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Love and the Two Wranglers

Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  “We’re going to make you feel so good, sweetheart.” Jeremy took his place at the foot of the bed while Luke slowly climbed up to lie back on the mattress with Beverly next to him.

  “Come here, honey. Ride me. I want to feel you bucking over me.” Luke reached over to pull her on top of him.

  Beverly rolled over to straddle him. When she looked down at him, her eyes were bright with an excitement in them that bled over into him. He couldn’t wait to see them wild with arousal once more.

  Looking down into Luke’s bright blue eyes as she sat atop him, Beverly knew she loved him. She loved both of them. They’d gone a long way to make her believe that she wasn’t so cold as her ex had made her believe. She’d never climaxed before with a man, and they’d given her that the first time they’d been together. It had been so good it almost hurt. If nothing came of them being together in the future, she’d always remember this night, and how they’d saved her from herself.

  “Ride me, Beverly.” Luke wrapped his big hands around her hips.

  She rose up and while Luke held his dick steady, Beverly slowly lowered her body onto his rock-hard cock. He filled her as she sank down until her pussy was touching his groin. He felt huge inside of her. She needed to move. His groan pushed her arousal up a few notches that she could draw that sound from him. Just her being on top of him, surrounding him.

  Beverly rose up then dropped down, up then back down. It didn’t take long for her to settle into a rhythm with Luke’s help. He lifted his hips each time she lowered down, sending tingles of pleasure all along her body as they touched. Then Jeremy was pushing her down until her chest was flush with Luke’s. That’s when she realized that the other man intended to take her in the ass. She shivered more from anticipation than of fear. She was sure it would hurt some, but they’d promised to stop if she asked them to. Surely she could handle the anal sex for them. She’d try. She wanted to make them feel as good as they’d made her feel.

  “Easy, Beverly. I don’t want to hurt you. Just relax for me.” Jeremy’s voice had a heavy rasp to it now. She could hear the arousal riding him.

  Something cold and slick dropped on her back hole. Jeremy rubbed it all around the little pucker before adding more and pushing inward with one finger. It didn’t hurt at all as he moved it in and out of her ass. He dribbled more of the slick stuff then pushed it inside of her but added a second finger. That burned but wasn’t too much to ask him to stop. He added more lube and rubbed it in then moved the two fingers in and out of her until she didn’t feel that burn anymore. When he removed his fingers, she was sure it would be his cock that she felt next. She was right. The blunt head slicked with the lubricant he’d used on her pressed against her back hole. He didn’t just shove inside of her. Jeremy pressed inward until, with a sharp pain, he entered her then remained still while she got used to the thick press of his dick against her inner walls.

  “Are you okay, Beverly? Do I need to stop?”

  “I’m okay. Don’t stop.”

  She drew in a deep breath as he slowly pushed his way inside of her with small retreats before pushing deeper. Once he’d managed to fill her as far as he could go, Jeremy groaned and bent over her to nuzzle her neck.

  “So fucking good, honey. You’re tight and hot and wonderful. Am I hurting you?” Jeremy asked.

  “I’m okay, need one of you to move. So full.” It was all she could get out.

  The two men slowly worked out a rhythm where one entered her while the other retreated then they switched places. The rasp of Jeremy’s cock against raw nerves she’d never thought could feel that good soon had her moaning with pleasure. It felt wonderful with just a tinge of pain. The slight sting only added to how good she felt with both men deep inside of her. She could feel them in her throat and in her heart. No one sensation sent her over the edge; it would be the combination of pleasure and pain and happiness that would do it.

  She wanted them to go faster but couldn’t seem to get the words out. Instead she began changing their rhythm by pressing back then pushing down faster and faster. They picked up on her need and slowly increased their thrusts until she thought she would scream and fly apart.

  She did both, coming apart between them as white-hot pleasure exploded inside her body. She felt her body clamp down on both men as her cunt squeezed and she shuddered around their cocks.

  “Fuck! She’s squeezing my dick like a fucking vise.” Jeremy’s rhythm lost momentum as he stilled inside of her.

  Beverly could feel both men as they came, filling her with their cum. It was so hot inside of her, triggering another round of aftershocks in her body. She relished their shouts of completion, enjoying the fact that she’d made them do that. She was the one who’d cradled them both in her body until they’d come apart much like she had.

  “Get off of her, Jeremy. You’re suffocating both of us.” Luke’s husky voice gave her even more comfort that he’d been affected much as she had.

  Beverly moaned when Jeremy carefully withdrew from her ass. She felt empty with his loss. She heard him walk across the floor toward the bathroom as the floorboards creaked. She sighed and left her head on Luke’s chest, his hammering heartbeat a comforting sound, with hers pounding just as fast as she fought to catch her breath.

  “Here you go, honey. Roll off of Luke, so I can clean you up.” Jeremy helped her move off the other man then spread her legs and cleaned her body.

  No one had ever done that for her before. It had always been her who’d cleaned her ex up after sex. Once Jeremy had patted her dry, he climbed up next to her and pulled her into his arms. She felt Luke slide in behind her, and both men held her, smoothing back her hair and kissing her as they whispered how great it had been and that they loved her.

  Loved her? Really? Could she believe them?

  She already knew she’d fallen for them. She couldn’t lie to herself about that. They made her happy and had proved to her that she wasn’t a cold fish who couldn’t make a man happy. She’d made two men happy. Wasn’t that enough? Did she really need more from them to believe that maybe, just maybe they could make it work?

  Beverly wasn’t ready to tell them just yet. She needed time to settle it inside of her. Taking on two men would mean a lot of things would change in her life. Plus, she’d have to learn to not let others make her feel cheap or slutty for being with two men. Maybe she needed to talk to Shelby now, well, when she got up in the morning. Then there had been the woman who’d spoken to them in town. She’d said some nasty things about the guys. What had that been about?

  I’ve known them nearly six months is all. I don’t really know a lot about them.

  Beverly would ask questions and see if they would answer them. If they held back, especially when they’d told her that there couldn’t be any secrets between them, she’d know it wouldn’t work out between them. She almost talked herself out of asking, but knew it was important. She had to trust them as well as love them. Trust would help them get through hard times, where lack of trust would destroy their relationship. She’d ask the hard questions the next time they were alone and had time to talk.

  Chapter Twelve

  “What is it like being married to two men?” Beverly sat across the desk from Shelby as they drank lemonade and talked.

  “Amazing. I had a hard time accepting them at first, but they saved my life and chased me across Montana. Now I’m so happy I have to pinch myself sometimes.” Shelby leaned forward. “And the sex is out of this world. They treat me like a princess.”

  Beverly was sure her face was red by the heat that crept up her neck to her cheeks. She hadn’t asked about sex. The fact that Shelby seemed so open about it surprised her.

  “Don’t the men get jealous if you spend more time with one over the other for some reason?”

  “Nope. They each get their time alone with me and we have together time. It works out. Just because I spend a couple of hours with Dalton and don’t get to spend time with Bo for a few days, they don�
��t keep count. There’s no score keeping involved. It all works out in the end.”

  “I guess it’s just so foreign to me. I’ve never met a threesome before.” Beverly could tell that Shelby was happy, and anytime she’d seen the three of them together, they all looked content.

  “They complement each other. When Bo is feeling the need for some solitude like he does at times, Dalton steps up and spends more time with me. If Dalton is in a bad mood over something that’s going on at work, Bo takes up the slack and makes sure I’m cared for and that Dalton’s bad mood doesn’t affect me. I love both of them equally, but differently at the same time.”

  “Do you ever get mad at both of them at the same time?” Beverly asked.

  “Oh, yeah. Sometimes they can really be over the top about my health or my safety. Then I’m ready to rip both of them to shreds. But it doesn’t last long. They’re just looking out for my best interest. They don’t like it if I’m hurt or sick. They do everything they can to prevent it. That’s when they step over my line in the dirt.”

  “Line in the dirt?”

  “Yeah, I draw the line about some things, but if I’m not feeling well but want to come in to work anyway, they try to make me stay home. If it’s just a headache or a little cold, there’s no reason for me to miss work, but they don’t always see it that way. Then we have strong words and they eventually see it my way.”

  “I don’t know how to handle two men. I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a wife to both of them. They’re so sweet and work really hard to make sure I’m happy, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep them both happy.”

  “That’s really not your job. They keep you happy and safe and healthy, and that makes them happy.” She leaned in and whispered. “They can’t handle tears. They cave most every time when I cry.”

  Beverly laughed. “I guess you can tear up at will.”

  “Yep. You got it. Better practice that if you want to get your way most of the time.”

  “That seems so underhanded.”

  “It’s not. It’s just making sure they don’t lovingly bully you when they’re worried about you for some reason.” Shelby’s eyes brightened as she smiled. “So, are you going to give them a try?”

  “I think so. I really like them. They’ve made me happy, and it feels good to be around them. I’m just scared it’s all a lie.”

  “It’s not. Nothing has changed between me and the guys in all the time that we’ve been together. Well, it’s gotten better, but it hasn’t gotten worse. I don’t ever want to lose them.”

  Beverly wanted to believe the other woman. She decided that once they talked through a few questions she had, maybe she could tell them that she loved them. She didn’t want to do it when they were having sex. It seemed like a sketchy time to say the words that were supposed to mean more than great sex. Until she heard those words from them sometime other than sex, she wouldn’t believe that they truly loved her.

  “Thanks for talking with me, Shelby. I guess we need to have a long talk before I can commit to them. I’m a little scared to have it and want to push it off for as long as possible in case I don’t hear what I want to hear.”

  “Don’t wait. Do it soon. You’ll be happier once you’ve got whatever is weighing you down over with, I promise.”

  Beverly nodded and stood up. “I better get back to work before I get fired.”

  “Not going to happen. You’re really good at your job.”

  “Thanks, Shelby. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Beverly walked out of the office and back out to the barn. They would be taking a group on a two-hour horse ride in about twenty minutes. She needed to help get the horses ready.

  “Hey, Beverly. I’ve got all but Ginger and Eeyore saddled and ready.” Luke led one of the other horse out of the barn to the corral.

  “I’ll get them.”

  She quickly saddled the two horses, checking their cinches to be sure they were tight and the horses hadn’t bloated their bellies to keep from having it strapped tight. If that happened, the saddle would slowly list to one side with the rider on top.

  She led them out to the corral and tied them to the fence to wait for the riders to wander in. Luke walked over and touched her, rubbing her arm so that she looked up to see his bright smile.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Good. Thanks.” She wasn’t sure what to say. This was all new to her.

  “Jeremy and I wanted to be sure you were okay. He’s scared we rushed you.”

  Beverly looked around for any sign that someone was nearby. “No. I’m fine. Um, are we okay to talk like this out in the open?”

  “As long as you are comfortable with it, yeah. The bosses make no apologies about being married to Billy Jean, and you’ve seen how Bo and Dalton are around Shelby. It’s okay as long as you feel good with it.” Luke squeezed her shoulder then walked over to lead one of the horses up to the mounting box where the first of the riders had climbed up.

  They spent the next twenty minutes saddling everyone up then headed out on the ride. Beverly enjoyed herself, talking to the others about the plants and trees around them and answering questions about the horses and being a female wrangler. It still seemed to surprise people that she was one of the guys. She assured them that she did everything they did except smoke or chew tobacco.

  One of the women made a face and said, “Eww. I wouldn’t like that.”

  “Don’t worry, none of the men here do that, but believe it or not, a lot of them still do on cattle ranches.”

  They stopped about halfway through the two hours to let the riders rest and check out the stream that ran through the property. It was a large one that spanned a good twelve feet across with a depth in the middle that allowed for fish. They had a great time pointing out a few of them as they rested.

  Once everyone was saddled up again, they began the descent back down the trail toward home. Beverly never grew tired of the rides. Each group brought a new opportunity to teach about the great outdoors and a different perspective. She couldn’t help but watch Luke as he rode. He moved effortlessly with the horse, and she enjoyed watching that backside when he stood up in the stirrups to check on the back of the line.

  Beverly brought up the rear of their small group, so she had time to think about Luke and Jeremy. They needed to have that talk about the woman who’d approached them at Thorn Village. She wanted to know why she had been so ugly to them and had warned Beverly away from them. She knew better than to take anything someone said, who she didn’t know, to heart, but she was anxious.

  Loving the two men felt right and wrong all at the same time. How could she settle it all inside of her head? Did it matter what anyone else might think? She scoffed at that. She’d never cared about petty things like that, but she did worry they would grow tired of her and leave her. Is that what had happened with the other woman? She needed to know.

  Once back at the barn, she helped Luke wipe down the horses and put away the saddles and tack. She had a little over an hour before dinner time. She needed a shower. It had been a great ride, but she’d gotten hot and sweaty dealing with the horses. Tonight, after dinner, she’d broach the subject with the guys. She needed to know before she let herself fall any harder for them. If that were even possible. Beverly was afraid she’d already reached the point of no return.

  “Man, Billy Jean really outdid herself with dinner tonight. I’m stuffed.” Luke patted his stomach, poking it out as if he’d suddenly developed a paunch.

  Beverly laughed. “I have more of a stomach than you do. Stop messing around.”

  Jeremy wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed her up against him.

  “Honey, you’re perfect the way you are. I love having something soft and sweet to hold on to.”

  “Do you guys have time to stop by my room to talk?” she asked.

  Both of the men stilled, a serious expression coloring their normally cheerful look. There had to have been something in h
er voice that alerted them that whatever she wanted to talk about it was serious.

  “Sweetheart, we’ve got all the time in the world for you,” Luke said.

  They walked across the ranch to climb the stairs to her room in silence. The tension between the three of them was almost more than Beverly could take. It felt as if tightly coiled springs reached between them.

  Jeremy closed the door behind them and leaned against it. “What’s up, Beverly?”

  “Can we all sit down? I’ll sit on the bed.”

  The other two men sat on the loveseat opposite her. Their faces held no hint of their thoughts despite the heaviness in the air surrounding them.

  “Tell me about Sisley.”

  Both men closed their eyes and sighed. She could tell that they didn’t like the subject she’d picked.

  “She was a complete mistake, Beverly. I honestly don’t know what we saw in her, but to our defense, she hadn’t been that catty when we first started dating her.” Luke spoke up first.

  “We dated her for about six months and were talking about marriage and settling down when she started pitting one of us against the other then tried to get one of us to marry her without the other. We both thought we loved her, but she obviously didn’t love both of us,” Jeremy added.

  “She’d never seemed so materialistic while we were seeing her. When we realized what she was up to, we broke it off. Unfortunately, she started spreading rumors about us around town, so we ended up moving here.” Luke rested his hands on his knees.

  “What kind of rumors?” Beverly asked.

  “That we were gay and wanting to add a woman to hide the fact that we were together. It’s not true. We aren’t gay, but if we were, we wouldn’t hide the fact. Just like we aren’t planning to hide the fact that we both love you and want you in our lives to anyone. We’re not ashamed of our way of life and who we are.” Jeremy dropped his elbows to his thighs and looked at her as if waiting for her response.


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