Storm Boys

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Storm Boys Page 12

by Davis Lavender

  “They are part of the great evil that’s coming, I’m sure of it. And they want you, Devin.”

  “Shhh. Not as much as I want you. But not quite the same way.”

  If Devin didn’t know any better, he might have thought Fintan was stalling. But even if he was, it didn’t matter. He had one intention and one intention only. He needed to be with the beautiful god standing in front of him. The one who made his heart twist and his pulse race. And now he’d made his decision, nothing was going to stop that from happening.

  Slipping Fintan’s cock in his mouth, he explored its sensitive tip. With his tongue, he flicked the slit, already slippery with precome. Fintan moaned and taking a handful of Devin’s hair in his hands, he thrust his hips forward, sliding further in. His need only aroused Devin more. Reaching around to take Fintan’s cheeks, Devin squeezed them firmly, encouraging him to push harder, to fuck his mouth. The feel of Fintan’s cock sliding in and out, grazing the back of his throat, almost making him gag, drove him wild with want, his erection straining uncomfortably against his jeans.

  Fintan eased him back, pulling out of Devin’s mouth.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked. “I wouldn’t wish to take advantage of you while you’re vulnerable.”

  Devin grinned. “I think you’ll find I was seducing you.”

  “I want you to be sure.”

  “Fintan, get out of your head. For once listen to your body, instead of your mind.”

  “But I—”

  “I mean it. Don’t think. Feel.”

  With a sudden low growl in the back of his throat, Fintan took Devin under his arms and pulled him up, throwing him bodily on to the couch. “Better?”

  “You’re definitely headed in the right direction.”

  “And now what do you want me to do?”

  “It’s a sad day for Ireland if the wisest man we have can’t figure that one out,” Devin teased.

  As Devin slipped his shirt over his head, Fintan knelt beside him on the blanket. Reaching down, he unbuttoned Devin’s jeans and pulled them off in one swift movement, taking his boxers with them.

  “I’m impressed. That was nearly as quick as when you get yours to disappear.”

  Fintan’s lips pressed against his, as soft as his smile. Devin answered him with more force, his mouth firm and his tongue searching, making Fintan open up to him. He inhaled the scent of him, like spiced cider, as they kissed frantically, tongues dancing.

  The god pulled away, but before Devin could react he felt delicious heat wash through him as Fintan began to work his way lower, his fluttering kisses mapping a path down Devin’s neck, all the way to his chest. He pushed Devin onto his back and the god’s hot wet mouth glided over each of his nipples.

  Devin thought he would pass out as Fintan moved to his stomach, circling the dark blond hair around his cock. A low moan escaped him as Fintan moved between his legs, teasing him, the tip of his tongue tickling his balls and gliding its way up his swollen length. Curling his fingers around him, Fintan took him in his mouth, making Devin cry out as he slid into the warm wetness.

  Fintan’s head and hand moved up and down as he sucked in a steady rhythm, stopping now and again to tease Devin with his tongue. Devin groaned, one hand on Fintan’s deep brown hair. His muscles tensed and his balls tingled as Fintan brought him closer and closer to the brink of coming, his breath coming hard and fast. Just before he reached it, Fintan stopped and pulled away, smiling at Devin.

  “I almost forgot something. Back in a minute. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I don’t think my knees could carry me,” Devin murmured.

  It didn’t seem long before Fintan returned, holding up a bottle. “Airech’s. He’s brought back quite a supply from the mortal world.” He examined it and gave a snort. “Organic lube. Only the best for Egyptian royalty, I gather.”

  “I’m going to have to teach you how the internet works,” Devin said. “I think you’re going to be needing your own supply. And what about condoms?”


  “Please don’t tell me you don’t know what they are.” Devin couldn’t help smiling. That was Fintan. World-weary wisdom and wide-eyed innocence, all wrapped up in the one gorgeous man. “They’re for protection. Against diseases and infections, things like that.”

  “If that’s what they are, we don’t need them. Immortals are immune to mortal diseases. Which means I can’t pass any on to you, either. Not that there would be a risk, in any case.” Fintan gave a small smile. “It’s been a very long time since I was close to anyone.”

  He took his position between Devin’s legs, lifting them up and spreading them. His whole body trembled as Fintan’s tongue made its way down past his balls to his arse. Fintan’s teased his hole in maddening circles, making his toes curl. Reaching up and grasping Devin’s cock, he began to pull as he pushed his tongue in deeper.

  “Please.” Devin felt the tumble of his stomach as Fintan sucked on one of his fingers to moisten it, before trailing it down to Devin’s arse and using it to tease him open, circling him and sliding the tip of his finger inside.

  “More,” Devin begged, his head reeling. Fintan eased in his entire finger inside, moving it around, Devin relaxing and opening for him. Slowly the god slid in another, his other hand continuing to work on Devin’s cock. His fingers curled inside Devin, finding his sweet spot and leaving him writhing.

  “Can I make love to you, my fierce one?” Fintan asked, breathless. Devin groaned in reply, beyond words. Fintan grabbed the bottle of lube and applied it liberally to Devin’s arse and his own cock. Gathering up one of the furs, he pushed it under Devin’s lower back and swung Devin’s legs up over his hips. Devin arched back as he felt the tip of Fintan’s cock enter him, sliding in easily. He slipped in another experimental inch as Devin’s nerve endings exploded from the feel of Fintan inside him.

  “Please Fintan, I can’t stand it any longer.” Fintan, obeying, thrust into him as they both cried out.

  “Been a while?” Devin panted.

  “Only two thousand years.”

  Fintan began to fuck him, slowly at first, building up speed, thrusting harder and faster, keeping his soft eyes on Devin’s flushed face. He grabbed Devin’s cock and pumped it while his other hand held tight to his thigh. Devin was carried away on waves of pleasure, his whole body vibrating with it. The gentle calm in Fintan’s face was gone, his desperate want laid bare, making Devin’s heart cry out. Telling him to do anything to satisfy that need.

  He felt himself falling over the edge as Fintan slid in and out, faster and faster, his hand pulling Devin’s cock with firm strokes. A shout escaped him as his warm come splashed onto his bare stomach. He felt Fintan tense and shudder, and heard a gasping cry, as he came with one final long, hard thrust.

  He rolled off shakily and collapsed beside Devin, his head resting on his shoulder.

  “So,” he said, still breathless, “not bad for a five-thousand-year-old man.”

  “I don’t think it counts when you have the body of a twenty-year-old.” Devin gave his arm a playful squeeze. “But I’ll give you the credit anyway.”

  “Eighteen-year-old,” Fintan corrected him. “I was married at fifteen, immortal by eighteen. Those were different times. I feel changed,” he added. “Lighter. You’ve taken some of the heaviness from me.”

  “Any more of this and you’ll be feeling like a two-thousand-year-old again,” Devin teased him.

  “And will there, do you think? Be more of this?” Fintan lifted his hand to stroke Devin’s hair, his gentle eyes soaking him in. Devin felt his face pink under such close scrutiny. He didn’t like to promise anything to anyone, only to disappoint them. That’s why he usually avoided these sort of questions. But with Fintan, he didn’t feel the panic rising, the need to run before he got himself into something he might find difficult to walk away from. He cupped his hand over Fintan’s groin.

  “I guess you could say it’s in the lap
of the gods,” he said with a sudden grin.

  Chapter 20


  Bren wasn’t a particularly vengeful sort of person, but he did enjoy the look on Fintan’s face as he surfaced from the pool to find Bren sitting on the edge, legs dangling in the water.

  “I probably should have knocked first.” He nodded towards the surface, deep green in the early morning shadows. “But it’s not exactly easy without a door.”

  Pushing back his wet hair, Fintan looked up at him, his expression guarded. The rivulets streaming down his cheeks and dripping off his chin somehow made him look even more attractive. Surely, that wasn’t possible? It definitely wasn’t fair, anyway.

  “I was planning to come and see you.” Fintan pulled himself up and out, using the side of one hand to slick the droplets from his lithe body. “I take it you guessed Devin is with us. You mustn’t concern yourself. He’s safe here.”

  Bren kept his eyes resolutely on the man’s handsome face. “I wish you would wear some clothes. Real ones, I mean. Your little magic trick doesn’t work on me, unfortunately.”

  He was rewarded with another flustered expression from the usually unflappable god. He was definitely on a roll today.

  “I’m curious to know how you are immune to it.”

  “I have a very particular set of skills…” he paused, taking in Fintan’s blank look. “Oh, forget it.” He shrugged. “It’s a manipulation of the mind. And my mind is not for manipulating.” Bren was perfectly happy to keep Fintan wondering. In the meantime, he had his own questions.

  “Since I’m sure you’re about to offer, yes, I will come in and have a cup of tea. Thank you.”

  Fintan face dropped. “I’m afraid the Kilcornan caves are not meant for mortals—”

  “You’ve waived that rule for Devin. I’m sure you can make another exception for me.” Bren saw Fintan hesitate, no doubt preparing his next polite refusal, and he moved in for the kill. “I’ve had the Guards on my doorstep nearly every day since Devin and his mom disappeared. Apparently they’re focusing their enquiries on a certain dark-haired gentleman. Airech is great at this whole protection thing. He should consider changing his name to Durex.”

  It was obvious from Fintan’s perplexed expression that Bren was wasting his sarcasm on the wrong audience.

  “Wisest man in Ireland, my arse,” he muttered. With an irritable shake of his head, he prepared to try again.

  “I’m not going anywhere, so you may as well let me inside. Come on, wise man. I promise I won’t make Devin leave if this is where he wants to stay. I could have brought the Guards with me, but I didn’t. I think we all want the same thing here.”

  In fact, Bren was sure of it. They all wanted the one with grey eyes, freckles and a scowl.

  Fintan sighed and gave a brief nod.

  “Very well. The entrance to the caves is on the west side of the pool, a deiscéim from the surface. About five feet. If you remove your clothes, I’ll make sure they stay dry.”

  Bren slipped into the water, keeping a hand on the jagged ledge of rock. “I think I’ll pass, thanks all the same. I’ll drip dry instead.”

  Used to tackling pounding surf, Bren navigated the eerie stillness of the submerged passageway easily, without Fintan’s guidance. Even so, he was amazed Devin had agreed to attempt it. It showed what sort of influence these gods had over him, and that wasn’t something Bren wanted to dwell on.

  As he emerged from the final passageway, Fintan came from behind him, swinging around to block his path.

  “One moment. I’ll inform Devin you’re here.”

  “I’m not some gentleman caller from an Austen novel. I’m his friend,” Bren said. “And this cave may be large, but it’s still only a hole in the ground. I think we’ll find each other easily enough.”

  He dodged around Fintan without further trouble and strolled into the main cavern. The first thing that caught Bren’s eye was the ceiling, enchanted to look like the sky. He’d seen magic like this before. The work of the Tuatha Dé, if he remembered correctly.

  The second thing he noticed was the huge pile of fur rugs in the corner, with Devin curled up in the middle of it. One fluffy white pelt was loosely wrapped around his thighs, leaving him naked from the waist up. Which meant probably naked all over, if you took the fur away.

  Bren tried to ignore the stabbing of the thousand needles using his heart as a pincushion. Dev was a grown man who made his own choices. What he did with his body had never been an issue for Bren before. His job was to protect him, not possess him. So why did this feel so bad, watching him in such a peaceful sleep, obviously comfortable and at home?

  He always knew he’d have to let Dev go some time. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for it to be now.

  He walked over to the bed, pulled down the fur and gave Devin a playful slap. Devin jumped, first at the slap, and again when he saw Bren standing over him.


  “Oh, you remember who I am. That’s a good start. You seem to have misplaced your mom, though. Any idea where she is? The Guards sort of want to know.”

  Dev sat up, smoothing down his tousled hair. “Why are you here? Are you stalking me?” He gave a long stretch and when he glanced back at Bren, he couldn’t quite meet his eyes.

  Yep. Definitely shagging one of them. Great, that’s all I need. Complications.

  Airech appeared from under another fur, his expression indignant. He glared up at Bren.

  “You’re dripping all over me.”

  “You should be so lucky.” Bren’s mocking grin made Airech’s eyes flash dangerously. Seeing the god spreadeagled on the furs, it finally clicked into place, a distant memory from Bren’s former life. His entire body flushed, remembering. He could feel Airech’s gaze on him, regarding him curiously.

  Unlike Airech, Bren had changed a lot. He doubted the god would put it together. Which was fortunate for him, especially now he remembered exactly who Airech was. The Dark Bringer, guiding souls to the afterlife of his people. And when the significance of that hit, Bren’s grin fell off his face. So he’d been right the first time. Devin’s soul was in danger.

  Another mound of furs displaced itself and Cap emerged, rearing up, one massive hand imprisoning Bren’s wrist. Fintan moved to intercept him, holding a large piece of cloth, which he gave to Bren.

  “For you. To help you dry.” He held the other hand out to Cap. “It’s alright Cap, he’s my guest. Our guest.”

  With a grunt, Cap released Bren, sinking back into the furs. Bren threw the cloth over his head and sat down on one of the fur-lined benches in front of the central fire pit.

  Fintan brought Bren a wooden bowl of steaming liquid. He took a cautious sip and grimaced. It wasn’t tea. The weak anaemic excuse for a beverage wasn’t even tea adjacent. Despite having centuries to learn, most immortals were clueless when it came to making a decent brew. He supposed they had more important things to worry about, like manipulating humans for their own amusement and causing so-called natural disasters.

  Bren gave Airech another uneasy look as he watched him bounding up. At least the god was wearing a pair of boxers. He could thank the heavens for that small mercy. Devin got up more slowly, pulling on some clothes and sitting beside Bren with a huff. The knees of his jeans were covered in grass stains, and Bren didn’t recognise the t-shirt. Obviously borrowed, though he was surprised there were any shirts to lend out, considering none of the gods seemed to own one.

  Bren handed him the bowl. “Here, take this, looks like you need it more than me. Did you get any sleep last night?”

  Dev gave him a look. The back off look.

  “The last few days have been a bit eventful,” he said shortly.

  “So, where’s your mom? I have to come up with some kind of story in case they call again.”

  Bren caught the flicker of something like pain on Devin’s face before his expression closed up again. “She’s… getting better. But she’s still not herself. Can you not
tell them I took her visiting an aunty or something?”

  Bren already had a fair idea of what might have happened. It wasn’t as if that interfering Milesian wouldn’t have seen right through the curse that Devin’s mother was under. And of course, being the cocky bastard he was, he would have tried to remove it. As much as that rankled, a part of Bren hoped fervently that Airech had succeeded.

  He’d always hated not being able to give Dev his mother back. Even if he’d been able to find someone who could work the right magic, he was under strict orders not to interfere. It would have brought too many complications.

  “I can tell the Guards anything you want,” he said. “I take it you’re not coming home with me, then?”

  “That would defeat the whole point of telling them I’ve gone away.”

  “Sure, that’s the only reason.” Bren raised an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me. Keep your secrets. Seems like the right place for them here. You can’t get any more underground than this.” He saw the relief in Devin’s face and was glad he hadn’t made a big deal of it. The worst thing he could do now was to push Devin away.

  “What do you think of this place, anyway?” Devin asked with a small smile.

  “Doesn’t do it for me. I think this is taking the whole paleo craze a bit too far. Living in a cave is so 8000 B.C.”

  Devin smiled grew wider. He laid a casual hand on Bren’s knee, causing him excruciating and divine torment all at the same time.

  ‘Bren, you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. And I’m not stupid enough to think you haven’t realised something very strange is going on here.”

  “I told you,” Bren said steadily. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. Take a few days off. It’s no big deal, I’ll hold the fort. Just come home when you’re ready for a decent cup of tea. And send me the odd text, to let me know you’re still alive.”

  Despite the vast cavern stretching up above him, Bren felt claustrophobic, penned underground, the distant sound of dripping water subtle torture. He supposed it was a natural reaction for someone used to the freedom of the expansive sky.


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