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In The Company of My Sistahs

Page 30

by Angie Daniels

  She glanced over at the clock. It was almost midnight. Clayton would be arriving at any minute. Sure enough, she barely had time to relax when she heard a knock at the door. It took her a few second to get the courage to walk across the room and open that door. When she finally did, she wasn’t the least bit disappointed.

  “Hey.” He was standing there in lightweight shorts, a Jamaican t-shirt they had gotten while at Dunn’s River Falls, and a pair of flip-flops. He had the most incredible feet. She expected them to look beat-up, like most athlete’s feet; instead his were nice and neat like he spent money on a pedicure.

  Stepping aside she allowed him to enter, then closed the door and slowly turned around.

  Clayton gave a loud wolf whistle. “Man! Baby, you look good.”

  “Thanks,” she said, smiling bashfully.

  “Come have a seat.” He took her hand and led her over to her bed, where he took a seat and draped her across his lap. “I missed you.” Kiss.

  “I missed you, too.” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck. Kiss. Kiss.

  She moaned as his fingers traced her thighs. His kissing her made her all hot and bothered and her heart started pounding so hard she was afraid she was going to hyperventilate. She was spending the night with one of the finest black brothas in America. She was so excited she was shaking inside.

  “Let me stop ’fore things get out of hand,” he suggested. “I’m tired. What about you?”

  “You? Me. That climb wore me out.” They had each climbed the six hundred foot waterfall. It had been an exhilarating climb through cool waters. However, after a full day in Ocho Rios, she was worn out. She rose and moved to get her bed ready.

  Clayton’s eyes traveled across the room. “Where’s your girl?”

  Kayla shrugged. “There’s no telling with Renee.”

  He chuckled. “That girl is a trip.”

  That was putting it mildly. “Yes, she is.”

  She reached over and turned out the lamp to hide some of her nervousness. The room was lit by the moonlight outside.

  Clayton pulled the covers back, then reached down and slipped off his shirt and shorts and dropped them to the floor. Standing in front of her in red boxers, he looked like a Nubian god. Damn, she couldn’t wait to get her lips on his chocolate nipples. The thought made her mouth water.

  “What’s wrong baby?”

  “Nothing.” Except she was nervous as all get-out.

  He crooked a finger at her. “Then come here and gimme some.”

  Her coochie clenched. “Give you some?”

  He chuckled. “A kiss, baby. Gimme a kiss.”

  She met him halfway across the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and locked her lips to his. The kiss lasted forever before they ended up on the bed, holding each other.

  He just lay there holding her and dropping light kisses around her face and neck. She waited for his hand to travel under her negligee and grope her breasts. She waited for his hand to slide between his leg. But it never happened. Is he waiting for me? she wondered.

  Kayla had never been bold in her life. She had always allowed the man to run the show. She took a deep breath. It’s now or never.

  She rolled on top of him and ran her tongue across his neck slow and sensually, the way it had been done to her. She then raised a shaky hand and rubbed it across his chest and moved down and slid her fingers inside his boxers.

  Good Lord, he was hung!

  Clayton grabbed her hand. “Yo, hold up.”

  She released him just as he flipped her over onto her back.

  Kayla suddenly panicked. “I’m sorry. I must have done that wrong. Please, let me try again.” She tried to reach for him again but he held her back.

  She was so devastated by his actions tears pushed to the surface.

  “Boo, why you crying?” He reached up and wiped her tears away.

  He wasn’t attracted to her, but as inadequate as she was as a woman, who could blame him. “I’m sorry. I ... I don’t know what to say,” she said nervously.

  Clayton stroked her cheek. “There is nothing for you to apologize for. If anyone should be apologizing it should be me.”

  “Why should you apologize?”

  He released a frustrated sigh. “Because I should have told you the truth about me from the get-go.”

  Oh, boy, here it goes. Another letdown. She was shocked when he rolled over and pulled her into his arms, resting her head on his chest.

  After several long seconds of silence, he finally said, “I’m celibate.”

  Her head flew up. “Celibate?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  She was confused. “But why?”

  “Because I’ve screwed so many women in my life I’ve lost count.”

  She said “oh” like she understood, when in fact she didn’t. She lowered her head back onto his chest as he continued.

  “Excuse my French, but I’ve been getting pussy since I was thirteen years old. I tried to stick my dick in everything I could get my hands on. Then when I made pro I had women falling at my feet. Some nights I slept with two or three women at one time. Then my boy died of AIDS and I got my shit together. I realized that I was playing Russian roulette with my life. So I made a decision not to have sex again until I met a woman I was serious about.”

  What he said made her think. Hadn’t she been doing the same thing with her own life? Sleeping with one man after another, looking for love in all of the wrong places? And where had it gotten her? Nowhere.

  “I want to find my soul mate first. I got a strong feeling about you and me, Kayla.”

  He started touching her lightly across the arm, then down her legs and across her back while raining light kisses across her face. The tears started and she couldn’t stop because no one had ever treated her like this. No one had ever taken the time to please her. It had always been about him. What he wanted. What he needed. But with Clayton it was different.

  “That’s it, baby. Let go.”

  He ran his tongue down her arm and she thought she was going to go crazy. Then he slid beneath the covers and brought her foot to his mouth. She had read about men that kissed feet, but had never experienced it. It was absolutely everything she could have imagined and more. He slipped her big toe in his mouth, sucked it until she squirmed for him to stop before he moved to the next toe and then the next until he had done all five. He then lightly lowered her leg and gently lifted the other. She felt like she had died and gone to heaven, because it had never been like this with Leroy. He had always been out for self-gratification. She sucked his dick. He never ate her out. He never asked her what pleased her because he was only interested in his own pleasure. Sex had always been about him. And when he busted a nut it was all over. If she hadn’t come yet, that was her problem, not his.

  But not Clayton. He paid attention to every part of her body, starting at the feet, and slowly worked his way up. He was right. There were other ways to please each other, and he introduced her to every one. When he sucked the backs of her knees she came harder than she ever had in her life. Afterwards, he held her in his arms while her heart rate returned to normal.

  “Did you like that?”

  She was still trying to catch her breath. “Oh my God, I’ve never experienced anything like that before.”

  “Good. I’m glad to know I was the first.”

  “What ... what can I do to make you feel ... you know?”

  He planted a kiss on her forehead. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  Chapter 71


  Kayla rose the next morning with the sun beaming down on her face. She rolled onto her back and smiled as memories of the night before came flooding back.

  She could still feel Clayton’s warm breath against her cheek. Every time he held her in his arms against his wide solid chest, her heart did crazy things. And when he kissed her and she felt him become aroused, it fascinated her to know that she had that kind of effect on him. He
’s fine and he’s mine. Even with that said it was still hard to believe that Kansas City Chiefs’ Clayton O’Neal wanted her.

  Kayla hated to get up but she had to pee. She slid from under his arm and dashed to the bathroom. While on the toilet, the phone rang. She figured it was probably Renee calling to say, “Put that nigga out, so I can get my shit.”

  “Clayton, can you get that for me?” she called from the bathroom.

  “No problem, baby.” She heard the bed shift as he moved to reach for the phone. “Hello ... yeah, just a minute. Yo, boo, telephone.”

  “Here I come.” She flushed, quickly washed her hands, moved into the room, and lowered beside him onto the bed.


  “Kayla, baby.” It was Leroy.

  She gasped. “Leroy! What ... I mean, how are you?”

  “I’m good. Who was that answering the phone?”

  She was silent. She didn’t know what to say. Besides, Clayton was kissing her behind her ear and she couldn’t think straight. “Um, a friend.”

  “Friend. What kind of friend? Are you messing around on me? Because if you are you better tell me now,” he demanded.

  How dare he question her? “Considering the fact you’re married, I’m not going to answer that.”

  He was stunned by her bold retort. “Why are you talking to me this way?”

  “I’ve accepted the fact it is over between us.”

  “Kayla, baby, don’t talk like that. I’ve got so much to tell you. I’ve been asked to take over the congregation at First Baptist Church in Chattanooga.”

  She felt her heart break in two. He had gotten on with his life. “That’s wonderful news. I’m sure Darlene is so happy.”

  “Kayla, please, listen to me,” he pleaded. “I told Darlene about us.”

  She gasped. “What did she say?”

  “She’s giving me a divorce.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to quiet her heart. She had waited too long to hear those words.

  “Baby, we can finally be together.”

  Tears fell from her eyes. She sat up on the bed and moved away from Clayton’s reach.

  “I love you, Kayla. I promise to make it all up to you.”

  She had so many things she wanted to ask him. “When are you leaving for Tennessee?”

  There was a pregnant pause. “Not until after the baby is born.”

  Her heart stilled. “And when is that?”

  He cleared his throat. “In about six months. Legally a judge won’t grant me a divorce until the baby is born.”

  Six months and Reverend Leroy Brown would finally be hers. If only he had called her yesterday. “Why haven’t you returned any of my calls?”

  “I’ve been trying to call you all week. I left a message with your crazy roommate. You know, she threatened me never to call you again.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes, she did, when all I wanted to do was to tell you I’d take care of everything. I love you, Kayla. I want to spend my life with you.”


  Clayton shifted on the bed and was staring down at her. “Baby, what’s up?” She tried to cover the mouthpiece but didn’t do it in time.

  “Kayla, who the hell is that with you in your hotel room?”

  She flinched. It was the first time she’d ever heard Leroy use profanity. “N-nobody.”

  “Nobody?” Clayton mocked.

  Damn, he had obviously heard Leroy’s loud voice. She pleaded with her eyes for him to understand.

  “You know what? I’m out!” Clayton slid from underneath the covers and rose.

  “Um, Leroy, I got to go. I’ll call you back.” She hung up before he had a chance to talk her out of it.

  Kayla was so confused. She needed to do or say something, she just didn’t know what. “Clayton, where are you going?”

  “That was that preacher dude, right?” She nodded. “So, I’m nobody?”

  “I didn’t mean that. I ... I just didn’t know how to say ...”

  “How to say what?”

  “What is going on right now in my life is confusing.”

  “So is it over with this guy or what?”

  She stared at him blankly, knowing she had hurt his feelings. Hopefully he’d understand why she did what she did. “I don’t know.”

  “What you mean you don’t know?”

  She tried to explain something that she didn’t even understand. “I mean I don’t know. I’ve got time invested in that relationship. It’s not going to be that easy to just walk away.”

  “Now I see why you’re always getting played, because you are too stupid to recognize a good man when you see him.”

  She was floored by his harsh tone. “Clayton, I—”

  He cut her off with a frown. “You know what? You are all messed up in the head. I’m out.”

  After he was gone, she sat on the bed for the longest time unable to move. Had she made a mistake? She just wasn’t sure. She and Leroy had been together for almost two years and during that time he had promised to spend the rest of his life with her. The problem was she didn’t know how to be patient. She had prayed to the Lord on several occasions to give her strength. Yet it never came. Now after months of hoping and praying he was finally hers. So why wasn’t she jumping up and down and praising the Lord?

  Chapter 72


  As soon as the sun rose I took a quick shower and headed to breakfast. I didn’t want anyone to know that I had spent the night with Pierre, so I made sure the coast was clear, then swung my bag over my arm and headed around to the front of the building. I wanted to walk across the lobby as if I had just returned from spending the night with Solomon.

  Casey was behind the counter. I waved, then moved to the restaurant and took a seat.

  Lisa and Nadine arrived shortly after. We fixed our plates and I listened to Nadine talk about how much fun she’d had snorkeling. I was thankful they didn’t ask me about Solomon.

  As soon as Kayla made it to the table, I could see the excitement dancing behind her eyes.

  “What’s up, girl? Did Clayton get them drawers?”

  Nadine cracked up laughing with a mouthful of eggs. “I know that’s right. Girlfriend, we want details.”

  Kayla lowered into the seat across from me. She didn’t look like a woman who spent a night with a fine-ass brotha. Instead, she looked like she had just found out she was pregnant.

  “Yo, Kayla, whassup?” I probed.

  She took a deep breath and finally said, “Leroy asked his wife for a divorce.”

  I choked on a slice of bacon. I thought I told his faggot ass not to call back. “What the fuck are you talking about? I thought you spent the night with Clayton.”

  “I did. Leroy called this morning.”

  I couldn’t believe this shit. I know this girl didn’t fuck over a fine mothafucka like Clayton for Leroy’s no-neck ass.

  Lisa was the only one who seemed concerned. “Kayla, I thought you had decided to walk away from that relationship.”

  She wasn’t hearing anything we had to say. “How can I walk away when I love someone as much as I love Leroy?”

  Nadine snorted. “Easily, with one foot in front of the other.”

  I was about to be sick. This bitch was one french fry short of a Happy Meal. “Girl, that mothafucka ain’t doing anything but using you.”

  She glared at me from across the table. “I don’t appreciate you telling him not to call me anymore.”

  “I told him that because I’m tired of seeing the nigga using you.”

  “Well, he’s not using me. Leroy is leaving his wife,” she stated avidly.

  I couldn’t do anything but laugh at her stupid ass. “Don’t tell me you believe that sorry-ass mothafucka!”

  “It’s none of your business. All I want to know is how come you didn’t tell me he called?”

  Lisa gave me a look that said “shut up.” She k
new that shit wasn’t gonna happen.

  “For what? So you could sit in your room tripping about your life with his little-dick ass?”

  “How do you know his dick is small? You fucked him too?”

  “Girl, puhleeze. It ain’t shit I can do with his dick but use it to scratch my ass.”

  Lisa groaned. “Can we all just get along?”

  Kayla leaned forward, gripping the table. “You know what? I’m so sick and tired of your sister. All week I’ve been listening to your mouth and watching you pop into one bed after another.”

  “Bitch, don’t hate, ’cause you can’t.” Kayla was picking my last nerve, forcing me to act a damn fool. “That nigga doesn’t love you.”

  “You’ve had three husbands and a different man in your bed every fifty-two weeks of the year and you want to tell me something about love. Ho, puhleeze.”

  I tried to keep myself under control but I was starting to get a little attitude. “And what have you done for the last two years? I’ll tell you what you’ve done. Sat around waiting for the reverend to find five minutes in his week to break your fat ass off a piece. That’s why your ass is always getting used, ’cause you are so damn stupid.”

  There was total silence around the table. I sat there staring, daring her to make a move. By now I was spoiling for a good fight.

  She stared back at me, then when she finally dropped her eyes I smirked and looked down at my plate. Big mistake.

  Kayla tossed Nadine’s orange juice in my face.

  “Oh, now you’ve done it!” I dropped my fork and sprang out of my chair and jumped across the table so fast, she fell backwards in her chair. I landed on top of her and tried to choke the shit out of her.

  “Stop it!” Lisa screamed.

  She and Nadine had to pull me off of her.

  “Kayla, pack your shit, because you’re getting the fuck out of my room.”

  I stepped over the mess we made and reached for my bag, then headed back to the room.


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