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Claimed by the Elven King: Part One

Page 2

by Cristina Rayne

  He shifted slightly, and my thoughts were derailed by the unmistakable feel of his hardened cock against my inner thigh. That’s when I realized that I, too, was completely missing the robe he had only opened and drawn aside earlier.

  I pulled my mouth away with some difficulty and gasped out, “Wait! Wait—what happened to our—mmph!”

  Apparently my soon-to-be elven lover was in no mood for talk as his tongue effectively cut off my words and a rough thrust of his hips that managed to rub perfectly against my clit shot a shocking burst of pleasure through my body, effectively short-circuiting my brain. My thighs instinctively tightened around his hips as he continued to thrust between my legs in a series of slow, drawn out slides against my now thoroughly wet sex, the delicious friction making me throb and shiver like never before as I writhed and moaned beneath him with abandon.

  He drew his mouth away with a final brush against my swollen lips and a teasing nip on my bottom lip that probably should have stung but only left a pleasurable throb in its wake, and then proceeded to suck and lick his way down my jaw. Propped on one forearm, he stopped to pay special attention to several newly discovered sensitive points on my neck with teeth and tongue that had me throwing my head back and offering my throat to him as if in submission to another beast.

  The elf’s free hand reached down and began to fondle my thus far neglected breast. Both nipples were long past reacting to my excitement, hardened pebbles that were so sensitive now that they were beginning to ache. I sucked in a sharp breath as he pinched my nipple a little more firmly than I had expected, the sensation somewhere between pleasure and pain.

  Licking a path down my breast bone to the top swell of my other breast, I suddenly felt his mouth latch onto it, a hot, slippery tongue laving and rolling over the nipple while his mouth began to roughly suckle, and I couldn’t have formed a coherent thought to save my life. I moaned and arched my body closer to his mouth, pressing his head down with both my hands in the same instant.

  My hand accidentally brushed against the point of one of his ears, and suddenly I just had to touch them, my earlier apprehension about needing his permission no where to be found. I delicately ran a fingertip slowly from the tip of one pointed ear down along its outer edge. It was as silky as the rest of his skin and as firm as a human ear.

  I squeaked—yes squeaked—when his teeth suddenly bit down hard along the edge of my areola as he very nearly jumped out of his skin, and a sharp pain erupted from my chest. He immediately jerked his head up with a wild expression, a shocking smear of bright red staining his lips from the obviously unintentional bite. Who would’ve guessed that elves had such razor-sharp teeth!

  The tips of both of his ears twitched as if in agitation. “Sorry!” I said quickly before he could open his mouth, afraid that I had just made him angry.

  He shook his head, and my eyes widened when he very deliberately licked my blood clean from his lips instead of just wiping it off with his hand or the blankets or something. My pulse sped up as I watched that pink tongue lap up the last remnants of blood along his lower lip in a slow glide. That had to be one of the most erotic things I had ever seen, and I couldn’t for the life of me understand why. What was wrong with me? Shouldn’t that have disgusted me? I mean, what if he—

  I let out a muffled exclamation of shock as his lips crashed against mine in the sloppiest, wettest, hottest kiss I had ever shared with anyone, and the full weight of his body pressed me down deeper within the softness at my back. It should have been uncomfortable, but the added weight as well as the mild throb along my breast where he had bitten me only seemed to make my pulse quicken even more. Who knew biting could be so stimulating?

  I could vaguely taste something metallic on his tongue. Was that it? Did the blood excite him? Wait—don’t tell me the elf was a vampire, too!

  That settled it. This was all definitely a dream. I had to have gotten plastered after work, and I was absolutely never going to drink again if this convoluted delusion was the result! Then he did something amazing with his tongue and any worries about vampires or elven taboos were instantly thrown to the wayside.

  For what felt like hours, we sucked on each other’s tongues while his hands seemed determined to search out and skillfully caress every spot on my body within reach that made me shutter and moan, his rock-hard erection equally determined to stimulate me into a frenzy as he sensually rubbed himself almost teasingly against my pelvis.

  Then before I knew it, his considerable girth was inside me, stretching my virgin passage almost to the point of tearing, and he was thrusting into me as if he were trying to drive me completely through the mattress to the floor beneath. It was a testament to how completely gone my mind was at that point that I couldn’t even remember the moment when he had penetrated me for the first time.

  The sensations I experienced were phenomenal. Shockwave after shockwave of pleasure shot up my spine with every heavy, deep thrust until my toes curled and I all but screamed. Nothing I had ever experienced in my twenty-three years of life could even come close to the pleasure the elf gave me that night.

  I wrapped my legs tightly around his hips and wantonly thrust my own hips up to meet each of his thrusts almost as if compelled, clinging to his firm, muscled back as if it were a lifeline. His body was so perfectly made that it was unreal. It had to be unreal…

  I climaxed after only a couple of minutes at most, so startled by that sudden, unimaginable explosion of ultimate pleasure that all the conflicting emotions I had been futilely trying to keep in check abruptly shattered, and I began to sob in earnest even as my body shuddered in ecstasy.

  “It’s all right,” the elf whispered against my ear, turning to gently lick one of the tears trailing down my cheek. It was a shock to just hear his voice. “The pleasure will only overwhelm in the beginning. Let yourself go—set your spirit free, and everything will balance itself out as it should.”

  To this day, I can’t understand how he could have spoken so calmly while never once losing his rhythm. He moved over and within me with all the grace and power of a blond panther, his hips driving his cock so deep into my passage that the force of it was almost bending me in half. That fantastic tension was building in my sex again even as it was still tingling pleasurably from the first explosion. I tightened my legs around him in an attempt to increase the friction between us as I desperately ground my hips upwards against him, feeling as if my brain would melt if I didn’t come soon.

  When I finally crashed over the edge again, I came twice within seconds of each other, the last orgasm so powerful that it bordered on painful. It was like every nerve ending in my body just sang. I very nearly blacked out as the stimulation really was more than my body and mind could handle, especially when my elven lover was still thrusting powerfully within me while relentlessly attacking my nipples with both tongue and those sharp teeth.

  As my body shuddered and writhed with spasm after spasm of pleasure, he gave one last, heavy thrust that seemed to almost reach into the center of me and the warmth of his climax nearly sent me over the edge again. He lay atop me with his full weight for a few moments, kissing my neck with more energy and aggression than I felt should have been possible after the wild ride he had just taken me on, then lingering on my lips with a little less alpha male and more tenderness.

  He then carefully withdrew his cock from within me, making me gasp as I felt one last throb of arousal from my over-sensitized tissues, and rolled onto his side, pulling me with him into a tight embrace of incredibly soft skin and tangled limbs.

  With my body tingling like mad and still overwhelmed with emotions, I began to sob again, burrowing my face into the damp muscles of his chest. I felt my elven lover kiss the top of my head, and then he slowly began to run his fingers caressingly along my scalp and through my hair in an unmistakable gesture of comfort.

  “Sleep now,” he said. “Leave all your fears and questions for a time, and tomorrow, I promise the answers will come.”

  “What’s your name?” I murmured as my mind began to fog.

  Before I lost consciousness, I head him whisper into my ear, “Sethian.”


  Waking up, I felt as if I had been asleep for years.

  My body felt heavy, stiff, and every one of my muscles seemed to throb—and not in a good way. There was a dull ache in both my temples and the back of my neck that spiked with pain every time I moved my head. It was like waking up after going on a five-day bender of hard liquor and no sleep. Not that I had any firsthand experience, mind you, but I did have a few wild friends during my undergrad days and had often witnessed the absolute train wreck of misery and self-hate that had always followed.

  It took me a lot longer than usual to shake off the lethargy of sleep, but once my mind had cleared a bit and my eyes had focused completely on my surroundings, I don’t think I have ever been as wide-awake as I was at that moment. The room I was in was not my own, the bed a far cry from my twin-sized bed. I lay in the center of a bed large enough to sleep at least ten people comfortably. I bolted upright, wincing when my head throbbed sharply in protest, and my hands immediately went to my body.

  They met silk.

  Almost afraid of what I would see, I forced my eyes downward and saw the robe-like garment the elves had dressed me in—the robe he had removed.


  “Not a dream,” I said aloud, probably just to hear a voice, to hear something so familiar.

  It was no wonder I felt like I had a hangover. I had been drunk last night—drunk on the type of sex that shouldn’t have been possible in the real world.

  Then I noticed my arms.

  The color was wrong was my first thought, but as my mind unfroze from that initial moment of shock, I realized it was much more than that. Not only was my summer tan gone, but my skin was unmarred, unblemished as if I had never exposed it to twenty-three years of the sun. I could compare it to a baby’s skin, but it would be like comparing apples to oranges. No one’s skin was that perfect—no one’s except Sethian’s, the other elves’…

  “Oh my God,” I whispered in horror, staring at the living marble my arms and hands had become.

  I jumped out of bed, my eyes searching not for a door, but a mirror, a window, anything with a reflective surface. My gaze stopped on what looked like an ornate dressing table, except this one didn’t have the usual mirror. However, I immediately found what I was looking for in the form of a silver hand mirror laid out beside what looked like an old-fashioned porcelain basin and pitcher.

  One look at the stranger staring back re-convinced me that I had to be dreaming. It was me, but at the same time completely not me. My hair was still the same dark chestnut-brown, though twice as long and more glossy and healthy than I have every seen it. My eyes were no longer the color of milk-chocolate. They were a shade of green that had an almost preternatural glow, filled with an inner fire I had never seen them reflect.

  My face had lost its roundness; my cheekbones were much more prominent, my eyebrows thinned and more slanted.

  It was me and not me.

  Then a frightening thought occurred to me, and my free hand shot to one of my ears. Round—no, they were unchanged. Breathing a brief sigh of relief, I tugged at the upper ties of my robe and instantly felt what little blood that remained in my cheeks drain away once I had drawn the folds open.

  My ears were the only thing unchanged, it seemed.

  Although I have never been what people would consider chubby, I haven’t been even remotely close to supermodel-thin either, and with graduate school eating up most of my time, the gym wasn’t exactly high on my list of priorities. Now, as I examined my body with increasing alarm, I could see that every ounce of fat was gone. Just—gone, my boyish figure replaced by pleasing feminine curves and a hint of muscle.

  My eyes zeroed in to my breast where a certain bite mark was conspicuously absent. I had felt the pain, seen the blood on his lips…hell, had even tasted it on his tongue for God’s sake! How could it be gone? No scab, no scar, just—nothing but that strange new, airbrushed-looking skin?

  Feeling an invisible hand begin to squeeze my racing heart painfully, I forced the whole disturbing thing out of my mind and turned my attention to my legs. I raised the ankle-length robe with a sense of dread, finding that my trepidation was indeed warranted.

  I hadn’t noticed it when I had stood so close to Sethian that first time, but now I could clearly see that the length of my legs had increased significantly. From what I could remember, the top of my head had come to his shoulders, so taking into account my new height, I guessed Sethian’s height to be at least 6’5”, making me now about 5’10” or 5’11”, a far cry from my previous 5’0”.

  I now understood the cause of the excruciating pain I had suffered. I had felt as if I was being torn apart bit by bit, atom by atom. The supporting evidence was quite literally now staring me right in the face. The elves had somehow remade me. I didn’t know whether to thank them or to be furious and insulted.

  While I had always considered myself passably pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way, I was no where near cover model material. They had changed a good many things that had bothered me about myself over the years as if they had plucked the information from my mind. However my eyes—they were my one feature that I really liked, and now the elves had taken that away without so much as a “may I” and replaced them with something that was alien, and honestly, scary as hell. Who the hell was this strange girl staring back at me with wide eyes, looking a breath away from completely freaking out?

  I let the mirror fall back to the dressing table. I didn’t want to see anymore. I needed to think. God, I needed a chair!

  Looking around, I spotted a small, square table with a couple of wooden chairs against the far wall. I stumbled over to it and all but collapsed into the chair facing the door. I wanted no more surprises.

  For a while, I just sat there staring at the door, trying to calm my racing heart. Questions milled around my head, so jumbled that the only coherent thought that emerged was “why?”

  There were only a few things since I was awakened by the “shadows” within my room back in my apartment that I was fairly certain were true. One was that I had been abducted by elves, another that they had physically changed me. The “how” was still a mystery, though. That I was also brought for Sethian’s pleasure was another, but I wasn’t at all sure I was seeing the whole picture with that one. Sethian had implied as much after our—lovemaking.

  I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of him. Dream or no dream, I didn’t understand how I could have so willingly given to him, my abductor, what I had never given to another man without putting up at least some kind of fight, even if I knew it was no use. I knew I couldn’t really blame it on his overwhelming presence, either. He had given me a choice, and I had answered without much, if any, thought. It had just felt right, somehow.

  He was a complete stranger, a man that I hadn’t even known his name, yet I had slept with him as if I had known him all my life. The real kicker was I knew damn well that I would still make the same decision if presented with the same choices right now when my head was clear, even as my theory of this all being a dream was becoming less likely by the second.

  I sighed and cradled my head in my hands. It was too much to think about. I raised my eyes wearily and scanned the room for a distraction, any distraction. There were no windows, making me suddenly feel uncomfortably boxed in even though the room was large and spacious, like a comfortable cage—no! I wasn’t going to let myself go there. Not now. My eyes landed on a couple of built-in bookcases in the wall beside the bed, filled from ceiling to floor with books.


  I rose immediately, trying to unsuccessfully ignore the throbbing soreness deep inside of me I had never experience before as I gingerly walked over to the closest bookshelf. I pawed through a few, finding that most of the titles on the spines were written in a script
I had never seen, one I suspected was unknown to all humans, all connected half-circles and random-looking squiggly lines.

  I selected one of the few with a title written in Latin that, with its warped spine and cracked leather covers, looked old enough to have been read by Plato. I had studied Latin for a couple of semesters as an undergrad, so I hoped I could piece through it. I was convinced there were answers to be had within its yellowed, ancient-looking pages.

  However, after plowing through a few pages, I realized things wouldn’t be so easy. The Latin was so archaic that it might as well have been written in Sanskrit for all I could decipher it. Plus, the person who had transcribed it had atrocious handwriting. It was difficult to even make out each letter, much less a word.

  I was so intent on my translation that it was a while before I sensed that I wasn’t alone anymore. I stiffened and slowly raised my eyes to the door, my heart suddenly in my throat.

  “You do not disappoint, my Emily,” Sethian said, stepping up to the table.


  He was dressed just as I imaged an elf would dress within an elven court, flowing navy-blue tunic-like robes of silk all embroidered in silver and gold filament straight out of a costume designer’s wet dream.

  I started to get up, to do what, I didn’t know, but he shook his head.

  “There’s no need to rise,” Sethian said gently, his eyes boring into me so intently that I could almost feel his gaze as something physical.

  Even though I knew my face was probably nuclear red, I refused to look away out of pure stubbornness as I sank back down into my chair, trying not to wince when I accidentally irritated the soreness between my legs. I gestured to the chair across from me.

  “Will you sit?” I asked, surprised I could speak at all.

  The elf bowed his head slightly in acceptance and complied. He was not tense at all, the bastard. Where my movements were stiff and cautious, Sethian seemed like he was performing an intricate dance, his movements so fluid and relaxed.


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