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Alien Romance: The Alien's Captured Mate: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Heavenly Claimed Book 1)

Page 4

by Bertina Mars

  “Will you quit it?” she asked, trying not to wriggle too much as Arzak pulled her off the carriage. Her dress was gorgeous, and as much as Mira shied away from being the girly type that cared about the quality of her dresses… Well, it was too pretty to get ruined because of his temper. “Seriously, I’m going along with you already!”

  Arzak pulled on her dress again, harder, until she was against the carriage, rocking it slightly from the force. Mira could hardly breathe from their sudden closeness. Her fingers moved instinctively to his forearms.

  His chest was up against hers, though they didn’t quite touch because of her garments. Her frame was digging into her, and yet she didn’t move or fight. Arzak’s eyes were dark, and they flickered down to her heaving chest before he spoke.

  “Be lucky your dress isn’t off already,” he murmured. His face was so close to hers that she could feel his hot breath on her lips, “I’ve spent the entire night holding back from ripping this off of you.”

  Mira swallowed, feeling herself blush at Arzak’s boldness. “You… You told me to wear it, I thought.”

  He smirked. “And you listened.” His hips began to dig into hers again, just as they had the first time she’d met. Mira pressed her lips together firmly to stifle a gasp. “I knew it was a pretty dress, but… I didn’t expect you to make it so hard for everyone to keep their eyes off of you. Though I suspect your bold tongue had something to do with that, too.”

  “Do you want me to apologize?” Mira asked sarcastically, though the breathy tone of her voice made her lose some effect.

  “I want you to give into me already. I want to see you break and cave into what we both know you want.”

  And she wanted him to just make the move already so she could at least get some relief to go with the guilt. But he didn’t, keeping true on his word that he was going to make saying “no” harder than saying “yes” ever would be. When he started to pull away to open the door, Mira’s body became desperate and pulled him back.

  “Fine,” she murmured, eyes glancing down at his lips, “On one condition.”

  Arzak looked at Mira skeptically, but he stopped pulling away, and she deemed that as a good sign. “I don’t negotiate.”

  “I don’t care,” she replied, “I’ll do whatever you want tonight… But tomorrow, I want to go back out for dinner.”

  Arzak slowly started to smile, the look in his eyes patronizing. “I read about what you humans do, ‘date’… We don’t do those practices here, earth girl.”

  “Funny, I didn’t know you could read,” she shot back, which only made him ease off as punishment. Mira gripped his forearm more firmly and sighed. She was going to have to play nice.

  “It’s not a… A date. I want an audience of just Tyroc Valdek.” It was a set of terms that her body and mind had compromised, giving into her urges with Arzak while staying committed to the mission she was sent here to complete. For Jak.

  This time, Arzak fully lifted off of her, his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. “Tyroc Valdek?” he asked, “Why?”

  Her arms crossed as well, matching his pose, annoyed. “Because he’s Head of Science, and I’m a biologist,” Mira answered. Arzak started walking towards the front door of his home again, this time without her, but she followed behind. “And because he hardly got to say anything over dinner from everyone else arguing.”

  “They were arguing because of what happened at the shuttle port when you showed up,” Arzak pointed out, “And as leader of his department, Valdek must be able to speak his mind or face consequences of being inadequate.”

  She scoffed. “Inadequate?”

  “Did I not translate that to your language well, earth girl?” Arzak asked, and it was then that she realized that he was actually, truly irritated by Tyroc Valdek. “A leader who cannot speak up for himself or his team is inadequate.”

  “Then why did you let him sit at a table or stay as Head of Science if you know he’s so inadequate? And yeah, you’re translating pretty damn well, Lord Commander.”

  “Why do you defend him so quickly?” his voice rose. It was the first time that Arzak had ever raised his voice to Mira, at least since they first met, when he tried to subdue her under the false assumption that she was a terrorist.

  Now, finally, it was her turn to look at him smugly. She wasn’t great with men all the time. Hell, even on Earth, she had only had a couple of boyfriends and girlfriends, all lackluster relationships in and of themselves, and then all the mixed signals with Jak that she had never been able to decipher…

  But Arzak was a little easier to read, at least when he was as upset as he was now. He didn’t shut her out like her boss did whenever they argued. “Are you jealous?” she asked.

  His jaw clenched. “Watch your tongue,” Arzak warned, “You forget who you speak to. I’m the Lord Commander and I have no reason to be jealous of Valdek, who sits inside day in and day out and mopes at our meetings-”

  Mira would never be able to truly explain the logic behind what really made her break her will with Arzak, but mostly it was seeing him as someone with insecurities and feelings other than self-assurance.

  The fact that he actually questioned his hold on her made Mira finally act on it, closing the distance between them again that he had created. She had to jump up to capture his lips in hers, Arzak taller than her by a foot at least, but his strong arms caught her instantly.

  It had been so long for her, but even still she didn’t think it had always felt this good. She’d never felt more safe and secure in someone’s arms, and she had never been kissed like Arzak kissed her.

  His tongue eagerly sought out hers, and she opened her mouth obligingly as they warred and sparred together in a heated, messy kiss. There was no time for finesse with them, the tension having been built for the past two weeks.

  His lips were soft, which Mira hadn’t expected, but he matched her expectations in the intensity of which he kissed her. Though she had initiated it, Arzak quickly took the lead. He had her shoved up against the door again, Mira crying out against his lips as her back hit the door with a loud clanging of the metal of the door against the metal of her dress.

  But she didn’t pull away, instead lifting her legs around his waist, Arzak pushing her dress up even further, up to her stomach. Mira’s fingers entangled themselves deeply in Arzak’s dark tresses, trying to pull him closer to her, though that was almost physically impossible. “Don’t damage this thing,” she whispered as she came up for breath, “I really like it.”

  “You’ll look better without it,” Arzak answered, his voice just as breathy. Mira smiled and kissed him again, deeming it more important than breathing. But he pulled away, chuckling as she whimpered from the loss of his lips.

  His hips started to push into hers again, just as they had that first day, and this time, but with her legs wrapped tightly around him, they were at a much better position. Arzak groaned at the feeling of his hardness pressing into her heated core, dropping his head down to nip and bite at her neck.

  Mira’s head lolled to the side, giving him more space as she ground herself into him. Her head was starting to get cloudy, completely driven by lust, and suddenly her dress was making her too hot.

  When she opened her eyes, Mira remembered that they were still outside, the lanterns the only things lit, but it was clear what they were doing if someone was close enough, and her eyes locked briefly with the carriage servant that had driven them. His hand stuffed inside of his trousers, more aroused than shocked by what was going on right in front of him.

  “Arzak…” It was supposed to come out as a whisper, but the timing of it coincided with the Lord Commander’s hand squeezing her left breast, the one not covered by the metal framework, making her moan his name instead. Mira tried again. “Arzak… Inside.”

  His head lifted from her neck, and she could already feel the marks that his teeth would leave behind. Arzak nodded, his lips going back to hers as his hand left her breast and reached for the
doorknob. Mira, afraid to pull away, kept her legs locked around him, even once the door was slammed shut.

  The Lord Commander didn’t waste time with going to his quarters. The building was too massive, and they needed each other that instant. She didn’t mind when they fell down to the cold, stone floors of the foyer.

  The hanging chandelier was still lit for the returning commander, but the rest of the house looked dark. Mira just hoped that if anyone else saw them, they’d have enough propriety to leave.

  Arzak and Mira sat up only to take off their clothes. Wordlessly, the formal leathers he had been wearing were shed, and the blonde had to resist trailing her lips and fingers across his almost translucent skin, his muscles tightening and rippling with every movement.

  Instead, she focused on taking off the brace around her chest, which was easy enough, she found out. With a flick of the metal clasp just by her rib cage, it clattered to the ground, leaving her in the red dress.

  She didn’t have the time to pull it off before Arzak was back on her. Mira let out a yelp of surprise as she found herself back against the floor again. With Arzak between her legs, she lifted her feet and kicked off her shoes.

  “I’ve wanted these since I first saw you,” he breathed, pulling her neckline down to expose her bare breasts. Arzak’s palms pressed on the undersides, causing them to rise up and look even bigger than normal.

  Mira lifted her chest up into his touch, closing her eyes when she felt his hot, wet mouth suckling her. Arzak moved his tongue expertly, batting at her nipple until it became rock hard. He lifted his lips from it with a satisfying “pop,” blowing cold air over it before moving to the next one and repeating his treatment. Mira squirmed beneath him, her fingers back in his hair.

  It was so soft and silky; she wanted to lose her hands in the waves of his black hair. She also couldn’t stand any more teasing. Mira was wet and aroused, and her whole body was aching for him in that one spot.

  She moved her hips into his, trying to give Arzak the hint. He mumbled something incoherent against her breast, and Mira groaned again at the vibrations it sent down on her.

  “Please…” Mira trailed off. She didn’t have the mental presence for words, having become a muddled mess of lustful cries since they got into the house.

  She had never known something more intense than this, and she wondered how, after only two weeks, it could be like this. She spent 6 years of her life pining away for a man, and their relationship never came to a head like this.

  Arzak understood what she meant, and just like with Mira, he had a passion burning deep in him, and the dull ache between his legs prevented any further teasing. His hand moved between them, lining his cock up, and in one smooth movement, they were one.

  The intrusion, Mira realized, felt almost exactly like a human. In fact, she wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference in their anatomy at all. It was everything that she needed at that moment, Arzak’s girth filling her completely. She sighed, opening her eyes to find his. Their lips met again, though it wasn’t a battle anymore.

  Together, they were one being, working together. Arzak didn’t take his time. Each thrust was harder, deeper, his hips snapping with everything his body had in it.

  She had always thought she preferred it slow, but the Lord Commander made her body feel like a battlefield needing to be conquered by him, fucking like animals, and Mira loved it.

  Her lips tore away from his, head tilting back as the ecstasy filled her, wave after wave. Mira cried out with long moans of his name or something completely unintelligible. Someone had to have heard them by now, but she couldn’t care.

  She focused instead on Arzak as he grunted, throwing one of Mira’s legs over his shoulder to get even further in her, and he brushed up a spot that no one had touched in years.

  Mira’s eyes widened, her fingernails gripping into his shoulders and causing indentations. A warmth from inside her exploded as she tipped over the edge, and Mira almost felt that her body was vibrating.

  Everything tingled, every nerve ending on fire at the sensation. Her vision became completely white until she felt something warm covering her hand.

  For a brief moment, she was overcome by another feeling entirely. It was another orgasm, but it was different than the first. There were no waves. Just a pressure in the pit of her stomach, almost painful, and then a quick burst of relief and intense pleasure.

  Another moan ripped through her throat, but it wasn’t her voice. It was Arzak’s, the one that she could hear in her ear, like an echo effect. The warmth left her hand, and the feeling faded away as quickly as it had first showed up, bringing Mira back to the present.

  She stared up, wide-eyed, at the Lord Commander. Both of their naked bodies were covered in sweat and heaving, neither able to move just yet. Her whole body felt like a limp noodle.

  Mira had never come like that before, never two in quick succession and with one feeling as foreign as the second one did. But it was amazing nonetheless. She realized that Arzak might not be lying about women never telling him no, and she didn’t blame them.

  “I’m sorry,” he apologized unexpectedly. Mira never heard him apologize before, and she didn’t know why he did now. She frowned, lifting herself up to plant a quick kiss to his lips.

  “No… That was…” she started, trying to put it into words. Arzak smirked that cocky smirk which made her roll her eyes and groan. “Never mind. Your ego doesn’t need it.”

  “I’ve got the memory of you begging to keep it inflated,” he quipped, the smirk remaining on his face. The blonde smiled. This was how she expected him to act, cocky, not apologizing for some of the best sex she’d had in her life, not that she was going to admit that to him either.

  Mira was torn between smacking it or kissing it off him. Something changed between the two. She didn’t hate him so much anymore, but there was still that infuriating quality of his.

  Mira dismissed it as the fact that she was just getting to know him a little better, or the fact that she was in post-orgasmic bliss. She pressed her hips up, smiling back at him. Post-coital, Mira had a surge of sexual confidence. “Speaking of ‘inflated’…”


  “Need more time?” she asked, raising one eyebrow challengingly.

  Arzak’s cocky smirk turned into a sincere smile. With him, he didn’t hold anything back, but right now, he wasn’t the Lord Commander running a planet or leading a war.

  He was easier to get along with in the afterglow of sex too, she realized, and just like with his jealous, it pleased her to see him as an actual person. “I don’t think you’re knowing what you ask for, earth girl,” said Arzak, slipping in his English from the distraction of her clenching around his length to tease him.

  “So take me to your bedroom and show me, Lord Commander.”


  If the servants hadn’t heard them the first time, they definitely knew by now. It had been a week since the night by the front door, and the sex never really quite stopped. The human and the Lord Commander hardly slept at all, going countless rounds, only stopping when they realized the sun was coming up and that they needed sleep.

  Mira stirred from the light of the sun shining through dark curtains and onto her face. When she opened her eyes, she began to recall the events from the night before with a smirk on her face, remembering how she’d gotten into the bed that time.

  Arzak had come back from a meeting, and she’d waited on the bed naked for him. It was daring, thrilling to think of herself as a sexual object to him. And it was so very unlike her.

  Mira would have always found the idea of waiting at home as demeaning, being viewed as a toy for his pleasure as insulting and demoralizing. Mira guessed that it would have been, but not with the way Arzak fucked her. She sighed; rolling over onto her back, expecting to see Arzak there, but the bed was empty.

  Mira frowned slightly. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to come up with some shred of regret, but she couldn’t.
She’d been trying for a week. Maybe if Arzak rubbed it in her face that she gave in, but he didn’t. Maybe then the anger would come back and she could hate him again, demand that he let her go home now that he’d gotten what he wanted.

  Her body was sore, and Mira was starving. Wherever Arzak was, he wasn’t the type that would be surprising her with breakfast in bed. The blonde sat up, arms stretching over her head and arching her back. She yawned, hand going up to her hair when she felt the wild mess that it ended up being.

  Grabbing the same clip that his mother used to do her first up-do, Mira pulled it back up in a messy up-do. It was nothing like the complicated yet beautiful ‘do that she had at the restaurant, but she didn’t have the time, patience, or talent that Arzak’s mother did. It felt completely fine, until Mira looked in the mirror across the room from her.

  His room was very similar to her own in that one wall was completely taken up by mirrors and that there were no windows. But where there were deep, rich reds in Mira’s room, there was a stark white in his, a contrast with the blacks.

  Plus, he had an additional mirror hanging up over the bed, another difference Mira learned the night before and had thoroughly enjoyed. But the reflection she was looking at what staring straight across from her, and even from a few feet away, Mira could see that her neck was covered in love bites.

  This wasn’t the first time she’d woken up to this, and though she continued to chastise him, more and more were sprinkled on her neck and collarbone and breasts as the nights progressed.

  The human stood up and made her way, naked, over to the glass for further inspection. Ve Dominok likes your neck, she remembered being told. “No kidding,” Mira muttered to herself, half-debating putting her hair back down.

  As she studied them, though, she realized that he covered almost every angle, so even if her hair was down, it would show. Mira wondered if this was on purpose. “I’m going to kill him.”


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