One horse tried to grab the carrot out of his hand.

  Alexandra laughed. “I told you.”

  Blaise shook his head then fed the carrot to the horse. “Jerks…” He turned to her and grabbed her hand. “Keep your palm straight.”

  One horse smelled her before it grabbed the carrot from her hand.

  She giggled. “That was so cool.”

  “Here’s another.”

  She took it and fed it to the next one. While they stood there, she rubbed their noses, staring into their eyes. “They are so amazing.”

  “They are majestic. I don’t ride often, but I love horses.”

  “They have a lot of land to explore.”

  He nodded. “They are horses. They deserve the space.” He looked up and saw another horse approach them from across the field. “I just bought her a while ago. I still haven’t named her.”

  The horse was pure white with a beautiful mane. It pranced as it approached them, clearly showing her beauty.

  “Wow…” Alexandra fell in love the moment she saw her.

  “You like her?” Blaise said.

  “She’s gorgeous.”

  Blaise patted her side. “She’ll give me show horses to sell.”

  Alexandra ran her hands down the horse’s side. “Amazing…”

  Blaise stared at her, adoration shining bright. “I think I found a name for her.”



  She looked at him, her eyes wide. “What?”

  “It’s the perfect name for such a beautiful animal.”

  Alexandra didn’t know what to say. She was moved.

  “You can come visit her whenever you want.”

  She felt her hands grow cold as she touched the beast.

  A black horse nudged his nose against Blaise’s flank, asking for more food.

  Blaise laughed. “There’s no more.”

  The horse nudged him again.

  “Damn, Martha,” he said with another laugh.

  Alexandra raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it a boy?”


  “Then why did you name him Martha?”

  “Because he’s stubborn just like your aunt. This guy won’t even let me get the saddle out without taking off.”

  Alexandra laughed loudly. “I can see the resemblance.”

  “Don’t tell your aunt that,” Blaise said with a smile.

  “She’ll kill you.”

  “She really shouldn’t be allowed to buy guns.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Alexandra said.

  They left the horses and walked back into the house.

  “I’m making pizza for dinner,” Blaise said. “Stick around. And we can roast marshmallows in my fireplace.”

  The fact she wanted to stay scared her. “No, I need to leave.”

  Blaise looked wounded. “Please stay, Alexandra. I need you.”

  She turned toward the door. “Stop.”

  “Stop what?”

  “You know exactly what you’re doing.” She grabbed the door handle.

  He kept his hand against it. “I can’t force you to have a good time with me. I can’t force you to smile, laugh, and hug me. You did all that on your own. So don’t accuse me of manipulating you. The chemistry between us is natural and irrefutable. Instead of wasting all this time pushing me away, try believing me. It would save you time and pain.”

  She grabbed the handle again. “Get out of my way.”

  He glared at her. “I’ve been patient with you because I realize how bad I look through your eyes, but I’m starting to get really angry. I’ve been loyal to you. You should have faith in me and believe me.”

  “Well, I don’t.”

  “You should.”

  “You kissed her!”

  He gripped his hair. “It was an act. I’ve said this ten times now.”

  Alexandra opened the door and walked out.

  Blaise chased after. “Knock it off! We love each other. Let’s just be together.”

  Alexandra arrived at her truck and unlocked it.

  “For argument’s sake, let’s say that I did cheat on you with Danielle the whole time and I just broke up with her so I could be with you. Forgive me and let’s move on.”

  “So it’s water under the bridge?” she snapped.

  “Yes,” he said. “Since you love me as much as you do, I think you should take the chance. I’ve never fallen for anyone like I’ve fallen for you. You feel the same way. Now let it go.”

  “Blaise, we’re never getting back together. Please accept that.”

  “Well, everything you’ve done today said otherwise.”

  “I’m just a nice person.”

  “You aren’t that nice.”

  She stared at him before she climbed into the truck and shut the door.

  Blaise knocked on the window.

  She sighed then rolled it down.

  “Will you be here tomorrow?”

  She stared straight ahead, not looking at him.

  He rested his arms on the panel, leaning into her vehicle. “Alexandra?”

  “I’ll be here,” she said quietly.

  “I can’t wait.” He stepped back and let her roll up the window.

  Without looking at him, she drove off his property and headed back home.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I talked to my dad today,” Paul said.

  They were sitting in the restaurant. Glasses of wine were on the table along with a bag of bread.

  “What did he say?”

  “Boring stuff about the firm.”

  “Did you tell him the truth?” she asked.


  She narrowed her eyes.

  “Why would I tell him we broke up? My dad would beat me. And there’s no point since we’re back together.”

  “We aren’t…nevermind, forget it.”

  He smiled. “I knew you would give up eventually.”

  She picked at the bread on her plate.

  “How did it go today?”

  Alexandra had finally stopped thinking about Blaise. “It was long and hot.”

  “Is there a lot to do?”

  “I don’t know how he’s going to pull it off,” she said sadly.

  “Did he bother you?”

  She shrugged. “We argued a few times. But we were professional most of the time.”

  “Most of the time?”

  “We bickered and fought like usual.”

  “So, he won’t let you go?”

  “He’s having a hard time.”

  “Well, I can take care of that,” Paul said.

  She looked at him. “Don’t touch him, Paul.”

  “If he bothers you, I’ll take care of it.”

  “I mean it,” she said firmly. “Don’t even speak to him if you see him.”

  He drank from his wine.


  “He broke your heart
. How can I not beat his face in?”

  “If you love me, you’ll do this for me.”

  Paul sighed. “If he throws the first punch, I’ll destroy him.”

  “He won’t touch you, Paul.”

  “You told him not to?” he asked.

  “No…but he won’t.”

  “So you told him I was here?”


  He stared at her. “Well, this will be a lovely surprise for him.”

  “It’s none of his business. Danielle was living with him for our entire relationship and never told me. He can deal with it.”

  Paul drank from his wine. “Maybe you shouldn’t go over tomorrow.”

  “I have to. He needs all the help he can get.”

  “I’ll work on your field tomorrow. Just give me a list of things to do.”

  “You would do that?” she asked incredulously.

  “I don’t understand why that surprises you. I would do anything for you.”

  “I know, Paul…”

  “And we need to convince Martha to come back to New York with us,” Paul said. “I love being here with you, but I would like my own room eventually.”

  “I’m sorry, but you don’t have to stay here.”

  “I’m not leaving without my girl,” he said simply. “But my dad was talking about how slammed the firm is. I may have to go back for a few days to straighten things out.”


  “But that isn’t a sure thing,” he said quickly.

  The idea of Paul leaving made her sad, even if it was for a few days.

  “And you can come with me. It’ll just be for a few days.”

  The waiter brought their dishes and they ate quietly. Paul stared at her while he ate, searching her face.

  Alexandra had become used to his look. It didn’t make her nervous anymore. When they were finished, they drove back to the house and walked inside. Martha was sitting in the living room watching television.

  “How’s Blaise?” she asked.

  “The fields need a lot of work,” Alexandra said sadly.

  “I’m sure he appreciates your help.”


  “I’m going to bed,” Martha said. She stood up slowly, trying not to hurt her back. Alexandra grabbed her forearm and helped her stand up. Seeing how weak Martha was made her realize she could never leave her aunt. There was no way she could take care of the fields on her own. She couldn’t even unload the dishwasher. She and Paul would have to convince her to move back with them.

  Alexandra helped her into the bedroom. When she came back, Paul was sitting on the couch. “I’m so tired.”


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