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Bruiser's Caress (Warpath MC Book 2)

Page 10

by Raven Scott

  “He got in quick,” I say, sitting ringside next to Davey, and my friend nodded as I sat back and stretched my legs out. “So, why’d you wanna come along?”

  “Warpath has done a lot for me, and I know I’ve been distant lately.” Guilt thickened his tone, and Davey sunk into his cheap, folding chair as I glanced at him. “It’s been rough . . . losing everything. I probably wouldn’t be alive if y’all hadn’t helped me out. Ever since all that shit with Bailey’s ex, I’ve been feelin’ like I don’t do enough.”

  “Dude, no one expects anything of you but a couple of jokes and to pick up the bar tab every once and a while. We’re not gonna force you into this.” Clapping a hand on his shoulder, I squeezed, and he reached to rub his face roughly. “Spyder and I have been doing this combined longer than you’ve been alive. It’s not easy to go from being a cop to being the criminal.”

  “It’s a lot easier than you think, Bruiser. I spent six years putting black kids in jail for first non-violent drug offenses, and a white kid rapes and kills a girl at a party, and he gets nothing? And for what? Because the evidence was ‘mishandled’ because the guy’s dad bribed the arresting officer? No. That’s not what I signed up for. The thing is though . . .” Trailing off to take a hot, shuddering breath, Davey clenched his fists as they trembled with residual rage. My chest tightened, and I turned my gaze back to Rook as he stumbled to his feet to lunge at the guy he was fighting. “Ever since I left . . . ever since I switched sides, I . . . I dunno how to explain it.”

  “Davey, there’s corruption everywhere. I think it’s just a matter of finding out which brand you can live with and which ones you can’t.” I clapped his shoulder as I watched Rook blindly shoulder check his opponent with enough force to knock them both down. Kid was gunnin’ for it, and my mouth dried as I watched Davey out of the corner of my eye. “You wanna know somethin’? You can’t change the world, Davey, but you can change your world, and that’s what you did. It’s a slow road to walk. Besides, you do your part. You’ve gotten us outta plenty of messes. You show up when you’re called, and you answer when you’re wanted.”

  “Yeah.” In the cage, Rook took a punch straight to the face before going down, and I shook my head knowingly. He stumbled to his feet, spitting blood onto the floor, and bum rushed the guy again. “He’s not that good.”

  “He’ll get better. Spyder wants to bring him on, and I’m not gonna oppose even though I’m not happy with it.” Hopefully, getting the shit kicked out of him will help with the pain. Losing the first girl he loved was hard, even worse how it happened, but Rook wasn’t entirely blameless. He must’ve had doubts or something, and not listening to his gut is what got him into the situation. Eventually, he’d be okay, though. Today was simply to get it out of his system and introduce him to the pits.

  “How was your date the other day?” Davey changed the subject swiftly, and I nodded as he nudged my arm. “Parker’s been up your ass?”

  “I had a nice time, yeah. Nicole’s a real sweetheart. I’ve already told Parker to fuck off, but if I gotta get nasty, I will. Who I fuck isn’t any of his business, no matter how hard he tries to make it? We’re roommates because it’s convenient, but when it’s not, I’ll take my apartment back, and he can find something else.” It sounded cold, but I knew Davey understood the kind of person Parker was. He inserted himself in shit that he had no business in, and he never shut the fuck up with the unsolicited comments and ‘advice.’ “We’re not serious or anything, but that’s good considering everything that could go on with the Hellraisers. Saint George is getting hot.”

  “I heard from this guy at the station that I’m friendly with that they picked up a few of them for drunk and disorderly, and they were talkin’ about blowing shit up. I don’t know if that’s figurative or literal, but I’d go for the latter.” Grunting in acknowledgment, I inhaled a deep breath and held it as I tapped my heel against the concrete floor. “We’ll see how it develops in the next few weeks, I guess.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I whipped my phone out to copy the address Bruiser had given me and input it into my GPS, and satisfaction made me feel ten feet tall. Swiping down the notification’s menu, I smiled broadly at the deposit alert. Slowly but surely, my online art shop was growing steadily, and I’d never been so fully booked.

  “Pretty soon, I’ll be able to reduce my hours at the restaurant. One step at a time, though. I gotta go deliver this to Bruiser’s friend’s mom.” Nodding firmly, my mumble flooded my car as I slid my phone into the cup holder and turned over the engine. My destination was only ten minutes away, and I nibbled my bottom lip as I glanced back. Pulling away from the curb, my gaze caught the painting I’d rushed, and pride glimmered in my chest.

  Bruiser had given me a bad quality picture he’d screen-grabbed off his friend’s mother’s Facebook, but I liked to think I did a great job reinterpreting her as a superhero. Flicking on my blinker, I tore my eyes off the rearview mirror to check the other lanes before rolling through a stop sign. I basked in the warmth of a job well done, and my previous client’s happy gushing rang in my ears. Finally, finally, I’m beginning to get some proper traction.

  I wanted to make art my life, and it was so hard, but it was finally starting to pay off. I even had a few paintings I had to drop off at a new client’s home today, which I’d just finished.

  I should call Bruiser. Pulling onto the side of the road, I grabbed my phone to navigate to his contact and tap the ‘Speaker’ button. He answered quickly, and I could briefly hear excited, rambling garble in the background.

  “Hey, what’s up? Did you finish your delivery?” I smile, opening my mouth, but before any sound could come out, a huge rip of a motorcycle engine blasted past my car. My vehicle actually shook from the multiple, horrifyingly fast bikes that whizzed by, and I gripped the wheel tightly. Bruiser was quiet on the other end, and when he spoke up again, I could tell he was farther from the phone. “Where are you, Nicole?”

  “Um, about ten minutes out. Sorry. I didn’t even hear them come upon me. That’s really dangerous to drive like that in the suburbs.” Grumbling toward the end, I held my phone receiver closer to my mouth as I checked behind me, but there weren’t any more idiots tearing up the roads. Pulling off the curb carefully, I cleared my throat before continuing. “I just was callin’ to let you know I’m on my way. I think your friend’s mom is gonna love it. I think it came out really good.”

  “Awesome. When you get here, just pull onto the lawn on the right side of the driveway, okay? I’ll go meet you.” I hummed before hanging up, and the deep rumble of multiple engines roared behind me. I tapped the brakes, pulling over to avoid being swept past, and another five or so bikes of varying sizes and colors raced by. A dirt bike popped a wheely, engine roaring, and I scrunched up my nose in distaste.

  How irresponsible. I hope they don’t hit someone. I crawled down the road, hugging the curb, and it took a few seconds before another group of bikers sped past me. There must’ve been twenty or so that were tearing up the neighborhood, and my heart beat hard. Anxiety coiled in my gut, and I gripped the wheel with both hands as I held my speed well below the limit. “Ugh . . .”

  It seemed like a lifetime had passed by the time I took my final turn before the house, and I tensed and jammed my foot on the brakes. My car jolted, knocking the air from my lungs, and I licked my lips nervously. All those bikes that had rushed past me were circling the street, and a dense lump formed in my throat.

  Saint George has a biker gang, and they don’t like Bruiser’s gang. Were they really gonna crash someone’s birthday party? Have some class.

  I inched toward the house, my GPS indicating I’d reached my destination, and Bruiser sat on the front stoop. He stood up when he saw my car, and I flexed my fingers around the wheel. Thirty feet and I’d be on the lawn where he wanted me to park. The rev of bike engines shattered the air and bounced off my windows, rattling my teeth. Inhaling sharply, I he
ld one foot on the gas, and one on the brakes as the bikers started circling my car.

  Intimidating roars brought party guests from behind the house, and I had to stop when several bikers with no helmets got dangerously close to my front end. A cold sweat broke out on my back, and I held my breath as my heart leaped into my throat.

  I honked my horn as two dozen motorcyclists circled me like vultures eyeing a carcass, and a shocked yelp escaped me when my car jostled by the back right wheel. They kicked my car! Grinding my molars, I struggled to take proper breaths as I forcefully inched forward. Honking again, longer and harder this time, my anxiety flooded my veins when my car jolted again.

  “F-fuck!” I threw my car into first gear to brace myself before jamming my foot on the gas, my back wheels kicking up smoke as I swerved my back end. The bikes around me scattered wildly, and I jerked into third to speed up. Taking my foot off the gas, I skid to a stop right as the guy on the dirt bike slid in front of me to rev his engine threateningly.

  Gripping the clutch in my trembling hand, I prepared myself for another go before switching gears. My heart hammered in my throat, and panic replaced the blood in my veins as it all rushed to my head. Throwing myself into reverse, I jammed both my feet down to swivel backward, and the guy on the dirt bike disappeared in a plume of smoke from my front wheels.

  I hoped he moved as I jerked into first and gassed it, and bikers scrambled to get out of my way as I crashed through the smoke. Circling me dangerously close, bodies and bikes alike weaved in and out of my field of vision as anger mingled with the menagerie of other emotions battering my chest. This goes so far beyond disliking each other! What the Hell!

  Shivering as goosebumps blanketed my arms and across my chest, it’s as if I’d gone into some weird autopilot. I don’t remember what I did, but I surely remembered the sound of my car jostling with a terrible clatter. I couldn’t stop my horrified shriek even if I tried, and my gaze whipped to the side to find my entire driver’s side mirror gone. Shock rattled my brain, and I jammed the gas to the floor to slam into two bikers that were circling my front a little too close. My car instantly ate the dirt bike, and a terrible, pained cry pierced the air.

  Suddenly, everything went still as my car rolled over the entire dirt bike from front wheel to back. I flung the gear into drive, and another scream echoed as my back wheel flattened the dirt bike. Swinging on burning rubber into the driveway, I barely managed not to hit the shiny, pristine bikes already sitting there.

  Jerking the emergency brake, I parked and turned off my car to exhale a shuddering breath. Sniffling harshly, I held my head in my trembling, wet hands as I took heaving, massive gasps. Glass shattering invaded my fragile peace, and I twisted to find a fucking rock sitting in my back seat. Alarm bells rang in my ear, and I unbuckled to grab the painting and climb out of my car.

  My vehicle was covered in scratches and dents, and I fumbled for my cell phone before powerful arms wrapped around me. Bruiser threw me at his friend, and the world spun when I stumbled back onto my butt. The engines revving cut out, and everything stilled as Bruiser stood over me. His shoulders shook with rage, fists tightly clenched, and I clutched my painting to my chest as anticipation charged the air with electricity.

  The only noise was the man pinned under the ruined dirt bike, his leg crushed and useless as he tried to pull himself out. Blood squirted onto the road, and I tensed when soft hands landed on my shoulders. A woman knelt next to me and smiled grimly, but I couldn’t focus on her when an engine roared in my direction.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Red seeped into my vision, fury gorging my muscles and writhing under my skin as a dozen and a half Hellraisers gunned for me. Breathing fire, my heart squeezed painfully before a movement caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. The stillness in the air shattered like Nicole’s back window, and I charged for the bike closest to me.

  Adrenaline surged through me, searing my veins as I shoved my body into the bike, and the guy went flying. These motorcycles were light and not well-maintained, I knew, and I grabbed the frame to fling the bike down the street. Several people got off their bikes and just tossed them down, and that only made me angrier. Who treats a motorcycle like that?

  Someone that has no fucking respect for the beauty of the ride, that’s who.

  I whirled around just as Rook came barreling through, shoving the guy closest to me to the ground. A fist connected with my side, and I whipped around on my heel to smash my elbow into some nameless guy’s face. He dropped like a wet sack of potatoes, and I resisted the urge to stomp on him when another guy jumped on my back.

  “B-Bruiser!” Throwing the guy off me, the hairs on the back of my neck bristled at the shrill cry, but I ignored it to focus on the dogpile I was about to be the base of. Rook climbed off the bloodied face on the road, and he and I stood back to back as a dozen bodies closed in on us. Grabbing his arm, I felt my cousin tense against me before he sniffled harshly and held his breath.

  “Here we go—” Just as I spoke, three guys rushed at me from my side, and I ducked before Rook swung his leg up and over. His heel connected with a face, but there was no time as I sprung up to grab the second guy by the throat and slam him down onto the asphalt. Sidestepping Rook as he twisted to shove his foot between the third guy’s legs, I could almost hear his balls hitting his brain, like a strongman stand at the fair.

  Grabbing Rook by the shirt, I pulled him around again to barely dodge a fist, and I jammed my own into the guy’s mouth. Everything happened too fast, all movements and thoughts a blur, as my cousin slid under my legs to kick the guy square in the chest. It almost felt choreographed, the way we moved, and I made it a point to thank Minter for being consistent, at least.

  A gunshot burst through the air, and my gaze whipped to the sound as Spyder held his gun to the sky. The Hellraisers scattered didn’t even bother picking up their wounded. So much for brotherly love. Furious revving of engines and the smell of burning rubber flooded my senses, and I trembled under the weight of eyes. Panting viciously, I clenched and released my jaw as injured parties struggled to escape, but the dude Nicole had crushed had passed out at some point.

  “Rook!” Snarling nastily, I grabbed Rook’s arm when he tried to go after the shaky riders, and he glared fiery at me. “That’s enough. They’re gone.”

  Jerking his arm from my grip, he rolled his shoulders and shook his head viciously, and I licked my teeth. The red haze lifted from my mind, and I stretched my arms over my head to arch sharply and shake myself out. Rubbing my jaw on the way over to Spyder, I nodded gratefully, but he frowned darkly through his thick beard.

  “My car!” Nicole’s cry snapped me out of my daze, and my gaze swung to her as she scrambled to her feet with her painting. Huge tears streamed down her face, and she rushed over to her car to flitter over her missing mirror and broken back window. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God! My insurance doesn’t cover vandalism! Oh, my God!”

  “Nicole—” But she was hysterical, so I walked over to grab her and pull her to my chest. Rubbing her head that way she liked seemed to help, but she trembled, and her tears didn’t slow or shrink. “Nicole, relax. It’s okay. We’ll fix it, free of charge. Just relax and take some breaths, baby.”

  “What’s wrong with those people! They . . . that guy . . . the . . .” Sputtering through gasping breaths, Nicole twisted in my arms to squeak in horror. “That guy!”

  “Stop!” Holding her cold cheeks in my palms, I forced Nicole to look at me, and she tensed with a hiccup. “Stop, Nicole. It’s okay. They’ll come back for him, and you’re not gonna get in trouble for running his dumbass over. Let’s go in the back and get you a drink.”

  “What does that mean? Not get in trouble? He’s gonna say I ran him over and the police wi—” Thumbing her lips to shut her up, I shook my head before wrapping an arm securely around her waist. Davey emerged from the side of the house with a huge tarp to cover her car with, and I nodded
in thanks as we passed him.

  “Sit.” She was so stiff that her knees cracked when she sat in the plastic chair, and I nodded in satisfaction. Grabbing a beer for myself and a fruity thing Hailey had brought for Nicole, I sat next to her as she shivered, clutching her painting for dear life. “Just breathe. You did nothing wrong, and we’ll fix your car for you. Okay? It’s alright.”

  “N-no, it’s not! What? Why? What just happened?” I winced when her voice cracked, and she set the painting against the chair leg to snatch the small can and guzzle it down. Blustering a choking sigh, she shook her head and shivered violently, blinking hard while I tried to figure out what to say.

  “I didn’t think they’d be that bold. I’m sorry, Nicole.” She cast me a wild look, and I grabbed her hand to squeeze comfortingly. “I don’t start problems, but I do finish them. Hopefully, they’ll back off. Saint George Hellraisers . . . I hope they realized that they shouldn’t do anything stupid again, but they’re idiots, so . . .”

  “H-how can you be so . . . so . . .” Faltering heavily, Nicole frowned at me as accusation flared in her eyes. “You said they were regular idiots, not that they would throw themselves in front of my car idiots!”

  “I underestimated their stupidity, baby. I apologize. It won’t happen again.” My promise firmed my tone and her emotions, and Nicole practically stabbed me with her gaze. “I promise.”

  “Did you and Rook get into some trouble in Vegas or something, Bruiser?” Tensing as I twisted at Spyder’s tone, my mouth dried as I shook my head under his expectant gaze. “What was that?”

  “Minter teaches it to us. Well, drilled it into us is more like what he did. That way, we’d never be outmatched even if we’re outnumbered.” Spyder appraised me critically as I chuckled darkly, rubbing the back of my head awkwardly with my free hand. “He made it up himself after getting the snot beaten out of him with his brother. They were doin’ a deal and got ganged up on. Everyone in the business has to pass that shit before we’re allowed to do deals ourselves. The bigger guy takes the defensive, and the smaller the one offensive.”


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