Buried (Alex Hope Series Book 2)

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Buried (Alex Hope Series Book 2) Page 10

by Aj Estelliam

  ‘Captain, look,’ I heard her say.

  I tried to shout, but my voice wouldn’t work. I was still affected by the drug he had injected.

  ‘What is it, JJ?’

  ‘Flowers in winter…look at them…’

  ‘Crocuses, yes. Come on, JJ-we need to find her.’

  ‘Captain, look at them. Don’t they mean anything to you?’ she asked.

  ‘I…should they?’

  ‘They’re in my head-and I didn’t put them there,’ she told him quietly.

  The Captain went quiet for a moment. ‘I think you might be onto something there actually, JJ. I feel like they’re important. Come on, maybe Alex is sending us a message.’

  ‘I think she’s here, Captain. I can almost feel her,’ Jess told him.

  From underground, I could almost picture them hunting around for my hiding place. There was noise and commotion and then suddenly, I knew they had found. Banging from above and the sweeping of snow signalled their arrival. I breathed a sigh of relief and waited to be saved.

  Five minutes later, the doors to my coffin were opened. I blinked rapidly against the glare of white which assaulted my senses. Hands immediately reached for my bare torso and lifted me bodily from the burial ground. Strong, male arms lifted and then soft feminine ones covered me with a blanket.

  Captain Withers sank to the ground with me carried close to his chest. Jess knelt beside me crying and thanking God that she had found me again. I blinked as my eyes adjusted and sighed as she stroked my cheek and held her face to mine.

  ‘Oh Alex…’ she breathed. ‘I was beginning to think I’d lost you…’

  I tried to speak but couldn’t move my mouth well.

  ‘What’s he done to you?’ she asked, gasping.

  I tried to move, but the drugs had me disabled.

  ‘She needs medical attention, Jess,’ Captain Withers said, his face marred with confusion.

  I managed to turn my head from side to side to say no.

  ‘No? Are you telling us no, Alex?’ she asked.

  I nodded slowly, my head moving against the Captain’s arm. The ambulance crew were moving in to help but Dan wasn’t moving just yet.

  I opened my mouth and tried to speak. ‘Dr…’ I tried. ‘Dr…ugs,’ I managed to mutter somewhat pathetically.

  ‘You’ve been drugged?’ he asked me.

  I nodded.

  ‘You know who did this to you?’ he questioned.

  I nodded once more.


  I nodded. I opened my mouth to speak. ‘Je…re…my,’ I managed, bit by bit.

  ‘Jeremy?’ he repeated.

  I nodded.

  ‘Do you have a surname?’ he wondered.

  I frowned and thought for a moment. A picture came to my mind and I immediately knew his surname from it. ‘Sw…an.’

  ‘Swan? Jeremy Swan?’

  I nodded.

  The Captain lifted me then and gently placed me on the stretcher where paramedics began fussing with me and strapping me to the bed. All the time they dealt with me, Jess would not move away from my side-even when asked to. She stayed beside me, holding my hand and our eyes remained connected. I felt her love and joy that I was safe and in those moments, I felt incredible blessed to be still alive. With Jess by my side, I knew there would be nothing to fear.

  After being loaded in the ambulance, I was taken to hospital. As we arrived and my bloods tested, the drugs began to wear off and as they were uncovering what I had been injected with, I was beginning to be able to communicate myself without problems.

  Jess came in the door as the doctor left with my information.

  ‘Finally!’ she exclaimed. ‘Why they wouldn’t let me in is beyond me?’

  ‘They had to examine me,’ I told her.

  ‘You can talk!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Yeah…it’s worn off at last,’ I murmured, sighing.

  ‘What has?’

  ‘He injected me with a drug to kidnap me and then did it again before he put me into the ground. I don’t know what it was bit it gave me temporary paralysis in my body and rendered me unable to speak.’

  ‘Wow…so tell me everything.’

  ‘Where do I begin?’ I said sadly.

  ‘At the beginning of course, Alex! From the moment he took you…where did that happen?’

  ‘In broad daylight in the hospital car park,’ I told her.

  ‘We presumed as much,’ she said nodding. ‘Pretty brazen, huh?’

  ‘It sure was. It was weird actually. There seemed no concern on his part about getting caught or anything.’

  ‘That is strange,’ she agreed. ‘So, anyway-go on…tell me more.’

  I sighed and looked at the ceiling. ‘Okay…well, he injected me with the drug and then I lost control of my legs. He carried me to his van and dumped me on the floor of the back.’

  ‘Oh God, you must have been terrified,’ she commented.

  ‘I was, but I knew I wasn’t going to die.’

  ‘You did? How?’ she asked, frowning.

  ‘Because it’s something I’ve seen. Flashes from the future…knowledge I have time ahead of me…I just knew I wasn’t going to die so I told myself to calm down.’

  ‘So, he took you straight there to the church?’

  ‘Yes-to the back room of the church.’

  She nodded. ‘The police are there now searching the place for clues.’

  ‘I don’t think you’ll have any trouble arresting him, Jess.’

  ‘You don’t?’

  ‘No…in fact, I think it will be easy. He’ll be where you would expect him to be,’ I told her.

  She frowned. ‘Well, if I were him, I’d be hiding right now! Trying to evade capture for my crimes.’

  ‘I know-but his mind doesn’t work like yours or mine.’

  ‘It doesn’t?’

  ‘No,’ I told her seriously. ‘Jess, he is one seriously disturbed individual…’

  ‘Well, we knew that much!’

  ‘I know, but I mean he’s mentally unwell. There were moments in there that I felt sorry for the man. I don’t think he is in control of his actions. I’m not condoning what he’s done whatsoever but I don’t think the man he used to be would have committed those crimes.’

  ‘No? So, explain to me why you think that? What did you find about him?’

  I sighed again reliving the hours spent talking to him. ‘He has multiple personalities, Jess. Some are nice-at times he is a child, Jerry, who is very sweet and innocent. I think that was before he was corrupted, he was just a normal little boy.’

  ‘And you met him?’

  ‘Yes, he would flip from person to person. When he was Jerry he was sweet and talked about going to be five. All he wanted to do was go to the park and play.’

  ‘How strange…’

  ‘Yeah…but he had other menacing personalities…one would swear violently all the time and was very aggressive. I wondered if he was role playing his father in those situations.’

  She nodded slowly. ‘That would make sense.’

  ‘Yeah…and then Jeremy himself. He was…well, he was the sanest of them all but I don’t know…there was something ‘off’ about him.’

  ‘Of course there was, Alex! He is a kidnapper and murderer.’

  ‘Yes…I know. He needs help though,’ I told her.

  ‘You’re sympathising with your kidnapper?’

  I nodded. ‘And you would have too, Jess. He can’t control what he does and he needs mental health assistance.’

  She nodded.

  ‘Make sure he gets help, will you?’

  ‘Of course. I’m sure that would have been the case anyway…’

  ‘Yes, I know. I just…although he has done a lot wrong, he needs to be given the right help once he’s caught.’

  She nodded and sat down beside me. ‘And how are you, Alex? Are you doing okay?’

  I dropped my eyes for a moment. ‘I feel glad to be here, and alive Jess…’

  ‘But?’ she said tentatively.

  ‘I can’t deal with this right now…I feel emotionally exhausted. I’m so tired I can’t tell you. I need to take a step back from everything once Jeremy Swan is arrested.’

  She nodded, looking at me with concern.

  ‘I may go and see my parents for a little while…’

  ‘Can I come-or are you saying you’d rather take a break from me too.’

  I looked at her fondly. ‘I don’t want a break from you, Jess. I want a break from the madness in my head. This case has been disturbing for me, Jess, but I also just need to find some quiet. I can’t deal with it twenty-four/seven.’

  She regarded me closely. ‘How about I take you to our cove then? You were calm and relaxed there? We could have a few days in the beautiful hotel, staying in luxury…we can walk and rest and look at the sand and sea.’

  ‘I can’t ask you to take more time off work, Jess! We only recently took a holiday!’

  ‘I know, but I can take another. It won’t be a problem. If you want to go away, I want to come with you. I feel like you’re drifting from me lately and I don’t know why!’

  ‘I’m not…’ I trailed off. ‘Well, maybe I have a little…’ I admitted.


  ‘Because I’ve been so distracted by this case. It’s messed with my head and it still doesn’t feel like it’s over.’

  ‘It will be soon,’ she promised me.

  ‘You think?’

  ‘They’re out now trying to bring him in…’

  I nodded. ‘Get me out of here,’ I said then, suddenly determined.

  ‘What? No! You don’t need to be coming in for this!’

  ‘Yes, I do. I need to be there to talk to him and find out more. I won’t be able to relax until this is all behind me and I feel like it’s properly over.’

  ‘And what then?’ she asked, eyeing me closely.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean then will you let me take you away for a little break?’

  I met her eyes and stared at their sea-green depths. The little flecks of brown were shining like golden sun. ‘I’d like that,’ I murmured softly.

  She smiled at me warmly. ‘I promise you they’ll be time for us now. This has overwhelmed our homecoming somewhat, hasn’t it?’

  ‘Totally,’ I agreed nodding.

  ‘It’s such a shame as we were so looking forward to starting our life together when we drove back from your parent’s house.’

  I nodded, looking up at her closely. The trouble is, Jess-I don’t know that we will ever lead a normal life…’

  ‘How do you mean?’

  ‘I’m just never going to be normal again, Jess.’

  ‘Of course you’re normal! You just happen to see things that other people can’t.’

  ‘But that’s not the ‘me’ I know, Jess. It doesn’t feel right or normal to me! I don’t want this gift and it’s doing my head in!’

  ‘I know, I know,’ she said, laying a hand on mine and trying to calm me. ‘The thing is, it’s been granted to you and you’re using it to help. While that might be overwhelming, think of the lives you have saved and the difference you have made to certain people. That shouldn’t be dismissed lightly.’

  I sighed and rested my head on my hand. ‘I just have a headache all day every day, Jess. It’s wearing me down…’

  She frowned at me. ‘I’ll take you away, sweetheart. We’ll go and find peace for a short while.’

  I looked at her hopefully. ‘Really? You really don’t mind?’

  ‘No! I want to. I mean, I haven’t taken any holiday since I started working with the police. Dan will be quite happy to send me off for more.’

  I smiled at her. ‘Well, that’s good then…’

  She returned my smile. ‘Shall we get you out of here then? Go and get this case wrapped up?’

  I nodded, mentally steeling myself to get this resolved and finished. My mind couldn’t take any more. ‘Yes. Let’s get moving.’

  ‘You get dressed, I’ll go and speak to the doctor.’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed.

  As Jess disappeared, I pulled on clothes she had brought for me and put on my shoes. I was ready and waiting to head back to the station. I desperately wanted it all to be over.

  Chapter 15

  Jess managed to sign me out of the hospital and then we drove over to the station. We were quiet on the way, both contemplating different things. I was thinking about Jeremy and the right way to deal with him and his crimes. Jess was thinking about our future and ways to help me with the troubles in my mind.

  When we arrived, she parked up and hurried around to open the door for me.

  ‘Why, Jess!’ I said, feigning old-fashioned adoration. ‘You shouldn’t have!’

  ‘Just taking care of the beautiful lady,’ she smiled.

  She took my waist and lifted me down gently, easing me down against her body so we were in close contact. She looked down and I met her eyes. We connected in that moment and I felt myself drawn to her more than ever. This was what I needed, I suddenly realised. I needed time in Jess’ arms. That was all the peace I needed.

  She leant down and kissed me softly, so gently that I knew how much she felt for me.

  ‘I’m so glad you’re safe, Alex,’ she whispered. ‘I was terrified I had lost you.’

  I shook my head. ‘You don’t lose me…we have a long life ahead of us, Jess.’

  ‘We do?’

  I nodded and smiled at her gently. ‘I love you. I’m sorry I’ve lost that a little bit lately. I’ve been so distracted by everything.’

  She surprised me by tears coming to her eyes. ‘I just want to help you through this…’

  ‘And you do. I just realised that, Jess. All I need is you and I’ll be absolutely fine. We’ll finish this today and then take a holiday by the sea. Things will be a million times better,’ I said happily.

  ‘They will. I’ll love going back to Hope Cove too,’ she said, smiling.

  I nodded. ‘Me too…’

  ‘It looks like that’s becoming our little getaway place, doesn’t it?’

  I smiled. ‘Well, it’s the most beautiful place in the world.’

  ‘It sure is.’

  ‘Come on then. Let’s get this finished and then we can go away.’

  I took her offered hand and headed into the police station with her.

  Inside, it was busy and it seemed to me that people were everywhere. I followed Jess to Captain Withers office but he wasn’t there.

  ‘Wait there a minute, Alex. I’ll go and find out where we’ve got to with the case…’

  ‘Okay,’ I nodded.

  Once Jess left, I wandered around Captain Withers room, taking in things I hadn’t seen properly before. A picture stood on his desk which I knew was new. It was him and Fee, on the beach and smiling happily. The sunset was behind them and the whole picture radiated happiness. I closed my eyes for a moment and looked for them in the future. I saw Fee on the beach with the baby in her arms in my mind. I turned to look for Dan, but I couldn’t see him…he seemed out of sight for some reason.

  I opened my eyes and continued to wander. I wasn’t snooping around, I was simply curious. My gaze scanned over his certificates on the wall, medals and awards he had won. Then I walked over to the window, noticing a glint of gold by the window sill. It was in a far corner, almost out of sight and yet with the sun shining in, it shone brightly.

  I bent and picked it up. It was a gold cufflink and when I held it, I felt the Captain’s energy all through me. Without thinking, I pushed it into my jeans pocket and left it there. I didn’t plan on keeping it but for some reason I knew I needed it for a short while.


  I whirled, surprised as the Captain arrived behind me, marching into his office.

  ‘Oh, hey!’

  ‘How are you holding up?’ he asked, looking at me with concern.

  ‘Oh, I’m fine really…did
you get him?’

  I wide smile spread across his face. ‘We did. Caught him at home, would you believe?’

  I nodded, slowly. ‘I thought as much…maybe he was ready to be caught?’

  ‘He didn’t put up any kind of fight. In fact, it was almost as if he was waiting for us.’

  I considered this for a moment before speaking. ‘Captain?’


  ‘He needs help…serious help. He’s a very disturbed man.’

  ‘I got that from the twenty-minute drive over here,’ he revealed, frowning.

  ‘He has multiple personalities. His mental health is definitely suffering.’

  ‘Don’t worry, Alex. We’ll deal with him as required. If he’s unstable, there will be a different outcome to if he was sane.’

  I nodded. ‘Good.’

  ‘So-why are you here? You don’t need to be,’ he told me.

  ‘I’d like to see this through, Dan. I think I need it for my own mental health. I’d like to talk to him before he’s put away…is that possible?’

  He nodded, ‘if you want to, yes. You can join in during the questioning. I’m heading down in a few minutes.’

  I straightened my shoulders. ‘Good. Let’s get this wrapped up.’

  ‘My thinking entirely,’ he nodded. ‘Give me two more minutes and then I’ll head down with you. I just need to speak to my deputy over there.’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed and watched him leave.

  While he was talking, I wondered over to the murder board which had the whole case displayed out before me in graphic details. Each victim was listed-one after the other, with pictures covering the board. I scanned it all, taking it all in. I felt like I was seeing something and yet it was just slightly out of my comprehension.

  ‘You ready?’ Captain Withers said, appearing at my side.

  ‘I am, yeah…’ I said turning.

  ‘Come on then. I’ve heard he’s creating merry hell down there!’

  ‘Oh really? Let’s get down there then.’

  We walked downstairs and into the interview room where Jeremy Swan was being held. Captain Withers went in before me and I saw Jeremy sat at the desk on one side with Jess and another police officer sitting on the other. One look at Jess’ face told me she was stressed. They both looked up at us when we walked in.


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