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Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2)

Page 6

by Sariah Skye

  A handful of other spectators—mostly with wings I assumed were fae or in the fae family—took the hint and gathered in the open spot before the band and started dancing little jigs, including the flirty pixie people from earlier. I tried not to snarl at them as they caught the attention of every male within about twenty feet of them.

  Kiarra let go of my arm when we finally reached the band. She began to… well it sort of look like she was having a seizure, but I assumed it was dancing. One of the fae giggled at her and grabbed her hands—a male fae—and spun her around and rhythmically tapping his feet. Kiarra repeated his footsteps; albeit clumsily. I stood back along the sidelines and smiled at them. Kiarra was grinning ear to ear.

  “Care to dance?” a voice from next to me asked. I turned, and Maxxus was standing there, hand outstretched.

  I furrowed my brow at him. “You know how?”

  He shrugged. “I might have picked up a few things.”

  I hesitated. Everyone looked like they were having fun, but…

  “Oh, come on. If you have fun, blame the booze,” Maxxus said, shaking his hand at me.

  I sighed and groaned reluctantly, placing my hand in Maxxus’ much larger one. He grabbed it and spun me deftly on my heels around and under his shoulder and back out. I let out a shocked squeal.

  “This is most unexpected!” I said, with a laugh. He took my free hand, placed it on his shoulder and took his hand and put it on the small of my back.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” he said, with a mischievous glint in his eye. Despite my reservation, I smiled widely at him. Artfully, he spun us to the beat of the cheery, folksy music, never missing a step or a beat. I tried to keep up, but I was awkward. I kept tripping over my feet, his feet and knocked into the group that was watching us. Thankfully, whoever I bumped into just laughed.

  Looking down at his feet, I tried to imitate his steps, frustrated.

  “Hey. Don’t try so hard,” he said, tipping my chin upwards from his feet with a crooked finger. “Number one rule. Number two… just have fun.”

  I frowned skeptically. “Right.”

  He spun me around and leaned over, dipping me backward at the waist for a moment before bringing me up again. The sudden head rush made me dizzy, coupled with the effects of the alcohol caused me to slump against his chest, momentarily.

  “You okay?” he asked, as I looked up at him woozily. His blue eyes looked concerned, even though he still wore a smile on his face. He hadn’t shaved yet that day, and tendrils of his ginger hair fell over his forehead. Some part of me wanted to reach up and brush the hair out of his eyes, but or stroke the roughness on his cheek, but, even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to reach without stretching and looking awkward. I hate being short.

  Perhaps it was the spinning in my head, or the fuzzy way he looked through my eyes, but I grinned at him stupidly and said, “You’re cute.”

  Maxxus winced quickly, before giving me a smirk. He helped steady me on my feet and stepped back, slightly. “Try again?”

  I nodded, and the band switched songs. This one was a little slower, which was nice and allowed me to get my footing. After a while I could keep up with him. Maxxus looked impressed.

  “Nice!” he praised, as we twirled to the music. “Of course I wouldn’t really expect anything less.”

  I stared at him expectantly. “How’s that?”

  He gave a little shrug. “Who do you think taught me to dance?”

  “I don’t…” I let out a little gasp, and then a chuckle. “Grandfather?”

  He nodded, with a smile.

  “How did that come up in all your lessons?” I asked, incredulous.

  “Honestly, I just think he wanted to teach someone. You refused to attend anything social—for good reason,” he added quickly. “Your brother scoffed at it, so he disguised dancing as a lesson in focus, but in hindsight I think he just wanted a partner. Even if it was only me,” he kidded.

  I smiled warmly. “That’s really sweet, actually. He and my grandmother…” I trailed off, suddenly saddened at the memory. I looked away, past him, embarrassed at my sudden change of emotions.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “He did tell me how much he and your grandmother enjoyed dancing when they were younger. I rather think he wished it could have been you, but…”

  “I was too angsty,” I said, with a chuckle. I sniffed, and shook my head, forcing the sadness out of my face. “Sorry. Just talking about him, and even her...”

  Maxxus nodded slowly. I hadn’t realized that we had slowed down considerably. I was dragging my feet, feeling sullen at the memory, but at the same time warm inside—not just from the ale, but because it was nice to talk about my family to someone who knew them. Someone who knew about the rare good parts; my grandparents were simply amazing. Talking to Maxxus was like talking like to an old friend even though I barely knew him; but he knew my grandfather well. That made me happy; sort of like he was here with us right now, too. It sort of felt like home. I surprised myself with that thought.

  The song slowed way down at this point, and I was relieved for the change of pace. “Do you want to sit down?” he inquired, worriedly.

  I shook myself out of a daze. “No, I’m okay.” I forced a smile. “It’s been so long since she died, I don’t know why I’m getting so upset.”

  Maxxus smiled sympathetically. “I had a grandmother who was much like your grandfather: open-minded, loyal, smart… never gave up on anything. I lost her some time ago as well, so I know how you feel.” Maxxus paused a moment thoughtfully. “You know, in my apprenticeship with your grandfather, he would talk about your family often, and show pictures. If it makes you feel any better, you look a lot like your grandmother—your human form, anyway,” he added quickly.

  I beamed. “Thanks.” I smiled up at him, like I was seeing him for the first time, noticing his sparkling topaz-blue eyes and playful smile out of the side of his lips, and my heart skipped a little beat. Those eyes. Something about those eyes. My head spun as I stared deeply into them; almost feeling like I blacked out for half a split second. My hand slowly inched upward, to do what, I didn’t know. It had a mind of its own. Upon the slight raise of Maxxus’ eyebrow I quickly stopped, and I noticed we had nearly stopped. “Um…” I giggled, watching everyone else artfully waltzing or plotzing or whatever dance this was, technically.

  Maxxus grinned and I followed him as he spun us around. We bumped into Kiarra and her partner—a pointy eared sprite, and I giggled as she trotted off.

  I exchanged a grin with Maxxus. “She’s an odd one.” Maxxus nodded in agreement.

  Out of nowhere, over the song, I heard an infuriated, “What the fuck?” from a familiar voice.

  I looked back over my shoulder where Gabriel stood along the sidelines of the party, arms crossed over his chest, eyes narrowed in anger, fists clenched at his sides.

  I quickly dropped Maxxus’ dancing form, and he stepped back, appearing ashamed. I spun around on my heels and was by Gabriel’s side in a second.

  “What?” I asked, half-panicked, half-irritated at his anger. I reached out to grab his arm, and he pulled away, refusing to look at me.

  “Really, Gabriel?” I stepped back, putting my hands on my hips and staring him down.

  Daniel had run up to us by this point. He took a few moments to assess the situation: Maxxus in the square, looking crestfallen, an angry Gabriel and a defensive me. He attempted to reach out to his brother. “Dude, Gabe—”

  In response, Gabriel glared at each of us and went storming off towards the guest quarters.

  “Fuck!” I yelled in frustration, stomping after him, Daniel hot on our heels.

  I followed him to guest quarters we once shared. Daniel had been behind us, but I allowed the door to shut on him. I didn’t want him to hear the argument sure to ensue.

  “What the fuck, Gabriel?” I repeated the curse word again, as he tossed himself on the bed, not facing me, face fixed in a stubborn expression.
I was expecting an argument, but instead Gabriel just sighed.

  “Look, Leo… I know I have no right to be angry. No right at all. It was just a dance, I get it,” Gabriel insisted. He glowered and punched his fist his other palm while grumbling.

  “No, you don’t.” I agreed, sitting on the corner of the bed, scrubbing my hands in exasperation over my face. “Is this how it’s going to be, anytime he talks to me or… anything? I am not sure—”

  He cut me off. “I know, I know.” Gabriel sighed again and gave me a confused look. “Look, I know I have no right to be angry. To be jealous, even. But… I’m sorry, I am. I am and I am just not sure if I can handle it.” He rubbed his temples with his fingers and squinted, in mental anguish.

  I raised my eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

  Gabriel stood, and walked to the door. “I don’t know. I guess I have some shit to deal with.” He sighed, and with a wave of his hand, the doorknob clicked and the heavy door opened with a slight creak. “Can you please leave?”

  I felt a wave of panic wash over me. “But—you don’t need—” I pled. My eyes stung with the pain of hot tears. “It was only dancing!”

  Gabriel fixed his mouth into a straight line. “I’m sorry, Leo.” he said. The heavy door shut slowly again before I could leave, and before I could say anything else, he grumbled, turned on his heels and went to the bedroom. The bedroom we had been sharing before everything got twice as complicated. I heard a click as the door assumedly locked behind him leaving me behind in the living room, alone.

  “But…” My word was barely audible, but it still seemed to echo loudly in the emptiness of the room. My voice squeaked as my throat closed with a lump of shock and sadness. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

  After standing in stunned silence for what seemed like an eternity, I finally could move, mostly because I felt an itchy, pulling sensation on my back. I struggled with the robes to pull them off and searched the nearby counter for something I could use to scratch my shoulder blades with, when I felt the sensation of wings shooting out my back and down my sides.

  I groaned. “Great,” I said in irritation. I tried to look backward, relieved that the straps and construction of the dress allowed them free space to emerge without tearing any fabric. “Well, there’s that, at least.” I rest my elbows on the counter, leaning over and resting my head in my hands. The wings circled around me, almost like they were trying to give a comforting hug. This irritated me, and I shoved them backward with my hands and growled. “Dammit…” I cursed. A lone tear trailed down my cheek and onto the counter, as I tried to process my feelings.

  On one hand, I was extremely freaked out, wondering if Gabriel would call it quits when we hadn't even started yet, unable to handle my friendship with Maxxus. I let out a small gasp at the thought, a sense of dread filling my chest. I quickly tried to swallow it down before it choked my throat. Then I recalled the look on Maxxus' face as I'd ran away from him. Disappointment, maybe? I couldn't read it because I'd been preoccupied.

  “Why should he be angry? This is… stupid!” I defiantly slammed my fist down on the counter, causing a clay vase to fall over from the shock, but I couldn’t fight the tears that had started to fall. I half expected Gabriel to come out the door and see what was wrong, but, he didn’t.

  After a few moments of crying, I wiped my eyes off with the back of my hand and exhaled, trying to compose myself.

  My phone chirped at me from on the floor, nestled in one pocket of the robes I had tossed to the ground; and once more as I fished it out and slid open the screen.

  Are you okay? It was Kiarra, followed by: Just come back, we started the bonfire. We can talk.

  Another chirp; this one from Maxxus:

  I’m sorry, was all it read.

  I felt my cheeks flush with a hint of anger. Why should he be apologizing? I asked myself. He was too nice. Even more anger welled up in me now, followed by guilt. Why should he feel bad?

  And frankly, Gabriel deserves a bit of a smack.

  I sighed, the loneliness of the room suddenly consuming me. I took a deep, calming breath and shoved the phone under my shirt into my bra and picked up the robes I had tossed on the ground. I couldn’t wear them right now, but if I could get rid of the wings, I would want them for the chilly, fall night and I went back to join Kiarra at the bonfire leaving Gabriel behind to sulk in the guest room. His guest room now.

  A handful of witches and sorcerers were shooting small balls of fire and sparks onto a tall gathering of logs and twigs in the center of town. It had only been a short time since I went storming after my disgruntled almost-boyfriend/friend/whatever he was, but in that small window of time the square had already been transformed: all the tables had been pushed off to the side, log benches pulled up around where the fire was growing in the center of town. One of the dragons who’d been playing in the band before was playing his mandolin, singing a soft tune in Gaelic propping the instrument on his leg, which rested on one of the benches.

  I did a quick scan for Kiarra, who was standing, waving to get my attention. I pushed by a handful of onlookers and sat on her left side, with a sigh.

  “So… what happened?” she asked, biting her lip and looking concerned. I explained to her briefly what went down and she shook her head in irritation.

  “It’s not really fair, what he’s putting you through,” she said. She’d been holding a mug of a steaming drink between her hands and she set it down next to her on the bench after taking a small sip. After a quick whiff I recognized it to be the sweet smell of hot chocolate. Normally I loved it, but tonight I had little of an appetite for it.

  I just shrugged, although I agreed with her. “I guess his ex really fucked him up.”

  She snorted. “But, what does that have to do with you?” she asked in irritation and I just shook my head.

  “We all have our… things.” I nodded back behind me, twitching my wings. “Right?”

  Kiarra shook her head. “That doesn’t excuse things, at all. If your brother were to do that to me…” she emphasized her point by punching her fist into her palm and letting out a snarl. I chuckled slightly.

  “Well, red dragons are highly territorial. It wouldn’t be unusual for him to get like that.”

  Kiarra kicked at the dirt under her feet, pondering something by the faraway look in her eye. “No… no, it’s not that. Braeden knows that if I became interested in someone else, he wouldn’t fight me on it.”

  I looked at her, surprised, and she shrugged.

  “You’ve had this conversation?” I asked, wrinkling my nose and waving her off. “Wait—I don’t wanna know about you and my brother…” I pointed my finger down my throat and gagged.

  She chuckled. “All right, I won’t go there. But have you… I mean, have you even…?” she trailed off with a smirk and made a suggestive gesture with her hands. I choked on my breath and tried not to howl with laughter, seeing the lewdness she made with her hands. Most unexpected of her.

  I grew silent after we exchanged a laugh. “No... never,” I said, with a sigh. I looked away from her and into the fire nearby, watching its soothing dance as it raised into the night sky.

  She sighed. “You deserve to have a wonderful experience,” Kiarra said. “Doesn't Gabriel want to?”

  I groaned, dreading opening up that can of worms. “Ugh, I just don't know. First, I wanted to, then he wanted to and I didn't want to... and it keeps going around and around like this. Maybe we both have too much shit for it to be successful. It's not fair, though!” I protested.

  Kiarra reached for her mug and took a long sip, her eyes far away in the fire. “No, no it’s not,” she agreed. She sat sipping silently for a few moments. I almost swore I saw her lower lip tremble briefly before she inhaled a breath and emerged from her daze. She nodded towards the mug. “You want some?”

  I shook my head, still feeling the knot in the pit of my stomach. I patted it gently, indicating I felt a little queasy. “I’m g

  “You know…” her tone took on a hint of mischievousness. “It wouldn’t be unexpected if you and Maxxus… well…”

  I gave her a shocked expression. “Oh, come on. I still don’t believe—”

  She interrupted. “Oh, you come on. He’s gorgeous. He’s nice. And… wouldn’t it be nice to be able to be yourself—all of yourself without worrying about like, I don’t know… eating someone?”

  I snorted. “I… hadn’t thought of that. A lot of human guys like that sort of thing. It’s a kinky thing… I guess.” I shrugged; I had only movies and books to go off of, but the subjects wouldn’t be written about if it wasn’t at least sort of true, some of the time. But I grimaced, imagining the sight of Gabriel with a sore shoulder from me being too forceful, or nursing a nasty bite mark on his neck. I cringed at the thought.

  She chuckled. “No, that’s true. And… I don’t really think Maxxus would be satisfied with just that type of relationship with you.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “I still don’t believe you… he’s just… well… I mean… why wouldn’t he have said something?” Dragons rarely beat around the bush with sex and mating: if someone wanted you, they let you know. Period. You could reject them or not, but you’d know where you stood with them. I guessed. I heard. I had never experienced it myself, but… it was fairly common knowledge. “I mean... he trained under my grandfather for... I don't know how long. Years? You think if that was the case he would have said something!” Sure would have beat being alone, that's for sure.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it's a newer realization.”

  I let out a sigh. At the mention of him, I noticed his absence. “Where is he, anyways?”

  Kiarra let out a small growl. “Well, after Gabriel came in all Alpha-male on you, he just muttered that he was going back to his room and that was that.”

  I grumbled. “Poor Maxxus. Why me?” I whined, feeling sorry for myself, kicking a hole in the dirt on the ground. “I almost wish I’d stayed home that day…” I mumbled.

  Kiarra chuckled. “Which day?”

  “The day Gabriel first came into the shop,” I said, begrudgingly.


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