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Coyote Heat (SEALs On Fire)

Page 5

by Desiree Holt

  “I aim to please.”

  “But you covered up that beautiful body,” he protested. “I wasn’t through looking at it.”

  She looked at the old T-shirt she’d pulled on, one that came to the middle of her thighs. “I wasn’t sure if Annie would decide to come by and check out the situation.”

  “That your friend from last night?”

  She nodded.

  “And what would you have said if she did?” he asked.

  Cori grinned. “That it was none of her damn business.”

  Coyote took another deep swallow of coffee. “What time is it, anyway?”

  “Ten o’clock. Way past the usual time I get up.”

  “Ten o’clock?” His eyebrows flew up. “No kidding? Holy shit. I think the last time I slept this late was when I was a kid.” He tossed back the sheet and rose to his full nude magnificence. “We’re wasting daylight, querida. Time to move.”

  A tiny knot formed in her stomach. “You have someplace to be?”

  He kissed her again, this time a little more firmly. “Yes. With you. And I want to start by taking you to breakfast. Pick the place.”

  “Really?” She hated the squeaky sound in her voice.

  “Cori.” He was so close she could feel his breath on her face, and she had to hold her mug to the side to avoid spilling. He put his hands on her shoulders, squeezing slightly. “Did you really think I was just going to put on my clothes, give you a quick thank you, and disappear?”

  She shrugged, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. Despite what he’d said about this…connection, or whatever it was between them, she’d learned to have little or no expectations.

  He cradled her face in his warm palms. “I don’t know how long this leave will last. We could be recalled at any time. But however much time I have, I want to spend it with you. Stay here in your cottage with you. Get to know you better. See…what this is between us. Besides sex.” He winked. “Although it is outstanding sex.”

  She felt herself blush and lowered her gaze. “Okay. I’d like that, too.”

  “So. Breakfast first, okay? I’m starved.”

  She gave him an impish grin. “Me, too.”

  “I have to go to the house where we’re staying to shave and pick up more clothes.” He studied her face. “Some of my teammates might be there. They aren’t always, uh, discreet.”

  “It’s okay,” she assured him. “I’ll just ignore any rude male remarks. I’ve been around military men before.”

  She snapped her mouth shut before she let anything else out. She didn’t plan to ruin the weekend, or however long they had, by telling him her sad and painful story.

  “Let’s get dressed, then.”

  She could sense he was deliberately ignoring the reference to the military. “Okay.”

  “Breakfast first,” he went on. “Then the house, then whatever you want to do for the rest of the day.”

  Breakfast took much longer than she expected. They ate slowly, talking about themselves. Things like what music they listened to and their favorite books and movies. He told her about his team, what each man was like. She laughed when he told her about Zeus’s habit of knitting to relieve muscle tension. Little things that gave insight into the people they really were. And with each minute that passed, each detail shared, Cori found herself unavoidably falling harder for this man.

  I need therapy. I must be a real glutton for punishment.

  But as they left the restaurant, she deliberately closed off that portion of her mind.

  Her mouth dropped open when Coyote pulled into the driveway of the house where he was staying.

  “Are you kidding me? That’s Brice Benson’s house.”

  “Yeah.” He winked at her as he put the SUV in park. “He and Dagger have been friends since they were kids. Come on. I’ll give you the tour.” He opened the side door and ushered her inside. “Hello. Anyone around?”

  “In here,” a female voice called.

  Coyote steered them into the kitchen.

  “Hey, Coyote!” A woman who looked vaguely familiar to Cori slid off her stool, careful to cover her ass as she went to throw her arms around him.

  “Kim. Glad you made it, girl.” He threw one arm around her and the other around Cori, drawing them both close. “Let me introduce you all. This is Cori. Zeus Calderon. And Kim Stansfield.”

  Cori shook hands, studying the woman beside Coyote. “Wait. I think I know you. You’re that woman that those Bedouin tribesmen took in Egypt a while back, aren’t you?”

  Kim blushed. “I am.”

  Cori grinned. “Wow. You’re even better looking than on TV.”

  Kim rolled her eyes to the ceiling and pulled at the old T-shirt she was wearing. “Thanks. Credit for the wardrobe goes to my rescuer here, Mr. Calderon.”

  “I’ve heard about the infamous Zeus.” Cori’s eyes flashed with humor.

  “Oh, no,” Zeus objected. “If Coyote is spreading rumors then you need to hear a few facts from me.”

  “Yeah? Does Coyote knit, too?” Cori asked Zeus, her shoulders flexing as if she and Zeus were sharing secrets.

  “Aw, hell, man,” Zeus groaned while Cori elbowed Kim. Everyone except the man in question had a good chuckle.

  Kim cleared her throat. “You…um…you knit, do you, Zeus?”

  Brandishing a bunch of celery at the three of them, Zeus muttered, “Only when my shoulders get too tight.”

  Kim widened her eyes at him. “Does that occur often?”

  “Yeah,” he growled. “As often as when my pal, here, gives away classified intel.”

  “Well, hey, Zeus, mea culpa, buddy,” Coyote said, looking painfully sheepish. “We’re just here to get some clothes for me for today. I’m spending the rest of our standby with Cori at her cottage.”

  Zeus turned toward the stove and dumped in some chicken.

  Cori, totally out of the loop, saw Coyote staring at Kim with a “What’s up with that?” expression in his face.

  Zeus’s gaze flashed to Kim.

  She spread her hands in the air in a “Give me a chance” gesture.

  “Something going on here I need to know about?” Zeus asked.

  Coyote shot him a look. “Yeah.”


  An apology flashed in her sad eyes. She licked her lips. “I need to tell you a few things.”

  Every line in Zeus’s body went taut, and his eyes narrowed. “Yeah? Tell me what? What kind of things?”

  Coyote thrust his hand in the air. “Excuse us, please. Cori and I are tiptoeing away now. Sorry, Kim. Zeus.”

  Cori called over her shoulder, “Goodbye, nice to meet you,” as Coyote grabbed her hand and led her up the circular staircase to the second floor. “What was that all about?” she asked when he drew her into one of the bedrooms.”

  “They have a few problems to work out. I helped her set up the surprise visit but the rest is up to them.”

  “You could tell how much they’re into each other,” Cori remarked. “I hope they work it out. But with him being a SEAL and all…” Her voice trailed away.

  Coyote stopped tossing things into his duffle and turned her to face him. “Okay, enough. Something about the military really bothers you, and I think I need to know what it is. Don’t keep shutting the door on it, Cori. And don’t make me pay for someone else’s mistakes.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip, looking down at her feet. “Okay,” she sighed. “But not now. Later. Let’s just have a great day first, all right?”

  “Yes, but I’m not forgetting it.” He kissed her, a hard press of his lips against hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth in a possessive way. He smoothed his hands up and down her back then shoved his fingers into her hair to hold her head steady. When he lifted his head, she was breathless.

  “Okay.” The word came out on a breath of a sigh. “Later.”

  No one was in the kitchen when they headed back to the car. Cori hoped whatever Zeus and Kim were dealing
with, they were working it out.

  The day was even better than she could have hoped. They spent a long time at the beach, just lying in the sand and then swimming in the cool water. They drank fancy cocktails at one of the beach bars and ate grilled fish at a beachside restaurant. And talked about everything and nothing.

  It was the most relaxing day Cori remembered having in a very long time. Just being like this with Coyote made her feel so good. Whatever happened, she’d never regret this.

  On the way back to her house Coyote pulled up to the curb in front of a large store that seemed to sell everything under the sun.

  “Just getting more beer and wine,” he told her. “Be right back.” When he returned, he had two large bags in his arms that he stashed in the back seat.

  “You were gone a long time for just beer and wine,” she pointed out.

  “Busy store. Okay, let’s get home. I can hardly wait another minute to get your naked.”

  As they drew closer to her house, the sexual tension between them grew until it filled the SUV.

  “Forget the drinks for right now,” Coyote said as he slammed the gearshift into park and practically dragged her out of the SUV.

  She was just as eager as he was. She fumbled at first with the key to the door, and when she finally got it open, he pulled her inside, slammed the door, and pressed her up against it.

  “Being with you all day at the beach,” he breathed, “seeing you in that excuse for a bathing suit. It was all I could do to keep my hands to myself. Cori, Cori, Cori. Jesus.”

  The kiss was hot and hard, his hands gripping her head to hold it steady, his tongue plundering her mouth. He kept his mouth fused to hers as his hand yanked up her T-shirt and pulled down her shorts.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” she said against his lips.

  “Can’t wait,” he gasped.

  He moved enough to pull off the rest of her clothes, unzip his jeans, and fish a condom from his wallet. Placing his hands beneath her ass, he lifted her until her legs wound around his waist then drove into her with a single thrust. Cori tightened around him—her legs, her cunt, her arms—until there was no space between them. With hungry speed his pistoned in and out, holding her so her clit rubbed against him with each stroke. It took barely seconds before they both exploded, gasping for breath, bodies shaking.

  Coyote leaned his forehead to hers, waiting until their breathing evened out, before moving. He carried her just as they were, locked together, into the bedroom, where he set her on the floor and disposed of the condom. By unspoken agreement, they finished undressing each other, exchanging soft kisses as they did so. Cori was shaken to her core. Yes, this was a lot more than weekend sex. And now she’d have to tell Coyote her sad story. He’d see her as a loser and that would be that.

  “Okay.” He had carried her to the bed with him, and they lay face to face, his hand stroking up and down her skin. “I have to know what the problem is with the military before we take this any further.”

  Doing her best not to shed tears, she told him the story in short, choppy sentences.

  “I tried this once before.” She closed her eyes and buried her head against his chest, not wanting to see his face while she talked. “When I lived in Tampa, I got very involved with a man stationed at MacDill AFB. And I mean really involved.”

  Cruz stroked her hair, his touch soothing and reassuring. When she paused, he urged, “Go on, mi corazon.”

  “He called me and came to see me the day before he was deployed.” She swallowed a sob, tried not to feel the pain in her heart again. “We spent an incredible night together. Made promises to each other.”

  “What happened to him?” His fingers tightened in her air. “Oh, god, Cori, was he killed?”

  “No. That might have been easier, although I didn’t wish him dead.” She shrugged. “He just never called again. I heard he was back at the base and tried to call him with no luck. Then I heard from other people he was hanging out with someone new. Telling people he was still looking for that one special woman. One for whom he didn’t mind giving up his freedom.”

  “Jesus!” He tilted her face up and kissed the tears tracking down her cheeks. “What an idiot not to realize he already had the most special woman of all.”

  She hitched a breath. “You think so?”

  “Cori, I told you I don’t tell lies. I might have to keep secrets but not about feelings. I told you I got in the habit of keeping my feelings to myself because, being a SEAL, I’m not necessarily in a position to make a commitment to a woman.”

  “I know,” she began, “and—”

  He touched the tip of one finger to her lips. “But you’ve changed all that in such a very short time. I guess it’s true that time can telescope when it’s necessary. I know there are assholes in the military,” he went on, “but they exist everywhere. And you can’t paint us all with the same brush. I’ve never lied to a woman, and I don’t intend to start now. Whatever this is between us, Cori, for the first time in my life I don’t want it to end. You’re more woman than any man could ask for. Ever.”

  She looked up at him, studying his face, trying to read what was in his eyes. What she saw made her entire body heat up.

  “You know what my life is like,” he continued, “but other SEALs have had successful relationships. For the first time, I want one. With you.” He paused. “How do you feel?”

  She let out a shaky breath. Do it or not, Cori. “I feel the same way. I want to take a chance.”

  “Mi corazon,” he breathed. “My heart.”

  They made very slow, delicious love this time, exploring each other’s bodies. Drawing out the pleasure. At last, they fell into an exhausted sleep, curled into each other.

  A sharp piercing noise woke her, and she sat up, rubbing her eyes. What was going on?

  “Shit.” Coyote reached for his pager and pressed a button on it then picked up his cell phone and pressed a speed dial number. “Yeah?” he said when apparently someone answered. “Okay. Right away.” He disconnected the call and turned to Cori.

  “You have to go.” She said it before he could. “It’s okay. I knew that from the beginning, and I’m all right with it.”

  “Cori.” His cell phone rang. “Damn. Don’t move.” He clapped the phone to his ear. “Yeah, yeah, I got the page, too. I’m on my way.” He tossed the phone to the foot of the bed and pulled Cori toward him. “This is just the beginning, querida. I can’t tell you when I’ll get back but I will be back.” He grabbed for his jeans and T-shirt, hastily yanking them on. “Write down all your phone numbers for me and your email and keep your cell with you at all times.”

  He started for the door.

  “Wait. Cruz. Don’t just run out the door like that. I—”

  “My master calls, mi amor, but I’m not gone yet. I’ll be right back.”

  She waited impatiently, wondering what he was doing outside, for one brief moment panicking that he’d decided to split after all. Then, seconds later, the front door opened and he was back. In his arms, he carried a large stuffed animal.


  He grinned at her, holding the big toy. “It’s a seal, Cori. And his name is Coyote.” He thrust it into her arms. “Read the message. That’s what took me so long in the store.”

  She reached for the ribbon around the animal’s neck where gold printing sparkled. One wide tail of the bow had the kind of writing she’d seen created by embroidery machine. The kind they had at county fairs and amusement parks. She had to read it twice to be sure she understood. Then happy tears clouded her eyes as she read it yet again.

  “Cori. I will always, always come back to you. Coyote.”

  He was fully dressed now, pager and cell phone clipped to his belt. He reached down and hauled her to her feet, stuffed animal and all.

  “I mean what this says, Cori. And I wanted you to have this to look at every day so you’d know for sure I’m telling you the truth.”

  “I believe you.” She
smiled through her tears.

  “I’ll call you every chance I get,” he assured her. “And email you whenever I have a connection. Please, Cori. Please, please let me into your life. I want to spend mine with you.”

  She leaned into him, the seal squished between them. “Of course. Same goes here. I know we started out this weekend saying it was just good fun, but—”

  “But it’s a lot more than that,” he finished. “Just because we didn’t expect it doesn’t mean it isn’t real or it won’t last. Because it is and it will.”

  “And this Coyote and I will keep the lights on for you,” she promised.

  He kissed her, hard, then whispered, “Te amo.”

  “Te amo,” she answered.

  She followed him to the door and stood there in the open entrance long after he’d left, fingers touching her lips, holding the stuffed seal. Wrapped in promises of the future.

  Warmed by Coyote heat.

  About the Author

  Desiree Holt’s writing is flavored with the rich experiences of her life, including a long stretch in the music business representing every kind of artist from country singer to heavy metal rock bands. For several years she also ran her own public relations agency handling any client that interested her, many of whom might recognize themselves in the pages of her stories.

  She is twice a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award, a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio as well as twice a CAPA Award for best BDSM book of the year, winner of the prestigious Holt Medallion as well as two Holt Medallion Awards of Merit, and is published by five different houses. Romance Junkies said of her work, “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.”

  You can find her at


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  Conquering Zeus


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