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Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1)

Page 10

by S. Nelson

  Defensively, I put my hand on my hip, trying my best to keep the sarcasm from my voice. “Well, the only person who would come by to see us would be Matt. So it’s perfectly fine I’m dressed this way.”

  Apparently, it was the wrong thing to say. His nostrils flared, and his jaw clenched so tightly I thought it would shatter from the sheer pressure alone.

  “You fucking dress like that around Matt? I can see your tits straight through your tiny-ass shirt. And those shorts are clinging to every part of you.” Realizing he was almost shouting, he took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m doing everything in my power not to drag you into your room and rip off what little clothing you have on. I can only imagine what runs through his head when you dress like this.” He was fuming, pacing back and forth in front of me. “Do you want to fuck him, Sara?”

  I hadn’t been around Alek all that much, but it was the most he’d cursed in my presence and the fact it was in anger, directed at me, was throwing me off.

  It was a good a time as any to tell him Matt was gay, but I didn’t want to. It wasn’t my place to tell anyone, but he was leaving me no choice. I really didn’t want him to think there was anything going on between us. The unnerving need to tell him was becoming too much.

  “It’s not a big deal, Alek.” Sensing he was getting ready to yell again, I quickly interrupted him before he could utter another word. “He’s gay. Matt’s gay, Alek, so there’s nothing for you to be worried about. He couldn’t care less if I answered the door naked, although that might embarrass the both of us.” I was trying to make light of the situation, but I could see by his expression he wasn’t amused.

  Not in the least.

  Damn, Mr. Temperamental is really in a mood.

  Daring to crowd his personal space, I courageously took a single step in his direction, his demeanor softening the closer I moved to him. I was still unsure of his mood so I stopped there, close enough to gauge his curiosity but far enough to retreat if I had to.

  “You still shouldn’t be dressed like that in front of anyone, Sara.”

  “Even you?” The words left my lips before I’d realized what I’d said.

  “Especially not me. Not if you want to preserve your innocence,” he confessed, trying to disguise the look of want hiding behind his beautiful eyes. He huffed a quick breath and stalked toward me, looking as if he was going to pounce if I didn’t take cover.

  His movements forced me to retreat, slowly making my way toward the kitchen. Our eyes locked on one another, his smoldering gaze almost too much to bear. He was telling me everything and nothing at all. Desire was clear in not only his face but the rise and fall of his chest. The curve of his mouth and the sight of his tongue teasing his bottom lip were driving me insane.

  His mere presence ignited my desire. What would happen when he actually touched me?

  It wasn’t until my back came flush with the kitchen island did I stop moving. Before I could even attempt to turn away, he wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me on top of the counter. Moving his strong body between my thighs, he pushed my scantily clad legs apart to fully accommodate him. His thick arousal pressed tightly against the seam of his pants.

  I was lost.

  Lost in what I’d fantasized about since I’d met him.

  Lost in the dream of it all coming true.

  Lost in…him.

  Working his hands up from my waist, he brushed his fingertips over my sensitive nipples, hardening them at once.

  “Alek,” I pleaded, the mere thought of what was to come making me squirm where I sat, imprisoned in his lustful hold.

  “I tried, Sara. I really did,” he whispered quickly before he leaned down to capture my mouth. His kiss wasn’t gentle. It was deep and hungry. He was desperate to taste me.

  To own and claim me.

  I didn’t resist him, not at all. Snagging my lower lip, he dragged the sensitive flesh through his teeth, causing me to lose all control. Completely and utterly. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer.

  He had one of his hands firmly placed at the nape of my neck, almost as if he was holding me in place so he could continue his assault on my slightly bruised mouth. His other hand lowered until he grabbed the waistband of my shorts. Pulling the fabric away from my belly, he slid two fingers down until he found my clit.

  He broke our kiss, moving slowly toward my ear, nibbling at my skin until he landed on my lobe. “Do you want me inside you, Sara? Do you want to feel me stretch you? Tell me you can’t wait for me to fill you”—he bit the sensitive skin—“with my thick cock.”

  What the hell could I say to that? Yes, please sounded too polite. What I wanted to scream was Hell yeah, I want you to fuck me into the middle of next week. But those weren’t the words I chose. Instead, a simple “Yes” escaped my lips. I was hoping he knew what that one simple word really entailed.

  Every stroke from his fingers made me so dizzy, I couldn’t even think straight. I wanted to order him to take me to my bedroom and have his way with me, but I couldn’t get the words out. I could only focus on what he was doing to me, right there in the middle of my apartment.

  My hands lifted upwards until they were tangled in the thick mane of his dark hair. Gripping him hard, I pulled his lips to mine once more, making it so we were devouring one another.

  His hand was still expertly working on me, bringing me closer to orgasm. I moaned into his mouth, pleading with him to continue until my body exploded. “That…” I panted. “That feels incredible. Don’t stop. Please…”

  It wasn’t until he pushed inside, my walls gripping his fingers, did I build toward my release. His thumb feverishly worked my clit as his fingers stretched me, the feeling strange but amazing.

  I matched his rhythm with my thrusts, building and building until my muscles finally clenched, giving way to the most intense orgasm of my life.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me.” He continued commanding my mouth, his tongue teasing me as I rode out my high.

  When the pleasure started to subside and my breathing slowed, the haze which had been built up around me dissipated, throwing me back into the reality of the situation.

  Withdrawing his hand from my shorts, he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me down until my feet met the ground, my legs a little wobbly still. I instantly clutched onto his arms, doing my best not to topple over until I’d regained all of my strength. He held me tightly, giving me the time I needed.

  No sooner had we let go of one another did Alexa come walking down the hall toward the kitchen. Toward us. She stopped abruptly when she saw the flushed look on my face. Quickly looking up at him, I couldn’t help but notice how calm he seemed. And dare I say unaffected?

  “Am I interrupting something?” she asked, having the decency to actually blush, stopping in her tracks and looking to me for approval to approach further.

  “No, it’s okay. You can come in and get whatever you need. Don’t mind us.” I was trying to control my flustered voice as I spoke to her.

  She smiled and said hello to Alek as she passed by. Once she was hidden behind him, she found my eyes and mouthed holy fuck, making me laugh at her brazenness. Alek gave me an inquiring look. I shook my head and laughed again.

  He ushered me from the kitchen and toward the front door. I guess he’s leaving now. Trying my best to hide the look of disappointment on my face, I looked up at him and gave him a genuine smile.

  “Well, I better be heading home. I have to go out of town for a couple days, but I’ll call you when I get back.” He reached out and grasped my hand. “Please answer your phone, Sara.”

  When I didn’t respond right away, he cocked his head to the side and gave me an expectant look. He’ll wait here all night until I give him the answer he wants.

  “All right already, I’ll answer your call,” I said with a smirk.

  “Okay, make sure. And hit the code to the alarm as soon as I leave.” He leaned closer and gave me a sweet goodbye kis
s, never giving way to what had occurred a few feet away a couple minutes before.

  Then he was gone. And I was left already missing him.

  Oh, this can’t be good.



  I’d never been so happy for a business trip before in my entire life. My short time in Vegas would hopefully help me to get my head on straight again. I was weakening around Sara and plainly put, it wasn’t fucking good.

  I tried over and over to take it slowly, to try and get to know her and give her adequate time for her to get to know me in return. But every time we shared the same space, all of my reasoning simply disappeared.

  Daily meetings and countless hours of dealing with the construction plans for my newest hotel were enough to keep me distracted. It was only at night, when I was alone in bed, did my thoughts drift to the one woman who turned my world upside-down. I’d thought I was immune to feeling that way, but I guessed I was wrong.

  And I was never so happy.

  Still, we were moving a bit fast. Not for me but certainly for her, I was sure. I needed her to trust me completely. I needed her to never doubt my genuine feelings for her because if she ever found out what I was hiding, I needed her loyalty and unguarded love to help her see the real me again.

  It was Thursday evening when I finally called her.

  “Hello.” She answered on the second ring. I think she was trying to go for nonchalant, but she didn’t quite pull it off. I knew she was as excited to talk to me as I was to her, although I was able to hide the eagerness from my voice.

  “Hi there, beautiful. Miss me?” I couldn’t help myself, forever wanting her to stroke my ego. Among other things.

  “No, not particularly.”

  I decided to call her bluff. “Now why are you lying to me, Sara? Do I have to put you over my knee and spank the truth out of you?” I heard her gasp, a sound which instantly had me rock-hard. The image of her bent over my knee was torture, but her response to my outburst almost made me lose it.

  “Do what you think you have to, Alek.” There was no shyness in her reply, which I found kind of surprising seeing as how she blushed quite a bit when she was near me. I guess that’s the beauty of the phone. She could be as brazen as she wanted in the privacy of her own home, far away from my prying eyes.

  “Don’t tempt me, Sara.”

  A few seconds of building tension was all she needed to switch the subject. “So, how was your trip? Did you take care of whatever it was you needed to?”

  “There’s still a pressing matter but nothing I can’t handle.” Work was the last thing I wanted to think let alone talk about, but I didn’t want to discourage her from asking me questions about my job.

  “Well, I’m sure everything will work out fine.” She was silent for a moment. We both were.

  I didn’t know why I was suddenly nervous. I wanted to ask her to come over for dinner Saturday night, but the fear she could say no was something I didn’t want to think about. In reality, I knew she would say yes, but there was always the small chance she could decline and that would crush me. I acted all cool and collected in front of her, but inside I was freaking out. Well, not freaking out, but nervous nonetheless.

  Diving right in, I threw out the invitation, hoping she would accept. “Sara, would you like to come over Saturday night for dinner? I’m cooking,” I said, patiently waiting for her reply.

  Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait too long. “Yes, of course. What time?”

  “How about we make it for seven o’clock? I’ll make sure you have the directions.” I hoped she didn’t think I was an ass for not picking her up, but I had a surprise for her. A surprise I was sure she was going to give me a hard time about, but I would persuade her to see it from my point of view, like I always did. “Until then. Goodbye, Sara.” I hung up before I lost all my willpower, drove over to her place and pinned her against her bed.

  The thought alone was enough of an image to pleasure myself to later on.



  I was so busy at work the next day I didn’t really have an opportunity to dwell on thoughts of seeing Alek on Saturday. I was beyond excited but nervous, as well. My body’s reaction to him was so powerful I could only wonder if we would end up in bed together. My first time. Normally, I would have been anxious, but the thought of Alek being the man who would claim my innocence set off an instinctive need to surrender to him.

  He was the only man I’d let inside my guarded bubble.

  He was the only one who had ever made me feel safe.

  After the initial rush had calmed down later in the afternoon, I grabbed my phone to check and see if I had any texts or voicemails from him. A girl could dream, right? As I opened it up, it rang. I answered immediately.

  “Hey, girl. What are you up to tonight?” Alexa asked.

  Trying to hide my disappointment it wasn’t Alek, I answered nonchalantly. “I didn’t have any plans. Why? What were you thinking? Movie night?”

  “No, I was thinking more like going out for a drink. Since we both have work early tomorrow, we won’t stay out late. I promise.” When I didn’t answer right away, she pleaded with me. “Pretty please with sugar on top? I’ve been stressing badly at work and I need some liquid relief.”

  Deciding to put my friend out of her misery, I agreed. “Okay. As long as we’re not out too late, I’m good with a quick drink. I’ll ask Matt and see if he’s free, yeah?”

  “Yeah, of course. Sounds good. I’ll see you at home later.”


  We all decided to go to a well-known, local watering hole. It was a pretty big place but it wasn’t overly crowded, which was probably due to the fact it was a week night.

  Once we had our drinks in hand, we found a private place to sit so we could just chill and hang out.

  “So, what’s going on at work, Lex? Are the women there driving you crazy again?” I knew she had some issues with some of her co-workers but normally she didn’t let it get to her, choosing to ignore them and go on about her business instead.

  “No, this time it isn’t about the women.” She gazed out toward the crowd, not really looking at anyone in particular but instead, staring out into thin air. I bumped her shoulder with my own, nudging her to tell us what the problem was at work. “It’s the new boss,” she finally confessed.

  She had mentioned to me once before the marketing firm she worked for was recently bought out. Now, apparently, she didn’t like who was in charge.

  “What’s wrong with the boss?” Matt chimed into the conversation.

  “Well, for starters, he’s unbelievably hot,” Alexa grunted.

  “Why is that a problem?” Matt and I amusingly said at the same time, which only made us laugh harder, gaining a faint smirk from Alexa.

  “It’s a problem because I can’t fully concentrate on my job when he’s loitering around next to me. I feel inadequate when he asks me a question and I have to have him repeat himself. Then there are times where I swear he’s considering firing my distracted ass. All of it has made for a very stressful situation over the past few weeks.”

  She took a long drink after spilling all her information.

  Matt wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “You have to figure out ways to steer clear of him then. Do you sit close to him? If you do, can you request to move your office somewhere else?”

  “His office is at the far end of our floor, so asking to move would kind of seem ridiculous. And it’s not like I see him all day long, but when I do, I can’t control my wandering thoughts.” Slumping forward a little, she continued with, “I just have to suck it up and get over it. Somehow.”

  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Lex. Plus, it’s not the worst problem to have at work. A hot boss? We can all only dream.” I tried to make her see there were worse things which could happen in the workplace. Having someone nice to look at wasn’t really one of them.

  “I have a hot boss,” Matt comment
ed, which made us all laugh.

  “Yes, you do, my friend,” I replied, flicking my hair over my shoulder.

  As I turned my head while goofing off, I caught a glimpse of Alek standing near the bar. I wonder what he’s doing here. It was weird to find someone like him in such a casual place. The shock of actually seeing him took a few seconds to wear off.

  As I contemplated walking over there and saying hello, I saw a blonde woman shimmy up next to him, running her hands all over him as if they were a couple.

  My heart sank.

  I knew we weren’t exclusive. Hell, we weren’t even dating, but the sight of him with someone else was too much.

  Trying to convince myself to play it cool, I looked away from the offensive sight and turned back toward my friends. Don’t think about him. Don’t you dare think about him. But I did. I did think about him. How could I not? He’d consumed my every thought recently. And there he was, across the bar, with some beautiful…bitch. Yeah, I know. I’m being catty, but as long as I don’t voice it, it’s okay. My secret is safe with me.

  My thoughts were interrupted when Matt nudged me. “Isn’t that Alek over there, Sara?” He leaned closer to get a better look. “Who’s the woman with him?” he asked, continuing to stare.

  “Yeah, it’s him, and I don’t know who she is.” I tried to appear unaffected, but inside I was a wreck. “If you guys will excuse me, I need another drink. I’ll be right back.” I was sure they could see I was upset.

  Sneaking through the crowd so he wouldn’t see me, I found a place on the opposite side of the bar. Luckily, I was able to get served upon arrival, nursing my drink while I thought about what I should do. Should I say hi? Should I make him introduce me to his friend? Should I ignore him? Damn it! I had no idea. My heart beat fast as I tried to decipher which emotion was actually plaguing me.




  A mixture of all three?

  I wasn’t in my seat two minutes when I heard his voice behind me. Because my mind was all over the place, I never even thought to keep an eye out for whether or not he actually saw me.


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