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Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1)

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by S. Nelson


  S. Nelson

  Copyright © 2015 S. Nelson

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the publisher’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Addicted/ S.Nelson. -- 1st edition

  This book is dedicated to all of the wonderful bloggers out there who tirelessly work to promote authors. I honestly don’t know where most of us would be without your love and support. I’ll be forever grateful for the amazing people I’ve met along my journey.


  Thank you to my husband for being patient with me as I released one book after another, spending countless hours locked away in my office. Thank you for giving me the time I needed to get these characters out of my head and onto paper. I love you!

  A huge thank you to my family and friends for your continued love and support. I don’t know what I would do without you!

  To the ladies at Hot Tree Editing, I can’t say enough great things about you. You continue to amaze me and I can’t wait until our next project together. You have been truly fantastic!

  I would also like to thank Clarise at CT Cover Creations. Your work speaks for itself. I’m absolutely thrilled with this book cover. It’s beyond gorgeous!

  To Beth, Nicole and Renee, my new Beta team. You were the first to read Addicted and you allowed me to breathe a little easier with your wonderful feedback on Alek and Sara’s story. I promise I’ll get you Shattered very soon. I love you ladies!

  To my other Beta readers, the kind words you’ve shared with me about Addicted mean more to me than you could ever know. Thank you so much for your support and I promise you’ll find out what happens next for Alek and Sara very soon.

  And last but not least, I would like to thank you, the reader. I hope you enjoy this book half as much as I enjoyed writing it.



  Holy Hell! What in God’s name happened?

  Cotton mouth, throbbing temples and a nauseous stomach had me instantly regretting the previous night. Rolling onto my stomach, I put more pressure on my bladder than I’d wanted. I was desperately trying to get into a more comfortable position but the only thing I managed to do was aggravate my poor little organ, so full I thought I was going to have an accident. Deciding I didn’t want a mess to clean up, I turned over and slowly swung my legs off the side of the mattress, my head spinning the moment I sat upright. I took a minute before standing up, desperately hoping the feeling wouldn’t last all day.

  Carefully walking around my bed, I ventured into the short hallway. I slowly made my way toward the bathroom, my eyes adjusting to the darkness with every step. After I’d taken care of business, I quickly washed my hands and headed back to my room, still a little groggy.

  It was super-early, or super-late; whichever way you wanted to look at it.

  As I pushed my bedroom door open wider, I saw the bright green light of the alarm clock. 4:22 am. I’m going with super-early. I didn’t feel like walking all the way around only to climb onto my side of the mattress. Actually, there was only me, so I wasn’t sure why I even deemed the left side as my side. Either way, I didn’t want to walk any further than I had to, the warm covers beckoning to me, waiting and ready to envelop me in plushness. As I placed my hands on the bed, my knee following me as I clumsily climbed on top, something stopped me.

  It was hard.

  It groaned as my knee came down on a very sensitive area.

  It was a man.

  Scrambling for my footing, shock and terror ripped through me as I stumbled backward and fell flat on my ass. Thud! My head caught the edge of the wall, instantly bringing tears to my eyes.

  So much for my headache going away.

  As the pain invaded, I clutched the back of my skull, cursing out loud as if I was by myself.

  But I wasn’t by myself.

  Someone was in my room with me.

  In my bed.

  “Jesus Christ!” a gruff voice exclaimed. “Are you all right?” Before I could answer, the light flicked on, blinding me instantly. It took me a good minute to be able to adjust to the blaring intrusion, my eyes opening and closing so often I looked like I had some sort of nervous twitch.

  The mystery man, a guy I’d not even looked at yet, reached down and gripped my arms. He pulled me to my feet and held me steady as I collected myself. Once my eyes adjusted, I shrugged off his hold and took a step back.

  I should have been more afraid than I was. I should have been screaming and running for my life. But I wasn’t. There was something about his presence which calmed me, as weird as it sounded. Still trying my best to be cautious, I took another step away from him and finally made eye contact, a smug smile on his face as my mouth dropped open in shock.

  What the hell is he doing here? In my bed nonetheless?

  “What are you doing here?” I asked as my eyes slowly scanned him from head to toe. I felt his warmth enclose me when he helped me to my feet. What I didn’t realize was the heat radiated off his naked body. Well, he had on black boxer briefs, but otherwise…he was naked.

  The fine lines of his torso called to me. I wanted nothing more than to run my fingertips over his hard form, imagining gripping his broad shoulders as he pinned me to the wall behind me. His thighs were thick and muscular, his ass no doubt perfection, as well.

  Plopping back down on the bed, he nestled in and crossed his arms over his chest. I had no doubt he was settling in for the long haul. My eyes were so busy studying him, I missed what he said. I heard a faint sound, but I couldn’t make out the actual words. Once my eyes connected with his, I faltered. “What did you say?” I asked, still a little lightheaded from smacking my head.

  “You asked me what I was doing here, and I answered you.” The corners of his lips turned up, revealing a perfect, white set of teeth. His dark hair was a tad unruly but in a run-my-hands-through-it type of way. Stubble was already starting to form on his jawline, his need to shave every day was most likely quite a hassle.

  “And what was your answer?” I almost missed what he said again. It wasn’t my fault, though. I was only human, after all.

  A full-on laugh escaped him as he kept his eyes on me. “I said, you were very drunk last night and I needed to make sure you got home okay.” A few more minutes passed before either one of us spoke. I was still in some sort of daze, wondering not only what the hell happened but how he came to bring me home. And why did he stay? “Sara, are you okay? Is it your head?” he asked, looking on with concern. I remained silent, for longer than was comfortable.

  When still I didn’t utter a word, he broke the ever-growing tension. Sort of. “Why are you staring at me like that, woman?” he grunted. “You’re making me think things. Bad things.” Is he teasing me? Or tormenting me?

  “I’m not staring at you,” I lied. Bringing my fingers to my forehead, I started to rub. “I just don’t understand. What happened last night?” Admittedly, I was rather embarrassed I’d let things get out of hand, not remembering a goddamn thing. I made a promise to myself a long time ago to never let anything interfere with my well-being, to always be aware of my surroundings
. I guess I really messed up.

  As I moved around the other side of the bed, I realized my state of undress, with only a white T-shirt and cotton panties covering the most intimate of places. Diving under the comforter to cover up, embarrassment stole over my skin, something which he found amusing.

  My awkwardness quickly disappeared, irritation taking its place. “Are you ever going to tell me what happened, or are you going to just sit there and laugh at me?” I quipped, the tone in my voice a little more than harsh.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled before he began the tale of the previous evening. “Considering how drunk you were, I’m not surprised you don’t remember anything. Although,” he continued as he put his hand over his heart, “I’m a little upset you don’t remember what happened between us.”

  Taking a deep breath and preparing for the worst, I slowly opened my mouth to speak. “What do you mean?” I crouched further down the bed, regret slowly weaving its way through me. “Please don’t tell me we had sex.”

  “Why, would that be so awful if we did?” he asked, looking offended.

  The thing about being in a surprising situation was sometimes your mouth didn’t filter what your brain was thinking. My response was one such example. “Yes, it would. I’d like to remember my first time.” I brought the blanket up to cover my mouth as if the simple gesture would erase what I’d just said.

  Yes, I was a twenty-six year old virgin. While some would consider my age too old to still be inexperienced, there was a good reason I chose to stay away from men.

  A past which killed my trust in people.

  When I heard him suck in a breath of air, I turned toward him, my eyes lingering a little too long on his mouth. “That’s what you’re comment meant,” he said, the look on his face priceless, as if he’d just discovered the meaning of life.

  “What comment?” Oh, God, what the hell did I say?

  “Last night. When we were in the hallway, you told me you wanted me to be your first. I thought you were talking about a one-night stand.” He rolled onto his side and leaned in closer. “I have to admit, while the thought of you picking me for your first one-nighter, or so I thought that’s what you meant, was flattering, it was also upsetting.” When I knitted my brow in confusion, he explained. “Going home with some random stranger is very dangerous, Sara. You really need to be more careful. Actually, scratch that. You don’t have to worry about ever doing that again.”

  “Why?” Oh, now I’m really curious.


  “Because why?”

  Air escaped his tempting mouth, his frustration beyond obvious. “Because I’ll keep a better eye on you. Make sure you never drink that much again. That’s why.”

  Satisfied he’d had his say, he rolled onto his back, staring straight ahead as if he was carefully choosing his next words.

  My pulse quickened. My heart picked up pace, ramming hard against my chest. I literally felt my face become red in anger. Who does this guy think he is trying to dictate what I do or don’t do from now on?

  Never mind he was completely right. My actions the night before were careless. I knew it. But I’d never admit that to him.

  “What makes you think you have any say over what I do?” I scoffed. “I’m a grown woman who can make her own decisions. Good or bad.”

  “Not if I have anything to say about it,” he retorted. “Never again, Sara. I mean it.”

  It was then I realized he’d said my name a few times and I didn’t even know his. Or at least I didn’t think I did.

  Before I could think of a comment to his ludicrous statement, he jumped out of bed and started getting dressed, pulling on his jeans first before throwing his shirt over his head. Sitting back down on the edge of the mattress, he leaned down and reached for his shoes. After he’d finished, he stood to his full height and locked eyes on me once again.

  “Are you leaving?” I asked, sounding a little desperate. I didn’t even wait for him to answer before I fired off another question. “I thought you were going to tell me what happened last night.”

  “Oh, yeah,” he smugly said. Without missing a beat, he dove right in. “What do you remember? Anything at all?”

  “I remember going out with my friends and having a few drinks, but other than that…no.” I turned my head, embarrassed I couldn’t recall any other details.

  “Well, I saw you there. At Throttle. I helped you carry drinks back to your table before you casually dismissed me.” There’s that offended look again. A few moments of silence passed before he continued to speak. “Anyway, I saw you again on your way back from the bathroom and then we…” he trailed off.

  “We what?”

  “We had a little moment in the hallway.” That’s it? That’s all he’s giving me? I wanted to scream but I kept my temper in check.

  “Seriously? You aren’t going to tell me what happened?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “We had a moment,” he repeated before he made his way toward the door. “Oh, and by the way…I’m Alek Devera,” he offered.

  I guess I hadn’t known his name after all.

  As he pulled the door open, he briefly turned toward me, a weird expression appearing out of nowhere. Trying to decipher the look on his gorgeous face was too much so early in the morning.

  So I just gave up.

  It didn’t matter, though.

  I’d never see him again anyway.

  Or so I thought.



  One Week Earlier

  My day had started off well. I actually got up when my alarm went off. I was having a good hair day. My mood was anticipatory. Let’s just hope everything plays out the way I need it to.

  I had a meeting with my bank to discuss a small business loan, my proposal all ready for them to review. Desperate for my life to start heading on the path to something good, I wished and prayed this appointment would turn in my favor.

  I was ready to head out the door then realized I couldn’t find my damn keys.

  “Alexa!” I yelled, running around like a crazy woman.

  “What the hell are you hollering for so early in the morning?” Alexa was like me in that she loved to sleep in until noon if the desire struck her. So for her, ten in the morning on a Saturday was still too early.

  “Sorry, but I’m going to be late for my appointment and I can’t find my keys.”

  “They’re on the kitchen table, you loon. I can see them from here,” she remarked as she leaned against her bedroom doorframe.

  “Thanks, girl. I owe you one.”

  “You can pick up some lunch on your way home. I’d like some Chinese food, please. You know what I like.” Once she barked out her order, she closed her door and most likely went back to sleep. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I was going to the shop right after the bank. Oh, well, I’ll just text her later.


  A little over a year before, I’d moved to Seattle with my best friend, Alexa. I’d lucked out and landed a job at a cute little florist shop close to our apartment. I was thankful for the short commute because, out of the two of us, Alexa was the one who owned a car. She’d let me borrow it whenever necessary but otherwise, I walked wherever else I needed to go.

  Every day that passed, I was eternally grateful to have her in my life. Alexa Bearnheart was the kind of person you definitely wanted in your corner. Two years my senior, we’d bonded quickly in high school. When I’d told her I wanted to get a fresh start and move somewhere I wasn’t constantly reminded of my past, she followed me, packing her bags and never looking back.

  “How did it go at the bank, honey?” Lost in thought of my dear friend, I hadn’t seen Katherine approach as I walked through the front door of the shop. I’d become rather close to the old woman over the past year, her nurturing ways something I’d most definitely needed during the huge transition in my life.

  She was a stout woman with a friendly face, her hair short and mostly white. Sh
e hadn’t bothered coloring it since she said she greyed way too fast the more the years ticked by. “A waste of money,” she would say.

  “I think it went very well. Mr. Hemsworth took my proposal and said they would let me know for sure in a week if I was approved to take over this gem of a place.” I smiled, hoping I didn’t run into any complications. Katherine had told me she was ready to retire, offering me the chance to buy Full Bloom.

  “I’m sure everything will work out for you, honey. For both of us.”

  I really hoped so. I was in desperate need for a normal life after everything I’d been through.

  I loved working for Katherine, but nothing would compare to actually owning the place. She had an excellent customer base, having been in business for over forty years. We’d seen it all, from women coming in to buy an arrangement for a special occasion to the men who’d messed up with their significant other, some coming in almost monthly to try and smooth things over.

  Hello! Stop messing up!

  Then again, that would hurt business, so…

  Since I actually had to work, I walked toward the counter and placed my purse underneath, preparing for a hectic Saturday. Grabbing a stack of invoices, I settled in and got busy.

  Normally, I’d pitch in and help make deliveries whenever we were shorthanded but both Matt and Pete were there. We also had a few part-timers coming in later to assist, as well.

  Pete was Katherine’s cousin. He loved helping her out when he could, but he was also considering retiring.

  Being the nice guy he was, he said he’d wait until the sale was final, giving me enough time to try and find someone else.

  Matt was closer to my age and had been working for Katherine for about four years. He told me he adored flowers and loved working with them. Whenever he wasn’t in the best of moods, they would work their magic and lift his gloomy spirits.

  We’d actually gone out a few times to eat, catch a movie or grab the occasional drink. Sometimes, Alexa would even come with us, hanging out until the early morning hours.


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